January 15, 2009 / by emptywheel


FISA Appeals Court Opinion

I’ll get to these later. But if you want to start reading them, be my guest.



One thing I note is that they’ve redacted the number of requests this telecom provider got (page 4). They’ve also redacted a description of their term "certain customers."

Also, the Court premised what it was saying on the fact that "The PAA was a stopgap measure."

Another point: there may have been a problem with the original certifications on these surveillance requests.

The original certifications were amended, and we refer throughout to the amended certifications and the directives issued in pursuance thereof.

Copyright © 2009 emptywheel. All rights reserved.
Originally Posted @ https://www.emptywheel.net/2009/01/15/fisa-appeals-court-opinion/