Trash Talk – Prime Time Edition

The penultimate week to the regular season schedule in the National Favre League is upon us and, as many of you have already discovered, the hostess’s team is playing the janitor’s team. Yep, bmaz’s Arizona Cardinals (I don’t really claim the losers, but they are my home team) are visiting Marcy’s gridiron heroes, the Patriots. Apparently there are other games being played too. But, before we get to that….

Did you know that Brett Favre got more votes in Minnesota than Coleman and Franken? Yep, it is true. Has to be true, I saw it on that whiz kid Nate Silver’s site, and the dude has been right on about everything else. Nate says Brett cleaned out teh "Lizard People" too (I guess that means he beat Richard Shelby, Bob Corkass and friends, the "lizard liars"). Okay, so it was for President that Favre beat Coleman and Franken, and it was just a write in, but Brett Favre kicked their ass! Just like he is gonna do to the Seahawks Sunday!

Well, now that we have covered the Minnesota Election Trash, let us get back in our normal groove. By popular request, this week’s musical selection is from The Tubes, a pretty cool two song set (Prime Time and TV Is King) from some German TeeVee show patterned after American Bandstand or something. In their prime, The Tubes were an outrageously good band and put on a wild live show.

And now, for the games.

NATIONAL FAVRE LEAGUE: Well, as previously mentioned, there appears to be an American football contest going on up in New England. And, yes, EW is already beating me and the hapless Cardinals down. Go figure. Listen, first off, I didn’t pick these losers, they came here against my will. I actually participated in an effort to beg Jerry Colangelo, then owner of the Suns (later the Diamondbacks too) to start an expansion team here. But nooooo, the pissant Cardinals wanted a new stadium in St. Louis and was using Phoenix as leverage to get it. The fuckers in St. Louis called their bluff and they freaking moved here. Arrrggghhh! Oh well, they are all mine now. Lucky me. The Patriots, on the other hand, since the turn of the century, have turned into Lombardi’s Packers. They are big, bad, ruthless and good.

The Cards have no running game, rely on a precision passing attack featuring an ancient, fragile Kurt Warner who has small hands and can’t throw with a glove on. New England is not currently particularly balmy; you do the math, it ain’t looking real good. Oh, and the Cards have already clinched the National Conference West and didn’t even bother to mail it in last week against the Vikes. The Pats have Kevin Faulk, the Law Firm, Matt Cassel, Randy Moss and Wes Welker. Oh yeah, and Marcy is already promising that Richard Seymour is going to crush Warner. This isn’t good, Matt Leinart can’t even play in the sunshine, much less the tundra. Um, I may be lame, but I am not stupid; I am taking the Pats.

Ravens at ‘Boys: Well, the Cowboys sure dismantled Bad Eli and the Giants last week. Bad. Ray Lewis and the Ravens have a mean defense and Falcco has played well, but Dallas is playing for their lives and Tony Romeo, TO and Jason Witten got a taste of cohesive victory, and I think they will do it again. Chris McAllister being out for the season removes a shut down corner from the Ravens, and in this game, that is enough wiggle room for the ‘Boys.

Stillers at Oilers: Masaccio’s Titans, although still with only two losses, seem to be sliding fast enough that you would think they are Oily again. Big Ben and the Stillers just keep winning tough and ugly. But win they do. Albert Haynesworth is out. Albert is huge, and so is his loss. That is going to open enough running game for the Steelers to take a little more heat off of Roethlisberger than he has had lately. That is enough; Steelers roll the Titans in Tennessee.

Panthers at Gents: This is actually a huge game. Both teams are going to be in the playoffs, but this tilt is critical to seeding for home field. It is hard to pick against the Giants, especially at home. But the Panthers are on a roll and the Giants are not. Brandon Jacobs will play, but is hurt; D’Angelo Williams and Jonathan Stewart are not hurt and are flat out killing people. i am not sure about this, but I am prowling with the Black Cats.

Jets at Hawks: Bet you didn’t know this, this is the battle of the running Jones. Running backs Thomas Jones of the Jets and Julius Jones of the Seahawks are brothers (Julius is the younger). Thomas Jones has been money this year and you can run on the Hawks. Matt Hasselbeck is out, and Seattle will be QBd by Seneca Wallace from Iowa State, and he has played very well lately. But Seattle has squat for receivers other than Deon Branch, who is healthy now, but has had a slow, injury filled season. One wild card here is that it is Mike Holmgren’s last game in Seattle, so there will be that emotional aspect. The other wild card is that it will be inclement weather, may even snow; that favors the Jets I think. The Jets do not travel well to the west coast. Not at all. This game is a toss up because of the Holmgren factor.

Cheesers at Da Bears: The Monday Night Game is the age old black and blue Norse division tradition of the packers and the Bears at Soldier field. Bad weather. Snow. Cool, who could ask for more (unless, of course, it could be for Favre to be on the field here in a GB uniform where he belongs). Te Pack have terribly underachieved this year. Aaron Rodgers has played very well actually, but they really miss the swagger that left with Number 4. Bad. Based on the records, and where the game is played, you would think Da Bears will win. That is what you would think; me, I’ll take the Cheeseheads.

Brownies over the Bengals (man do they suck). Saints send the Lions to 0-15. Fish over the Chiefs, but I don’t feel great on this one, Chiefs could upset. Niners at Rams, who the hell cares, I guess one of them has to win. Bolts at Bucs; eh, I think the Frightening Bolts streak is over; Buccos carve em up. Broncs beat the Bison, and the Texans clock the Raiduhs. Iggles claw the Skins (can Zorn keep his job with quick draw Snyder?). And last, but not least, the Vikes beat the Dirty Birds in Minnehonka. Gotta love the Falcons, but they are fading now.

That is the run down for this week. Mix a toddy and get yer picks in. Oh, and trash it up!

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133 replies
  1. randiego says:

    Well, the Bucs/Bolts game doesn’t have much meaning, since we all know the Bolts don’t travel well to the East Coast, so I don’t have much.

    So, I’ll talk some Pro Bowl trash!

    Here are your AFC Pro Bowl QB’s:

    Brett Farve 21 TDs’, 17 picks, 86.7 passer rating
    Archie Manning 26, 12, 93.8
    Jay Cutlet 24, 15, 88.2

    Notice who’s missing? Only the guy who is leading the entire NFL in Passer Rating, TD’s and Yards per Attempt…

    Philip Rivers 28 TD’s, 11 Picks, 101.4 Passer Rating

      • randiego says:

        Er, uh yeah, that’s it! You’ve heard me say this before – the vomitous look on Eli’s face when the Chargers drafted him first was freakin’ priceless.

        AJ Smith tried to get Umenyiora in the deal, but that didn’t work, so he got a first rounder which he used to draft a dude named Shawne Merriman.

        Hmm, Rivers and Merriman for Eli? Yeah, I’ll take that trade.

        101.4 passer rating on a 6-8 team.

        Eli is the poster child for the cliche “Defense Wins Championships”. Tom Brady learned all about that.

        • CTuttle says:

          Dayam, randy, this is a twofer…

          Eli is the poster child for the cliche “Defense Wins Championships”. Tom Brady learned all about that.

      • bmaz says:

        Doesn’t matter; his record sux. Been picking the Bolts allyear, but the Bolts are nuts. He pulled out a big win on The Trestles, but on football, not so much. And baseball season is gonna be ugly. Oh my.

        Hey, where has Ms. Randiego been??

        • BayStateLibrul says:


          Fuck Scott Boras… he is screwing around with our Teixeira bid.

          Is classy Clemens defamation suit heading down the dismissal shoot?
          Wow… it’s been one year of legal fees for our seedy Rocket.


        • BayStateLibrul says:

          Scott Boras is a cancer on the game.

          Kinda what today’s Globe editorial alluded to…

          A Red Sox lesson for investors

          JOHN HENRY and his colleagues in the Boston Red Sox front office gave the nation’s suffering investor class a timely lesson this week in the art of preserving both principal and principle.
          When Henry, his partner Larry Lucchino, and general manager Theo Epstein flew out to Dallas Thursday, their purpose was to finalize a deal that would bring slugger Mark Teixeira to Beantown for $23 million or so a year for eight years. But then, as often happens with clients of the devious super-agent Scott Boras, something went awry…..
          Boras has rooked the Sox before. He got Manny Ramirez out of town when the team could have kept him on for two more years. The impulsive home-run hitter played restless, the Sox traded him, and Boras can now get his slice of a new contract for Ramirez.
          This time around, Henry and partners calculated risk and reward in the way Boras was structuring the Teixeira deal. And they did what buyers of securitized subprime mortgages and credit default swaps should have done during the bubble years: By refusing to be bamboozled and sticking to their principles, they preserved principal.”

        • randiego says:

          Hey now, my record has been pretty good, EXCEPT for the Bolts. What do you want? I just can’t quit those guys!

          I’m taking the Pats.

          Ms. Randiego has been pretty busy, wedding plans, moving and whatnot. She’ll be back in the trash-talk saddle approaching January 2!

  2. radiofreewill says:

    The poor Skins have tanked worse than Bush’s approval rating! They’re on a 1-5 slide. It sounds like Clinton is iffy for Sunday, and Zorn’s future may depend on either the team gives him a ‘vote of confidence’ Win at home, or the Iggles mug his contract.

    New President, New Coach – Iggles win 14-10

  3. randiego says:

    Yeah, that 17 picks is an ugly number.

    Rivers has played from behind most every game the Chargers have played. That’s probably increased his number of attempts and completions, but you’d think that playing behind all the time he’d have more picks.

  4. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    but Brett Favre kicked their ass! Just like he is gonna do to the Seahawks Sunday!

    Ummmmm, prolly.
    Frees up my Sunday, so there’s the upside.

  5. JohnLopresti says:

    I admit to avoiding sports, though a nearby equine provides a challenge at the gate occasionally yet is pretty well behaved.

    However, last weekend I saw a frontpage newsitem the Favres failed facing the MikeSingletary defense of an impoverisned 3-3 team, I guess the same MSingletary who joined more than a few triple sacks as a bruin upon the offense of the team where evidently he now has debuted. If it is the same defensive cornerback I remember, debut is a shade too polite to describe whatever he might be teaching the defense squad, though Madden liked his game. I guess it is some generation gap, that my druthers would be wondering whatever to reply to a notice the FEC is trying to pretend it is slipping past administration censors, imagine: asking for public comments on how to make FEC more fair and effective. Too late to work more, off to home.

    Have a nice holiday warmup weekend.

  6. LabDancer says:

    I guess you recalled in September when I foreswore a life-long attachment to the Norse Mauve Men; because otherwise the OLD water dog would be rumblin’ at:

    First your stumblin’ right past the match up between the #1-A rushing O and the #3 rushing – not at all incidentally with respectively the least and the most photogenic feature runners league-wide.

    Then your bumblin’ the fact that that each is 9-and-5 in a desperate struggle for a playoff after-life.

    And finally your completely fumblin’ it away as one of the Top Five Games That Still Matter And Thus Must Be Mentioned.

    And I wouldn’t care at all, not really –

    except for Justice Alan Page’s wondrous excoriation of the bare majority in Coleman v Frankel got my purple up;

    and now it looks like Minnesota is going to send Washington some Frankel-sense for Christmas;

    and this is against the team with the same home state as that Congressional cracker with his 3 [sorta] Commandments and leering and uppity-ness crap –

    so now I’m gonna care, but just for this one weekend.

    aaaaahhhhhh -OOOOOOOOOOOO!

  7. plunger says:

    Connell has been the victim of witness intimidation by Karl Rove and/or Rove’s associates. As The BRAD BLOG reported last Summer, plaintiff’s lead attorney in the case, Clifford A. Arnebeck, had sent an email to Attorney General Michael Mukasey on July 24, 2008, stating in part:

    “We have been confidentially informed by a source we believe to be credible that Karl Rove has threatened Michael Connell, a principal witness we have identified in our King Lincoln case in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, that if he does not agree to ‘take the fall’ for election fraud in Ohio, his wife Heather will be prosecuted for supposed lobby law violations.”

  8. RieszFischer says:

    The Patriots, on the other hand, since the turn of the century, have turned into Lombardi’s Packers. They are big, bad, ruthless and good.

    Yeah, but Videogate kinda puts an asterisk next to all those recent Super Bowl wins, no? In sports, unlike politics, it doesn’t count if you cheat.

  9. BayStateLibrul says:

    Patsies win the chase and the math

    Who they have left
    Patriots: vs. Arizona (8-6); at Buffalo (6-8)
    Ravens: at Dallas (9-5); vs. Jacksonville (5-10)
    Jets: at Seattle (3-11); vs. Miami (9-5)
    Dolphins: at Kansas City (2-12); at NY Jets (9-5)

    One of these fucking possibilities WILL happen for the Patriots to hit pay dirt
    (A)AFC East champ
    To capture the division, the Patriots must win out while the Jets and Dolphins do no better than 1-1. Theoretically, if the Patriots went 1-1, they could still win the division if the Dolphins and Jets both lost this week and played to a tie in Week 17. If Miami and New York win Sunday, the Patriots will be all-but eliminated from the division race no matter what they do because either the Dolphins or Jets (who meet in Week 17) would finish 11-5 and both teams own the tiebreaker against the Patriots. The only way the Patriots could still win the division in this scenario as well would be if the Jets and Dolphins played to a tie in Week 17.
    (B)The wild-arse-card team
    The Patriots win out and the Ravens lose at least once.
    The Patriots go 1-1, the Ravens go 0-2, and either the Jets or Dolphins
    go 0-2. There’s one final possibility here, albeit a very confusing one: If either the Jets or Dolphins lose their last two games; and if the Patriots lose to the Cardinals and beat the Bills; and if the Ravens beat the Cowboys and lose to the Jaguars; New England and Baltimore would have the same record (10-6), and the same record within the conference (7-5) — which is the first tiebreaker in a wild card scenario since the teams did not face each other this season. Complicating matters is that, if our math is right, they would also be tied in the next tiebreaker — record against common opponents. So that means it could come down to strength of victory.

    I’m putting my chips on Patriots winning the next two, and Poe’s Ravens losing one

    Source: Boston Globule

  10. masaccio says:

    Albert Haynesworth is a big (really big) loss, but the Titans have good speed rushers, and the Pittsburgers don’t have that great a rushing game. Rothlisberger will have to win it for them against a really good secondary. After that lousy loss last week, the team was pretty mad at themselves in the locker room and talking to the press, especially Kerry Collins, our contribution to geriatric quarterbacks.

    I’m liking the Titans this week.

  11. emptywheel says:

    First of all, let me say it here: Lions beat Drew Brees at home.

    Haven’t you noticed? MI’s long string of bad luck has turned around (slightly)? And if anyone can appreciate how much an inspiring win can rally a hurting city, the Aints can. We were in the Colts game for three quarters. And Brees won’t play as much no huddle as Peyton, so we’ll be able to stay in it a little longer. Finally, given that the Aints aren’t an away team this year, the Kitties have a shot.

    Next up, Ravens Boys. Don’t tell BillBel, but I’m rooting for the Ravens right now, bc they are playing by far the best football of any of the AFC contenders for the playoffs. They seem just the team to head to beat the Jets or Fins and move on to challenge the real contenders. Plus, I’ve got a soft spot for the NFC South and would like to see one of them get the final slot on the NFC side. But I’m gonna say Boys win it for two reasons. First, because the Boys are going to leave their nuts on the field before they lose the last game in Texas Stadium–I just don’t see the state forgiving them if they lose the last game in the Cathedral. And second, as someone who has played through a great deal of back injury, Romo’s performance last week was astounding.

  12. Peterr says:

    Based on the records, and where the game is played, you would think Da Bears will win. That is what you would think; me, I’ll take the Cheeseheads.

    And you would be wrong.

    Da Bears will eat the Cheeseheads for a holiday snack.

  13. CasualObserver says:

    OK, I admit it. The Giants have me worried. The much despis’d Cowboys showed that blitzing from the corners works against the very good O line. It works all day. Every day. Eli was last seen being sacked as he got on the Giants bus heading for the Dallas airport.

    They have also unveiled a new end-of-year strategy that troubles me. That being losing all their remaining games. While that has worked so far, in terms of standings and such, I don’t think it is sustainable in the long run. I think they should re-tool the entire scheme, in favor of last year’s strategy of winning games. It just works better for me.

  14. freepatriot says:

    I’m a bit sober this morning, so I’m jes gonna make a straight ticket

    Indy over Jacksonville (I feel real good about this pick, I think Indy is gonna win the recount …)

    Dallas should score at least two touchdowns against Baltimore, and that should be enough

    Cleveland gets the nod for being at home

    New Orleans should be able to beat Detroit indoors, everybody else has

    Miami proves Mr Bill’s genius by winning in KC

    Atlanta proves that Arizona’s defense REALLY DID suck last week, by shutin down tavaris Jackson, boids win

    Carolina thumps the bad Elis

    St Louis squeaks by San Francisco

    Philly should be able to whip Washington

    Denver beats Buffalo by a miracle

    Houston proves once again that the game has pass AL Davis by

    the bretts win in Seattle

    Tampa fulfills randiego’s prediction by ruining Rivers’ Florida vacation

    and Chicago beats the packers

    leavin ONE GAME worth watchin

    Pittsburgh wins home field advantage by defeating the fish heads in Tennessee

    that’s how i see it

    but I need to drunk up a bit before I can be sure …

      • bmaz says:

        No, not enough of the sweet stuff.

        Oh, and Randiego (who had the gall to to pick the Pats over the Cards), yes, I am sure that the Bolts would be in the Super Bowl if only Merriman was on the field instead of spewing forth for FoxSports. Well maybe if you had a coach other than Norval ……..

  15. phred says:

    bmaz, snow in Soldiers Field is gonna be the least of their worries Monday night… Have you seen the forecast? They are gonna be lucky to get out of single digits and that doesn’t include wind chill in the Windy City. They might just as well play with an extra large brick rather than a pigskin ; )

    Given my abysmal track record this season, I’m gonna do us all a favor and not make any picks this weekend. I’ll just leave it at a tip of the hat and a wish of good cheer for all my fellow sports fans this holiday season : )

  16. randiego says:

    Boras has rooked the Sox before. He got Manny Ramirez out of town when the team could have kept him on for two more years. The impulsive home-run hitter played restless, the Sox traded him, and Boras can now get his slice of a new contract for Ramirez.

    Exactly. Without Boras in the picture, Manny is still playing in Boston, and the Red Sox might have been playing in another World Series. Boras had to get him out of those two option years to get any money out of him.

    One of the greatest players of all time. That guy belongs in Boston.

    • bmaz says:

      Heh, won’t help the Padritas to get Manny being Manny out of LA! Just think, one Manny may be worth more that Moores entire payroll. Welcome to AA baseball.

  17. Neil says:

    Arizona Cardinals lead the league in forced fumbles and fumbles recovered, as well as touchdowns not scored by the offense (defense, special teams).

    “Kurt Warner might be the MVP of the league.”
    -Bill Belichick

    Weather: 32F 10mphWindEast

      • Neil says:

        BMAZ, Who else is having an MVP season?

        Belichick is a good motivater. He’s got his defense focused on a guy having an MVP-type season plus Fitzgerald, Hightower, and a defense that causes fumbles and recovers them.

        Even though I’m picking BAL in the upset over DAL, a BAL loss helps the PATS. DAL coaches and players have been told by their owner to make the playoffs or start job hunting. DAL wins this week and next and they’re in.

      • Neil says:

        Rapped but it was dry light virgin snow. I shoveled last night and today. There’s more snow coming tomorrow. It’s supposed to end by kick-off. 1 down 15 to go.

    • freepatriot says:

      you’d bug out too, if you predicted a lions win

      an I said i was a little sober this morning …

      who the patsies playin ???

      (honestly, I really DO read what you write, bmaz, honestly, I do, somethimes …)

      as for the cards, they fold …

      • emptywheel says:

        Birthday party, too tired to brave a sports bar for the game on the way home.

        But checking in just in time to watch the finish.

        I guess when I said the Boys would rather leave their nuts on the field, they um, decided they could lose the nuts?

        How are the Ravens winning this.

        Besides D, I mean.

        • emptywheel says:

          Did you see upthread where I said I was secretly hoping the Ravens won?

          Now I’m just wondering about how many of the Boys still have their nuts intact.

        • Neil says:

          The Ravens had nothing to lose and everything to win. The Boyz had all the pressure and ego having beaten the NYG last week. The boys figured they could pull out a victory in the end if they had to.

          The Ravens FG kicker scored the points in the first half and kept the Ravens in the game.

          The Ravens ran their backs behind that huge line in a ball control offensive game plan, and the converted half of their third down conversions with the rookie QB, who has a gun and who played within his limits. The Ravens punter was awesome. He boomed a lot of long kicks. The Ravens won the field position game.

          The Boys Defense had two massive fails at a critical time at the end 4th quarter, when they went man to man and when the Ravens back(s) busted through the line, they for 77 and 8? on success possessions for TDs. Where, where was the safety, where?

  18. BayStateLibrul says:

    Boycott Edgar Alan Poe…
    A thousand groans….
    Unearth Plan B…
    Bedazzled with snow, everything I look on seemeth white…
    Apologies to EW… I root with my heart, not my twangled head…
    “There’s hope in’t yet” Antony and Cleopatra, III.xiii

    • Neil says:

      … I root with my heart, not my twangled head…

      Trash talk requires two diverging approaches, root and trash talk to with heart, pick ‘em with your head.

      • BayStateLibrul says:

        I can’t help myself…
        We live for another week.
        To wit,

        In any remaining scenario, the Patriots must defeat the Bills Sunday in Buffalo.
        To earn a wild-card berth, the Patriots will need the Ravens (10-5) to lose to the Jaguars (5-10), or tie, at home in the season finale.
        To win the AFC East, the Patriots will need the Dolphins (10-5) to lose to the Jets (9-6), or tie, on the road in the season finale.
        If the Patriots win the division, they will host a first-round playoff game at Gillette Stadium, likely against the No. 5 wild card.
        If the Patriots earn the wild-card berth, they will travel for a first-round playoff game against a division champion.

        • Neil says:

          The Dolphins (10-5) losing to the Jets (9-6) on the road is not a long shot, except for the fact they’re playing for the division championship. Still, better chance of them losing in chilly NJ than sunny Miami. You and I will cheer with BM,AZ unless he sold his interest based on today’s game time coaching decisions.

          The Ravens looked good last night. They stayed in the game and then drove a steak through the Boyz defense at crunch time. Our best hope in this game is that they look beyond their opponent and get caught sleeping. It’s possible.

  19. randiego says:

    Headed out for Bloody Marias and Chorizo/Eggs.

    Today ends the Bolts season. A meaningful rematch against the Broncs next week would be sweet – remember the Ed Hochuli game in week 2?

    Alas, I think it is not to be.

    Having said that, who knew the Cowboys were that weak? What does that say about the Giants?

    • dakine01 says:

      I see by the boxscore that early in the 2nd quarter it is:
      Cards from the Valley of the Sun: 0
      Patriots from snowy New England: 21

    • MadDog says:

      Steelers vs Titans and Pats vs Cards on as the early games here in the frozen tundra.

      And I do mean fookin’ frozen!

      After 3-5 inches of new snow yesterday when the temp was +20, temps plunged to -10 with windchills of -40 or more last night.

      Today it’s a balmy and sunny +5 with gusts of 27 mph and windchills of only -15.

  20. BayStateLibrul says:

    LaMont is a distant cousin of BenJarvus Green-Ellis.

    Jordan, 29, is a veteran of seven NFL seasons with the New York Jets (2001-04) and Oakland Raiders (2005-07). The 5-foot-10-inch, 230-pound running back has played in 97 career games with 29 starts and has totaled 792 rushes for 3,285 yards (4.1 avg.) and 24 touchdowns, while catching 158 career passes for 1,301 yards (8.2 avg.) and three touchdowns. He has also recorded 33 kickoff returns for 667 yards (20.2 avg.). Last season with Oakland, Jordan played in 12 games with seven starts and ran the ball 144 times for 549 yards (3.8 avg.) and three touchdowns while catching 28 passes for 247 yards (8.8 avg.).

  21. bmaz says:

    Kinda cold here too.

    Is 62 degrees, sunny and not a cloud in the sky. We may have to build a fire with it being that cold ‘n all…..

    • prostratedragon says:

      Figured them for a lazy, late game-winner.

      Some joker scheduled Bears-Packers as a Monday night late December game on the Lake. It’s going to be cold. There may even be snow. ‘Course, I see that right now there’s a -30degree wind chill going on there …

      • Neil says:

        A bone-chilling by the lake kinda cold. brrrrr. If you’ve played football in really cold weather, you know how much more it hurts when you collide with someone.

        Still, where do you hold a late season Pack Bears game?

        • prostratedragon says:

          Still, where do you hold a late season Pack Bears game?

          Yeah, I’m sort of kidding, being one of those who opposed the “McDome” some mayor wanted to build for the Bears. Those subzero playoff games during the SB run were truly the Ice-ing on the cake that year, as was braving the weather —was it -10F on the bulb?— for the parade.

  22. Neil says:

    Listening to former Dallas Cowboy fullback Daryl Johnston announce the Pats Cards game on Fox is like listening to Dane Cook tell jokes only without the sense of humor and clever insights. I think Daryl is a little more frenetic, though.

    Fox is going the star power route to fill their talent pool. I like hearing from the guys that understand the game and can tell you what’s going on like Jaworski and Simms. They actually study film and learn both teams games. Then, they’re in a position to deduce the game plan from the changes they observe.

    For example, Belicick changed offensive line blocking scheme today to take advantage of the Cards aggressive defensive pursuit. Some teams defend the line of scrimmage, some teams including the Cards go for penetration into the backfield. When teams go for penetration, they’re exposed to trapping blocks; slow developing running plays open seams for good gains.

    I wonder if they’re a market for people interested in understanding the game beyond who’s kicking whose butt.

    • bmaz says:

      Eric Mangini is a fucking idiot. He played too tight and refused to let Brett be Brett all game. Then he handed the Hawks a free field goal. Also should have rekicked that field goal. All head coaching mistakes. Bad ones. They got Favre for a reason might as well turn him loose; can’t turn out any worse than the pathetic shit they have produced on offense the last few weeks.

      Mangy Mangini sux.

      • Neil says:

        It sucks when you see a path to victory and then you see a series of decisions that f*ck it up.

        I didn’t watch the game – snow shoveling was irresistible – but in the game highlights they showed Favre was throwing down field, and a few near misses that would have changed the outcome.

        You are talking to a guy who has seen his favorite football team beat the
        arch-rival 3 times in 22 years. I know this disappointment you speak of.

        Will you still cheer for the J E T S jets jets jets and Brett Favre of the National Farve League next Sunday with BSL and me?

        • bmaz says:

          Yes, I will probably be rooting with you; but it is hard, very hard, at this point. It is not just this game either, Mangini has made horrid coaching moves all season. Today, however, was beyond pathetic. I would seriously not let him return next year.

        • emptywheel says:

          You know, I’m glad you finally picked up my Mangy Mangini thing. I know BillBel got caught taping and all, but this guy revealed that a team he had been affiliated with for years had been taping, all for apparent advantage and not principle. He’s got that wormtongue side to him.

          But here’s the funny thing. In addition to you and me and Neil and BSL, you know who else will be rooting for Mangini next week?



          Even I can appreciate the humor in that.

        • BayStateLibrul says:

          Yes. Indeed.
          Be kind to strangers week, as Ryan notes…

          “It is a playoff-worthy team but it may not be in the playoffs. And it will ultimately depend on the kindness of strangers.

        • BayStateLibrul says:

          Yeah, the Jets SUCK, but I’ll be cheerleading for them next up, and with Randiego and Bmaz waving the flag, we can’t lose?

  23. 4jkb4ia says:

    It is now time to utter the word “collapse” about the Jets’ season. The Rams game was also a collapse, but sadly predictable.

  24. 4jkb4ia says:

    Jets Playoff Scenario by me:

    Must beat Miami and have Baltimore loss or tie. So it’s not over, but it’s very bleak.

    • randiego says:

      Cheers and thanks.

      I feel bad for the 10- and 11-win teams in the AFC that won’t make the playoffs, but what are we supposed to do, give it back?

      The AFC West will send either a 9-win or an 8-win team to the playoffs – it’s a chance we don’t deserve, but will take anyway.

      • bmaz says:

        Might as well give it back; you’ll never go very far with Norval Turner.

        And, yes, now that you mention it, I am bitter about the Jets.

  25. randiego says:

    And, yes, now that you mention it, I am bitter about the Jets.

    Can’t say I blame you. The reason I picked Seattle today is that stadium is very difficult for road teams. The fans are stacked up right on the sidelines, it’s very loud. Throw in the weather…

    • bmaz says:

      The Jets just sucked. They lost, Seattle didn’t win. The game was there for the taking, and the Jets are a better team. Horrid coaching and a lackluster effort when it counted.

      I can’t believe it, but my guess is the Bolts will beat the Broncos.

      • randiego says:

        yeah, I took a flyer for sure, but the Jets have been not-so-good lately.

        The Chargers certainly have plenty of motivation. Sunday Night Football, hated division rival, Chargers maybe wearing the powder blues, and with a chip on their shoulder for The Hochuli Game AND Jay Cutler making the Pro Bowl instead of Rivers.

        Rivers had his best game of the season today. Just sayin’.

        Will the Bolts show? After this season, I have no idea, but I assume that they will.

      • emptywheel says:

        And you were harassing randiego last week about stating that the Bolts were still in it.

        You gotta figure, Phillip Rivers is gonna beat Cutler next week, with the way he’s been playing.

        But what do the Bolts have to beat Indy with?

        • bmaz says:

          Well what do the Pats have for the Colts? If the Pats can’t beat Arizona by more than 40, how they gonna stay on the same field with Peyton?

    • randiego says:

      It’s funny, the Chargers got flexed-out of Sunday Night Football this week, and then flexed-in for next week.

      I could go, but tickets might be tough now. I used to be a season-ticket holder, but NFL games just aren’t for me anymore. It’s a whole day that you don’t get back… easier to watch on TV plus you don’t miss as much action.

      • Neil says:

        I don’t go to Pats games either, except one last year against Washington. It was a good take but not much drama.

  26. randiego says:

    or did you see Jeff Garcia at the end of the Bolts game today? face covered with blood after he got WHACKED by Quentin Jammer. He was bleeding profusely, it was pretty shocking…

  27. Neil says:

    Missed them both, randiego. Favre will come back next week with twice the grit. Garcia is one tough customer.

  28. randiego says:

    one more chance for the primordial ooze to jerk yer chain, huh ???

    But what do the Bolts have to beat Indy with?

    Who cares? Two weeks ago Denver was 8-5, teh Bolts 5-8. Done. Stick a fork in ‘em. We had plans for dinner with friends next sunday, but now that’s over.

  29. randiego says:

    Might as well give it back; you’ll never go very far with Norval Turner.

    I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Most of SD wants him to walk the plank, I’m torn about it.

    My head says this is exactly right, and they may as well get started on a successor. My heart says I don’t want to go through another coaching change, and I want Norv to do well.

    My head watches guys like BillBel and Fisher and especially the hated Shanahan do a lot more with less, and realizes Bmaz is right. Denver had a half-dozen major injuries this year at least, teh Bolts had one big one and few others early on. Uninspired teams, inconsistent play, unimaginative play-calling, etc, etc.

    My heart wants to believe that beating two great teams to make the AFC Championship game last year wasn’t a fluke, and that Shanahan was no great shakes in Oakland either, and BillBel didn’t do much before NE, etc, etc.

    Here’s what I see, and here’s the question I have: Chargers players who seem to think that because they are talented, they will win games and make the playoffs. That won’t cut it in the NFL, you have to earn it and beat people. Even on the worst NFL teams, every guy out there was a star on his college team, and they will beat you. Besides having veteran players to counsel younger ones, how do you deal with that?

    Does that fall on the head coach? If so, Norv is guilty as hell.

    • emptywheel says:

      Well, and I think a pro coach has to be able to coax the guys who weren’t stars in college and turn them into great pro players–because the requirements are different. BillBel did nothing before NE. But he did manage to take a fifth or sixth round former college backup and get him through a pretty good first starting season. He’s good at using people in whatever role they can play and making less great players play better.

      Merriman was a huge loss his year, but other teams have overcome that kind of loss more effectively. Hell, that Colts had no offensive line for the first five weeks, and they’re gonna beat your Bolts, most likely.

      • bmaz says:

        Not to mention they can never keep Bob Sanders on the field, and he is every bit as important to their defense as Merriman is to the Chargers.

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