6 replies
  1. kspena says:

    Lest we forget why this election is important…


    Commentary: They’ve squandered lives, fortunes and our sacred honor
    By Joseph L. Galloway | McClatchy Newspapers

    “High tide arrived with the unlikeliest occupant of the Oval Office in our history, the beady-eyed, smirking, tongue-tied, counterfeit cowboy George W. Bush, and a Congress that after 9-11 was run by runaway Republicans who were too busy enriching themselves and their friends to care what their president was doing to the country, the Constitution and even their own party.”

  2. DeadLast says:

    My wife & I just voted. We arrived at the Fairfax/Pico voting site in Los Angeles at 8:30 AM. Two-hours in line — there was a shortage of poll workers for the “green” line, which serves my neighborhood. Even with the wait, it was wonderful.

    There was an African-American gentleman with a full, bushy head of silver hair, dressed in a blue coveralls. He exited while we were waiting to enter the building. He was smiling from ear to ear. He announced to everyone “It was worth it! It was worth it!”

    There were four precincts at that location and everyone I talked to said they were voting No on 8.

  3. Neil says:

    A little kerfuffle in Cambridge today. One of the polls had the wrong voter list.

    All quiet in Boston, so far. I was the only person there at 10 AM except for poll workers, a policeman, and a fireman waiting outside. After seeing the lines of people early voting in Florida on TV that go out the door, down the block, down the next block, down the next block, down the next block, etc, I wondered if that could happen here. It didn’t.

    The ballot was what I expect except for one thing, there was a fourth (non-binding) referendum question that resolved

    A. we have a right to health care and
    B. the Commonwealth of Massachusetts does not have the right to penalize people with a fine if they do not sign up.

    I voted no. I want the Commonwealth to have the authority to create a health policy for all residents and to use carrots as well as sticks. We all pay either way, so get people signed up in the connector program, so some costs can be shifted from expensive emergency care to preventive medicine.

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