Dan’s Rather Exciting Brief

As you may recall, Dan Rather is in litigation against CBS, Viacom and executives Les Moonves and Andrew Heyward over his treatment after the Bush Texas Air National Guard story on 60 Minutes II. The complaint stakes out a number of claims alleging that not only was Rather improperly treated over the TANG story but but also over the abu Ghraib story on the infamous torture pictures.

The holy grail of the Rather litigation, however, has always been Dan, and thus us the public, getting substantive discovery on his case – depositions, requests for production and requests for admissions. Over a year ago the New York State trial court ordered initial limited discovery. Since then, however, the case has been hamstrung by a series of motions to dismiss and, after the core of Rather’s complaint survived, appeals (initiated by the defendants).

A critical point was reached Monday afternoon with the filing of Rather’s appellate brief (pdf file) by his attorneys. The brief is long, but provides a superb background, factual description, statement of procedural posture and detail of legal arguments being made on Dan Rather’s behalf. It is well worth a read if you are interested and so inclined.

First the good news. The positioning and quality of Dan Rather’s response to the points appealed by the trial court defendants appear strong and, at first blush anyway, would appear sufficient to fend off the attack. Bottom line, it looks very likely that Rather’s case will continue to survive and head back to the trial court for that all important and fun filled discovery.

Now the better news. It would appear that Rather has some very decent arguments for reinstating counts and defendants that the trial court has preliminarily dismissed. You see, that is one of the things about filing an appeal – sometimes the other party cross-appeals, and that is exactly what Rather has done here. So, while CBS et. al have gotten greedy wanting to have the whole case dismissed, Dan Rather has answered back "No, and I want the gains you had obtained returned to me". Of the five questions Rather has cross-appealed on, these two appear to hold the most promise to be decided by the appellate court in Rather’s favor:

4. Are fraud damages adequately pleaded if an employee alleges the fraud led to lesser compensation than the market would have provided? Supreme Court held that fraud damages were insufficiently pleaded solely because the specific amount plaintiff actually received was not alleged.

5. May corporate officers and executives who, acting on behalf of their corporations, directed and participated in fraud be held personally liable? Supreme Court did not explicitly decide this issue, but in dismissing the fraud claim on other grounds, entered judgment in favor of the individuals.

Should he get just those two questions he has cross-appealed on decided in his favor, and hold serve on the issues the defendants have appealed on, he will have not only his case intact for discovery and trial, but will have multiple defendants to play off of each other. Bonus.

The defendants to Dan Rather’s claim must be terrified that any part of the case will get to active and full discovery, much less to open court–and they clearly will try to drag this out indefinitely hoping that Rather dies of old age before he can testify. That is literally the morbid defense these mopes appear to be playing here.

Here is to Dan Rather, his health, longevity and continued dogged persistence; may the force be with him.

22 replies
  1. BillE says:

    Here Here.

    Good news indeed. A good man slimed for daring to report the truth. If only the Dixie Chicks would write him a song….

  2. Funnydiva2002 says:

    The positioning and quality of Dan Rather’s response the the points appealed

    I think you mean “response to the points…”?
    Thanks for the update. I hope he makes ‘em sweat blood and sh*t bricks. Time to bring the sleaze out into the sunlight. “Liberal Media” my a$$…

  3. BoxTurtle says:

    His estate can continue the lawsuit, can it not?

    Boxturtle (I’ll read the answer in the morning. Goodnight all!)

  4. BayStateLibrul says:

    Discovery baby. We might find out how that lying sack of shit Bush
    manipulated his National Guard service.
    Expose him.

  5. plunger says:

    My contention is the Rove personally oversaw the “sting operation” of Dan Rather. Remember that GHW Bush had it in for Rather, and Rove has worked for GHW. There were any number of reasons for the Administration to want to “make an example” of one key talking head (in order to keep the rest of the “journalists” in line, and Rove chose Rather. That’s my “theory of the case.”

  6. Loo Hoo. says:

    I want Dan to get all that he deserves and shines the light on corporate news organizations, but I REALLY want W’s National Guard service records to become public. Who else knows the truth, and when will they spill? Will we know as a result of this suit?

  7. perris says:

    reat frigging news, bush is out of office but the evidence of his depravit must continue to grow

    he can never be allowed to rewrite his legacy and the damage he has done to this country

  8. skdadl says:

    May the spirit of Justice Stevens be with him. (It was so inspiring to see Justice Stevens administer the oath to Biden on inauguration day. There’s a man who has served democracy, boy.)

    I remember Dan Rather from ‘way back to his days as White House correspondent. Famous exchange with Nixon: “N: Are you running for something?” “R: No, sir — are you?” For a while, when he got respectable, I wondered whether he’d lost the old fire, but I guess he’s got it back now.

    • plunger says:

      Note that Rather is now in the employ of HD-Net, owned by one Mark Cuban. Note further that the SEC suddenly got a hard-on to pursue a case against Cuban for insider trading, this at the same time the Madoff Ponzi scheme – which the SEC had been purposely ignoring, was about to explode.


      SEC politicized much?

      • skdadl says:

        Heh. The House Financial Securities subcommittee hearing had its moments of eloquent righteous anger and even hilarity yesterday as Markopolos (witness, whistleblower) and Ackerman (D, NY) just went up one side of the SEC and down the other. I don’t know whether that will accomplish anything, but it sure felt good to listen to those two let loose.

  9. JohnLopresti says:

    For an image of Rather as a young reporter getting acosted at a national political party convention in a difficult era, see that link, scroll to third article; the companion graphic is one of a similarly physical affront during the 4 years prior Republican convention at the behest of Goldwater bodyguards, image of Chancellor immediately prior to his detention on the charges of attempting to interview a nominee. Back to reading the appellate brief 2009, 70pp.

  10. spocko says:

    I’m reading Mary Mapes book about this whole issue. What I’m especially interested in is the who pressured whom at the executive level. Those emails will be interesting. I don’t think Rove/Hughes were dumb enough to put their demands in writing, but who knows.

  11. Mary says:

    I’d sure like to see them prevail on the fraud issue and pull in the individuals.

    That would be very nice. Here’s hoping.

  12. cinnamonape says:

    I’m wondering if Dan can more easily access Rove’s communications with CBS, and with members of the group they created to “evaluate his performance”. Oh, and see if Rove was in any way involved with destroying Bush’s original TANG records, and fabricating and promulgating an “alternative” set?

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