The Appeals Court Gives Obama His Week

Just a quick follow-up on this post, which noted that the Appeals Court had only given Obama one week of the two week extension he had asked for to broker a deal between the House Judiciary Committee and Harriet Miers and John Bolten regarding testimony.

DOJ asked again for their additional week on February 19. And today, the Appeals Court gave DOJ that second week. The Obama DOJ brief is now due on March 4.

5 replies
  1. BoxTurtle says:

    Possible paperwork error to start with? It never made much sense that the court did that.

    Boxturtle (Obama doesn’t strike me as stalling, just trying to get up to speed everywhere at once)

  2. FlakeyFoont says:

    Thanks always for your great work, EW. Any news on when Rove might testify, and if so, whether it will be televised?

  3. Petrocelli says:

    TP reports that Rove has blown off the subpoena, citing instructions from Fielding.

    Nice of this to wait until you came back, Marcy.

    Any word of Conyers’ next plan of action ?

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