Save American Jobs: Boycott Chase

JP Morgan Chase wants to push Chrysler into bankruptcy so it can jump the line ahead of retirees and US taxpayers to get paid back.

If JP Morgan Chase does that, 300,000 people will lose their jobs.

That’s sorry thanks we get from a company that has gotten $25 billion in TARP funds from American taxpayers–plus billions more in other benefits from the Wall Street bailout.

My husband and I decided the only way to pressure JP Morgan Chase to negotiate in good faith with Chrysler was to close our Chase accounts. We want our money to go to a bank that is investing in rebuilding Michigan–not bankrupting it.

Now, FDL and Progress Michigan are calling on others to join our Chase boycott.

Sign the petition

Join the FaceBook group

Find your Michigan Chase branch and close your account

Explain why you’re closing your account

Update: Progressive radio host Nancy Skinner–who drives a Chrysler and lives in MI–is joining the boycott.

She’ll have Jane on her show today at 3PM to talk about the boycott. Listen in