“Not Much Patience for Failure”

8 years of George Bush:

And now this:

"What is amazing is that Steele was elected because of his communications skills, and it is those skills that are damaging the Republican Party. Before people begin to completely judge him as worthless, Steele needs to focus and knuckle down on building a strong foundation at RNC so we can begin rebuilding our majority," says a top GOP strategist who has worked for House and Senate Republican leaders. "If his implosion continues, RNC members are likely to call a special session to dump him for an effective chairman. There is not much patience for failure."

I’d really hate to see what patience for failure looks like.

22 replies
  1. scribe says:

    All those things you list:
    9/11, Iraq, Katrina, Gonzo, 2006, 2008, the Bush Depression, and all the rest

    Remember: Those were not bugs or failures. Those were intended, featured results.

    Losing PR battles? That’s a failure. Because if Rethuglicans can’t bullshit their way into power to make for more of their intended, featured results coming to pass, only then are they failures.

    And from now on, for ease of reference, the current economic catastrophe is to be called the ”Bush Depression”.

    Make it a macro. All of you will need it.

    • plunger says:

      Here’s a handy list of all the intentional fuck ups, said to be the result of incompetence or bad luck or bad intelligence or terrorists or poor vision (who could have foreseen?):


      Call them what they are (traitors), list their crimes, call them out by name, follow the money and connect ALL the dots.

      All you really need to see is that Bush put Chertoff in charge of “Operation Greenquest” – said to be for the purpose of tracing the money to the perps of 9/11 – only to use it to block the FBI, cover the money trail, shut down the investigation and ensure that no final report was ever produced.

      What else could we possibly need to know to be convinced that the dead actor named Bin Laden didn’t do it?

  2. acquarius74 says:

    Thank you, Marcy, for the excerpt from The 1 % Doctrine. My outside reading has gone in the basement since the al Haramain case and Yoo memos began to take over here.

    Surely there has never before been gathered such a group of deranged, delusional, sadistic, mutated beings as held our country captive for the past 8 years. This is not snark, nor do I think it is an overstatement. It is my sad opinion.

    Two-legged humanoids (?) who experience glee at the torture, mutilation, and death of other living creatures, including humans, are demented. And to willingly follow such men males, much less to near-worship them, is truly terrifying.

    Perhaps the correct term to describe the Bush years would be America’s Dark Age – for truly it was in many meanings of the term.

  3. plunger says:

    “It was just an incredible coincidence that this happened to involve an aircraft crashing into our facility,” Haubold said. “As soon as the real world events began, we canceled the exercise.”

    How much of a collective full-frontal-lobotomy did Americans have to subject themselves to in order to accept the foregoing…and all that has flowed from it? How were all of us trained to attack the truth tellers when they dare speak? Are we all Good Germans now? The tactics of fascism are well known to the Nazis in the top layer of the New World Order cake.

    Only brainwashing, via controlled television, can account for this result.

  4. Loo Hoo. says:

    This trainwreck is fun to watch. FUN! We can only hope that Steele takes Colbert up on his hip-hop challenge. I miss Sarah.

  5. Loo Hoo. says:

    Besides not having too much patience for failure, I doubt there’s a whole lot of patience for corruption.

    On Thursday, a spokesman for Ehrlich’s campaign told the I-Team that the payments to Allied Berton were for “garden variety” campaign activities.

    The spokesman said the money might have been used to pay for six busloads of poll workers on Election Day in 2006. The buses carried several hundred black men from Philadelphia — many of whom were homeless — as part of a strategy to attract black support that was denounced at the time by Democrats as deceptive.

    Well, at least not much patience for getting caught.

  6. perris says:

    I’d really hate to see what patience for failure looks like.

    steele is black, bush is white

    these republicans havce two differant rules for getting fired marcy

  7. TheraP says:

    Not much patience for failure accountability, is there?

    Sociopaths are simply not used to consequences. They are like rats seeking an exit from a maze with one exit only:

    Face justice.

    (It could mean jail time.)

    You have to consider the position they have put themselves in. A Party that could be watching the consequences of its leaders and strategists being prosecuted over a long, long time.

    We’re impatient for justice. And they are impatient for a different exit from the maze they put themselves in.

  8. plunger says:

    As for the media’s complicity in brainwashing, Bluebutterfly directed me to Exhibit A. Let this video run until you hear and see the first “man-on-the-street” interview. Listen to the words he uses and the way he speaks (like no one else who has not previously rehearsed it):


    This is a disinformation agent…and we all fell for it.

    • bluebutterfly says:

      Your link failed. I’ll try. Mine looks the same, so it is likely a bad link. The video is at Brasscheck TV and is called The 9/11 “Solution-RESTORED”. Google took it down and Youtube won’t allow it to be posted. Watch the Psyop in action; the cover story was implanted from the first hour after the planes hit the towers.

      ” “The 9/11 Solution” shows that even as the World Trade Center was burning and immediately after the collapses, a stream of disinformation laying down the key official 9/11 myths was being actively being put in place via the US mass media (i.e. the impact of the planes weakened the structures, the “intense” fires caused the collapses, Bin Laden was the only possible suspect.) “


      • bmaz says:

        Hey there. Does this look like a conspiracy theorist/truther thread? Cause I don’t think it does. And just in case you might be inclined to look for such a thread here in the future, we don’t do that here.

        • bluebutterfly says:

          As scribe said at #1..intended, featured results. The video presented is one of the first on 911. Republicans were in power. What I submitted fit in with the thread. The only thing that I do is read extensively to search for real facts, real government documents, real videos, etc. The truth is neither a conspiracy in the common misuse of the word, or a theory; it is what it is.

          I only came here to look for something aquarius74 had mentioned to me yesterday. I saw that plunger had referenced something from me and I responded to him. Your comment to me was meant as a put down of me and my intentions at FDL. If you had noticed my comments at Oxdown over the past few months, you might not have done that. I share whatever knowledge found on many diaries and have received supportive comments in response. I partake in discussions and never launch a personal and sarcastic attack on anyone; not even trolls who attack me first. Kill the message; not the messenger, is my personal way of dealing with people. A mountain of personal bias is one that I learned long ago not to try to climb.

  9. acquarius74 says:

    Marcy, bmaz, Mary, belewlaw, anybody else: Here is a Council on Foreign Relations Independent Task Force on Terrorist Financing, it is 56 pages. I have read the first 13.

    It almost seems like the veiled focus of the assault was directed at al Haramain (see top page 5 and continuing).

    I’m pretty sure you’all have this, but just in case – here ’tis.

    I’m not too good at retaining all this critical matter. Hope it is helpful.

  10. jdmckay says:

    I completely agree w/your implications… no brainer AFAIC. Also from your linked article:

    Others want Steele to re-evaluate his role in the party. Of concern: For no reason, he is dividing the GOP between conservatives who like Limbaugh and moderates who don’t and jeopardizing future fundraising efforts, his key responsibility.

    Some much to parse there, hard to know where to start. Ok, how about this:

    Appears Steele is learning the hard way Rushbo runs the party.

    And not to mention: they are dividing themselves, as all of ‘em know they got us in all these huge messes, yet best (at least from what I gather) battle cry they can muster is: LONG LIVE RONALD REAGAN!!!

    All of which is entirely anecdotal AFAIC ’cause I haven’t seen a wit of anything suggesting these guys have a clue about anything. And it seems polling suggests majority the US public sees things similarly.

    Which also only gives Obama a little more room to be wrong, ’cause he’s been wrong on most everything important to me. Just has Mary has said most recently (here & here for example) regarding BO’s DOJ positions on torture, so has his econ “plans” similarly skewed to perpetrators of crimes that brought us here. I’m seeing continuity into the abyss every day, w/no intelligent WH/BO focus on what really matters or what really works.

    If anyone saw Geithner’s congressional appearance yesterday… eg. his attempt to sell his “recovery” package, his dodging of questions regarding reliability China will continue to finance this thing was as pathetic as any such testimony… Paulsen & other Bushie’s, going back to October.

    To date, I find this consistent w/what I’ve seen from BO admin. Personally, I have -0- confidence in ‘em.

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