Joe the Vice President at the Train Station

Apparently, they’ve sent Joe Biden out to drum up some excitement for the stimulus package. Sending him to do so at a train station that would be upgraded under the stimulus package? A nice touch. (via email)

Mr. Mayor, thanks for the passport to get in town here. And, Governor, it’s a delight to be with you. And Ben Cardin pointed out — Senator Cardin — the things that Joe Biden knows this, and Joe Biden knows that. Joe Biden knows you’re freezing. (Laughter.) Joe Biden knows that pretty soon you won’t be able to even move your pens. So I figure if I talk long enough you won’t be able to report a thing I say. (Laughter.)

But, ladies and gentleman, I’ll be straight to the point. Thanks for coming here today. And as we stand here today, it’s an understatement to say the economy is in trouble and the need is urgent. Quite simply, we cannot wait. We cannot wait another two weeks, three weeks, four weeks. We cannot wait.

Our economic recovery package that’s now before the Senate will put us back on track to create and save 3 to 4 million jobs. And right here in Maryland, a paper released by the National Economic Council this week shows that the plan would create or save 70,000 jobs, Governor. That’s 70,000 people here in the state who won’t go through the pain and suffering of a job loss.

But this is only going to happen if and when we pass our recovery act. And Ben assures me he’s going to leave the frigid temperature here to go the warm halls of Congress and the Senate and get that done tonight or tomorrow. But quite frankly, folks, it’s only going to work if we make those investments we need, not only in generating employment immediately, but also investing in an economy of the 21st century.

By boosting paychecks through the Make Work Pay tax cuts, we’re going to put money in the pockets of middle-class people immediately. By making a down payment on the smart grid, we’re not only going to invest in moving towards a new energy future, we’re going to invest in clean energy. We’re going to invest in creating jobs that are going to not be able to be exported. They’re going to continue to grow. By weatherizing and retrofitting thousands of facilities, we’re going to modernize over 10,000 schools in America. We’re going to put money where we need it, in our nation’s infrastructure.

Over $100 billion of this money is dedicated to infrastructure projects, many of which are ready to go right now. The point that Ben made, literally the spade can be turned or the steps can be pulled up the moment the Governor gets the money, because already the blueprints are done, the contractor ready to be let. We’re going to move immediately.

Laurel [Train Station, in Laurel, MD) is one of the thousands of rail and commuter stations all over the country where we need to make these improvements, creating jobs and creating a better transportation system for the 21st century. Over 400,000 jobs nationally will be created by the infrastructure investments that the Congress, God willing, is going to pass and the President is going to sign into law very shortly. Rebuilding train stations in my state and here, like this very one we’re doing now, repairing roads, bridges, waterways, ports; investing — investing — in infrastructure that can carry the economic growth of the 21st century.

Now, we’re here today not because Laurel is different from so many other places like it, but rather because it’s typical of the sort of work we need to be doing in this country to rebuild the infrastructure and restart our economy. These are projects and critical needs that have been ignored for too long, and they are the backbone of building the economy for the future.

Now, there are some in Washington who still haven’t gotten the message. Maybe they don’t understand that America has lost almost 2 million jobs in the past four months — 2 million jobs in the past four months; 30,000 jobs lost right here in Maryland in the last four months. Maybe they don’t understand that we’re in the midst of the worst economic recession in decades. Maybe they don’t understand that the American people voted for and want change now, not tomorrow.

We can’t go back to the failed approaches of tax breaks alone as the answer to our economic problems. The President and I support tax relief for the middle class. And the recovery act includes a down payment on those tax relief — that tax relief. But the republic — but the recovery act has to include prompt and substantial investment in job creation by building the economy of the 21st century.

So my message today is this: The economic policies of the past eight years are proven failures. The nation’s economy is hurting. It needs action now. And we can’t think small. We can’t stand by and do nothing and we can’t repeat the failures of the past. The Obama administration has asked the Congress to finish its work by the President’s Day recess, by this weekend. And it’s imperative — it’s imperative — that we meet this deadline.

The American people are looking for us to act. And the time for us to do that is now. And the time for me to give you some relief from the cold is now, as well. The good news is I can take a couple questions. The bad news is you’ll probably have to ask them.

57 replies
  1. randiego says:

    Excellent. I hope they’ve been stung a bit and will now start pressing to get the message out.

    I know that station well, when I lived in DC I worked in Laurel for three years.

    Note of trivia – Laurel was also where George Wallace was shot.

  2. LabDancer says:

    First Citizen Obama pens an op-ed [tho more fun if for Hot Air], now Joe the Commuter … does what he does. What next: nationalize the bank system? Tic…tic…tic…

  3. skdadl says:

    Joe the Biden strikes me as a very sharp and often witty speaker. Whenever I’ve looked at those lists of his supposed gaffes that the msm go on about, most of them have looked to me like serious things to say. I will admit he sometimes goes a little long, but you can believe that his heart is in speeches like this, and besides, he’s cute, so all is forgiven.

    I think you have quite the vice-president now, especially given his predecessor. It must be a bit of a surprise, adjusting to a veep who is both competent and charming. Some of us feel such politician-envy of you right now.

  4. plunger says:

    All this talk by Obama of the need for “bipartisanship” is in fact the backstory for the co-conspirators to go ahead and work together on their plan openly, rather than behind closed doors.

    The Trilateral Commission is running America (12% of whom are now in high positions in the Obama Administration), on behalf of the Rothschilds. When Obama subsequently announces that there is no money to fund the social programs upon which he ran and was elected, it will be because the agenda set from above won’t allow it (they never intended to). From the globalist’s perspective, health care and the like is a pure waste of THEIR MONEY.

    Their only concern is that we are all in a position to pay the interest on our collective debt to them, which they are responsible for creating.

    The entire concept of Democrats and Republicans is contrary to what is best for Americans. We cheer opposing sports teams on Sunday, but come back together as citizens on Monday. Absent the labels of Democrat and Republican, we would simply be Americans. We did not choose these labels for ourselves. They were chosen for us by the masters of the universe, who use the labels and those they select to represent them to ensure that the divide remains equal and the appearance of a difference ensures the maximum possible conflict (distraction)…all while the masters of the universe turn up the heat on the slowly boiling frogs, whom, after all, are all arguing against one another – albeit in the same pot.

    Global warming is just a metaphor for a boiling pot of arguing frogs.

    That CNBC appearance by Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (the world’s most powerful man) was no accident. He was sending a message that he is the boss.

    Note that he said the solution to the banking crisis was to nationalize them – back in December.

    Follow the money.

    • bmaz says:

      Plunger. The discussion has been had with you repeatedly and over a long period of time. When you first joined us, it was very nearly a short stay because of the repetitive posting of extended conspiracy crap. The only reason you are here at all is because you are capable of worthy contributions, you have shown that as well. I have warned you many times. That alone puts your existence here in dire straits. But yesterday, Marcy even said something; it should come as no shock that such is a serious escalation over my warnings. Most interlopers fouling the threads here get reamed and poof they are gone. We have been very patient with you. That has come to an end. This will be the last warning, next time you are done.

      • tejanarusa says:

        This will be the last warning, next time you are done.

        Not objecting in the least – but I might mention – I long ago learned to skip right past any post by this person – never read what s/he says. I’m sure I’m not the only one. Wonder if s/he realizes that?

      • freepatriot says:

        I fully concure with tejanarusa

        I long ago learned to skip right past any post by this person

        drop him in my cage, PLEASE

  5. Mary says:

    OT – but another one for Woodward…..DDWUdZ.3QA

    Senate committee holds up Solis nomination, presumably to digest this: “USA Today reported on Thursday that Solis’ husband paid about $6,400 on Wednesday to settle tax liens that had been outstanding for as long as 16 years against his business.”

  6. tejanarusa says:

    And now to substantive comment – I’m starting to feel a bit more optimistic, after several days of worry/incipient despair.
    Press Conf by Pres O Mon., check. Dems like Sen. Jack Reed smacking down idiots like Scarborough and Barnicle – check.
    Op-ed by Pres. (!), check.
    Appearance at prime infrastructure example by Vice-Pres, check.

    Now, it’s time for a lovely, prime time speech by Pres. O, and more of the above. There may be hope, after all.

    • Loo Hoo. says:

      Yes, it would. Are we to wonder forever why Gregg was selected? I do particularly like this part, though:

      “Any attempt by the Obama administration to circumvent the census process for their political benefit will be met with fierce opposition as this ill-conceived proposal undermines a constitutionally obligated process that speaks to the very heart of our democracy,” said California Rep. Darrell Issa , the top Republican on the committee.

      Oh, Darrell. Call in Blackwater.

  7. Mary says:

    Why would Obama appoint Gregg to Commerce if he doesn’t think he can trust him with the Census?…..eferrer=js

    I’m not crazy about having the Census directed out of the WH. Wouldn’t it be easier to just have a trustworthy Sec of Commerce?

    • LabDancer says:

      Just a thought: Do you think it’s possible someone-maybe Gregg-figured it might help the new Commerce secretary that he be relieved of the burden of explaining to those in his & his wife’s social circle how he’s ‘allowing Acorn to keep stealing elections’?

  8. Kathryn in MA says:

    i like the Obama/Biden style – give the Rs plenty of rope and then expose them for what they are. Very nice.

  9. lllphd says:

    marcy, thanks so much for highlighting biden. i’ve been super impressed with him (snl snarks at his expense, notwithstanding), which was galvanized by his flawless debate performance (palin as an opponent notwithstanding).

    i’m increasingly comforted by them as a team; he seems very much on board while he is also his own man. i’m impressed that obama trusts him.

    and yes, kathryn my neighbor in MA, i also like this style of giving the repugs so much rope they hang themselves. and the horse they rode in on. or, erm, donkey, as the case may be.

  10. Mary says:

    24 – yeah, pretty funny. Esp when the guy he wants to have control over that “constitutionally obligated process” is a guy who wanted to defund it.

    Maybe it’s a good time, though, to mention other constitutionally obligated process – like warrants for wiretaps, to him though?

    To be honest, the Republicans are better fighter than the Dems, so if the only way to go after the illegal suveillance programs is to pander to them, I’d be all about the pander. Unfortunately, they aren’t interested in having me pander to them. hell, no one is interested in having me pander to them in exchange for pushing back on the illegal surveillance program. I need a new party.

    • bobschacht says:

      “I need a new party.”

      I hear ya, Mary.
      I think there are only two routes to a new party, in this country.

      One is for the Democrats to find their Newt Gingrich &/or Ronnie Reagan: Someone with the right Vision, and discipline to match. Clinton tried to do that, and failed.

      The other way is to recognize that right now, the Democratic ship is too big to take over. The Second Way is to take a party on the ropes that lacks leadership (i.e., the Republican party), pick up the best shards left in its junk pile, and create a new vision for opponents of the current establishment to rally around. If the Republicans could find its blue collar, populist center, based on something smarter than tax cuts as the answer to every economic problem, maybe they can get somewhere. I’m thinking perhaps of the Bob Barr/Bruce Fein/Ron Paul wing of the party. At least, at this point the Republican party would be easier to hijack than the Democrats.

      Bob in HI

      • lllphd says:

        gee, bob, till you mentioned ron paul and bob barr, i’d say you’d described the democratic party.

        and good luck finding any repugs with integrity out there. i mean, you did see their campaign line-up, right?

    • lllphd says:

      i’m sorry, mary, but i highly disagree that repugs are better fighters than democrats. they might be better at “winning” because that is their agenda, that is their goal, principles and rules be damned.

      they fight dirty, really dirty, and they don’t care about their own hypocrisies or what gets destroyed in the process. they don’t give a rat’s ass about the american people as evidenced by their incessant manipulation which betrays the insult that they believe they can.

      because they so completely own the media, these facts never get the megaphone they deserve, so thank god for the internet or we’d be packing for canada about now.

      but you cannot look at what we have survived over the past 8 years, how bleak it has looked and how frightening and dismal, and then watch what the democratic party pulled off starting in 06 (04, really), and then last year, and tell me the repugs are better than dems at fighting.

      the whole repug party is a bunch of cowards who don’t know how to fight fair and square and take their lumps as they come and learn from them and come back the better for it. they’ve become the party of fear-mongering and technical loopholes who will not be able to find a hero amongst themselves for decades to come, as the heroes have had the good sense to defect. to us!

      precisely because we believe in fighting fair and square, that this is far more important than winning. because fair and square ultimately wins anyway.

      sorry; this is a complaint i’ve just heard way too many times, and it really irks me. nothing personal, but this has been really really hard, reversing what the republicans have done. it took a herculean feat of not just fight, but heroism, precisely because we refused to stoop to the repug playing field.

      not to go all pollyanna on ya here, but it sure would be nice to hear more recognition of that in these parts sometimes. like the man said, it’s so easy to let the perfect be the enemy of the essential.

  11. Mary says:

    And I guess while I’m at it, wishing and dreaming, could anyone in either party work up a rats ass to give about Pentagon domestic propaganda? Sure, it’s been out there for years now, but the AP apparently just discovered it from their new article (they researched – they found – go figure) and Wired has a piece up on the 27,000 or so Pentagon PR/propagandist psy-ops hires.

    The AP piece even mentioned a lovely little interlude where Petraeus used some Pentagon psy-ops work product designed for Iraq in an interview here in the states to show the US market how well things are going in Iraq.

    We do have laws about that domestic propaganda crap – not that Issa will get all worked up over them.

    • Loo Hoo. says:

      The republicans forgot. They plain forgot, and thought Americans wanted to listen to them for some unknown reason.

  12. freepatriot says:

    Rachel has a VERY popular Pensylvania governor on her show, denouncing repuglitard senators

    I wonder how magic bullet scottish haggis is gonna vote on the STIMULUS bill

  13. freepatriot says:

    not to go all pollyanna on ya here, but it sure would be nice to hear more recognition of that in these parts sometimes. like the man said, it’s so easy to let the perfect be the enemy of the essential.

    well, the universe does have a slight positive bias …

    (how’s that ???)

    • lllphd says:

      sorry; don’t follow. how’s what? that last highlighted part about the positive universe was not part of what i said, so i assume it was yours? help me out here….

      • freepatriot says:

        bad formatting

        it should look like dis

        ot to go all pollyanna on ya here, but it sure would be nice to hear more recognition of that in these parts sometimes. like the man said, it’s so easy to let the perfect be the enemy of the essential.

        well, the universe does have a slight positive bias …

        (how’s that ???)

        it’s a garbled attempt to cheer you up

        some times those buttons don’t work like I want em to

        • lllphd says:

          ah. i think i get it now. and thanks; appreciate that. but i’m feeling pretty good, actually. especially when i remember how stunningly despairing i felt for so long, starting around november of 2000.

          this is not perfect, not by a long shot. the climb back out of this sewage is so steep. but my god, the relief!

          nope, not perfect. but perfecting. i like that as a verb. it’s obama’s theme.

  14. pdaly says:

    I like this quote from the speech above

    Now, there are some in Washington who still haven’t gotten the message. Maybe they don’t understand that America has lost almost 2 million jobs in the past four months — 2 million jobs in the past four months; 30,000 jobs lost right here in Maryland in the last four months. Maybe they don’t understand that we’re in the midst of the worst economic recession in decades. Maybe they don’t understand that the American people voted for and want change now, not tomorrow.

    And I also like this quote of Obama from yesterday’s announcement to limit Wall St. CEO salaries to $500,000 if their firm is taking bailout money supplied by US taxpayers:

    This is America. We don’t disparage wealth. We don’t begrudge anybody for achieving success, but what gets people upset–and rightfully so–are executives being rewarded for failure. Especially when those rewards are subsidized by U.S. taxpayers.

    However, for those Americans (men and women) believing money is just supposed to float into their lives without their having to earn it, here’s the late Eartha Kitt to keep their unreasonable hopes alive. Listen as she sings (tongue in cheek) “Just an Old Fashioned Girl.” I hum this tune every time I hear some Republican Congressman whine that Wall Street will lose its talent if we don’t pay CEOs their multimillion dollar bonuses.

  15. masaccio says:

    Jon Stewart showed some C-Span coverage of the stupid explaining why they oppose the bill. The graphics are just hilarious. Who the hell do they think is watching?

  16. dosido says:

    You know, the GOP are acting like some girls that the great Dorothy Parker commented on:

    You can lead a ##### to culture, but you can’t make them think.

    I mean, yeah, constitutionally obligated process was being followed but the GOP chose not to participate. Gad.

  17. freepatriot says:

    is there ANY complaint lodged by the repuglitards that ISN’T a FUCKING LIE ???

    remember andy the fucking hypocrite card complaining that Obama should always wear a suit and tie in the Oval Office, LIKE GEORGE BUSH ALWAYS DID ???

    now check out the photographic evidence of andy the fucking hypocrit card’s HYPOCRISY

    andy card, fucking LIAR

    • R.H. Green says:

      Maybe someone ought ask Mr Card if he was wearing the offic attire when he paid his official visit to Ashcroft in the hospital; was he also wearing the patriotic lapel pin? After this jacket farce wears off, I suppose someone will discover the issue of appropriately clean underwear in the oval office, and the need for a pass-thru odor detector.(I’m just waking up).

    • Petrocelli says:

      In my line of work, I see this on a daily basis, which is why I can keep a positive demeanor, even in the most dire moments.

      Say what you will about today’s pop culture, the kids are more united than ever towards creating a peaceful World.

  18. BayStateLibrul says:

    Interesting info from the volokh conspiracy blog
    And it ain’t a conspiracy

    Obama’s White Houise Counsel office ……

    “The lawyers are all very accomplished, with pedigrees from elite universities and distinguished clerkships (Breyer and Stevens seem to be the biggest feeder judges). By my count, there are 4 Deputy White House Counsels, 1 Special Counsel, 14 Associate Counsels and 4 Deputy Associate counsels. The total numbers aren’t particularly out of line with past offices except for the George W. Bush White House Counsel’s Office at the start, which had a total of only ten lawyers – one counsel, one deputy and eight associates. Bush’s Counsel’s office was quite different, and much larger, at the end of his term, once investigations started.
    Two things stand out about the new Counsel’s Office staff. First, there are way more deputies than in the past, and the resumes of the deputies suggest that they will play a major role in policy development, possibly at the expense of the DOJ’s OLC and other agencies. On the other hand, the Obama Administration has expanded the policy capacity of the White House staff in general (adding new policy czars in a number of areas), so perhaps the added number of legal deputies is simply necessary to address the internal White House needs of the new czars. Second and more puzzling, the new Counsel’s Office will include a non-lawyer research director position — staffed by a former campaign opposition research specialist. Hopefully journalists will press to find out why this position has been created. It could simply be a mechanism for rapid response on judicial nominations, but it could also signal a desire to run political opposition activity out of the legal shop, which would be very unfortunate.”

  19. freepatriot says:

    the kids are more united than ever towards creating a peaceful World.

    when I was in high school, 30 years back, we weren’t united in anything, except cut day. (I recently heard somebody refer to us as the “jones” generation WRONG, we’re the BLANK generation)

    I grew up in a rural area that was being consumed by the subdivisions that Neil Pert later wrote songs about

    unity had the trapping of conformity, and we didn’t conform

    so today’s youth are a special kind of miracle to me

    • Petrocelli says:

      I saw the worst racial attacks in the 70’s, in what is now multicultural Toronto and every wave of students have grown more and more tolerant towards other races, beliefs, etc.

      This generation, which includes my kids are incredibly united, so much so that when an inebriated relative made a disparaging remark against Muslims, before I could say something, my 12 year old remarked, “My best friend is Muslim and she’s not like that at all !”

      Even though it was minus 20, I bought the kid a double scoop of MarbleSlab.

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