Did McCain/Palin Obstruct Justice in the Johnston Case?

h/t mark fairbanks alaska flickr/dkos

h/t mark fairbanks alaska flickr/dkos

It seems that Sarah Palin has a newsworthy scandalette for every holiday. For Thanksgiving she was preening in front of a turkey slaughter; for Christmas, she is smack dab in the middle of a felony controlled substances investigation. The New York Times reports on the investigation of Sherry Johnston, the mother of Bristol Palin’s supposed fiance:

Johnston is the mother of 18-year-old Levi Johnston. Gov. Sarah Palin announced in September that her 18-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant and Johnston was the father.

Authorities say the case began in the second week of September — a couple of weeks into Palin’s campaign as Republican vice presidential candidate — when drug investigators intercepted a package containing 179 Oxycontin pills. That led to the arrest of the suspects, who agreed to be informants.

According to the affidavit, Johnston sent a text message to one informant Oct. 1, writing: ”Hey, my phones are tapped and reporters and god knows who else is always following me and the family so no privacy. I will let u no when I can go for cof.”

Ten days after Johnston said there wasn’t enough privacy for a drug sale, she texted again to set up a meeting at a store, according to the affidavit. The document says the informant received $800 to make a purchase, meeting investigators later with 10 pills of 80-milligram Oxycontin.

A second purchase was made the following day, authorities said. This time the informant wore a hidden camera and a microphone.

Interesting. This little sting was percolating the entire post convention portion of the election. Sounds like they had Johnston cold from the first controlled sale, which if the article is correct, appears to have been made on October 11, and certainly by the following day when they made the second controlled transaction. A skeptic might think that it was ripe for arrest during the election, like say anytime after October 12; and might wonder why it was extended into late December for arrest.

Well, gee whiz, lookee here! From the Washington Post:

The trooper’s affidavit indicates that Sarah Palin’s candidacy factored into the investigation, with state officials delaying execution of a search warrant until this month, when Johnston was "no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service."

Who could have ever predicted this? I wonder what role John McCain and Sarah Palin played in this admitted political delay? What role did the Secret Service play, if any; or is that blame shifting? What role did the Brooks Brothers suited RNC goon squad that was up in Alaska during the election play? There are a lot of questions regarding this little obstruction.

I wonder if anybody is asking them?

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85 replies
    • LaughinAtYou says:

      So…another blog site for the personality disordered. GET A LIFE PEOPLE!
      Anyone who thinks Barry O. is any better is an absolute FOOL! I’ve lived my life of 40 years in Chicago. NO ONE from Chi-Town politics is anything but a complete CROOK. The dirt will eventually surface. Too much of it and way too many unemployed journalists trying to put tofu on their tables now. The digging has already begun.
      BTW…not a McCain fan either, but I’m anxiously awaiting to watch Barry’s fall from grace and the stupid expressions on his ignorant-a** supporters faces. Probably believe inthe Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, too. You’ve been duped. Mark my words….or ask someone else from Chicago.
      Peace out….Brad

  1. freepatriot says:

    me thinks you’re picking some really small nits here

    so that prolly means you found the case that brings down the whole repuglitard house of cards, ala al capone and income tax evasion …

    and your ever demanding fan base wants to know what your doing to inform us of presnit bunnypants whiff with the pardon pen

    nobody could have predicted that george bush could fuck that up too (cuz it seemed like shootin fish in a barrel)

    for a minute I was lookin for a more accurate blog, but then Nat Silver missed the Franken recount number by almost 20 votes, so I gave up …


  2. radiofreewill says:

    Palin’s whole gig has been that she inspires ‘true believers’ to see the glitter of their beliefs…

    …While the Rest of US find the amount of hypocrisy that her swooned supporters can be exposed to without triggering cognitive dissonance truly Staggering.

    However, if on top of the news of Bristol’s pregnancy, Levi’s Mom makes the news that she’s been busted for drug dealing – then even the most starry-eyed supporters are going to see less glitter.

    The Campaign, but especially Palin because of the basis of her ‘appeal’ to the Goopers, would have wanted to smother that October Bad News story…it would have Broken the Magic.

  3. BlueStateRedHead says:

    Does Secret Service protection extend to mothers of fiancees of daughters of candidate?
    (Public Law 87-829) has the answer. But I tend to doubt it.

    • FrankProbst says:

      Does Secret Service protection extend to mothers of fiancees of daughters of candidate?

      I’m sorry, but until I hear that he’s proposed and she’s accepted (or vice versa), he’s not her “fiance”.

      • BlueStateRedHead says:

        Right you are: alleged impregnator any better? alleged also because no baby forthcoming and someone reported at the lake that Bristol looked very thin in pix last week– Edward Teller maybe.

      • siri says:


        your #6 was hysterical,
        the “fiance” thing was a prop, plain and simple.
        i’d like to see the final bill for ALL the clean up when McMethusela made his “mind like rocket fuel” decision and the coverups and manipulations had to instantaneously kick into high gear cause he doesn’t (or DIDN’T) see the point of vetting.
        LOL! i bet that was spendy!!! add it onto Palian’s clothes tab, i’m thinkin’.
        time for sunshine now tho!

      • R.H. Green says:

        “no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service.”
        I think your (and others’) skepticism is well founded, but it occurs to me that the protection extends from the candidate to her immediate family, and possibibly that could be stretched under this circumstance to members of an “extended” family. Yet when merely covering the daughter, the SS is going to encounter those who contact the daughter, and lo they find a known drug trafficker, thus the attention to the putative prospective mother-in-law would more likely be in the form of surveillance, than of protection. Stll-this raises the question as to why there could not have been an arrest made by state police untill after the election was certified.

  4. FrankProbst says:

    The trooper’s affidavit indicates that Sarah Palin’s candidacy factored into the investigation, with state officials delaying execution of a search warrant until this month, when Johnston was “no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service.”

    I’m sure the Secret Service would have co-operated with the investigation. It’s not like they have a history of letting the Vice President shoot someone in the face and then avoid the police. /snark

  5. randiego says:

    Anyone here think Obama gets this kind of deference? Maybe.

    At any rate, your tax dollars at work. How’d they “intercept” that package? I’m not very high on the “war on drugs”.

  6. oldtree says:

    I don’t accept coincidence, but there is a movie on TCM tonight called “Blood Freak”. It is about a biker that may have become a dope user, then a dealer, but turns into a, bear with me now, a “giant turkey that preys on drug pushers” It is all blamed on DFH’s.
    I would like to think this is a film that has more to do with your subject than chance. Perhaps the producers are worth noting? Perhaps the phony names in the cast indicate someone more popular under a new name masquerading as a politician….
    ah, coinkydink. How do you get something so close to the family tree of the Palin.

    • LaughinAtYou says:

      Sort of like the family values of Barack’s Mom, abandoning him and moving out of the country so her parents could raise him????

      • freepatriot says:

        wow, you did a really good job

        13 full comments before mommy caught you using her laptop

        sorry to inform you that those mcstain blogger points are wothless nowadays

        so clean the cheeto stains off your mother’s laptop and get back in the basement whre you live …

        hey everybody, get a load of this:

        most of you will be without a job soon, too.

        this putz thinks I work for a living … ROTFLMAO

        btw troll, I don’t believe you’re “laughing” at us. I can tell your true emotions by the desperation you show just by your BEING HERE. We SCARE THE PISS out of people like you, don’t we ???

        BOOOOO !!!!

        Look everybody, I found a troll in my stocking, I knew santa wouldn’t forget about me

  7. BoxTurtle says:

    I don’t think McPalin had much to do with the delay, but concern about what they might do if they found out about it might have.

    Let’s say the SS is watching Levi’s family. Likely, as they were very close to Palin. You’re not going to serve a search warrent without advance notice on an SS protected person/place unless you’re an idiot. Do you trust the SS NOT to warn McPalin? I’d sure prefer not to have to trust BuchCo’s SS to keep something quiet. So I wait.

    Or, say I’m a cop in Alaska. I know I GOTTA arrest those folks, but I also know that Sarah is still Gov and I know what is happening to the last trooper who crossed her. I know what she wants without asking, so I delay.

    I don’t see that the RNC tactical squad or McPalin needed to be aware of anything.

    Boxturtle (And leave Bristol alone. With what she’s been through the last few months, she might have miscarried)

  8. cinnamonape says:

    Also seems a bit strange that Secret Service protection for the mother of the “fiancee” of the daughter of a Vice-Presidential candidate would persist well into December? You would think that, extraordinary circumstances to the otherwise, that even the conceding candidates themselves would have about a weeks coverage after the election. That would allow them time to undertake their farewells and return home or back into their other career. Campaign funds would deal with any security subsequent to that.

    Indeed, something is odd here. But I’m wondering if other political considerations also played a role. The fact that Palin was under investigation at this time may have played a role, and this was about the time when Palin was ramping up her audiences with the claims that Obama was “pallin’ around with terrorists” and that he “isn’t like one of us.”

    Can we see any indication in the demeanor or words of McCain or Palin that might suggest they had been informed about this…and that they were preparing for a media counter-attack?

    • R.H. Green says:

      As to why “protection” should extend into Dec: Don’t forget “that fat lady doesn’t sing”, that is the electoral college doesn’t cast their vote to elect the candidate till then. At that point there is an oficial winner(and loser), and no chance of some aberration which causes protection to be withdrawn prematurely, and thus allowing some malfeasance to occur. Admittadly this is far fetched, but those who have to decide when the protection is to be withdrawn (as well as those accompanying funds) have to consider such things. (This is not to say that this reasoning can’t serve as cover for less honorable activities.)

      • R.H. Green says:

        Should have written: “no chance of some aberration caused by proctection being prematurely withdrawn”

  9. cinnamonape says:

    And isn’t it a bit odd that the delay for the search warrant allowed Johnston two months to “use” or perhaps destroy the evidence. She knew she was under surveillance, so one might think that she would be likely to dump or conceal the drugs to evade future detection.

    Did the State Police actually state why they didn’t make the arrest at the scene of the “transactions”? If the Secret Service was there~ why were they allowing drug transactions to occur in their presence? I suspect that Johnston was unlikely to have been “covered” while Levi wasn’t present. So why not bust her then?

  10. bmaz says:

    Did you all catch this sentence:

    “no longer under the protection or surveillance of the Secret Service.”

    Hmmm, you know, there is a difference between “protection” and “surveillance”, and the latter is an interesting term to have been intentionally put in play by a trooper that would, you would think, understand the difference. I wonder what the nature of Secret Service surveillance was?

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Well, why not ask Putini the next time he ‘pops his lil’ head up’ over Alaska on one of his flybys?

    • R.H. Green says:

      I did notice, and touched on it @ 16. It is an intruiging phrase. Since then several other possibilities come to mindbut none clear enough to articulate.

  11. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    ST. LOUIS — In her first policy speech of the presidential campaign, Gov. Sarah Palin vowed Friday that a McCain administration would allow all special-needs students the choice of attending private schools at public expense, a controversial and potentially costly proposal … bitterly opposed by many school districts…..many school districts routinely rank financing for special education and the need for so-called full funding as their No. 1 concern

    The costs of special education have increased sharply as learning disabilities have been diagnosed among more students and as medical technology has allowed children who once would not have survived to attend school.


    Kids are born every day with genetic disorders that result from totally random events that we’ll probably never understand — to parents who take great care of their health, are terrific parents, and devote themselves to finding extra resources for their kids. They **amaze** me.

    And then there’s Bristol Palin.
    Prenatal care? What…Everrrrrr…

    Must be a proud moment for Bill Kristol, Rich Lowry, Randy Scheunemann, and the rest of the neocon crowd who promoted Palin.
    Definitely acting in the best interests of the country.

  12. BoxTurtle says:

    Also seems a bit strange that Secret Service protection for the mother of the “fiancee” of the daughter of a Vice-Presidential candidate would persist well into December?

    Any protection they got was due to their proximity Palin. I don’t pretend to understand all the in’s and out’s of SS protection, but I do know there’s a LOT of leeway in choosing who to protect for how long. She’s still news, perhaps there were active threats? You just can’t tell.

    But the SS would likely be willing to tell you if so-and-so was under SS protection at the time. My bet is we’ll find that they were only under protection when they were actually with Palin. And I’ll bet we find that SS activity ended by 11/20 or so.

    Then I bet we get a new story from the investigators.

    Boxturtle (Thinks someone did Sarah a favor without asking her)

    • lllphd says:

      if memory serves, bristol was 5 months along when mom first announced it in early september. this would put the due date around the first of the new year.

      • RevDeb says:

        I seem to remember some folks saying that she was due last Sat. Have there been Bristol sightings since the election that show here mucho pregnant? Just wondering. I seem to recall some tin foil hat theories about the baby that was born last spring . . . . . Bristol supposedly being pregnant would have stopped those theories . . . .

        just wondering.

      • LaughinAtYou says:

        Thank you….A full term pregancy is 40 weeks. Nice to see someone on here actually has had some basic education.
        But I guess in these times we live in, most people expect everything to happen in 20 minutes, or before the next television commercial, whichever comes first.

  13. BlueStateRedHead says:

    Hypothetically, it could have worked in Palin’s favor if it had been a bust directed by Palin, as Bill Clinton chose to do to Bro’ Roger. But then, the delay would be at her behest. So we are back where we started from, with the gift that keeps on giving–Alaska.

  14. FrankProbst says:

    I don’t pretend to understand all the in’s and out’s of SS protection, but I do know there’s a LOT of leeway in choosing who to protect for how long. She’s still news, perhaps there were active threats? You just can’t tell.

    Sort of off-topic, but does Mary Cheney’s partner have a secret service detail? I ask because dear Mary lives in Virginia, which has one of the nastiest anti-gay-rights amendments in the nation. And it passed in 2006, right around the time when Mary would have found out she was pregnant. And Mary didn’t do a damn thing to stop it from passing.

  15. QuickSilver says:

    In Wasilla, if the drug isn’t meth, it’s OxyCcntin. Isn’t it relevant that the Enquirer reported many details of Track Palin’s Oxycontin addiction in early September, including his smoking and injecting the drug, as well as details of him buying and selling it? Given that the Enquirer is synonymous with paycheck journalism (and given how small Wasilla is) it would surprise me if the magazine wasn’t also aware of Johnston’s dealing. Who tipped off the authorities?

    Funny that they set up a sting in early October, got the evidence, but didn’t execute the arrest until now….

    • bmaz says:

      No, that was a deferred prosecution program reached by agreement with the US Attorney. Nothing similar in the least that I can think of.

  16. hackworth says:

    For all we know, Trig is Bristol’s baby.

    Track is the patriotic young adult who accepted joining the Military as punishment for posession of illegal narcotics instead of going to jail or prison.

  17. JohnLopresti says:

    Although I have worked ages in a healthcare related field, I eschew pharmaceuticals. However, I have observed in the literature from psychiatry, as well as in the Local News section of the local deadtree newspaper that OxyContin is a drug of choice among teens experiencing the ennui of life in bergs in which the locals shutter the sidewalks at sunset. I pity the youth who might have been customers of the reported transaction. It is a regulatorily controlled nonplacebo like the historical parent’s little helper in a popular song ages past. I kind of like the benign neglect of the authorities in the reported way the investigation proceeded. Without reading the germane PDR article, I believe the O-C is potentiated by, e.g., whatever is in a keg. I think from the reporting in the local papers there is ample evidence it is one of the pharmaceuticals in which there is much gray marketing and intensely draws the interest of various government entities. Also, I believe its label has cautions against driving or operating chainsaws, but perhaps forgets to mention snowmobiles or snowthrowers, except in the most generic of caveatted proscriptions. The topic seems more like ‘Take one tabloid one hour before meals.’ But I think a lot of people genuinely rejoice to some degree when the doctor offers O-C during recovery from physical injury, or to elderly people beset with multiple ailments. It has got to be tough to be a bored young adult in a small community in AK.

    • freepatriot says:

      technically, It was “The Pet Goat”

      and I’m willing to bet george is confused about the name of the story too

      the fact that george reads two books a week doesn’t impress me

      I read a few million words every day

      the difference betwen george an me is that I UNDERSTAND what I read …

      visions of a scene from “A Fish Called Wanda”:

      Apes don’t read Nietzsche

      Yes they do Otto, they just don’t understand it

      kinda sums up george’s whole academic career, don’t it ???

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Hey, thanks. You’re the champ at this stuff.

        BTW: Sometime I’ll bore the sh*t out of you with background detail about “My Pet Goat”. It was actually part of a reading program out of Eugene, OR that was sold to IBM back in the early 1970s if the legendary version I heard is correct. I think that I met the guy behind that reading program once time.

        That approach to teaching reading had some really impressive results, for all kinds of kids (especially kids who needed extra help).
        Unfortunately, like everything else that comes into contact with GWBush, its reputation is now tarnished by being associated with that feckless twit.
        What a shame.

        I completely agree that it’s hard to believe GWBush understands much of what he reads in those books. If he did, he’d have canned Condi’s ass, along with Hadley’s, years ago.

    • lokywoky says:

      Well, the baby is ‘late’ supposedly. Of course, if she really is pregnant – it easily could be baby #2…or not.

      Wedding…not until Levy takes a DNA test to make sure it’s actually his.

      They had moose stew for christmas dinner.


      • LaughinAtYou says:

        And exactly when did Barack’s Mom deliver him…before or after his parents were married? I’ve heard both versions of the story. And didn’t his mother abandon him when he was young, leave the country, and the GP’s had to “raise” him???

        Your hypocrisy is laughable…and negates any opinion you try to express. Well-informewd, intelligent debate and you have nver crossed paths, eh?

        • R.H. Green says:

          “Well informed and intelligent debate and you have nver crossed paths before,eh?”

          Gosh mister, I don’t think we’ve had anyone like you here before. Now the fun can begin. Let’s call everyone back to EPUville.

  18. rwcole says:

    So Bristol Stomp got knocked up by a guy whose mom was peddlin hillbilly heroin to undercover cops….This is some kinda blue collar soap opera?

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Not to put too fine a point on it, but I’ve sure met kids in Alaska who have zero idea who their ‘real dad’ is. If you follow my drift.

      Here’s hoping young Ms. Palin finds someone other than her mom to emulate, in one hell of a hurry.

      And ‘blue collar soap opera’ is generous of you. My take is closer to ‘lacy undies tragedy’, and that’s putting it graciously.

      • LaughinAtYou says:

        Just like most of the unwed mothers in Chicago. And what did Sen. Obama do to help them out??? The statistics continued to rise after he was elected to the state and then the U.S. Senate. I am from Chicago, and we have a terrible problem with this.
        Just another blogging hypocrite.

    • LaughinAtYou says:

      No different that Barack’s Mom and her white-trash-ghetto soap opera. Just a different part of the country.

  19. JohnLopresti says:

    I like the part about the $15. million. There are limits to what disaffected youth can do in such a facility. I sense an enhanced public recreational institution grant writing splurge approaching. The wilderness in AK is inspirational, though, truly the stuff of which country tunes are comprised.

  20. EdwardTeller says:

    bmaz asked me to help him on some research for this and probably other pieces on this subject over last weekend. I was unable to help yet. I wrote a little bit about tangential stuff earlier today.

    In Alaska, state and local narcotics investigations are often done by combined units. Back when I was a sworn officer, the unit was called the “Metro Squad.” If you are young, fairly competent and have proven yourself to be productive, you are pressured to serve on the “Metro Squad” in exchange for further promotion.

    By sharing resources in such a small state, officers from outside a small town can be used in another small town in a different geographic area of the state, where the chance of them being recognized when working undercover would be greatly reduced. Other small states do this. In Alaska filings, persons described as “informants” are sometimes actually real undercover police officers, sometimes somebody who has been compromised, working their obligation down or away.

    Unless Federal issues come up, there is no contact with the Feds during any investigation. But if the Oxycontin was mailed to Ms. Johnston, the Feds should have entered the investigation at the beginning, at least to the point of being informed and seeing where that might have led in regard to something the Feds may have had afoot.

    So far, to my knowledge, there has been no indication the intercepted package was sent through the U.S. mail, no indication it wasn’t. Also, there are questions about how some of the attendant documents related to this getting from investigation phase to indictment phase have been or are being handled at the AST and district court level.

    From what I’ve learned so far in and near Wasilla, though, this could well be just another local oxycontin bust, with no external meddling.

  21. adamfree66 says:

    When Sara Palin first announced that she was running with McCain, there was a rumor going around that her sons (TRIG OR TRACK or whatever moniker was bestowed upon him) IRAQ deplyment was not the result of a patriotic Palin but rather part of a deal that was an either, or, situation for the kid predicated on a DRUG bust. As in, either he goes to jail for unsaid drug charges or he goes to IRAQ. I know it was being spoke of in the NY media world but it was never reported on. I remember during the campaign I was surprised at how little Sara Cuda referenced her son and given the BS, uber-patriot, sturm und drang, I would have thought that a young Palin goin’ to war “and such” would have received a lot of lip service from her and the media. But no.

    any thoughts?

  22. LaughinAtYou says:

    Oh…and do some research on Michelle Obama’s employment history at the hospital. Her hands are as dirty as Barry’s! Ooops…hope I don’t sound racist.
    BTW, I am an African-American. For what it’s worth.

  23. LaughinAtYou says:

    As far as I know, none of the Palins have abandoned their children, moved out of the country for years, and left their small child to be raised by granny.

  24. LaughinAtYou says:

    As an Independent-minded Libertarian, I am starting to find you Liberals more hypocritical and significantly more mean-spirited than the Conservatives.
    Hmmm…refer back to my initial blog about those with personality disorders. GET SOME THERAPY !!!

  25. LaughinAtYou says:

    Your “man” won, you all should be happy finally. Perhaps the core of your being IS anger, hypocrisy, and ignorance after all. ???
    I don’t recall the Bush supporters lingering angrily on John Kerry, John Edwards, Al Gore, or Joe Lieberman after their man won…twice.
    Once again, NOT a Republican, Bush, or McCain-Palin supporter. Just enjoy watching what makes different folks tick. And this site is SCARY!

  26. LaughinAtYou says:

    Peace out…..and PLEASE, google schizotypal, borderline, and narcissistic personality disorders. Insight is the first step to healing oneself. The world is full of too many angry, nasty people.

  27. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Paging freepatriot for assistance in the @60s… your Sooner Xtra-Charming Skillset might assist?

  28. LaughinAtYou says:

    Ignoring the facts on the other side that don’t suit your argument. Hopefully just like the media, most of you will be without a job soon, too.
    I’ve already hired 2 Obama campaign workers who lost their regular jobs after the election because their employers are covering their assets before our new president screws up the economy even further. No more, though…as a black man, I’m familiar with quotas! And I’ve met mine.

    • R.H. Green says:

      Couldn’t care less. It’s that high octane debate style that has me enthralled. I don’t know when I’ve encountered such a magnificent display of oratory, and grasp of carefully woven relevant facts. Where does he get such knowledge?

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Hmmm… maybe s/he gets that magnificent display from reading the National Review?
        Perhaps s/he read TBogg’s latest and came over here to be spiteful, but unfortunately doesn’t seem to know how to serve up revenge with Ding Dongs. Perhaps a little review is in order…?


  29. BlueStateRedHead says:

    Laughing makes me miss Jodi. or miss Ms. Jodi. If she was a Ms. If she was a Jodi and not a bunch of freepers. Jodi thought she was thinking and on point. Laughing spews his/her stuff out and hangs it on the most convenient hook.
    For example his vitriolic description of our community in response to my comment @1. 25% of which was devoted to “happy new year marcie.” and the other 75% to expressing skepticism that the Palin obstruction would come to anything. But rejoicing in Alaska as our gift that…you know.

    If that’s a symptom of what laughing calls “personality disorder” then laughing has a personality disorder. Called extreme paranoia.

  30. IFSIM says:

    I don’t think the Secret Service played much of a role in this. According to this article from the Anchorage Daily News,

    The affidavit refers to Johnston being under Secret Service protection while dealing drugs, but that appears to be incorrect.

    Special Agent Darrin Blackford, spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington, D.C., said that only the governor and her immediate family were protected. Johnston was not under the agency’s protection or surveillance, he said.

    Troopers later agreed that part of the affidavit was wrong.

    “Whenever she was in contact with Palin, that was probably the only time it came into play,” said trooper spokeswoman Beth Ipsen.

    I think the ADN is a better source than the Times or the Post when it comes to news from Alaska.

  31. DaddyLove says:

    The troll did waht trolls do. they have few tricks and often cycle through them all. What I saw here was:
    1. Point somewhere else to derail the conversation away from the subject (or any subject ahrmful to conservtive interests).
    2. Ascribe any and all observations about conservative lawbreaking, corruption, incompetence, and/or malfeasance to Bush Derangement Syndrome or some other mental illness. Ignore fact at all costs.
    3. This one prvided a little blast from the past. I recall during the Clinton administration how often trolls would inform us in all seriousness that Any Day Now the evidence would apear that would finally and conclusively prove that Bill Clinton had personally gutted and beheaded Vince Foster, had shot Ron Brown, had smuggled cocaine into the country, had what-have-you. Any Day Now. This one hearkens back to that halcyon era with his assurances that Any Day Now the smoking-gun evidence of Barack Obama’s obvious, extensive, and thorough “Chicago!!” corruption will be surfacing then that then We Will All Be Sorry and will Admit He Is Right.

    Get ready for a lot more of this. And like before, it WILL be fun.

  32. bmaz says:

    I think the ADN is a better source than the Times or the Post when it comes to news from Alaska.

    In fairness, the NYT and Post seem to have gotten it straight from an affidavit. That isn’t bad reporting, that is bad police work.

    • IFSIM says:

      In fairness, the NYT and Post seem to have gotten it straight from an affidavit. That isn’t bad reporting, that is bad police work.

      I agree, that’s bad police work, and I don’t blame this blog, or anyone, for trusting a major newspaper to get the facts straight.

      The timing is what bothers me in this particular case: the ADN article is dated December 24. Thus the issue was cleared up by an authoritative local source one day prior to the publication of the Times article and two days prior to the publication of the Post article. If I were writing for the Post, hinting about a “controversy” that had been put to rest two days before, I’d make a promise to myself to check the local papers next time!

  33. maryo2 says:

    “The affidavit, dated Dec. 22, details how troopers used two informants to collect evidence that Johnston sold OxyContin on Oct. 11, Oct. 22 and Nov. 26. The informants had been arrested themselves on a drug charge and agreed to help trap Johnston.”

    – Why does the ADN say second deal was made on October 22, while the NYT says October 12?
    – Why was a third deal necessary on November 26? (Was it just to justify waiting until after the election??)
    – What did Mrs. Johnston say to Palin and vice versa? Just because the Secret Service and Troopers agreed that the surveillence was only during contacts with Palin doesn’t mean there was nothing learned during those conversations.
    – Were the previously arrested informants arrested in relation to Track Palin’s arrest?

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