(And yes–it’s Saturday night. So let me have my stupid fun.)
https://www.emptywheel.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Logo-Web.png00emptywheelhttps://www.emptywheel.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Logo-Web.pngemptywheel2009-03-07 17:04:392009-03-07 17:04:39The Northeast Takes Over Freedom and Commerce in Georgia
Loo Hoo. says:
Freedom Bank. What a stupid name. How about Patriotic Americans Bank of Freedom and Might?
Jkat says:
oh yeah .. well i’ll raise ya to Patriotic Americans Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might .. lol
stupid fun .. yea !!
scribe says:
Just remember: even if you bank at the Patriotic Americans Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might, it’s still the Bush Depression you’re dealing with.
Loo Hoo. says:
Are you suggesting it should be the George W. Bush Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might? With Stars and Stripes logo?
He has often been a victim of his own impetuousness. He worked his way through law school at night and won a job at a top firm, but he failed the Maryland bar exam because, he says, he took it on a whim. He is a born actor, a high-school musical ham whose instinct to perform can undermine his credibility (in the interview, he said he would accept Stephen Colbert’s recent challenge of a hip-hop duel).
MrWhy says:
Stephen Colbert is the de facto leader of the wingbolts of the Republican party.
Sadly, Austin Peay just lost in double overtime in their conference championship game. Had they won, for the second straight year, March Madness could have embraced the best cheer in all of sports: “Let’s go Peay!”.
[Especially important if lots of beer is consumed…]
fatster says:
I believe that is (or was) the Freedom Bank in Commerce, GA. Commerce is northeast of Atlanta. Other fun places in GA include Mayday, Climax, Enigma and my favorite, Ty Ty.
Freedom Bank. What a stupid name. How about Patriotic Americans Bank of Freedom and Might?
oh yeah .. well i’ll raise ya to Patriotic Americans Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might .. lol
stupid fun .. yea !!
Just remember: even if you bank at the Patriotic Americans Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might, it’s still the Bush Depression you’re dealing with.
Are you suggesting it should be the George W. Bush Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might? With Stars and Stripes logo?
Aren’t you missing god?
Yep, that’s it.
Rightio. George W. Bush Christian Commerce Bank of Freedom and Might.
And here’s Colbert wagging his finger at Hannity for licking Rush’s ass.
Thanks for my first LOL of the day. Sometimes smart, crass, and vulgar is just what you need.
“If yuh don’t open a checking account today, the terrists have already won!”
I’m tellin’ ya, we’re missing a whole every-Friday, nation-wide, bank-failure betting pool opportunity here!
Better yet, gin something up on one of the on-line futures markets. The Iowa Electronic Market, for instance.
For a second there EW, I thought New England had just invaded Georgia. Imagine my surprise. Speaking of Freedom — anyone want any fries with that? ; )
Haven’t we known for a long time that Bush bankrupted the Bank of Freedom?
All that’s left for us is to root for the mighty hand of Justice…
This ought to be good! Colbert vs. Steele.
Stephen Colbert is the de facto leader of the wingbolts of the Republican party.
Stupid fun? Its March Madness time, and I’ve been watching NCAA Women’s basketball. Good stuff! But I missed the Michigan Men’s BB game.
Bob in HI
Sadly, Austin Peay just lost in double overtime in their conference championship game. Had they won, for the second straight year, March Madness could have embraced the best cheer in all of sports: “Let’s go Peay!”.
[Especially important if lots of beer is consumed…]
I believe that is (or was) the Freedom Bank in Commerce, GA. Commerce is northeast of Atlanta. Other fun places in GA include Mayday, Climax, Enigma and my favorite, Ty Ty.