BushCo Drops All Charges against Andy Card's Cousin

Just five days before the end of his term, Bush’s DOJ has dropped all charges against Andy Card’s cousin–Susan Lindauer–whom they had accused of being an unregistered agent for Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. By dropping the charges at this time, the Administration:

  • Prevents Lindauer from proving at a trial that she was an intelligence asset working on behalf of the United States (though she says she’ll sue for damages)
  • Declines to try to prove that she was working on behalf of Saddam–and not the US–when she warned against invading Iraq
  • Succeeds in preventing embarrassing information (both because of the link to Card, and because it included solid warnings against Iraq) from coming out while Bush was still in office

Basically, this appears to be a story about an intelligence op that got too emarrassing, so the Administration first accused Lindauer of working for Saddam, and then, when she talked about her ties to US intelligence, they accused her of being crazy and got her committed. And now, they are attempting to avoid a public trial in which she could prove her case.

The bulk of the charges against Lindauer depend on this letter she sent to Andy Card (and copied to Colin Powell) on January 8, 2003, when BushCo was ratcheting up the pressure for war. In it she listed the concessions she believed she could negotiate with Iraq:

… what specific actions can be taken by Baghdad, so that President Bush can declare victory without going to War. What do you need? Cooperation on terrorism, including interviewing authority for the FBI? Does the U.S. want the Lukoil Contract? 


[hand-written addition] The U.S. would come away with full democratic reforms–free elections, free opposition newspapers, and free student organization at Universities. 

Given the build up, you could declare a great victory from a formidable position of strength. You could keep U.S. troops in place for 6 months to monitor compliance. And you could do it all without war.

Even more than her promises to negotiate an agreement short of war (because I’m a little skeptical about all those "free elections" under Saddam) are her warnings:

But this War with Iraq will hurt us, too. In six weeks or six months, it won’t matter. Because when it hits, it will hit so fard it will not matter that there was ever a delay–The Iraqi people hate Americans, no matter what they think of Saddam. When I was in Baghdad last March, more than one Imam swore to me their people would tear off the arms and the legs of American soldiers and decapitate them, and drag their bodies through the streets.


Above all, you must realize that if you go ahead with this invasion, Osama bin Laden will triumph, rising from his grave of seclusion. His network will be swollen with fresh recruits, and other charismatic individuals will seek to build on his model, multiplying those networks.

I can imagine that would be embarrassing for BushCo to admit receiving. 

In any case, as I suggested, Lindauer seems prepared to sue for damages for having been committed, so we might yet get public testimony on these issues. 

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  1. BoxTurtle says:

    If the government simply pays up, we won’t get anything. I expect a 7 figure settlement, with neither party admitting wrongdoing.

    I don’t think Obama’s DOJ will want to dispute her claim for damages, they’ll probably be willing to admit (off the record) that she was wronged.

    Boxturtle (BushCo will have no comment and that’s where it will end)

    • acquarius74 says:

      If she lives, they’ll pay up on condition that she keep shut.

      When studying the anthrax case I ran across the Frank Olsen case (CIA pushed him out a high window in NYC after filling him full of drugs. Olsen was OSS (old name of CIA) since 1943. scientist, worked on anthrax, dontcha know.

      Olsen’s son grew up, tracked down the facts and threatened suit, 1975 I believe. Guess who convinced pres. Ford to pay the son and widow off – yep, CHANEY AND RUMSFELD.

      I’m pretty sure most of you here know more than I do about that case. If not, just Google: MKULTRA and/or Frank Olsen

  2. RieszFischer says:

    OMG, they actually had her committed to a mental institution? Isn’t that what they used to do with dissidents in the old Soviet Union?

    • emptywheel says:

      Click through and read the article, which is fairly comprehensive.

      You’ll be interested to note that one Michael Mukasey plays a central role, in his previous role as a judge.

    • behindthefall says:

      China, too.

      From the article:

      After four months confinement in Manhattan, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward O’Callaghan sought an order from Mukasey to incarcerate her for another four months and the use physical force to administer doses of Haldol or similar medications. This was despite an internal staff report by Carswell that there was no reason to justify forcible drugging since Lindauer was not a threat to herself or anyone else. Mukasey denied the prosecution request and ordered Lindauer to be released on bond on June 6, 2006.

      Oh, yeah; we’re in real good company here. (Next thing you know, someone will be trying to convince you that some guy in a lab at Detrick was able to produce aerosolized spores in a lyophilizer in the hall.)

  3. behindthefall says:

    I’ve just read through this: New York Times Magazine ^ | August 29, 2004 | DAVID SAMUELS.

    Is that as good an account as I’m likely to find?

    What happened to that Dr. Fuisz character? Shrink with a modeling agency for Russian women and an oral drug delivery system company? Nice work if you can get it. How come the closer you get to D.C., the stranger the resumes become?

  4. emptywheel says:

    Here’s Mukasey’s role:

    The Department of Justice argued that Lindauer was “delusional” for claiming a role as a U.S. asset. Lindauer described this as “guilt by pleading innocent.” In October, 2005, former Judge Mukasey ordered Lindauer to a federal prison facility at Carswell Air Force Base in Ft. Worth Texas for psychiatric evaluation to see if she would be competent to stand trial. Lindauer was confined for seven months, and then formally declared incompetent without a hearing, over her strongest objections. The allowable period for such evaluations is four months according to U.S. Federal Code.

    Carswell staff acknowledged that there were no external symptoms of mental illness. However, they proposed that Lindauer should be detained indefinitely and drugged with Haldol until whatever time she could be “cured” of claiming that she had worked as a U.S. asset in counter-terrorism. Lindauer refused, and a lengthy court battle ensued. She was transferred to Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan.

    After four months confinement in Manhattan, former Assistant U.S. Attorney Edward O’Callaghan sought an order from Mukasey to incarcerate her for another four months and the use physical force to administer doses of Haldol or similar medications. This was despite an internal staff report by Carswell that there was no reason to justify forcible drugging since Lindauer was not a threat to herself or anyone else. Mukasey denied the prosecution request and ordered Lindauer to be released on bond on June 6, 2006.

        • R.H. Green says:

          Not so sure about the 50%. A lot depends on what evidence was presented at the initial hearing. Delusional thinking, by itself, should be faily easy to defend if it only manefests regarding this asset business, and nowhere else. So unless more compelling data was presented, the excessive confinement seems gratuitously harsh, and suggests a very compliant judge. In the 2nd hearing, there may have been a more vigourous defense, coupled with the testimony that the forced medication was unnecessary (and, without reading all the supplied links, I gather that the drug itself was considered unnecessary). Mukasey may have had little room here to rule otherwise.

      • bigbrother says:

        Mukassey is also a Isreal citizen. There are many in the BuschCo administration. Putting political enemies in Mental Prisons isolates them.
        The larger questiin is: Will fascism continue under Barack Obama?
        His Chief Of Staff might be taken as a shot across the bow of liberty.

  5. emptywheel says:

    One more reminder. Ed O’Callaghan–the guy who was trying to have Lindauer’s commitment extended–is the guy who took the lead in defending Palin in her TrooperGate scandal.

    Not that that proves he’s a GOP hack. Nope, not at all.

    • EdwardTeller says:

      not even mentioned in this strange mix is the fact that one of the people listed to possibly become the new US Attorney for Alaska, is Timothy Petumenos, the attorney who came out with the shallow, unprofessional reportthe day before the November election – that was at odds with the earlier Branchflower Report, and pretty much exonerated Palin in the Troopergate fiasco.

      • foothillsmike says:

        The SOP for the appointment of USA is to follow the recommendation of the highest ranking dem in the state.
        68 hrs & 18 min

      • bmaz says:

        Ditto on the lovely bit. And from what I saw comparing the two reports, there was one that seemed honest an comprehensive (Branchflower) and one that was a total canned position point (Petumenos). Heck, i thought the Branchflower report was overly fair and even handed, the Petumenos was really shameful.

        Foothillsmike @57, if I am not mistaken, Timothy Petumenos is, or was, close to Tony Knowles, who other than Begich may well be the top Dem on the totem pole. So that may be how his name is being championed. That is just a guess. ETeller can probably correct that if I am wrong.

        • EdwardTeller says:

          I was a bit disappointed in the Branchflower Report when it came out. I thought it should have gotten into Todd Palin’s role in the current administration in a more specific way. But that was outside the report’s basic mandate, so, Branchflower really couldn’t go there.

  6. Rayne says:

    I saw Card on Charlie Rose this past week and wondered how he could continue to be so rah-rah.

    And now I wonder what shoe is going to drop between now and noon on 20-JAN.

    Note how Card “stepped down” 5 weeks before Lindauer was released on bond.

    • emptywheel says:

      Well, I think Card is going to be the first one to flip in about 3 weeks.

      The suggestion that he’s as pissed as Scottie McC are everywhere through that story (and I’m still not convinced that his resignation timed to some of the Plame stuff). And he’s got a lot more to talk about.

      • Rayne says:

        Which is why I suspect we are going to see a key pardon of some sort before 12:01 pm Tuesday.

        One that navigates testimony without Fifth Amendment protections while preventing prosecution. But who would it be? Who’s the linchpin to this mess?

        Couldn’t finish that interview with Rose. He seems to have tamped down too tightly — but perhaps the interview was conditional. He puts a good face on things and Lindauer’s charges are dropped only days later. I might have choked it out through the interview and watched for tells if I’d had an inkling about the Lindauer sitch.

      • bigbrother says:

        Can we torture them into confessing…they support waterboarding as interrogation. These butt head deny reality in soo many ways.

  7. BoxTurtle says:

    Why Card? It would seem more likely to me Somebody involved with Siegleman…A Canary singing, maybe?

    Boxturtle (Somebody had to make the pun)

    • emptywheel says:

      I think there are two questions: who is likely to be at risk and in a position to really flip? Yes, someone implicated in AL would likely be a good guess, but that would be some rather nameless person in PIN.

      But with Card, I think he feels, like McC, that he got hung out to some degree. The question is, even having gotten hung out, is he sufficiently well taken care of now to keep him quiet.

      And speaking of which, I think Gonzo is the big one here. He is almost certainly headed for charges if he dosen’t get pardoned. But given his inability to find gainful employ–and given the seeming racism of the fact taht he’s suffering worse than everyone else–I think he might flip.

  8. BoxTurtle says:

    Bush HAS to pardon Gonzo. If he only issues one pardon, it’ll be that one. Because Gonzo WILL flip if he’s not taken care of. He’s the highest ranking BushCo that they can actually prove lied under oath. And he knows where all the bodies are buried.

    Boxturtle (PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEE let Bush be stupid enough not to pardon Gonzo)

      • BoxTurtle says:

        But if he grants him a blanket pardon he has not Fifth Amendment privilege.

        True…but congress seems to accept all his “I don’t recall’s” as truthful. I’d bet if he gets pardoned, his memory gets even worse.

        Boxturtle (Otoh, if Gonzo DOESN’T get pardoned, I bet it improves)

        • LabDancer says:

          “if Gonzo DOESN’T get pardoned, I bet it improves”

          maybe so – but I’m not throwing in with you on that bet: IMO Algae knows BushCo made him & BushCo can break him – if from no other example than gauging what they did to Spottie McLellan & ramping that up to the par of 10.

    • bmaz says:

      And he knows where all the bodies are buried.

      Well I don’t know about that (he was kept out of the loop on a lot I think) but he certainly knows where more than enough are buried.

      And make no mistake, AGAG is the weak link. Always has been. Exactly why I was literally screaming for him to be impeached as low hanging fruit before he resigned. Yet the table was clean even as to that.

    • masaccio says:

      Good guess. Of course, gonzo has a weak mind, and won’t be able to remember anything when he is called to testify, when he will be. On the other hand, no pardon, maybe the memory improves.

      • emptywheel says:

        Just as importantly, no pardon and no job.

        Speaking of no pardon, just 71 hours left and no one left at the White House to tell George where the pens are kept.

        • bobschacht says:

          Pens? Unless staff thoughtfully remembered to print out pre-designed pardon forms for designated individuals, does Bush remember enough to be able to find, edit and print out the requisite forms all by himself?

          Or is he planning an evening appointment with Dana Perino to show him how it’s done?

          Or can he just scrawl a pardon on a yellow pad?

          Bob in HI

      • acquarius74 says:

        Loo Hoo, I can’t figure that Paraguay land purchase. What do you think is really going on down there?

        • acquarius74 says:

          Well, if the new AG DOJ is too chicken to prosecute them, I hope there is a mass exodus of Bushies on the first means of transportation outbound for Paaraguay.

        • ohioblue says:

          Unfortunately, if the new AG DOJ is too chicken to prosecute them, there will be no reason for the Bushies to decamp for Paraguay en masse.

  9. SaltinWound says:

    Why did Holder say waterboarding is torture, if torture is a crime and Obama wants to look forward and not pursue the criminal activity? I believe he is giving Bush cover to issue pardons. See Mukasey’s recent statement. He’s acting as if this wasn’t even an issue before Holder spoke. I don’t know that the old and new administrations are working in tandem here, but they may as well be.

  10. rkilowatt says:

    In late 1960s, a girl in Peace Corps in African country discovered in manager’s files documentation that CIA was using the operation as a front for cover. She told her manager what she found. She next recalled waking-up in a hospital in Germany and being told,essentially, that if she ever again mentioned what she knew, hospital records would be released that was institutionalized for insanity. She remained quiet. [This hearsay account was disclosed to me in 70’s by my close friend of impeccable credibility. The CIA/psych affairs were rampant.]

    • Rayne says:

      I’m sure that’s what they believe they’ve done to Lindauer, damaged her credibility enough that she would not be viewed as reliable.

      And perhaps there was enough of this kind of thing going on — other circumstances we don’t know about yet. I wonder if Mukasey’s demurral about prosecution of intelligence people this week after Holder’s comments were based solely on the matter of torture; the Lindauer case is not a far walk from renditions, is it? Someone makes comments they don’t like, they incarcerate them, dope them, damage them tangibly or intangibly, then leave them in limbo. The only thing working Lindauer’s case is that she is a U.S. citizen on U.S. soil, but that didn’t do much for Padilla (and Mukasey was up to his neck in that case, too).

  11. KiwiJackson says:

    I can’t help but be wondering why Gonzales hasn’t made it onto the gravy train of wing nut welfare jobs, as it’s known around here. What’s preventing that exactly? If that Schlozman character is deemed eligible for it, why not him?

    • emptywheel says:

      I can’t help but think that’s intentional.

      ANd keep in mind Fred Fielding and BushCo basically outed Gonzales for security clearance violations with his notes of the March 10 Congressional meeting. I can’t help but think they’re punishing him for something–but for what, I don’t know.

      Though I do remember that Bush was differently pissed when Gonzo resigned than when Rove did. You could tell that Bush ordered Rove to resign, but that Gonzo made the decision for himself. It’s not like BushCo did too badly with Mukasey protecting his ass. Perhaps BushCo believed that if Gonzales had stuck around they could have stolen this year’s election?

      • LabDancer says:

        “I can’t help but think they’re punishing him for something”

        For his ineptitude as Teflon? For being outed as their tool? As a manifestation of the disgust such folks always really have for their servants?

        Final option: Doesn’t he hold a lot more value at this point as ritual sacrifice than as an embodiment of management loyalty for the worker bees? Even if the Ds leave him alone, there’s at least the ‘precedent’ value Turley was referring to in the post bmaz put up yesterday. And I would think Ds would view going after him [or more to the point: BushCo would think Ds would think etc] as dangerous in terms of symbolism: not just giving rise to the imagery of tormenting a puppy for peeing on the carpet, but moreover going after a Mexican-American in some way for his ’success’.

        I betting no pardon for Gonzo.

        [Mind you, I was under the Mendoza line on NFL playoff picks last week.]

        • emptywheel says:

          I actually think it’s more subtle than that, perhaps Gonzo finally listening to Poppy’s boys back in TX (Gonzo had a very weird trip to TX the week he decided to resign) over Junior’s desires.

        • LabDancer says:

          Okay – & nice sighting [Characteristic as that may be, it never grows too old to acknowledge.].

          But doesn’t that also suggest where that the loyalty gene may not have been passed on?

          Oh wait: it appears we’re both arguing to the same conclusion.

        • acquarius74 says:

          I may be remembering things wrong, but I think Poppy footed the bill for Gonzo’s college at Rice U in Houston, where James Baker III is big man on the totem pole.

        • bigbrother says:

          Baker-Botts, Cheney-Halliburton and Lay-Enron all out of Houston all tied to the policy of Middle East war and to Cntral Asia which was never challenged.
          The way to defeat this cabal is to make carbon energy a dinasour and give alternatives: solar thermal, wind turbine, wave power (essentailly unlimited earth gravity power from the moon moving the oceans) and solar electric.
          That is a battle we can win.

        • THATanonymous says:

          Exactly right about electricity from waves (not tidal changes, solar, nuclear, etc.) Done right, electricity can be generated from waves in a completely scalable fashion from homestead to city size plants that ALL produce electricity at less than 1/10th the cheapest electricity now available, with EXTREMELY low capital costs to get started. This is why you probably won’t live to see it because it tosses all the levers of power into a cocked hat and we all know they simply won’t allow that. You may see lots of studies, followed in some years by giving GM a no-bid contract (sorry ew) that comes in only 50% over the cost of electricity from fossil fuels, which will then be taxed to death in the name of saving the planet. Right now, it is ILLEGAL for companies to boycott Israeli products/customers/services. Think they won’t pass some similar rules about brewing your own juice?
          Think about this: 10% OR LESS of the current cost for energy. Really, think about it. Do it yourself or do it as a community. Would that change the order of things, MUCH?


      • sunshine says:

        Maybe he has copies of these papers.

        The investigation is aimed at finding who leaked the name of the CIA operative, possibly in an attempt to punish the officer’s husband, who had accused the administration of manipulating intelligence to exaggerate the threat from Iraq.

        Most White House employees discovered the probe was under way when they turned on their computers and found an e-mail timed at 8:46 a.m. that said: PLEASE READ: Important Message From Counsel’s Office.

        “You must preserve all materials that might in any way be related to the department’s investigation,” counsel Alberto Gonzales ordered. Officials indicated that would include telephone logs, e-mails, notes and other documents.


    • LabDancer says:

      This shows some of the utility in rhetorical questions.

      HJC Chair is pushing – I don’t know whether as the end or the means – one of those Blue Ribbon Bi-Partisan sausage machines for assessing the Bush-Cheney reign [He’s a good & nice man, so I don’t mean to snark; for all I know he has sound reasons for thinking the timing & chemistry fit the idea – with some precedent on his side: to someone in the bubble, it might sorta seem like what B&C were able to ‘achieve’ in the pre-war Iraq Intell fiasco]. Color me jaded on that entire model ; the only times it has ’seemed’ to work in my memory were in Watergate, and then critically because of John Dean’s turning honest & Mark Frost’s feeding Bobby WaWa, and in the Church hearings, because the DCI determined to use that as an opportunity to scour the Agency’s history. And look what happened? With Watergate we got thrown a bone full of resentment & were expected to accept it as the entire repository of Dickitude; and that FISA 1978 is sure working out well.

      IMO – & I’m certainly open to being convinced otherwise, here or in the fullness of time – while each of Algae & the Schloz are iconic R-thoritarian operatives, they filled quite different roles & in that carried quite different risks. Schloz is a totally recycable political operative who wears his partisanship on his snot-laden sleeve, sort of a bureaucracy version of Novak; his type are virtually guaranteed life-time occupation: anyone remember Roy Cohn?

      But Algae is of an entirely different sort [This could get me in trouble, but it’s how I see it.]: someone who the Bush machine could build up, mostly due to his marketability as a promotional device, into a Teflon man for certain occasions & roles – but when the Teflon was shown as veneer, he [always] lacked the comic determination & utter shamelessness of those like Novak & the Schloz to keep going. In effect, to take on Algae is to take on all the crap that has & will have stuck to the Bush administration & put it up on a prominent wall in your office foyer, while he’s in big corner office occupying 4 staff getting him coffee & otherwise doing SFA. A big part of his role – maybe all that mattered, was that his presence meant nothing more or less than that the Bush machine was present, and more acutely with a pre-determined message. Apparently even apple-of-his-parents’-eye Jeb sees that stock isn’t trading.

      • KiwiJackson says:

        There is that, but I’m thinking he deviated from the given script there at the last in some way none of us know and only guess at on this kind of blogs.

  12. Fern says:

    When are pardons usually issued? I would have expected some by now.

    I’m starting to wonder it there may not be fewer than we expect – Bush is a vindictive bastard, and he may have some scores to settle. I am also wondering if pardons will not be issued based primarily on how the pardon affects Bush personally in terms of his own legal liability.

      • Rayne says:

        Yeah, Gonzo looks like he’s been blacklisted, and it looks like he knows it.

        I think the vindictiveness which Fern points to is only part of the reason for the delay in dumping pardons, that the delay has 3 other rationales:

        – may still be working on getting certain parties “on board” (”we’ll pardon you, but you can’t talk even under oath, m’kay?”)
        – needs element of suspense to pull off the squeeze-play on such agreements
        – lost in inauguration hoopla whenever issued

        Wonder if Gonzo is getting the squeeze-play; he’s blacklisted until he plays ball, and so far he’s done a bad job of it as far as they’re concerned.

      • acquarius74 says:

        What was it Chaney said (Hannity?)…’I’ve still got some scores to settle’. What’s your take on that?

        The black-ball from the gravy train may be Chaney’s dictate.

        Does anyone know just when the Gonzo/Bush friendship began? Why did Poppy take him under his wing?

        Housemaids and nannys in Midland, TX back in GW’s boyhood were latinos. Poppy and Barb gone much of the time. GW and Jeb speak ‘Tex-Mex’. Jeb marries a Latino girl.

        I’ll see what I can find out about Gonzo’s boyhood.

  13. wavpeac says:

    This administration has been fearless about it’s crimes. (until recently). This suggests to me that they have had in position some kind of a “power” whether by money, reward or punishment (likely all three) that has kept all the threads in place.

    This type of power does not mean punishment for all, but severe punishment for some. This produces a chilling affect which can be highly effective. You only have all to beat one kid to make the others fall in line. (and the most likely to fall in line will not be the kid who was beaten, but the witnesses to it.)

    I think it’s going to take years to sort this out…If we ever do finally get the truth.

  14. bmaz says:

    I am not so sure that the big wave of pardons is coming. I think they are fairly confident they don’t need them and are going to roll the dice that Obama doesn’t do squat towards real accountability. And that way they keep all the asswipes silent because they retain the 5th privilege and a reason to invoke it.

      • masaccio says:

        You may well be right. The leaks and hints from the transition team are in the do-little vein. Holder’s testimony isn’t encouraging either: Mr. Holder hedged his response, saying,

        “Senator, no one’s above the law, and we will follow the evidence, the facts, the law, and let that take us where it should.”

        But he added, quoting Mr. Obama, that “we don’t want to criminalize policy differences” and finally pleaded for time to study the matter.

        “One of the things I think I’m going to have to do,” Mr. Holder said, “is to become more familiar with what happened that led to the implementation of these policies.”

    • LabDancer says:

      Right – and the reasoning goes further. There’s just way too much crap to cover with pardons, and the cover itself will weaken the ‘brand’.

      It struck me that with all the stuff they had available to dump on Holder, the Rich pardon, IMO among the weakest & most easily defensible charges, was not merely the most prominent attacking point [in what was otherwise, as Ms E Wheel so ably documented, an atrocity of hugs & smooches], but the one Holder came best equipped to sweep aside with a transparently hyperbolic apology.

      But the part of the ‘value’ in that attack may have been to strengthen the association of pardoning the unpardonable with Dems. It kind of fits: Dems can’t very well claim the moral high ground in going after Rs for “policy” while they themselves pardon away their actual non-policy crimes.

  15. JohnLopresti says:

    There are several regimens common with haloperidol, and some compounds with a time release component administration of which is required only every thirty days, so, dosing of that may have been part of the calculus in the exceptional duration of the detainment, in addition to protracting the isolation to obliterate fantasies long enough for the entire MissionAccomplished process to arrive at some hypothetical completion, obviating the need to pursue any of the offers stated in the letter. There is much which is personal in the missive, as well, evident on cursory perusal. I noticed one typographical error in it; yet, its language constructs seem complex and intelligent; an imputation of delusionality might be based on something else much more substantial than an obviously worried writer’s letter to cousin. I think one of the speedbumps Card likely sees hoving into view relates to the work of judge HKennedy and that court’s magistrate this past week in the issue of the other spy outing matter in which Card was conduit for the order to preserve that which Payton and other people later said was likely obliterated in .pst files and other formats. Another sidelight for leadership exiting will remain discomfiting issues like the polemics this past week at the national portrait gallery over revisionist history telling in a Bush 140 word caption which Sanders I-VT caused Smithsonian to edit into an unRepublicanese characterization of prewar hype. But there is something SibelEdmondsesque about the missive, as well, perhaps relating to the current standoff among EU Ukraine and other parties to the winter supply termination of shipments of gas. I would have to read more about that.

  16. QuickSilver says:

    From Haldol (Haloperidol) on Wikipedia — Controversial Non-Medical Uses:

    There are multiple reports from Soviet dissidents, including medical staff, on the use of haloperidol for punitive purposes or simply to break the prisoners’ will.[13][14][15] Notable dissidents that were administered haloperidol as part of their court ordered treatment were Sergei Kovalev and Leonid Plyushch.[16] The accounts of Plyushch in the West, after he was allowed to leave the Soviet Union in 1976, were instrumental in the triggering Western condemnation of Soviet practices at the World Psychiatric Association’s 1977 meeting.[17] The widespread use of haloperidol in the Soviet Union’s psychiatric system has a simple explanation: besides chlorpromazine it was the only other psychotropic drug produced in quantity in USSR.[18] Due to the notoriety haloperidol gained in oppressive regimes, Nigel Rodley, a former United Nations special investigator on torture, said: “In the history of oppression, using haloperidol is kind of like detaining people in Abu Ghraib.”[19]

    • skdadl says:

      I’ve seen the effects that Haldol has on someone with dementia, and just how difficult it is for people to come back from that experience. IANAMD, but I know a crude and brutal (and now ancient) drug when I see it, and as far as I could tell, Haldol has no purpose except as a substitute for physical restraints (which is why our hospital emergency departments use it, since the physical restraints are outlawed and they are not secure facilities).

      • Hugh says:

        I think that gets to the heart of it. Haldol is used as a chemical restraint due to its strongly sedating effects. No one other than a physician can prescribe it and in this case any physician who did would be guilty of malpractice.

        I find especially troubling the note in emptywheel’s #5 that haldol should be prescribed to someone who exhibited delusional thinking. I don’t see the rationale. Delusional thinking is not something that is treatable by drugs. There are a bunch of people who believe in UFOs and black helicopters. So what? It doesn’t interfere with their normal social functioning so what difference does it make?

        The primary indications for haldol are psychosis, mania, and delirium. Lindauer never exhibited any of these and all of these are quite different from delusion.

        • R.H. Green says:

          This is what I was thinking as I composed my comment @ 20. An accusation of delusional thinking regarding the “grandiose” notion that one is a CIA agent (asset) would get attention, but unless accommpanied with other similar behaviors across contexts, it would be difficult to convince an ethical judge that involuntary commitment would be justified. The commitment was for an evaluation, and the only justification for medication, aside from a treatment regimine, would be as a restraint against violence by a noncooperative “patient”. Further, persons undergoing high sress levels can exhibit extreme anxiety and manic-like symptoms, including hastily formed or half-baked notions of reality. This, as Bruce Ivins could have told us, can happen when the arm of the govt squeezes. I hope there is a record of the commitment hearing.

        • R.H. Green says:

          The more I thought about this commitment and the Haldol, at a AF Base prision facility, the stinkier it got. I got around to reading the NYT article about this; therein lies enough extraneous material to make a psychiatric evaluation seem reasonable, and since Ms Lindauer was under arrest, maybe the Carswell facility is not so unusual. Yet EW (@ 5)noted that Lindauer was declared incompetent without a hearing. This strikes me as illegal, since I belive competence is a legal status, not a psychological one. Inasmuch as Lindauer contested being so declared incompetent, one has to wonder what sort of legal reresentation she’s had, and what sort of expert psychological opinion has been available to that representation. The legal minds will have to weigh in on the relative strength of the charges, but if the goal of them was simply to shut this woman up, the “evaluation” may have been an effort to do that without a trial.

        • jdmckay says:

          This whole episode reminds of circumstances surrounding Changeling’s account of LA DA’s incarceration in mental institutions, shock treatment & drugging… all to CYA for beyond sloppy police work (lies) masquerading as fact. In other words (according to movie’s version of events), 100% political.

          I never investigated truth of that account, but was amazed & shocked at very (IMO) minor consequences for the folks involved in that episode… from institution’s shrink, to DA, to involved cops.

  17. KiwiJackson says:

    Thanks for the replies to my question. I agree that Gonzales is somehow being punished. This must sting him quite a lot considering what a good and loyal little toad he was while at Bush’s side.
    Sorry not to thank earlier, I had to leave for a while to walk my sveral dogs who were in the process of scratching down the front doors.

  18. foothillsmike says:

    If they are going to charge Clemens for lying to Congress it would be a hoot if part of his defense was equal protection under the law and site Bushco>
    68 hrs & 22 min

  19. Hugh says:

    I don’t follow this stuff very closely but it has been a long time means of discrediting the message by discrediting the messenger, either through charges of mental instability or some other sticky charge. Remember the sex allegations against Scott Ritter or that Martha Mitchell was a drunk and a nut?

  20. Palli says:

    Don’t discount the racial element in the Gonzales blacklist. Laura and W are buying back into polite society, a gated community. I don’t expect there were any subscribers to the Texas Observer on the street. Gonzales has no pedigree, no silver spoon. His service is over. I doubt that he has the self-identity or imagination to do anything about it.

    Is there a prohibition against pre-signed pardons: pile 1; pile 2; pile 3; pile 4 DO NOT RELEASE UNTIL 11:30AM JANUARY 20, 2009?

    Actually leaving Josh Bolten anyway with supervision is dangerous?

    I think our new administration is laying low so as not to aggravate the criminal government into kneejerk reactions. Obama knows what torture is. There will be a judicial and a social exorcism.

      • kspena says:

        from NYTimes article:
        “Mr. Mubarak’s foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that his country would not be bound by the memorandum of understanding agreed to by the United States and Israel and would not accept foreign troops on its soil.”

        So much for Condi (and Levni) trying to take credit for something else she hasn’t done.

        • acquarius74 says:

          US troops are already stationed in Israel. First time ever. Happened last summer or early fall, same deal gave them that X-Radar equipment.
          You’ll find info if you Google: X-Radar to Israel.

  21. Rayne says:

    The primary indications for haldol are psychosis, mania, and delirium. Lindauer never exhibited any of these and all of these are quite different from delusion.

    Hey, we’re talking about people who managed to find psychologists who’d aid and abet torture.

    All they have to do is cast doubt on her rationality before she was “treated”, document some behavior that’s not rational while she was “in treatment” (and likely under meds), and then show some flukey behavior “after treatment” (when she’s suffering from affects of withdrawal from meds like haldol).

    It’s a script from “24″, right up their alley.

  22. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Well, don’t overlook the fact that evidently Abu Gonzo realized that he needed to start looking out for himself and took some highly classified docs out of DoJ, probably for self-protection:


    The classified materials that are the subject of this investigation consist of notes that Gonzales drafted to memorialize a classified briefing of congressional leaders about the NSA surveillance program when Gonzales was the White House Counsel; draft and final Office of Legal Counsel opinions about both the NSA surveillance program and a detainee interrogation program; correspondence from congressional leaders to the Director of Central Intelligence; and other memoranda describing legal and operational aspects of the two classified programs.

    So that’s probably one of the ’scores’ that Cheney is out to settle.

    I can’t figure out whether Bush is:
    1. So insolent that he doesn’t think anyone did anything wrong, therefore no pardons will be granted,
    2. Still cutting deals, therefore the pardons will be at 11:59 on Inauguration Day.
    3. Operating on the assumption that if he hands out pardons then his cabal will ‘look guilty’, therefore he’s not handing out pardons.
    4. Pissed at Cheney, Wall Street, and everyone else whose bad advice, illegal conduct, yadda, yadda sent Dubya and the Vaunted Bush Family Reputation so far to the realms of hell that it will never return, thereby hanging them all out to dry by not issuing pardons, while counting on the Bush41 outfit to keep his sorry ass out of the penitentiary.

    I dream of #4, but it’s more likely #2.

    But Gonzo’s in huge trouble. And he’s not the only Latino lawyer involved in that whole DoJ firing that Rover operated. Can you say ‘Iglesias’, and thereby invoke the name of someone who actually does appear to value the law?

    Looks like Gonzo got in over his head, and Cheney, Addington, Chertoff (former head of OLC), Alice Fischer, were probably all collassally pissed to realize that if Abu Gonzo has any brains whatsoever, he happened in to a Kinko’s on his daily adventures with the briefcase thingamajiggy.

    Bet someone in Texas has copies of whatever was in Abu’s briefcase.
    So the word is out: screw Gonzo.

    So far, I see only one person to reclaim his soul from this mess, and that’s Scottie McClellan. I’d say two, but Paul O’Neill got out before he was as mangled as McClellan.

    • Rayne says:

      O’Neill was forced out, though, and never expected to remain quiet. The money people would discount him because they kept making money as long as they rode Bushie coattails.

      McClellan, though, was a different kettle of fish. I suspect somebody may have been thinking he’d stay quiet because he was easy to “compromise” (i.e. could be outed as gay to a community that doesn’t like its gays out of the closet). But jeepers, that sure could have a nasty way of backfiring on people who may have been allowing certain suspect journalists with moonlighting gigs as two-bit manwhores to stick around the White House too many times and at interesting hours.

    • acquarius74 says:

      I bet you’re right, reader OfTeaLeaves. Chaney is absolutely paranoid about anything being written down. That first Torture Briefing was not taped, video’d, and no scribe recorded it. He doesn’t take notes and doesn’t use e-mail. Gonzo had the audacity to try to put one past Darth.

  23. bmaz says:

    How do you know you can trust the “extraneous information” you refer to? The court docket and record on this case is so freaking bizarre and 100% inexplicable that it is guaranteed that something is very, very wrong here.

    • R.H. Green says:

      I don’t; some of it is heresay, some comes from a source that could have an agenda. For example that bit about being able to “see” a parrot fly in the window; this person has enough ties in this story to have motive for discrediting the woman. Having said that, note that I said the various material (reported in the article, with all its possible prejudices) make an evaluation seem reasonable, at least moreso than I initailly thought upon reading EW’s post. Now I haven’t seen th docket and record you mention, but as I said, something about this isn’t right, in my mind. It would seem this person has been railroaded without adequate representation, based on what I’ve seen so far, in spite of a number of seemingly flakey remarks. I think were in agreement about the process.

      Now the thing that lurks in the back of my mind on this is that the crimes charged (from the NYT article) seem plausable, given her freelance diplomacy activity; yet while technically may apply, they also seem something of an overreach, something difficult to prosecute with a straight face. However I defer to your judgement on that.

    • R.H. Green says:

      Having looked further, that is into the link EW provided to the Scoop article (link in line 1) and subsequent articles by the same author, I found one that provides a critical review of the NYT reporting from last summer. I have to admit I now regard what was reported today with much greater sketicism.In today’s treatment there were oblique references to the state of Lindauer’s home, her appearance, and to her emotions. I now think I was set-up, and fell for it like a ton of bricks. Thanks for the critical comment about the reliability of the reported data.

  24. JohnLopresti says:

    I only perused the cousin’s letter, not yet the MSM journalistic reportage. In the civilian sphere, states have various forms of screening which is supposed to balance the ‘detainee’s’ freedoms with other factors and typically does so. Psychiatrists have a checklist. Some allusion in the recounting evoked the specter of new generation atypical antipsychotics as part of the regimen, but haloperidol in literature I have scanned is a fast knockdown with wide applications besides some of the graphic contexts a few threadWriters noted already, some innocuous and life saving. There was a study this week noted in MSmedia about cardiovascular risk as an offset to some of the behavioral benefits for haloperidol and some of the other classical regimens. Most of this is only incidental information I have seen in fragments rather than an organized understanding. The photos of the Sunday brunch August 26, 2007 seem all to be from one, maybe two, photojournalists; Judge looks like he did a lot of work while AG in the image.