Today IS The Day!

Today is the day. Now is the time. Change is in the air. Marcy is on the ground, we will update as she checks in. Consider this an open thread for anything you have to say. Spill your thoughts, emotions and hopes. Post any breaking news you see that I, and all of of us, might need to know.

I can just feel the difference already, can you?

Let’s get it on people!


Loo Hoo reminded me of Marie Roget. Although I knew her only from the blog, I loved Marie Roget. I know many others did as well. She was a self proclaimed "fire breathing progressive". She lived to see the day today, and tragically, was not able to complete the journey with us. Marie lives on through us today, and this video was one of her favorites. It is wonderful.

  1. Petrocelli says:

    Woo Hoo !

    The whole World is celebrating this new Dawn. Perhaps at no time in modern history, the World is ready to unify and rise to our higher consciousness.

    Even during the nomination, whenever people around the World would talk about Obama, I could feel this heightened excitement. The momentum is with us and the Sky’s the Limit !

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Still chuckling; I couldn’t say it better.
      What a privilege it’s been to read you all these last grim years and renew my faith that there are people beyond my own circle (online and in-person) who care about truth, justice, and a really good malt beer. And opera, rock, and football.

      I think it’s less than one hour now…?

      I swear, I’ve been popping onto TPM through the weekend as time permitted, because I’m on Pardon Watch. Did I miss them….? Or is GWBush going to spring them on us about 54 minutes after this comment….?

      • skdadl says:

        Isikoff in Newsweek says there are going to be no further pardons. (Two bits of minor clemency for border guards issued yesterday, and that’s it.)

        • BoxTurtle says:

          Oh my.

          If true, then BushCo’s collective ego may have doomed them. They’re counting an awful lot that Obama won’t be willing to take down Jello Jay, Harry and that crew to get them.

          Boxturtle (Thinks EVERYBODY should be held to account, especially enabling Dem’s)

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Okay, my heart skipped a beat – no more pardons?!
          I don’t mean to insult you, but I’ll be pinching myself in disbelief if you turn out to be correct ;^}

          And I can hardly wait to see the new Sec of Energy, Steven Chu.
          Like DoJ, the DoE needs fundamental renovation.

          Tomasky probably has the best quick-read summary:

  2. skdadl says:

    I heard Joe Biden say “Good morning — chilly, huh?” as he walked with Cheney’s wheelchair to some kind of special car, I think. We couldn’t quite see how they got Cheney into the car.

    There’s Bush and Obama, and screams erupt from onlookers. Bush ducks into car fast.

  3. KiwiJackson says:

    Before I leave for the day I’d just like to express my thanks to this blog on behalf of Marie, Natalie and Dave, the junior Kiwi and Michael his partner who now live here but aren’t awake yet, for being the beacon of truth and information i have been reading these many years. The day is finally here, no more Bush. A great day for America.
    Now it’s time to call these bastards to task for what they’ve done to this country.

    I’ll read you later on and bless you all.

  4. MsAnnaNOLA says:

    It has been a long long wait for the end of the Bush debacle!

    Fing Tweety is defending Bush right now on my TV. Why does he have to do that today!

    I am so excited that Michelle Obama looks so great in her awesome fashions. Really really cool to have a cool President and First Lady. They Rock!


  5. skdadl says:

    Isikoff was featuring no pardon for Scooter, but he didn’t mention the obvious reason for that — I figured that Cheney and Bush don’t want Scooter testifying w/o the protection of the Fifth any time soon.

    I was really surprised about Rove, Miers, and Bolten, though. Didn’t someone tell us there’s such a thing as secret pardons?

  6. bmaz says:

    I did an update to the post about Marie, with her favorite Si Si Puede music video.

    I urge everybody to go view it. It will bring tears.

    • KiwiJackson says:

      Thanks to you and all for the tribute to my sweet girl. I wanted for her to be with me here forever. Thanks to all for remebering Marie, for that was really her first name, on this day she wanted so badly to see. I said this once on mainblog but i need to say it here, that she was the best person I’ve ever known. And si se puede cambiar if we work for it.

  7. freepatriot says:

    Yo Yo Ma decided to go all Jose Felciano on us ???

    WTF ???

    swear him in already

    I ain’t ready to take cnn’s word on this …

  8. scribe says:

    From the “Additional issues” page on the new

    President Obama will keep the broken promises made by President Bush to rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. He and Vice President Biden will take steps to ensure that the federal government will never again allow such catastrophic failures in emergency planning and response to occur.

    President Obama swiftly responded to Hurricane Katrina. Citing the Bush Administration’s “unconscionable ineptitude” in responding to Hurricane Katrina, then-Senator Obama introduced legislation requiring disaster planners to take into account the specific needs of low-income hurricane victims. Obama visited thousands of Hurricane survivors in the Houston Convention Center and later took three more trips to the region. He worked with members of the Congressional Black Caucus to introduce legislation to address the immediate income, employment, business, and housing needs of Gulf Coast communities.

    President Barack Obama will partner with the people of the Gulf Coast to rebuild now, stronger than ever
    * * *
    President Obama did not grow up hunting and fishing, but he recognizes the great conservation legacy of America’s hunters and anglers and has great respect for the passion that hunters and anglers have for their sports. Were it not for America’s hunters and anglers, including the great icons like Theodore Roosevelt and Aldo Leopold, our nation would not have the tradition of sound game management, a system of ethical, science-based game laws and an extensive public lands estate on which to pursue the sport. The President and Vice President recognize that we must forge a broad coalition if we are to address the great conservation challenges we face. America’s hunters and anglers are a key constituency that must take an active role and have a powerful voice in this coalition.

    I can like this, speaking as a hunter and angler.

    On Katrina – Wow. Talk about smacking someone across the face with a 2×4.

  9. skdadl says:

    For anyone having C-SPAN confusions, C-SPAN3 is carrying the CBC’s live coverage of Bush’s departure from the other side of the Capitol, and it’s a lot easier to watch — for me, at least — than the rest of C-SPAN.

  10. JohnLopresti says:

    For some reason probably related to fame of Kenya marathoners in a neighborhood where I learned to condition for competition running, those reflections were what occurred this morning, then the day’s work beckoned and I entered the laborforce to engage in the usual activities. Later someone reminded me, where I trained, was called ‘heartbreak hill’.

  11. RevDeb says:

    I am so saddened about Marie. I wasn’t on the blog at all during the latter half of Oct. as my husband had quad bypass surgery so I didn’t know about her passing.

    A story:

    When Jane was in the hospital a couple of years ago now, I mentioned on the blog that my mother lived near the hospital and she was going to bring some candy from a fancy chocolate shop to Jane in the hospital. Marie contacted me to contribute another box for the nursing staff so that Jane would get extra good care. Marie lived near the same area. We corresponded back and forth several times after that and tried to get together when I came out west as my mother was then dealing with knee surgery. Our paths were destined not to cross as she had to be out of town when I was there. But she was really kind in asking what she could do for my mother—a stranger to her. And the candy for the nurses!

    Very late and very sincere condolences and blessings to her memory and her loved ones.


    • KiwiJackson says:

      Thank you for your remarks Rev Deb, you really have described Marie’s character. I remember her wanting to take your mum flowers in a nursing home i think it was to cheer her. Her two brothers and I scattered her ashes out in Puget Sound on New Year’s day as she requested to have done. She lives forever in my heart and with those she loved and who love her.