Schadenfreude One and Schadenfreude Two

bluechair01i.jpgJohn Sununu cheated to beat Jeanne Shaheen in 2002.

Shaheen got revenge.

And Jesse Helms’ lifetime seat?

Just got re-upholstered in blue.

25 replies
  1. MadDog says:

    John “Can I read those NSA intercepts?” Bolton on BBCAmerica spewing the new same ol’ haters Repug line that Obama is/will be a radical leftist.

  2. rosalind says:

    anyone watching msnbc? one of the guests cracked that charlie crist has been called back to florida for an urgent legal matter and won’t be able to make john mccain’s party tonight. i was only half-listening and not sure if this was real, or snark.

  3. bmaz says:

    Message from Randiego, who is tending to his birthday girl and a party with no toobz access:

    Down Goes Pennsylvania!!!

    Down Goes Ohio!!!

    Our resident surfer dude is WAY excited about now.

  4. Hmmm says:

    Anyone on BBC-A? I swear Bolton is sitting there figuring out exactly how best to kill all those limeys with his bare hands.

    • MadDog says:

      Yeah, I’m bouncing between CNN, BBCAmerica, CBS and MSNBC.

      Free advice to John Bolton?

      Get yerself a real good criminal defense attorney!

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