Schadenfreude Four

Pete Domenici gets a US Attorney fired because he won’t help Republicans cheat their way to victories.

Democrats get their revenge. And then some

46 replies
    • BooRadley says:

      Not really.

      Best I could do on short notice

      Chuck Todd: ‘Republican infrastructure is just a mess’ in Iowa

      What has happened to the Iowa Republican Party? Just two years ago, the GOP held four of the five House seats. Now, if the wave hits hard enough, the party could be down to just one seat (the always conservative 5th District). The state GOP’s health can be summed up by the lack of a challenge they’ve given to the usually vulnerable Tom Harkin. In fact, Iowa is similar to a lot of battleground states where McCain is struggling; the state’s Republican infrastructure is just a mess. See also: Montana, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Virginia, to name a few.

  1. rosalind says:

    i hope they keep the tvs off at mccain party central until 8pm PST, gotta get as many people to the CA polls to vote down our odious propositions 4 & 8. turnout looking good so far:

    By 6:00 p.m. tonight, 72.22% of the roughly 4.3 million registered voters in Los Angeles County have voted. That translates to about 3,105,460 people including those who voted prior to the election via vote-by-mail and early voting in Norwalk. By comparison, 63.51% and 56.04% of registered voters turned out to the polls by 6:00 p.m. in 2004 and 2000, respectively.

    • PJEvans says:

      I believe it. There was a half-hour wait at my precinct – and I was there by 4:30 pm. It was every bit as long when I left. 6 regular booths, plus one sit-down and one audio; the scanner wasn’t working, though. Lot of provisional ballots (not a big surprise, there are a lot of apartment/condo buildings in the area – people move in and out). The crowd looked like Obama’s crowds, not like McCain’s.

  2. rosalind says:

    omg!!! update over at howie’s:

    Just got off the phone with a friend in North Carolina and I found out that Larry Kissell beat Robin Hayes in NC-08.

    More Blue America victories: Gary Peters and Mark Schauer, our two great progressives in Michigan. Bonus: no more Tim Walberg!!! And no more Chris Shays!! Jim Himes won.

    Also Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), our great incumbent, kicked Bradley’s ass.

    It also looks like Tom Perriello retired Virgil Goode, Jr in VA-05!

    wow, just fucking wow.

  3. MadDog says:

    Bob Schieffer on CBS was saying (not calling) that Obama will of course win Washington, Oregon, California and Hawaii, and even if McCain won all the other open states, with those 77 Electoral Votes, Obama is the next President of the United States.

  4. CTMET says:

    Bmaz if you are out there our UB Bulls (in Blue) are just about to beat Miami (in Red). Up 37-17 with 2:06 left.

    The University at Buffalo football program is preparing for a primetime and an Election Night football game versus Miami University of historic proportions Tuesday night at UB Stadium. Fans coming to the game will be part of the first-ever nationally televised game in UB Stadium’s history, as the Bulls, in the thick of the Mid-American Conference East Division title chase. A win would put Buffalo over the .500 mark for the first time in November in its 10 years in Division I-A and would move it one win closer to the school’s first bowl bid since the 1958 team fifty years ago**. Both teams will accentuate the Red vs. Blue political theme of the day as the Bulls will be in all blue uniforms and the RedHawks of Miami will be in all red. The teams got an NCAA exemption to do so

    **if you haven’t followed this UB didn’t go to that bowl because they wouldn’t let their black players play.

  5. WilliamOckham says:

    It’s still early, but I haven’t lost any of my calls yet, not even Nebraska CD2.

    Obama’s going to take Florida, Indiana, and Virginia, just look at the precincts that are still out. Missouri worries me, but my Dad lives there and thinks Obama’s going to take it.

    • NMvoiceofreason says:

      Yes, New Mexico was 3/2 Republican (Dominici, Pearce, Wilson / Udall, Bingaman). Now we are 0/5 Republican (Udall & Bingaman, Lujan, Heynrich, and Teague).

      Perhaps we can recover the Constitution from the shredder in the VP’s office and prosecute the over TWO MILLION FISA (50 USC 1809) felonies for the wiretapping without a warrant between 2002 and 2006.

      Naw, we’ll be too busy fixing the OTHER DAMAGE to care about the rule of law.

      • NMRon says:

        Only problem is lack of seniority. I wish Bingaman would step in on the approps committee (say what you will about Domenici, and every word would be true, he brought home the bacon).

  6. stryder says:

    I’ve been trying to keep track of em.They won’t go away.Ledeen just got back from Africa and Abrams has his fingers in the Syrian fiasco.How in God’s name did these people get so twisted?Maybe it goes back to their childhood

    Dennis Ross is another one
    The Jacobin neocons have developed a more sophisticated “bi-partisan” approach to moving the United States to war against Iran.

    Dennis Ross is a principle figure in an Israeli think-tank dedicated in its mission statement to the advancement of the interests of the Jewish People.
    The “Washington Institute for Near East Policy” is AIPAC’s wholly owned subsidiary. It exists to serve what it sees as Israel’s interests. It is one of a galaxy of AIPAC satellites in Washington. JINSA, BENS, AEI. The list is long.

    Let us be clear. It is ISRAEL. ISRAEL. ISRAEL that would be threatened by Iranian possession of a nuclear weapon and delivery means. It is ISRAEL that does not believe in nuclear deterrence. You know, MAD (mutual assured destruction). MAD is the deterrent strategy that allowed the world to survive the Cold War, but it is not good enough for Israel. An Iranian nuclear threat to Europe or the US is so far away in time that it is not even a cloud seen on a far horizon
    More neocon cleverness…..n-cle.html
    Maybe we can change

  7. freepatriot says:



    I waited 725 fucking days to piss all over the repuglitard party

    and in another 725 days, I’ll bee ready to chase the repuglitards into HISTORY

    cue the repuglitatd hissy fit, part 1A

  8. freepatriot says:

    stage 1, shrink the repuglitard party to a size where we can drown the repuglitard party in a bathtub


    stage two, drown the repuglitard party in a bathtub

    INITIATING STAGE TWO NOW, projected completion date, November 2010

    and some people make jokes, but I’m serious about PISSING ON GEORGE BUSH’S GRAVE

    georgie can start palnning to defend his grave against Democrats pissing on it, IT DON’T FUCKIN MATTER


    anybody get the idea that I don’t think ANYTHING is over ???

  9. freepatriot says:

    if the repuglitards think I’m gonna be gracius in victory, I got three words for you idiot repuglitards


  10. NMvoiceofreason says:

    I used to take planes either to or from Washington, and bend Domenici’s ear. He would often say “You don’t expect me to vote your way, do you?” to which I often replied “No, but at least you have heard my side of it.” And that is Pete. He listens. Doesn’t often change his positions, but he did more good for New Mexico than he did harm. And his running the Budget during the Clinton years has to be given some credit for the surplus.

    He could not wait to get off the plane to light up a cigarette, and I cannot help but think that had some part in the development of his brain tumors. I wish him every happiness, and good luck.

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