C Street’s Waterloo

If we’re able to stop Obama on this, it will be his Waterloo. It will break him. And we will show that we can–along with the American people–begin to push those freedom solutions at work in every area of our society.

About a million people have commented on Jim DeMint’s prayer to "break" our first African-American President by thwarting his attempts to reform and extend health care. But few–at least that I’ve seen–have connected it with another lingering news story: the role of C Street in pushing hyper-capitalist policies.

DeMint is the most senior C Street resident not currently embroiled in a sex scandal (or the cover-up of it, in Tom Coburn’s case).  And while his roomies all scramble to keep their jobs in the aftermath of being proven utter hypocrites, DeMint has taken the lead attacking health care and–significantly–counterposing it to "freedom solutions."

This is what C Street is really about–fighting back any check on hyper-capitalism. As Jeff Sharlet explained in a recent interview,

Sharlet: Exactly. However you look at it, The Family is effectively a union busting organization. They’re particularly concerned about the Teamsters and the Longshoremen. They thought they were run by some sort of devils. The Family was instrumental in the breaking of the spine of organized labor.

One of the things that makes them different from other Christian conservative organizations, and I think even upset some Christian conservative organizations, is that the issues for them are not abortion or morality or same-sex marriage. The important issue to them is what they call Biblical capitalism, and I think what even some conservative observers looking at them call crony capitalism.

That needs to the be the story here: the loudest opponent to health care reform is advocating the position of a morally discredited fascistic cult, that he’s interested in defeating a wildly popular policy so as to replace it with Orwellian "freedom solutions."

Sure, the opponents of health care reform are partly people–like Ben Nelson–being spoonfed honey by the insurance industry’s bean counters. But there are others–notably this loudmouthed and unrepentant member of the Family–who are opposing it as a rallying cry to some fundamentally authoritarian whack-jobs.

DeMint is going to continue to get face time for his outrageous comments.  We would do well to emphasize that he’s a morally hypocritical cult member just like Ensign and Sanford.

  1. bobschacht says:

    Interesting diary!
    What worries me is that this C-street group looks equivalent to the Neo-con brethren (the old PNAC crowd) that produced and controlled the Bush II presidency. I fear that the next non-Democratic Party president will come from, or be controlled by, this group.

    Bob in HI

    • emptywheel says:

      That’s one of the reasons I’d like this story to be “Jim DeMint, cult member associated with the growing number of morally hypocritical adulterers” rather than just “Jim DeMint, innocuous nutter from SC.”

      C Street’s brand is tanking, but we haven’t done a good job, yet, for focusing on what it really is about (this biblical capitalist shit), and we haven’t branded the people who haven’t, yet, been caught cheating on their wife.

      • Arbusto says:

        Isn’t C-St just the tip of what The Family is involved in? I just have to read the book, I guess.

        • emptywheel says:

          Yes, you’re right. I used C Street because it–rather than the name “the Family”–is getting all the play right now. C Street is the dorm-church-shag shack for members of Congress. The Family is the larger organization.

        • Citizen92 says:

          I will research this when I can, but I want to throw this out now, in case anyone else knows.

          What ‘former’ renters at C Street (now presumably out of Congress) have also fallen into affairs?

          The one fellow at the top of my mind is NV Governor (and ex-US Rep) Jim Gibbons. Where did he live in DC whilst he was in Congress? And what about (now deceased) Rep. Helen Chenoweth-Hage. Unlikely she lived at C Street, being a woman, but she too was an adulterer.

          And how about this for branding… C Street politicians – their prescription for marriage counseling is inept, why trust them with your health care?

          Heck, two of them are doctors — Coburn [OBGYN] and Ensign [DVM]!

          Or better yet… DeMint, doing the bidding of C-Street and K-Street but ignoring Main Street.

        • libbyliberal says:

          Thanks, ew. Have heard some of RM’s covering of C-street and am stunned by the “exceptionalism” they apply to themselves.

          They are exceptional and therefore beyond morality guidelines of society and their cronyism keeps that industrial strength cronyism kool aid flowing. Manipulation of wedge issues and thin veneer of their own faux-fundamental Christianity. And they use the cronyism, the fear of the “other” and demonization and simple status quo loyalty their constituency has. throw in authoritarian following.

          Economic sociopathy someone called it. Like the documentary The Corporation which claims once it–the corporation entity– got rights of a legal person it exploited that protection. The personality profile of a legal person corporation would be of a psychopath, ruthless and self-aggrandizing. Amorality on steroids. Predatory.

          It used to be that the collective stockholders were the conscienceless mass that things were done in their name, horrifying antisocial devastating things to people, to countries, but then the executives came to feel and manipulate and become all the more advantaged by their power.

          These C street moral monsters have the same grandiosity. There is only the 13th commandment they live by. Don’t get caught. And if you do, manipulate and lie and spin.

          Somehow they explain away their indiscretions. They are so misogynistic and amoral, that bad behavior will continue to leak out, but their cronies will circle the wagons and have become masterful in swiftboating everyone else.

          Democrats don’t swiftboat well, even when it is not true swiftboating, and they actually have the evidence. And blind loyalty, voter cronyism, is like team loyalty, my team right or wrong. Must win.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      It looks that way to me, as well. And if you read Craig Unger’s “Fall of the House of Bush,” you see how scary it is: this appears to be within the group of evangelicals (**not equivalent to ‘all’ evangelicals, but a subgroup!) that has a very tightly held view that a conflagration in the Middle East will somehow speed up the Second Coming of Christ.

      It’s interesting to watch the veil come off this group, and simply as an observation it will be interesting if any future historians observe that the unmasking of C Street is happening in US in the same weeks as Rasfanjani in Iran pulling at the mask of the Supreme Leader.

      Ideology simply has not provided solutions; in that sense, C Street really needs to be exposed promptly as a golden idol.

  2. Arbusto says:

    As Maddow pointed out last night, The Family oath is apparently the highest pledge taken by these Congress critters; before family, ethics, morals, citizens, constituents or oath of office. I hope a complaint is put in with the IRS to investigate this organizations tax status as a church and maybe the FBI for sedition, if sedition is the word I’m after.

  3. tejanarusa says:

    You are so right, EW. I’ve been a little bothered, too, by the focus of much of the reporting on the religious aspect, but failure to catch on to the fact that the religion is so materialist-capitalist-extreme.

    I fear that few of the reporters talking about it have read enough to know the facts.

    Of course, that may be a little difficult right now – I found it sold out at my local bookstores, and on back order while publisher gets another printing ready.
    And I’m now 8th of 14 holds on the book at the Library.
    (people are reading fast though – a week ago I was 10th.) on edit – checked Amazon, which has been showing a 3-4 week shipping time – now says will be in stock on the 26th.

    • fatster says:

      “Of course, that may be a little difficult right now – I found it sold out at my local bookstores, and on back order while publisher gets another printing ready.
      And I’m now 8th of 14 holds on the book at the Library.
      (people are reading fast though – a week ago I was 10th.) “

      Excellent news, tejanarusa! As the Wobblies said: Fan the Flames of Discontent. First, though, you have to focus on the discontent and explain the ins-and-outs of it, its origins, and what can be done in order to direct the discontent into action. And that is just one more powerful reason to support the righteous efforts of EW and others here.

      • Waccamaw says:

        Good news *and* bad news……”good” in the sense that people are hearing about it and wanting to know more; “bad” in the sense that I’m one of ‘em and was planning to buy it tomorrow when I go to town. *g*

        • tejanarusa says:

          You might just want to call the bookstore first – who knows, depending where you are, they might have one or two in stock.

          And my place on the library reserve list has already moved up to 6th! So it’s apparently quite a page turner. At this rate, I may get it by next week.
          And it certainly does show there are people who are interested and aware.

  4. Peterr says:

    Marcy, you’ve hit the nail on the head here.

    There’s an idolatry about The Family, even while they purport to say otherwise. They worship power, especially economic power as seen in the unfettered Free Market. Take some economic darwinism with its survival of the fittest mentality, sprinkle it generously with a strong dose of egotistical “chosen-ism”, add a dash of “warriors for the Lord,” and voila!

    Somehow, I don’t think the storytelling itinerant teacher who taught compassion for the outcast and the oppressed, who healed and urged others to care for those who are ill, and who spoke about the rich needing to give away all that they have to the poor would be terribly impressed.

    • WilliamOckham says:

      You are exactly right. I just finished Sharlet’s “The Family” and was stunned (and I ain’t easily stunned) by the almost perfect inversion of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth that this so-called “Jesus plus nothing” group pulls off.

      • earlofhuntingdon says:

        To this group, Jesus is a hand puppet that they can make and do anything that promotes the group and its megalomaniacal leader. That its adherents are so close to Congress’ levers of power, unlike most of what made Cheney fearful, should make us fearful – and take steps to limit their power and the incumbency in Congress of its members.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      They are not the only group that has confused the power of Christ with the teachings of Jesus. But their being so close to the levers of Congressional power makes them more of a threat to our well-being than others.

      • Peterr says:


        Their weakness, however, is the fact that to exercise their power they feel they must do so from the shadows and dare not do so openly. Thus, they fear sunlight and exposure to the world — exactly what these scandals are providing them with in abundance.

      • WilliamOckham says:

        It’s not getting a lot of press right now, but Sharlet’s book also has numerous examples of their ties to the permanent DC ruling class (bureaucrats, lobbyists, staffers) that are even scarier than their ties to Congress. They have members and affliates scattered throughout the bureaucracy, especially in the Pentagon and State.

        • Gitcheegumee says:

          THAT is the REAL story,Mr. Ockham.

          Have you read “Christian Mafia”(mentioned above),also?

        • Gitcheegumee says:

          Actually, they are technically called “Christian Dominionists”.

          They believe they have special dispensation to dominate the world,ergo,dominion.

          However, they feel that their ends justifies any means.

          I researched this last year,quite in depth,during the elections.

          Daily Kos had some excellent pieces.

          John Hagee and Sarah Palin are of a type of Domionism called Joel’s Army which ,in addition to the Family group,advocates Christian militias.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Makes me wonder whether Cheney’s bureaucracy-wide network was, in part, built on the Family or fought them in trying (successfully) to circumvent normal reviews, fact and reality checking, and the personal and procedural checks and balances of the official bureaucracy and its unofficial grapevine.

        • WilliamOckham says:

          As best I can tell, Cheney’s network was completely separate from the Family’s. They often shared common goals, since they both worship at the altar of unlimited executive power.

          If I were going to compare the Family to a first century CE religious group, I would say they seem a lot more like the emperor worship cult (using that term in the strict academic sense) than the Jesus cult.

        • earlofhuntingdon says:

          Reminds me of an observation by Dominic Crossan. In the first century C.E. Mediterranean world, virgin births, resurrections into eternal life and man-gods like Augustus were not novel concepts. Applying them to a Roman emperor or Grecian hero was commonplace; applying them to a peasant village Jew was stunning.

          How ironic that the Family would revert to an older, more limited application. If it doesn’t make them a corporate anti-Christ, it certainly makes them anti-Jesus.

          The same could be said of other institutions who turned the admonitions of prophets and a peasant Jew into words of praise for power and the institutions that maintain it.

  5. klynn says:

    I wrote yesterday over at the Lake on a Silo post…Larry Flynt has 30 names to release as he pleases. Names he received from Palfry.

    Perhaps Flynt will have great timing?

    Remeber DeMint was quite chatty with regards to Vitter.

  6. earlofhuntingdon says:

    The emphasis on cult and hyper-capitalism should be effective. C Street promotes exceptionally brutal economics. It is a christianist alternative to the Robber Barons’ Social Darwinism, which was neither “social” nor “Darwinian”, but an attempt excuse ruthless, rapacious selfishness by cloaking them in the jargon of the hottest scientific, religious and social topic of the day.

    By the same token, C Street promotes policies that benefit only their members and those with similar wealth, paid for at the expense of the economy’s serfs – everyone else.

    It’s obvious why C Streeters should like that outcome. Why 99% of Americans shouldn’t despise it and disempower its promoters is Greek to me.

  7. tjbs says:

    They might be crazies but they are tenacious zealots to whom the ends justifies the means.
    Watch the Calif. budget circus where 33% run the show or our(?) congress run by the 40% dead enders.
    How many of these bastards are making any money off the Torture/ Murder/ Treason regimen that will never end by their hand.

  8. manys says:

    The idea that occurred to me yesterday is that The Family is a religious unregistered lobbying organization. The only reason congresspeople don’t live in Pharma or Teamster housing is that there are laws for registered lobbyists that prevent them from offering those benefits. The Family is subject to no such controls.

  9. damagedone says:

    I have been thinking of a Mark Sanford and the C Street band (Coburn,Pickering,Ensign,Demint etc) maybe doing an ‘Addicted to Love’ video. Torn Between 2 Lovers is another song that comes to mind. Waterloo is another tune. I bet Demint would like to hear that tune often.

  10. tjbs says:

    How will we know if Jesus returns, if he comes back and runs the greatest Hedge Fund on the face of the earth in secret.

  11. Leen says:

    Sounds like Demint is one of those Compassionate conservatives who could give a rats ass about those without health care and those who have been pummeled by existing health care policies.

    is he one of those so called Christian folks who hide their selfishness behind those little crosses around their necks?

    I find Bill Kristol’s choice of words to destroy health care reform fascinating “kill it” Kristol really likes using warmongering language “kill it”

    Republicans “War on Health Care”

  12. GregB says:

    Has Jed or anyone put together a montage of Pickering, Coburn, Sanford, and Ensign and the C Street house to the tune of Love Shack?


  13. Citizen92 says:

    The C Street house is one of many Christian religious organizations (non-Church) that occupy real estate immediately around the Capitol complex.

    As some have pointed out, most of the 100 block of C St, SE is religious.

    Also between Constitution Ave and E. Capitol on First Street (at the Supreme Court’s back door) most of that real estate is owned by slew of religious organizations.

  14. Gitcheegumee says:

    If you dont have time to read Sharlet’s book,which I have,btw, an article published in 2005 is the BEST piece I have come across -FAR more info about the politically incestuous underpinnings of the militant Christian Right than it’s title suggests.

    PLEASE bookmark this for refernce-you won’t be disappointed.

    The term “Christian Mafia” is what several Washington politicians have termed the major conspirators and it is not intended to debase Christians or infer …
    http://www.insider-magazine.com/ChristianMafia.htm – Cached – Similar

    • Mason says:

      I read the article that you linked to and the author, Wayne Madsen, tells a frightening story about the philosophical and historical development of this amoral power and wealth worshiping cult. I do not doubt that much of what he says is true, but I can’t separate fact from fiction because he didn’t identify his documentary sources of information. Without documentation, I can’t distinguish his article from others that belong in the vast realm called unsubstantiated conspiracy theory.

      I want to believe what he says is true and I know from personal experience that some of it is true. For example, what he said about Bruce Pierce and The Order is true because I represented one of Mr. Pierce’s nine codefendants in the Order trial. However, people aren’t going to take him seriously unless he documents his sources and that’s unfortunate because he appears to know important information people need to know.

  15. shawnfassett says:

    has it been revealed how much the c-streeters are paying in rent? as i understand the law, lawmakers are not allowed to receive discounted rent, as this is a tax-exempt property, this could be an interesting way to get some info on this house cult

  16. Gitcheegumee says:

    Someone upthread asked about the CStreet accomodations.

    Here’s a snippet from Christian Mafia:

    A letter from the Fellowship Foundation’s lawyers, Barman, Radigan, Suiters & Brown, to Van Caffo, Zoning Administrator for Arlington County, dated September 9, 1976, requested permission to house “overnight guests” at the Fellowship’s recently-purchased estate, known as “The Cedars.”

    The letter stated, “no more than ten individuals could be accommodated at any one time.” The letter also affirmed, “that no [emphasis in original] person not involved in the Fellowship would ever be invited to spend the night at the House.” That statement would later prove embarrassing to a number of politicians who stayed at Fellowship group homes while insisting they were not members of the group.

    The Fellowship’s attorneys stressed that “anyone staying at the House will have prior involvement with the activities of Fellowship Foundation.” The letter continued, “According to Mr. Coe, these individuals fall into two main categories:

    1. Those who come to the Washington area for the sole [emphasis in original] purpose of participating in the worship activities of Fellowship Foundation. I understand that you have no problem with this category.

    2. Those who come to the Washington area for a dual purpose, one of which is participation in the worship activities of Fellowship Foundation. It is this category of individuals, which apparently gives you pause.”

    The Fellowship’s attorneys also made it clear that “the Foundation works quietly but extremely effectively in accomplishing its singular purpose.”

    A letter from Arlington County’s Department of Inspection Services to Coe’s attorneys, dated September 20, 1976, granted the Fellowship use of the Cedars as a “place of worship.” The Fellowship would provide more than just a place of worship at the Cedars. The estate would become the site for international intrigue and charges from neighbors that troubled young people staying at the home were being subjected to mind control.”

    • ghostof911 says:

      … charges from neighbors that troubled young people staying at the home were being subjected to mind control.

      Mind control for some. Grooming for future leadership roles in the Republican Party for others.

  17. Gitcheegumee says:

    As an addendum to my post @41, if these Christocrats don’t have you shaking your head in disbelief,dare I say,the plot thickens.

    Guess who has ties to this Joel’s Army?

    Take a look:

    Beliefnet Community > Thread – Sarah Palin-High Priestess of the …A prominent individual connected to this sect is Ted Haggard, current head of … Some theological and political background to the Joel’s Army or Third Wave …
    community.beliefnet.com/go/thread/view/…/13435019/?pg… – Cached –

    Newsvine – Rick Warren’s Connections to Joel’s ArmyAs it turns out, I’m not alone in noticing the Joel’s Army linkage–Let Us …. like Ted Haggard, Jack Hayford, Bill Hybels, Peter Wagner, John Wimber etc. …
    dogemperor.newsvine.com/_…/2260274-rick-warrens-connections-to-joels-army?… – Cached – Similar

    Talk To Action | Sarah Palin used AK tax dollars to fund …a codephrase commonly used in “Joel’s Army” circles to denote the …. Dream Center Phoenix as the site of Ted Haggard’s so-far-unsuccessful …
    http://www.talk2action.org/story/2008/9/4/155547/0997 – Cached – Similar

  18. freepatriot says:

    this asshats have started a battle al right, but it ain’t waterloo

    we’re seeing a re-enactment of the Battle Of Kursk

    and the repuglitarded party is representing for the german army here

    in case your military history is a little short, Kursk was a battle over a salient 50 miles wide and 100 miles long, pretruding into german held territory

    both sides were planning major attacks. the germans struck first

    after two daws, the germans realized they had fucked up, and were on the verge of annihilation, so the germans tried to call off their attack

    you can’t just call off a major attack, cuz the enemy has as much say in the matter as you do

    the germans got FUCKED UP at Kursk, their blitzkrieg tactics were stopped, and thrown right back in their faces. they never established a lasting defense line against the russian juggernaut again

    russian tanks made it all the way to berlin, national socialism was destroyed by force, with dynamite an shit

    hitler killed himself

    and prussian don’t appear on maps any more

    it all started at Kursk

    waterloo is symbolic for a defeat, and the end of an emporor, but Kursk provides the nuts and bolts of what happens when an overconfident and under powered force tries to launch an attack against a prepared foe

    forget what churchill says, WW II was decided on the east side of Poland, not in africa or france

    Stalingrad was the beginning of the end for hitler, but Kursk sealed his fate

  19. klynn says:

    Palin resignation speech:

    Alaska’s mission – to contribute to America. We’re strategic IN the world as the air crossroads OF the world, as a gatekeeper of the continent. Bold visionaries knew this – Alaska would be part of America’s great destiny.

    Our destiny to be reached by responsibly developing our natural resources. This land, blessed with clean air, water, wildlife, minerals, AND oil and gas. It’s energy! God gave us energy.

  20. Gitcheegumee says:

    Sharlet:” Exactly. However you look at it, The Family is effectively a union busting organization. They’re particularly concerned about the Teamsters and the Longshoremen.”

    Now this is very intriguing.

    One of the Family’s strongholds is Ohio-home of Patriot Pastors(no thats not a football team!).Also, MUCH of the voting irregularities in 2004 elections involving Ken Blackwell.Ohio figured prominently in the early years of the Family’s inroads into influence.

    It is also the home of Carl Linder,CEO of Chiquita Bananas-convicted in ‘08 of funding Colombian death squads.

    Presently ,hit squads are being used on Colombian mine workers and union leaders.

    The history of CIA and family involvement in Colombia is delineated at length in Christtian Mafia.

    Also, Ernest Canning’s piece over at Brad Blog talks about the use of hit squads-although the Family is not mentioned- in his 5 part series,The History of CIA torture.

    There’s also a great book called Cocaine Politics.

  21. anwaya says:

    “Hyper-capitalism” is a euphemism. Why can’t we just call it Fascism? It surely is: the State working in concert with Corporations to subjugate the people in the pursuit of profit and the growth of capital in control of the Corporations. “Freedom” becomes only “economic freedom”, no longer synonymous with “liberty”, because it’s on a scale. More Capital, more freedom. The poor cease to be free.

    Waitaminute, I think I saw this before…

    • SouthernDragon says:

      Under Ricardo’s capitalism when companies replace workers with machines the workers are considered “set free” to compete in the labour market.

      • kindGSL says:

        I thought “set free” sounded more like the experience of the English and Irish surfs.

        When they were no longer needed on their master’s farms for farm labor after mechanization, they were driven from their ancestral huts and hollows.

        It was common for these economic refugees to gather in jolly old London town seeking work. There they filled the poor houses and work houses until they either emigrated to an English colony, starved or died of disease.

  22. Gitcheegumee says:

    ANYBODY seen THIS yet–and its not even C Street:

    Tennessee Republican state senator involved in sexual extortion plot. “Family values” GOP politician blackmailed over sexually-explicit photos with intern.

  23. Chickenbone says:

    I believe that the C-Street Boys Club is used by congressmen that are trying to deal with their gayness.

  24. Gitcheegumee says:

    State Senator Paul Stanley, Blackmail Victim or Self-Victimizer …Two details stand out: (1) State Senator Paul Stanley and legislative intern McKensie Morrison seem to have had some sort of sexual …

    /state-senator-paul-stanley-blackmail-victim-or-self-victimizer – 16 hours ago -DownWithTyranny!: Another Conservative Hypocrite Hoist On His Own … – DownWithTyranny

  25. Gitcheegumee says:


    I hear ya.

    I have read all the articles I could find on the Family for the last couple of years now.

    Harper’s(Sharlet the author) and Mother Jones did some pieces a few years back,I think the Nation may have also.

    My advice would be to cross reference the info from Madsen,if in question, against Sharlet’s sources for verification purposes.

    However,no one from the Family ever seems to have disputed any of Madsen’s statements to my knowledge.

  26. zhiv says:

    Great post. Always nice to turn the tables.

    Being a second or third tier player at best, I was thinking that this was about a “K Street Waterloo”–and I’d like to think that it might be a decisive battle with that army as well. Took some actual thinking to figure out that C Street is the scary offshoot, scary in more detail now with ew’s standard hyper-insight, complete with a few handy DFH spin terms, Biblical and hyper-capitalism. I like that hyper-capitalism thing. Hyper-capitalism, bad. I get it, and I’m not the quickest.

    I’d rather see the K Street Waterloo, which seems more appropriate to the massive gathering of forces that we’re seeing. C Street at first seems like more of a battered brigade at this point, but I suppose we should never undersell capitalism with both “Biblical” and “hyper” interchangeable in front of it. If this can be turned turned to spotlight and get DeMint and Coburn it would be a massacre alright, perhaps even Biblical somehow. Just not sure what the best and most exact version would be.

    And if we want to play Napoleonic references, does anybody have a candidate for a great early-in-power victory for the future Emperor this would be like if Obama can push it through? Waterloo is too obvious and easy, and it’s delusional–just the way DeMint likes it. You could say that Katrina was Bush’s Waterloo, for instance, right? Obama might be presenting his issues to us DFH hopefuls, but he’s still just getting started and he’s got a long way to go before he gets close to a potential Waterloo.

  27. Mason says:

    I can’t imagine any enlightened human telling other people they are God’s Chosen Ones, or they will be if they accept him as their Saviour, because that’s probably the most unenlightened statement anyone could utter. I long ago rejected the possibility that Jesus ever said that and I wish Christians and Jews would wake up and discard that nonsensical belief. We are all God’s children.

    This notion of being chosen, which is a central tenet of The Family’s warped doctrine, divides the world into two groups, the chosen and the unfortunate. The chosen are special and because they are they can do anything they want to anyone without accountability. The unchosen are viewed as a vast resource that can be exploited at will without guilt because that’s God Will.

    IMO this is the most dangerous and destructive idea in human history and it is alive and well in the United States of America.

        • Gitcheegumee says:

          That’s a good one!

          Just to even the playing field,here’s an abbreviated excerpt from a story by Chris Floyd over at Empire Burlesque about the Israeli army being indoctrinated with THEIR version of Fundamentalist rhetoric:

          Hostile Takeover: Holy Warriors Peddle New ‘Protocols,’ Seek Military Dominion
          Written by Chris Floyd

          Monday, 20 July 2009 16:33

          A remarkable story in Haaretz (via Antiwar.com) reveals that Orthodox Jewish extremists in the United States have, with the help of radical sectarians in Israel, distributed booklets to Israeli soldiers and officers claiming that the Vatican is organizing “tours of Auschwitz for Hezbollah members to teach them how to wipe out Jews.”

          As Haaretz notes, the booklets — published by the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America — has been given to Israeli soldiers “for months.” The booklet is purportedly written by a former Hezbollah insider who converted to Judaism. He writes of Pope Benedict XVI’s personal direction of a wide-ranging program among “European elites” to train Hezbollah cadres in genocide, while also paying huge fees to journalists, academics and politicians who are critical of Israeli policies. What’s more, the booklet asserts that Israeli critics of government policy are also funded by the Vatican-led effort to exterminate Jews. “Every real Arab, deep inside, is kind of a fan of the Nazis,” the purported author declares.————————–Empire Burlesque

      • freepatriot says:

        I’m thinking that the words “Chosen Ones” don’t mean what they think it means …

  28. Endymion says:

    Looks like C Street is a bit of a nunnery, knowwhatimean?

    ‘S too literate, ain’t it?

  29. Mason says:

    The Family has an EZ way of recognizing the Chosen. They are the people in power.

    They should have a confirmation ceremony that involves hooded robes, lit torches, Wagner’s Valkyries, and a rubber chicken.

  30. Mason says:

    The defining moment for the founder of the Family occurred in 1935 during a dream when Jesus appeared to him as the CEO of U.S. Steel.

    • freepatriot says:

      way to go, mr buzzkill

      And they can fuggedabout BIRTHDAY CAKE,btw.

      ya had to announce that on fatster’s birthday ???


  31. libbyliberal says:

    What do people feel? Most people burned out re outrage, too.

    What do their actual followers feel? Devil they know better than devil they don’t know? The birther movement shows how round the bend the loyalists to these guys are.

    But I did not know demint was in the club so spreading that info is helpful. So spreading the word is important and linking him with them and their awesomely grotesque exceptional groupthink.

  32. constantweader says:

    Thanks, Marcy. As much fun as it is watching Johns for Jesus self-destruct, you have hit on what the real story is — the “C” Street cronies so-far successful efforts to undermine programs that benefit the poor & the middle class.

    The Constant Weader at http://www.RealityChex.com

  33. Bassface says:

    More like ‘Anti-C’ Street. This is the gang of thugs that hi-jacked Christianity and the Republican party and turned them into ‘mindless’ zombies.
    Who said the ‘Anti-Christ’ couldn’t be a group of ‘power-vampires’ wrapped in the flag and carrying a bible….

  34. Neil says:

    Not C street but healthcare… Lance Armstrong supports health care reform.

    And throughout 2009 and this Tour, I’ve been inspired by the tenacity of U.S. Senator Edward M. Kennedy. His recent reflections in Newsweek make clear that social justice must be the underlying principle for healthcare reform, an idea LIVESTRONG seeks to embody, just as he has throughout his career. And there’s a lot of reform that needs to happen. Despite the fact that the U.S. spends more than any other industrialized country on health care, we do not achieve better outcomes on leading health indicators like infant mortality and average life span. Too many Americans live without health insurance (and I was once a member of that club). Too many people don’t have access to care. It’s simply inexcusable.

    I know mountain climbs pretty well. What President Obama and others are encouraging in the United States with healthcare is a tough climb – no doubt. To Senator Kennedy’s point, though, we have a chance right now to initiate a major shift in our healthcare system. If we succeed in making a significant and substantial change, it will be the first in three generations. It is the common expectation in many countries that every citizen should have access to quality, affordable healthcare, part of a moral investment in social justice. Why not in the United States as well?

    July 23, 2009 LINK

    Today Lance rides in the individual time trial. He needs to gain fifty seconds on Frank Schleck to be back in third place. Saturday will be a good stage to watch in he mountains-Ventoux. Sunday they race up and down the Champs-Élysées.