Hellerstein: Accelerate the Production of the IG Report
The ACLU just submitted a letter in the CIA IG case–pointing out that Judge Hellerstein had given the government until August 31 to produce the rest of the documents in the FOIA request with the implicit assumption that it produce the IG Report by June 19 June 26 July 1.
The key part of the letter, however, is the note Judge Hellerstein wrote by hand on the ACLU letter, saying:
The Court will meet with counsel, 7/15/09, 10:30 AM, to discuss the issues described in this letter. The gov’t will consider accelerating its schedule of production.
I guess Hellerstein thinks he’s getting the run-around at this point, as much as the ACLU.
Man oh Man – I so wish Judge Hellerstein forces the Admin’s hand and gets the ‘Dot Connecting Report’ released NOW. If we can get that report and Marcy can do what she does (connect them there dots) – then this maybe enough to tilt things in the direction of ‘rule of law’ as opposed to ‘organized cover-up’.
EW, your quote of the handwriting is missing the words “consider accelerating” right after “The gov’t”.
Btw, you kicked ass on msnbc today–the look on the hosts’ faces after they closed the segment was priceless.
Oh, thanks–corrected, I think.
I was trying to figure out whether Hellerstein underlined ”its”–can you tell?
No, that is his crossing of the t in the word “production”.
yeah, he seems to cross his “t”s with a longer mark when it’s not the start of a word.
no, this expert handwriting analyst must vote for that apparent underline actually being his strong cross of the “t” in the word “production” on the line below.
Thanks. I couldn’t figure out why he had emphasized ”its.” I guess he didn’t.
didn’t take you long to become legend–your msnbc commentary is up on HuffPo home page
Way OT – the Senate just confirmed Dr Groves as Census Bureau Director – closure vote was like 76-15, then they did an actual voice vote on the nomination itself.
After six or seven months of delay at a critical time for the 2010 census!!
Oh damn, I figured we’d have until Sept. 1st to get the timeline widget project done, too…
OT- Hi EW- I’m being a bad OT person here, but can you please look at this comment? http://emptywheel.firedoglake……ent-173090
I got really het up after I read bmaz’s link (which was great) etc.
Or just tell me you that you read all the comments on every thread, when time allows? Or when you get off the fainting couch from having said THAT. So funny- what hysteria- And, wonkette used to talk about… well you know…
In case you missed it EW, from the previous post:
And OT, but important too.
The DOJ’s OIG has released a text-searchable version of the unclassfied Report on the President’s Surveillance Program (instead of the PDF image version).
The text-searchable version is here (43 page PDF).
if you analyze “expert handwriting”, who analyzes the handwriting of the “non-experts” like me ???
btw, when I sign my name, I cross my i’s
jes so ya know …
You only have one i in your name. (wink)
Doh !!!
There’s now confirmation that the “one particular detainee” that Col. Wilkerson was talking about being waterboarded in May-June 2002 was in fact Abu Zubaydah, as I interpreted Wilkerson’s language at the time he spoke it, back in May of this year.
BBC News Worldwide reports:
I must say, I am soooo offended.
I was intrigued by the coment you referenced. You could re-state the “Wired” link, so I can see the article you mention? Thanks.