Gold Bars Luskin: Turdblossom Is Wearing Nothing But a Fig Leaf


(Graphic by twolf)

There’s a few things really funny (as in smells funny, not funny ha ha) about Rove and Luskin’s identical attacks on Obama’s decision to comply with Fitz’s request that he not reveal the contacts between his transition team and Blago until next Monday.

Here’s Rove:

Rove: And it’s not gonna be a couple of days, last Thursday he said they’d, quote, do it in a few days, now we’re being told it’ll be next week. 

Colmes: That’s because of the prosecutor, Karl, the prosecutor has asked Obama to wait a week.

Rove: Again, first of all, the prosecutor can ask; the President-elect ought to decide what is in his best interest, and saying clearly and candidly to the American people like he should have said ten days ago, "Of course we’re going to be talking to him about who my replacement should be, but if any suggestion was made of a quid pro quo, my people would have said no right from the get-go." I just don’t buy this that the Obama transition operation is resisting giving out this information only because they’re being held back by the prosecutor’s office.

And here’s Luskin.

Robert Luskin, a Washington white-collar defense lawyer who knows Mr. Fitzgerald well, said he doesn’t doubt the prosecutor would have asked that Obama officials keep quiet until his investigation is further along. That is to prevent witnesses from tailoring their stories to what they learn others are saying. But, he said, Mr. Obama and his aides don’t have to comply. They are using the prosecutor as a "fig leaf" to avoid answering questions just now, Mr. Luskin said. They could just as easily have decided that assuring the public about their actions is more important than acceding to the prosecutor’s request.

The Investigations that Weren’t

One really minor gripe is this. The Obama team has–apparently–done an investigation and turned the results over to Fitz. Not a radical thought, I know. But consider:

Remember the Abramoff scandal–the one that should have shown Abramoff sending emails via Susan Ralston’s secret email to Karl Rove? The White House claimed to do an investigation into Abramoff’s ties to the White House. Only, they somehow missed the large number of visits (not to mention close contacts) Abramoff had with Rove and his buddies.  

And how about the Plame outing? Contrary to laws about disclosure of classified information that specifically require an investigation, the Administration failed to investigate who in the White House had outed Valerie Plame?

Two big scandals, both involving Karl Rove, and yet Karl Rove thinks he’s entitled to complain about those who actually do an investigation?

Gold Bars and Turdblossom Reveal The Nakedness Behind Their Rotting Fig Leaf

And then there’s this: Karl Rove and his defense attorney, insisting, in no uncertain terms, that a prosecutor can’t ask someone to remain quiet about an ongoing investigation.

Let’s see. Blago was arrested on Tuesday, just one week ago. Yet Karl and his defense attorney are up in arms that Obama hasn’t yet come clean about Rahm’s conversations with Blago.

That’s coming from a pair that refused to talk about outing Plame for three months before an investigation started, a further two and half years until Fitz informed Luskin Rove would not be charged, and another two and a half years since!!!! And Rove’s impatient with the week’s delay?

But now that you mention it, Rove still hasn’t talked about his role in outing Valerie Plame. If a prosecutor can’t legally require you to shut up–this very same prosecutor no less!!!–then I suppose Karl and Bob are ready to tell all about Karl’s role in outing a CIA spy?

C’mon Karl, we’ve got a week before Fitzmas, you can ‘fess up while we’re waiting.

Rove’s On-Going Silence About Chicago

Finally, remember that Rove is not even an innocent bystander in this matter. In fact, in the course of the Tony Rezko trial, two witnesses testified that Rezko and a buddy had been working with Rove to get Fitz fired (a third witness at the trial corroborated the story with reporters).  

In a hearing before court began, prosecutors said they hoped to call Ali Ata, the former Blagojevich administration official who pleaded guilty to corruption yesterday, to the stand.

Assistant U.S. Atty. Carrie Hamilton said she believed Ata would testify to conversations Ata had with his political patron, Rezko, about working to pull strings to kill the criminal investigation into Rezko and others when it was in its early stages in 2004.

"[Ata] had conversations with Mr. Rezko about the fact that Mr. Kjellander was working with Karl Rove to have Mr. Fitzgerald removed," Hamilton told U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve. [my emphasis]

You see, Rove is, personally, implicated in this investigation. If Rezko gets chatty–as he seems to be doing–Fitz may well get Rezko to confirm directly that Rove told him he was working on firing Fitz.

In fact, for several months last year, Rove repeatedly refused to talk about this stuff, using the "fig leaf" that his official duties included trying to fire Governor Siegelman (and also, that Rove couldn’t answer any questions about other issues, like the allegations he tried to have Fitz fired).

Rove himself is refusing to talk about precisely this investigation!!!

Don’t you find it sort of ironic–nay, even suspicious–that he’s attacking Obama for holding off a week on these issues so the investigation can go forward? 

You’d almost think Rove was pressuring Obama to ignore Fitz so as to diminish Fitz’s opportunities to get Rezko talking?

Update: Post tweaked.

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90 replies
  1. bmaz says:


    Eh, the blog I participate in has standards (granted, such little as they may be); and lady, you are starting to violate them…

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Oh, dear. With all due respect to bmaz’s delicate sensibilities, it’s a fair guess that fig leaf could be 1/20th the size and still keep JabbaTheRove clad according to Ashcroft Rules.

  2. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    (Graphic by twolf)

    This image is so hysterical that I fell right off my stationary cycle from laughing so hard.

    Brilliant ;-)))

  3. Peterr says:

    Don’t you find it sort of ironic–nay, even suspicious–that he’s attacking Obama for holding off a week on these issues so the investigation can go forward?


    This kind of attack is to be expected from Rove. I’d find it suspicious if he didn’t act like this.

  4. MadDog says:

    Interesting idea EW about Turdblossom trying to poison Fitz’s witness well.

    And I’d throw another log on the fire:

    Turdblossom and his fool’s gold-plated legal mouthpiece Luskin are trying to frame the Fitz frame since both know that come January 20, 2009, there will be no more Mumbles Mukasey and his corrupt DOJ protecting their backsides and the Congressional Hounds of Hell are going to have their teeth sunk deeply into Turdblossom’s pasty porcine ass.

    Tough luck Turdblossom, but the clock is about done run out.

    And Luskin, you better hope Turdblossom isn’t paying by checks ’cause they’re likely to come back as NSF real soon now.

    • wavpeac says:

      AW Geez! Now I know what’s wrong with Karl. Crap. No wonder. Some might consider those piercings as producing a similar physiological response to self harming behavior. That said it doesn’t mean that his adopted father had a personality disorder, however, “that fetish” might suggest that old Karl might have some “issues”. Yikes. No wonder.

  5. bell says:

    bullshit sells… i can’t understand why rove is getting any airtime let alone having his picture put up on this site other then to rationalize it all under the heading ‘bullshit sells’… i ain’t a mushroom and i am buying..

  6. maeme says:

    Why does anyone give this man any credence or even the time of day? He needs to be in jail. He, Bush, and Cheney MUST be tried for war crimes and if the Democrats do not stand firm on their message and their respect for the laws that govern this country – “so what” after 4200 + young men and women lost – they are just as guilty.

  7. JohnLopresti says:

    MDog is rite that January 20th is the day of reckoning for Rove. That is the day the WH forwards millions of documents it has announced are deliverables to be in compliance with PRA. I wonder if KR’s missing emails are among those, for forthrightness’ sake.

  8. wesgpc says:

    That picture is not work, home, or furtive-battery-laptop-internet-sufing-in-locked-closet safe.

    Also reminds me I need to go to the gym every day before it is too late.

    • pdaly says:

      I agree. Besides I need to hear what Lieberman thinks about all this before I can make up my mind.

      Do you think Lieberman would make a good Satyr next to Rove’s Backass?

      or is it Bacchus?

  9. ratfood says:

    Wow, Mr. Rove is more buff than I would have expected.

    Just glad he’s not facing the other way, lest we get a glimpse of Karl’s bad cavern.

  10. demi says:

    Ooooh, oooh. Sorry to go OT, but I’m just busting here. Scott Turow on Rachel! I’m a geek, I know, but he’s just such a good author. Some of my favorite novels.
    Thanks for allowing me to gush.

  11. Mary says:

    Isn’t this where someone asks Rove and Luskin to release the “clearance” letter that Fitzgerald sent to them, which Luskin announced to the world in a happy dance, but then refused to let anyone see?

    • pdaly says:

      Good one. Add that to emptywheel’s list.

      Also isn’t there a video feed of Rove exiting his house and repeatedly refusing to answer questions, hiding behind the same ‘can’t talk while an investigation in ongoing’ line that he is now saying Obama could cross willy nilly?

      Would like to see the recent Rove statement next to the footage of the old Rove.

  12. Rayne says:

    Have to hit the hay, looks like I have to get up early to shovel snow…just in case somebody comes back with an opinion in the affirmative that we can FOIA, here’s a draft copy for collaborative purposes. Tweak as necessary. Niters!

    FROM: Citizen Jen Doe
    Anywhere Street
    Anytown, USA

    December [date], 2008

    FOIA/PA Mail Referral Unit
    Department of Justice
    Room 114, LOC
    Washington, DC 20530-0001


    Dear FOI Officer:

    Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, I request access to and copies of all correspondence written by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald to attorney Robert Luskin or Robert Luskin’s client, Karl Rove for the period 2005 through 2006.

    I would like to receive the information in electronic format.

    I agree to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request in an amount not to exceed $100.00. However, please notify me prior to your incurring any expenses in excess of that amount.

    If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal your decision to withhold any information or to deny a waiver of fees.

    I look forward to your reply within 20 business days, as the statute requires.

    Thank you for your assistance.


    Citizen Jen Doe

      • Loo Hoo. says:

        I remember the Christmas lights reflecting on snow. Very pretty. Way fewer Christmas lights this year in my neck of the woods.

      • Rayne says:

        Sure. Just lovely, if you don’t have to drive in it.

        And lovelier if you don’t have to shovel 4 inches of the beautiful stuff off a 3-car wide driveway.

        On a lighter note, at least my biceps and “chicken wings” are getting a workout.

        Mary (70) — you know, when I’ve looked through records on FOIA’s, I’ve been flabbergasted at the relative scarcity of FOIA’s by anybody, reporters or otherwise. They may not have done this one; seems like it would have been a story if a FOIA had been denied on this documentation, don’t you think?

        Anybody got experience with FOIA’s that might want to review the one upthread and make suggestions on any changes?

  13. BlueStateRedHead says:

    Question: can the charge of “Theft of honest services” which I understand to “occur when a public official strays from this duty ” (U.S. v. Sawyer, 239 F.3d 31, 39 (1. st. Cir. 2001)be used to charge Rove?

    And while having a learning experience, could someone explain why is there an Intrade market for Blago’s going down but none for Mr. Rove going anywhere in particular soon.

  14. Neil says:


    Throwing a shoe at someone doesn’t signal respect in the Arab world the way it does in ours.
    – Josh Marshall

  15. FrankProbst says:

    Um, when you have to use your own defense attorney to regurgitate your talking points, I think your spin machine is broken.

    What I find so amusing here is that they can’t even fathom the possibility that Obama is refraining from scoring quick political points because he really doesn’t want to fuck up a federal investigation.

  16. DICKERSON3870 says:

    That does it! I’m going on a very rigorous diet….for the remainder of my life…and I’m not waiting until January 1.

  17. MarkH says:

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if, after the Plame flameout, that Fitz looks through this Chicago muck and finds Rove in there with a pony.

    • BlueStateRedHead says:

      with a pony

      ? as in pony for xmas?

      If for real, the person pictured above mounted on a pony, an animal that measures 14.2 hands(58 inches-150 cm) at the animal’s withers, would surely be cruelty to said animal.

      And that may be some sort of infraction, it is not a federal one, and thus not the one we want for Fitzmas.

  18. Neil says:

    A little grist for trashtalk…

    STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (AP) — Penn State coach Joe Paterno has a new three-year contract extension to go along with his new hip.

    The Hall of Famer and winningest coach in major college football history has agreed to a new deal with the university, the athletic department said Tuesday in a statement.

    The agreement will provide ”for the opportunity of Coach Joe Paterno leading the football program through the 2011 season,” the statement said. JoePa turns 82 on Sunday.


    Records released by the State Employees Retirement System last year put his 2007 salary at about $512,000. The state data did not reflect other sources of compensation such as bonuses or outside income.

    By salary alone though, Paterno’s contract is nowhere close to those of other big names such as Alabama’s Nick Saban, the highest paid coach at $4 million a year.

    Is Nick Saban worth 8x JoePa?

    Both teams have one loss, Saban to FL and JoePa to Iowa. Both teams will play in a bowl game, Saban in Sugar against Utah, JoePa against USC in the Rose Bowl.

    AP has them ranked as follows:
    1. Florida (50) 12-1 1,602
    2. Oklahoma (9) 12-1 1,540
    3. Texas (6) 11-1 1,530
    4. Alabama 12-1 1,410
    5. USC 11-1 1,372
    6. Penn State 11-1 1,259
    7. Utah 12-0 1,225
    8. Texas Tech 11-1 1,193
    9. Boise State 12-0 1,101
    10. Ohio State 10-2 1,069

  19. Robt says:

    There should be a disclaimer or warning on that photo.

    ” Warning any reasonable person beware that what you are about to view absolutely can harm your briain”.

  20. wavpeac says:

    It’s just so freaking “Anti Social Personality Disorder”. Projection. So typical of the behavior of so many members of the Buscho administration. They are really brilliant (cause it works) at pointing the finger OUTWARD and never ever accepting responsibility. They do it like true experts. Nixon was not this good. It seems to me that some serial killers have been able to reflect a conscience better than this crew. My opinion that Bush feels guilt and shame. I think it shows all over his face and in his mannerisms. But Rove and Cheney really seem beyond the ability to have a conscience.

    They are in their own minds living a non reality. They believe it. They defend it. And they have just enough I.Q and E.Q to make it believable.


  21. pdaly says:

    I was looking at that optical illusion to clear my mind from twolf’s creation above. If you see the dancer spinning counterclockwise she is rotating on one foot, if clockwise the opposite foot.

    Then I started to wonder if twolf could tweak it, would I see Rove spinning right or spinning leftward?

    • skdadl says:

      That is amazing. I can make her switch directions, but I’m more clockwise than counterclockwise — I only get the latter in short bursts. One thing that makes her switch direction for me — to focus instead on the words in the list, with her in my peripheral vision. I guess the analysis is that I am not normally logical, but if I settle down to read something, I can attain short bursts of logicality.

      • pdaly says:

        It is a funny optical illusion.

        I find by concentrating only on the feet and their shadows I can make her switch rotational direction almost at will. At one point she stopped making full rotations and merely did several 180 degree back and forth turns in the frontal plane.

        Once I looked at her shoulders, however, I couldn’t prevent the full rotation.

    • Quebecois says:

      Very nice!

      While looking at her hips, I relax, deep breath, tilt my head just right, she goes from one foot to the other. Freaky stuff, thanks.

  22. Mary says:

    44 – I guess it can be tried, but I have to believe that surely to gosh some journo has already done that/tried that. I know they were all pretty darn quick to be Luskin stenographers and they sure didn’t press for the release of the letter, but you have to think they asked. And you’d have to think it was included in what Waxman and Conyers etc. asked for (and mostly didn’t get) from Fitzgerald. OTOH, I really expected someone, somewhere to nail down specifically with Fitzgerald and DOJ that, after Comey left, a) the delegation to Margolis was never recalled or refashioned by McNulty, and b) that none of Margolis, McNulty or anyone else at DOJ ever intervened in any fashion to overrule any of his determinations. But for all the pomp and circumstance, they never seemed to get around to that, even though it seemed to me that Fitzgerald’s one letter (can’t remember who to, so I am assuming it was Waxman based on Waxman’s volume) seemed to almost nudge in that direction, the way he made more than one reference to the ability of main justice to revoke or revise his delegation. Not that I think there is a strong likelihood of such interference, but I like to gather up the loose ends.

  23. Leen says:

    That image above was tough to look at this morning… a challenge to gag and laugh at the same time.

    Would really be something if Rove was one of the many folks “popping off and on” one of those taped F.B.I. “who gets the Senate Seat” phone calls.

    By the way who the fuck cares about anything Karl Rove says or thinks? This is one of the team turds who outed Plame and have never paid a price for undermining National Security.

    Will the public ever have access to any part of the C.I.A’s Plame outing damage report?

  24. radiofreewill says:

    Watching Rove is like watching a Panicked Rat in a Maze.

    He’s going to do Hard Time for Siegelman alone.

  25. wavpeac says:

    Okay, every time I come back to this page, I throw up a little in my mouth. It’s usually quite pleasant to visit this site…but ack! every time my poor tummy just lurches.

    • skdadl says:

      Fine column, but:

      … some may argue that a position with such extraordinary discretionary powers should not lay in the same hands for 12 years.

      Gah! Are there no copy editors at the NY Times? It’s “lie in …,” you guys.

  26. Citizen92 says:

    Ata’s testimony revealed that IL power brokers Bob Kjellander, Bill Cellini, Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine attended a White House holiday party on December 3, 2003. You’ve got to be invited to the White House, and I bet Karl invited them.

  27. Mary says:

    85 – there’s always the possibility he meant they were fowl hands

    81 Maddow had him on as a guest too. I haven’t seen him in that setting and he was very good.

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