Girlz Out Loud

Just so you know, I’m still watching the Sunday show line-ups to see whether all the smart girlz who were on during the election still get invited back.

And FWIW, we’ve got two girlz of significance this week: Laura Bush (well, I’m not going to tune in, but she is a girl and she’ll be on before pickling hour),  and Claire McCaskill. If I’m not mistaken, McCaskill will be the first girl on Fox News Sunday since the election. May she channel her best prosecutor kick-ass when she faces off against Richard Shelby, particularly if and when they talk auto bailout (remember, Missouri has a number of (union) auto plants.

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8 replies
  1. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    EW is more generous than I am; I don’t give credence to Laura Bush.
    She’s a bright, shiny object.

    McCaskill, OTOH, I will make a point of listening to — and I sincerely hope she cleans Shelby’s clock.

  2. fatster says:

    The invisible sky beings are being merciful in one respect: at least Coulter has her mouth wired shut for a while.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Well, after her “the widows of 9-11 have really enjoyed (single parenthood, widowhood, etc)…” count me among those who wouldn’t listen to her if my house were in flames and she told me it was on fire.

      She’s dead to me.

  3. Leen says:

    Was able to catch Meet the Press. Laura so concerned about the women in Afghanistan. In denial this woman about the death and destruction that her husband and team have caused in Iraq and somehow expects the world to forget the crimes committed by the Bush thugs that she is complicit in.

    My youngest in school in Boulder and about to do a writing project on the Winter Soldier Hearings. Watching her face as she listens and watches these mostly young men and women share their direct experiences, looting, trashing Iraqi people’s houses, shooting anything that moves. Thinking that my 20 year old could be one of these kids who have had their lives abused and changed forever by this unnecessary war continues to stir up outrage in my system.

    Those hearings are so moving. Laura Bush was complicit in that war based on a “pack of lies”

    Ted Turner is on target. Found myself agreeing with everything he had to say on Meet the Press today.

    On Chris Matthews …Matthews went way off track inferring that the progressive blogosphere was mostly extreme “lefties”. As if you could categorize everyone who participates in the progressive blogosphere could be rounded up and thrown in one corral and all agree. Horseshit!

    Sometimes Matthews has his head up where the sun does not shine

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