Condi’s Whole Life, in Three Volumes, Worth Slightly More than David Plouffe’s Two-Year Campaign

As Lisa is reporting, Condi just signed herself a $2.5 million deal for three books on her life and her tenure as Bush’s foreign policy flunky. She will write one book on her time in the Bush Administration, a memoir of her life, and a kids version of the memoir.

That’s great news for Condi, as others in the Bush Administration are having less success getting book deals. Consider Alberto Gonzales, who doesn’t yet have a publisher for his book, which purportedly sets the record straight on his role in the crimes of the Bush Administration. Laura Bush got a book deal–at a quarter of the price that Hillary got for her First Lady story. Karl Rove, who smartly got an early start on the bidding, had to settle for $1.5 million for his book deal; experts had thought he’d get $3 million. And Bush himself has been advised to wait, as the market for anything he has to say looks like the rest of the economy: non-existent and getting worse.

But the market for books is not all bad. Just by way of perspective, consider David Plouffe’s book deal for the story of managing Obama’s historic campaign. Plouffe got $1.5 to $2 million for his advance.

So in case you were wondering, the market now values Plouffe’s role in Obama’s two-year campaign to have the same value as Karl Rove’s entire life work, Laura Bush’s tenure as First Lady, (for the moment at least) George Bush’s two term Administration, and two out of Condi’s three-volume life.

I think the market’s invisible hand just slapped the Bush Administration upside their head.

10 replies
  1. BlueStateRedHead says:

    Gotta love the free market. Another marker would be what did entirely unknown graduate from Harvard Law School who happened to have been first AA chair of Law Review get for 20+ years of (in Village terms) non-existence, adjusted for inflation.

    • BlueStateRedHead says:

      Here is gist

      A former legislative aide to Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) was accused yesterday of accepting more than $25,000 worth of meals and event tickets from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff in exchange for helping his clients.

      Ann M. Copland, 52, was charged in U.S. District Court in Washington with one count of conspiracy to commit honest-services fraud. The charge came in a criminal information, a document typically filed by prosecutors when a defendant has agreed to plead guilty

      • BlueStateRedHead says:

        part of quote

        nn M. Copland, 52, was charged in U.S. District Court in Washington with one count of conspiracy to commit honest-services fraud. The charge came in a criminal information, a document typically filed by prosecutors when a defendant has agreed to plead guilty

  2. JohnnyTable70 says:

    Title of book one: How I ignored repeated warnings about Al Queda. Book two: how I ignored the experts about going into Iraq. Book three: How I went to see Spamalot as New Orleans drowned.

  3. Bionic says:

    She will write one book on her time in the Bush Administration, a memoir of her life, and a kids version of the memoir.

    Vol. I “I Never Imagined I Shared the Darkest Nights of America with George W. Bush as the Most Important Woman in His Life
    Vol II “Who could have imagined How One Gal from ‘Bama Became the Most Important Woman in the World to the Most Important Man in the World
    Vol III “Can You Imagine How I lived Happily Ever After with MY Husband as Mrs George W. Bush

    PS Love the prolife google ads that are running for me. I am making a point of checking them out every time they play.

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