Sign the Petition: Howard Dean for HHS Secretary


So far, there’s a lot of support in these parts for Howard Dean to be HHS Secretary. And since then, some great progressives have come out in support of Dean to be HHS Secretary: Tom Harkin:

"I think that would be a very good move," Harkin told the Huffington Post. "He brings all the background and experience. He’s very strong on prevention and wellness, which I’m very strong on. I think he’d make an outstanding secretary of HHS."

Raul Grijalva:

Six years ago Howard famously addressed a meeting of the DNC where he chastised our fellow Democrats by saying, "What I want to know is why we’re fighting in Congress about the Patient’s Bill of Rights when the Democratic Party ought to be standing up for health care for every single American man, woman, and child in this country."

Fixing health care is central to the recovery of the American economy and the security of the American family. Howard Dean is my candidate for the job. I hope he will be yours.

And Alan Grayson (via email):

"He’s progressive, he’s experienced, he’s effective, and he’s vetted."

With support for Dean growing, we’ve put together a petition to collect signatures in support of Dean. We’ll deliver these to Max Baucus next week.

Please sign the petition to support Howard Dean for HHS Secretary.