The Inventory of Blagojevich Wiretaps

The Sun-Times reports yet more wiretaps used in the Blagojevich investigation. From the complaint, we knew of:

  • Two bugs in Friends of Blagojevich office
  • Wiretap on Blagojevich home land line

From the motion to release the wiretaps related to the horse racing scheme, we learned of:

  • Wiretap on Lon Monk’s cell phone

And this article reports:

  • Camera focused on entrance to Friends of Blagojevich office
  • Wiretaps on cell phones of three close Blago advisors (this may or may not include the one on Monk)

Recall that when Fitz asked for a 90 day extension, he mentioned the thousands of tapes they had to go through. It sure sounds like thousands to me.

  1. PJEvans says:

    I wonder what (or who) might turn up via Monk’s cellphone.
    There will probably be a lot less to listen to once all the four-letter words are removed.

    • scribe says:

      They’ll just hire the network guy who used to sit in the studio of the Howard Stern show with the “blank” button in his hand to blank out profanity/indecency/FCC criticism before it went out over the air. It’s cheaper, the guy’s available since Stern went to satellite, and there will be no issue about a computer garbling or changing the tapes.

      Wholly OT – Patrick McGoohan of “The Prisoner” has passed. I suppose it’s a blessing, because AMC’s remaking it (shooting appears to be done) and that guarantees they’ll fuck it up. But, you can get the original 17 episodes via free web-stream from their site. Somehow, the paranoia and impenetrability of the original series (along with the psychological torture) seems appropriate for today.

        • scribe says:

          I think so – on Stern’s show there was no “bleep”. Rather, there was just blank air.

          Of course, Fitz used a “bleep”, I suppose because it works better when you’re speaking.

  2. Mary says:

    What was the horseracing scheme and how did I miss that?

    I tried to do a quickie search on that motion, but either the search functins weren’t working or – horse, race, racing, horserace, horseracing -aren’t words mentioned in it.

    It is interesting to note, though, in a country averse to putting torturers and their lawyers on trial, that we have cases styled, “In re High Fructose Corn Syrup Antitrust Litigation”

    • LabDancer says:

      Get Out The FFFFront Door!

      A certain very excitable trial attorney I know worked long & hard to keep his butt out of slings & the klink by religiously conversion of the F bomb to – AOT: What The Fructose!

      Just proves you can so tuck & sew.

    • emptywheel says:

      That’s the allegation that Fitz is trying to release to the lege.

      He’s got Art Monk promising to hit up race track owner John JOhnston for bribes tied to legislation meant to make the casinos pay a certain amount of money to the horse track owners. Johnston is not objecting to their release, so he must not have cooperated.

      • bmaz says:

        Damn. And I figured Art Monk would stop acting up when he finally got elected to the Hall of Fame.

        I guess Canton wasn’t enough.

        • freepatriot says:

          Damn. And I figured Art Monk would stop acting up when he finally got elected to the Hall of Fame.

          the bastid

          let me guess

          Hall Of Fame selections are irrevocable, so we can’t touch him

          more proof that Washington DC corrupts absolutly …


  3. LabDancer says:

    Last ‘graph in your Sun-Times linkie: ‘Ways said there’s a possibility that some wires in the Blagojevich case could even still be up and running. “Just because this thing’s been splashed on the front page across the country doesn’t mean criminal conversations aren’t going on over the phone”‘

    But now in codie-color, as in: Frrench fffryin’ ffflap-jacker thinks I’m done – lemme tell you: he’s got another fffrucose coming.

    • LabDancer says:

      I’m not being entirely fffrivolous.

      Actual quote from intercept some years ago:

      Perp A: “Don’t – uh – like I can’t talk about that here”
      Perpette B: “You tol’ me you guys never dun nuthin!”
      Perp A: “Ya an’ I dint lie about that I dint – – lawyer’s worried about like uh – maybe they find out we like Con Spired”
      Perpette B: “Wha?”
      Perp A: “Con Spired – it means like we – we had an agreement – like a contract” Perpette B: “….. that’s sounds kinda right …”
      Perp A: “I know but we’re just sposta not talk about it – you know like on the phone”

      And every lawyer I know with any experience in these things can report similar.

  4. PJEvans says:

    That reminds me of the professor I had who’d spent several months in the naval hospital in San Diego.
    He said if all the four-letter words had been removed from the language, some of the people there would have been speechless.

  5. tanbark says:

    They’ve almost certainly got Reid on a few of those, telling Blago who HE preferred. Which may be at least part of the reason he caved on seating Burris.