Fox’s Non-Denial Denial

Loo Hoo linked to this, and it has me laughing, so I thought I’d share. Fox News says it didn’t "receive the letter" that John Ensign’s cuckold sent to them and they didn’t tip off Ensign to it. But that claim all depends on what your definition of "receive" is:

Tom Lowell, senior producer of "America’s Newsroom," hosted by Kelly and Bill Hemmer, says no one at Fox News ever received a printed letter, but that a booker on the show received an email from Hampton with the letter attached on June 15 — the day before the Senator’s press conference.

"We never received any letter from Mr. Hampton," Lowell told the Huffington Post. "He might have sent it, but we never received it. He did reach out to us about 24 hours before the news conference, and he sent an e-mail to a booker on my staff."

Lowell said that a member of his editorial staff followed up with Hampton that day.

"We followed up with him, but he seemed evasive and not credible, thus we didn’t pursue it," he said. "We certainly weren’t going to rush to air with accusations against a sitting Senator without doing due diligence on the reputability of the claims. [my emphasis]

I guess Fox routinely "follows up" on things they claim they haven’t received, huh?

And when they get around to denying that they tipped off Ensign, they limit their denial to the editorial staff of one particular show. 

Lowell also stated emphatically that no one at Fox News reached out to the Senator to alert him about the story.

"I know there are people asking if we alerted the senator," Lowell said. "Definitely no one on our editorial team called anyone in Senator Ensign’s office prior to our announcement. We just hadn’t gotten to that point of confirming the story yet. Somehow, somebody told the Senator something and I don’t know how that happened. [my emphasis]

So at Fox News, its denials that it tipped off a Republican friend all rely on your definition of "received" and "editorial team," but they do agree that somehow Ensign found out about a letter that–they confirm–got emailed to a Fox employee in plenty of time for Ensign to come clean on his affair. 

You know, I originally thought this story was going to be your garden variety Republican adultery and hush money. But it’s beginning to get interesting. 

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42 replies
  1. Loo Hoo. says:

    Teddy has a great Oxdown.

    “Good Afternoon-

    This is Jessica from Ensign’s office. I am trying to find out if anyone has any openings for interns. I have some really great interns that want to relocate to another office. If you have anything or know of someone who does please let me know.

    Thanks for your help.

    Jessica L. Walton
    Administrative Manager/Intern Coordinator”

  2. RonD says:

    Great catch, Loo Hoo! FOX appears to have taken to heart the Heinlein rules for effective lying:

    “The slickest way in the world to lie is to tell just the right amount of truth and then shut up.”

    That’s what FOX’s statement reads like to me.

    • ghostof911 says:

      “The slickest way in the world to lie is to tell just the right amount of truth and then shut up.”

      Fox is channeling Eddie Haskell from Leave It to Beaver.

  3. RonD says:

    “…the show received an email from Hampton with the letter attached.”
    “We never received any letter from Mr. Hampton.”

    Well…which is it? Did you, or didn’t you?

  4. LabDancer says:

    Loo Hoo’s linked article also provides a useful summary of how the FauxNooseRum deals with “news”.

  5. scribe says:

    All this talk about “Receive” and “openings” and “interns” has me simultaneously longing for the days when Monica Lewinsky … well . . . you get the point.

    It also will bring out my frustrated writer’s ambition – to see my work in the pages of Penthouse Forum.

    Throw in Republican hypocrisy and … well. we’ve got the makings of a great sequel: “Who’s nailin’ Palin II: Follow the Red Ensign!”

    I think a shower is in order….

  6. freepatriot says:

    faux gnus

    says it all

    not a news source

    it’s a propaganda network

    and all of this just days after Obama singled out the “one television station” that does nothing but deride Obama and the Democrats

    gettin harder to spin this as faux gnus doing “Journalism”

    we never received a letter, except when we received a letter

    we DAMN SURE didn’t report on any letters we didn’t receive, even after we received them

    it ain’t news, but it sure is entertaining …

    • behindthefall says:

      Hey, freep! Guh-news are guh-nice! Shades of “Beyond the Fringe” and Open Source and Free Software. I’m sure no guh-normal guh-nu would put a hoof into a Faux Noose.

  7. freepatriot says:

    this story has evolved into a nice soundbite

    faux gnus, first to know, last to tell

    can’t wait for Colbert and Jon Stewart to rip faux gnus a new asshole

    an if Boxturtle shows up, here’s an update; “the Turtle to be found later” has arrived safely

    and O-T, I guess we know for sure that impeachment is only about sex

  8. Civlibertarian says:

    You know, I originally thought this story was going to be your garden variety Republican adultery and hush money. But it’s beginning to get interesting.

    And how. Let’s see, Fox News, NRSC, The Family, various PACs. I gotta get me some popcorn!

  9. Teddy Partridge says:

    Definitely no one on our editorial team called anyone in Senator Ensign’s office prior to our announcement.

    So FOX called Ensign at home, right?

    • MarkH says:

      Mmmm, I like the taste of blackberries. Heh.

      In an age of amazing technology it leaves me all atwitter that this story might have legs.

        • bmaz says:

          Another religious fraud Republican in a tawdry sex scandal – what’s newsworthy about that? To me, the story is the freaking religious cult that grips Congress, and the grooming of it by evangelical wingnuts, and the traditional graft passed as a result that is completely ignored because it is religious. Graft is fucking graft, and this is graft. Ensign is a sideshow.

  10. Teddy Partridge says:

    And if no one from FOX contacted Ensign or anyone on his staff, how exactly did Ensign become aware that the Hamptons had been in touch with a major television network, prompting the disclosure?

    • Phoenix Woman says:

      Let’s see: Nobody in Hampton’s family, not even the wife, would have had any reason to do so. Unless the wife wanted to get a little something additional out of Ensign on her own.

  11. Phoenix Woman says:

    John Ensign is a surprisingly good-looking guy, with tanned skin, clear-cut yet smoothly handsome features, and a shock of thick white hair to boot. Kinda like Charlie Crist, really.

  12. PPDCUS says:


    Now Gringich’s 2012 VP field is narrowed down to Ensign & Vitter running on the Adulterers & Hypocrites for the Defense of Marriage Ticket.

    • BillyP says:

      Now Gringich’s 2012 VP field is narrowed down to Ensign & Vitter running on the Adulterers & Hypocrites for the Defense of Marriage Ticket.

      Enquiring minds need to know. Is Ensign into diapers too?

  13. Badwater says:

    This could be useful to the Democrats in Congress if they had anyone charismatic in a leadership position. Hapless Harry puts everyone to sleep and Nancy Pelosi seems mostly MIA. What will happen is that Noot and Rush will repeatedly explain how it is all the fault of the Democrats anyway. While Fox will gleefully report that, the other networks will dutifly report that. In either case, Noot and Rush get to make their spin without challenge.

  14. Teddy Partridge says:

    I blame the gays marrying. Clearly, Ensign’s marriage wasn’t at risk until its sanctity was threatened by the gays. So his federal marriage amendment to the constitution was really a self-serving attempt to save him from straying, which he previously was only able to do by not riding alone in a car with a woman. Really.

  15. Twain says:

    Sounds to me as if the Hampton’s had a little blackmail scheme going. “Listen, honey, you just sleep with
    this guy and we’ll be set for life.”

    And, yes, LooHoo at 6, she is a whore.

  16. redfish says:

    Why anyone spends one minute of their precious life talking or writing about FOX is beyond me. Anyone with even a a modicum of intelligence knows who and what they are — those that don’t watch FOX and aren’t changing their mind. What’s the point?

  17. PPDCUS says:

    So much for ripped from the headlines … We’ve already seen this plot on Law & Order Special Hypocrites Unit.

  18. esseff44 says:

    The first federal judge to be charged with federal sex crimes was impeached by the House today right after the Iran vote. No one voted against the Articles of Impeachment.

    I noticed the use of the term non-consensual sex in the Kent case and that Senator Ensign was careful to use the term ‘consensual.’

  19. PPDCUS says:

    “I noticed the use of the term non-consensual sex in the Kent case and that Senator Ensign was careful to use the term ‘consensual’.”

    Now there’s a distinction without a difference

    We’ll sse if Senaror Ensign can produce a copy of his wife’s consent to nearly a year of consensual sex outside of his marriage.

  20. EvilDrPuma says:

    It’s kinda fun reading the words “John Ensign’s cuckold.” I think it must be fun to write them, too, ’cause I’m reading them a lot.

  21. emptywheel says:

    Welcome back, redfish. While you’re not making false straw man arguments about people claiming KSM is anything less than the terrorist he is, you’re being inane, again.

    0 for 2, so far, friend. You’re on a roll that will get you banned from the site if you keep it up.

  22. RickMassimo says:

    We certainly weren’t going to rush to air with accusations against a sitting Senator without doing due diligence on the reputability of the claims.

    Unless of course that sitting Senator is a Democrat who is uppity enough to run for President, in which case anyone we can find who thinks he’s a secret Mooslim terraist gets all the air time he wants.

  23. Jukesgrrl says:

    Marcy, PLEASE keep investigating. This entire story is rotten to the core and I don’t mean because of the sex angle. I’ve been telling everyone I can think of that the tie back to Christopher Ward has something to do with this, but now that The Family is also involved, the smell is getting worse and worse. If US senators lived in a house owned by AIG or Chrysler, for that matter, people would be screaming “conflict of interest” from the rooftops. But because it’s the American Taliban, it’s a non-story?

    Exactly whom did Chris Ward rip off (a story told all over DC) and if he did, was he ever even investigated, let alone prosecuted? If not, why not? That usually only happens when crooks steal from other crooks. Is there a connection between the organizations he worked for and members of The Family?

    I’m beginning to wonder if Ensign even did have an “affair” with Cynthia Hampton. Is it possible this was an affair of shady finances rather than sex. In other words, the “what you made my wife do” wasn’t sex but something not just immoral but illegal? Illegal enough that even Ensign’s wife would prefer a cheating story to the truth?

    I’m not usually paranoid (I ascribe to few conspiracy theories), but the fact that Mrs. Hampton was treasurer to two Ensign organizations blows this affair out of the realm of a mere sex scandal. The money trail is currently leading to some VERY shady places and the chances of the Nevada press looking into this are next to none.

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