Darrell Issa Whines He Didn’t Get Enough of Your Tax Dollars to Be a Pest

Darrell Issa and the Republicans on the Oversight Committee are complaining that their committee got only a bigger-than-inflation but smaller-than-other-committees 3.43% increase in funding this year.  Oversight still has the second largest budget of any House Committee, with $22.3 million.

In what some might call a great example of "what goes around comes around," Republican members of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (OGR) are up in arms over what they consider a paltry budget increase for the panel tasked with tracking the operations and spending of the federal government. Democrats say they’re practicing fiscal restraint and that oversight will continue no matter who occupies the White House.

Committee budgets are set by the Committee on House Administration, responsible for the day-to-day operations of the House of Representatives. The panel, chaired by Rep. Robert A. Brady (D-Pa.), gave OGR a 3.43 percent budget increase this year, less than the 10.9 percent bump it requested. The full House is scheduled to vote on the budget increases later this week. OGR’s $22.3 million budget is second only to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"We have the second largest budget, but that number is deceiving: we have the largest staff as well," said Kurt Bardella, spokesman for OGR’s Republican members.

I thought Republicans didn’t want any Federal money to go to governance. So why does Issa want an inflation-busting increase?

If Issa weren’t such an asshole, I might be all in favor of an increase in oversight. But seeing as how two months into his tenure as Ranking Member at Oversight, he has already proven to a hypocritical, fairweather advocate of oversight, I have just this to say to Issa:

Darrell? Elections have consequences.

24 replies
  1. klynn says:

    Darrell? Elections have consequences.

    Heh hehhehehe!

    (I bet you have more to say to Darrell…but that’ll do for now!)

  2. bmaz says:

    Wait. I thought Issa was pretty well established as a hypocritical fairweather advocate of oversight long before the last two months. Must be another car thief I’m thinking of….

    • emptywheel says:

      cmon bmaz. I’m making Issa at Oversight a feature. If you’re going to remind me he was ALWAYS this big an asshole (albeit without being ranking member on one of the most powerful committees for ranking deadbeats), you’ll ruin my story line.

      I have to at least pretend that now might be different.

      • freepatriot says:

        If you’re going to remind me he was ALWAYS this big an asshole (albeit without being ranking member on one of the most powerful committees for ranking deadbeats), you’ll ruin my story line.

        sorry ew, but our records indicate that issa is a 200 pound pile of PURE ASSHOLE

        and we see no evidence that he is experiencing a noticeable weight increase

        but it is always possible that issa’s head could be gettin bigger with no actual weight gain

        with repuglitards, ya never know


  3. MadDog says:

    “We have the second largest budget, but that number is deceiving: we have the largest staff as well,” said Kurt Bardella, spokesman for OGR’s Republican members.”

    Don’t worry Repugs. We can make the budget increase look a whole lot bigger by giving out some pink slips to OGR’s Repug staffers.

  4. MadDog says:

    And totally OT to this post, I added a couple comments to EW’s last post with a “must read” link to Scott Harper’s latest on the Dawn Johnsen OLC saga.

    Seems the Repugs just can’t get enough of obstructionism.

  5. hackworth1 says:

    Issa’s company, Directed Electronics, ticker DEIX, OTC pink sheets, is 10 cents a share. It went public about 7 years ago for $14 a share. Issa is brilliant. He probably shorted his own company.

  6. tejanarusa says:

    I think it’s about time to get that on a bumper sticker:

    “Elections have consequences.”

    Perhaps with an illustration of a Chesire cat? : )

  7. Nola Sue says:

    Darrell Issa whines. Period.

    What an a**hole.

    Aren’t folks of his partisan ilk usually opposed to increasing gummint spending?!

    I still get the willies thinking about him in Oversight hearings. Jerk.

  8. Nola Sue says:

    OT. And ROFLMAO!

    Re elections & a**holes from California. Just got a note from Barbara Boxer’s team that Carly Fiorina’s considering a Senate run?!?!?

    Ha. Ha. And ha.

    I’d pay good money to watch Barbara dismantle that idiot in a debate.

  9. Loo Hoo. says:

    Poor ‘lil Darrell.

    (I wonder what has happened to his net worth after the republicans ruining us all. Last time I saw something, he was at $635 million.)

  10. emptywheel says:

    You know, I used to hang out in his part of the world. Even went to under 21 clubs in Vista.

    But I never knew much about him until his illustrious career at Oversight.

    • bmaz says:

      Well, keep in mind that they walled Helgerson off to a significant degree by making him operate through an adulterated chain of command, and he just retired ten days ago, so I am not sure i would put much faith in this effort.

      • MadDog says:

        I was just going to point out the fact of Helgerson’s resignation (effective March 18 2008) and no Obama Administration CIA IG has yet been nominated, much less confirmed, and the fact as the CIA IG is leading the overall IG “comprehensive” review of the Bush/Cheney warrantless surveillance program, I’d bet on a wee bit of delay in meeting the legislation’s 1 year deadline (target of 10 July 2009) for the final report.

        Shorter IG Warrantless Surveillance Report: “Don’t hold your breath!”

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