
The AP is out with a story that Rahm Emmanuel has been offered the position of Chief of Staff in an Obama Administration.

Barack Obama’s campaign has approached Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel about possibly serving as White House chief of staff, officials said Thursday as the marathon presidential race entered its final, frenzied stretch with a Democratic tilt.


The Democrats who described the Obama campaign’s approach to Emanuel spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to be quoted by name. An aide to the congressman, Sarah Feinberg, said in an e-mail that he "has not been contacted to take a job in an administration that does not yet exist. Everyone is focused on Election Day, as they should be. "

I think this is, at the very least, overblown not just for the reasons Ambinder lays out:

… but if Obama has the made decision, he wouldn’t tell anyone on his campaign, he would tell people on his transition team — and they’re not speaking to the press. People on the campaign say that Obama hasn’t had a free hour to concentrate about this stuff — which they would say, of course, but the sources are genuinely reliable. Surely he has an idea or two in mind, and maybe it would make sense to give the people he’s thinking about asking to serve a heads up.  It’s hard to say no to a president.

Emanuel has been a regular behind-the-scenes adviser to Obama, knows everyone in Washington, is one of the better communicators in the party, and certainly is qualified for the post.  But he’s … got a very strong personality that doesn’t exactly jibe with the tone Obama likes to set for his endeavors. (David Plouffe and Rahm Emanuel could not be more different in temperament.)  He also has a young family, and he has not moved them to Washington, and his hours as chief of staff would be hellish.

Incidentally: nothing would be more devastating to Emanuel’s chances than a public story like this, one that could allow Republicans to use Emanuel’s brass-knuckle reputation against Obama a few days before the election. [snip]

Rahm has a practice of starting rumors about himself (he used rumors liberally in his fights with Howard Dean over money and churned them out on industrial scale to claim credit for 2006’s success). But No Drama Obama, who is wrapping up 20 months of a leak-free campaign, isn’t about to start leaking now. Moreover, he’s not about to take kindly to someone leaking for political gain.

But I also think this is overblown because of the way that Obama appears to be looking forward–if all goes well on Tuesda–to governing. He appears to be planning to do everything he can to make sure he has tools in place to work with Congress.

Just look at his selection of Joe Biden. Sure, Biden has helped to campaign to white working class voters (and has stayed mostly gaffe-free, to his credit). But I think Obama picked Biden to ensure he’d have an ally within the White House with a long history of working with the Old Dogs who will run Senate Committees next year. As a relative newbie in the Senate, Obama still campaigned against Washington, but he made damn sure he’d have someone with long practice in the way Washington works to help him govern. 

So why would Obama take a close ally, currently the fourth ranking and arguably second most powerful Democrat in the House, and put him in the White House, thereby neutralizing much of his power? If he wins, with Rahm in the House, he can look forward to have close ties to one of the best deal-makers in the House. As knowledgable as Rahm is about working Washington, I think he may be more useful for Obama in the House than in the White House.

And frankly, I still suspect Rahm has designs on the Speaker’s gavel. 

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30 replies
  1. JohnForde says:

    I went to college with Ram’s brother, Ari. Ari is now the most powerful agent in Hollywood.

    The third brother, Zeke, is director of Bioethics at the National Institute of Health.

    The brothers have the same archetype.

  2. klynn says:


    After a long week and a half of AP leaks from the McC campaign, what on earth should make a reader think this came from the leak-free Obama camp? It does not fit the Obama strategy but it fits a McC camp tactic.

    Sounds like Mitts people are real good at gossip….It’s just another “hate” card being played…

    Just my take. I highly doubt this is from Obama’s camp.

  3. lemondloulou says:

    I agree with you E, but for another reason. Obama is going to govern from the middle too–or at least he is going to try to in the beginning. Obama is a pragmatist. Emanuel is way too partisan to be chief of staff for Obama.

  4. Professor Foland says:

    One thing I loved about the Obamercial is that it served two purposes. The one everyone has been talking about is how it positioned Obama in the election campaign, as someone sympathetic, understanding the middle class plight, and who looks like he can handle the job.

    The other purpose I saw is that every one of his key proposals was brought up–in little bullet points–on the screen as he talked. This turns Tuesday’s vote into an electoral buy-in point on specific proposals. It sets him up for political battles with any recalcitrant legislators: “We laid this out for the American people in that message. More people watched our message than watched the American Idol finale. The American people knew what they were voting for–and they voted for it in overwhelming numbers. You want to get in the way of that?”

    I suspect having Rahm in the House saying that to his fellow legislators is the best thing possible for Obama. Then let them come up to the White House and get the smooth “closer” from Daschle…

  5. BayStateLibrul says:

    Chuck Todd just confirmed your belief that Rahm wants the “Speaker” job.
    Would Nancy take a position in the Cabinet, if Obama wins?

    • NelsonAlgren says:

      No way!! Would would Nancy give up one of the most powerful positions in DC(Even if practically Hoyer and Emanuel have more power)? Both Nancy and Steny are in their late 60’s. Rahm is 48. I do wonder though whether Nancy will try to outlast Steny, since I am sure Steny has designs on the Speaker job as well(Since I bet Steny wants the Speaker job to has to his lifetime accomplishments).

  6. Leen says:

    There has to be someone more neutral for that position.
    “During his original 2002 campaign, Emanuel “indicated his support of President Bush’s position on Iraq, but said he believed the president needed to better articulate his position to the American people.”[8] Inspired by his pediatrician father, one of the major goals he spoke of during the race was “to help make health care affordable and available for all Americans.”[8]

    Emmanuel seems to know how to get the job done. But the way he gets the job done sounds like the radical hawks in the Republican party
    “At this point of his political career he was known for his intensity. Notably, he reportedly told British Prime Minister Tony Blair, “This is important. Don’t fuck it up,” prior to Blair appearing in public with Clinton for the first time after the Lewinsky scandal emerged.[9] Emanuel is said to have “mailed a rotting fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways.”[8] On the night after the Clinton election, “Emanuel was so angry at the president’s enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting ‘Dead! … Dead! … Dead!’ and plunging the knife into the table after every name.”[1] His “take-no-prisoners attitude” earned him the nickname “Rahm-bo”.[8″


    I don’t know if Emmanuel is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Israel or not, But I really do not support dual citizens serving as Reps of any kind. A dual citizen should have to give up their other citizenship. Not sure how many dual citizens we have serving as Reps?

  7. Leen says:

    I think Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the rising star in congress. She is brilliant, reasonable, articulate and oh so smooth when she criticizes anyone or anything.

    Would love to watch this woman rise to the top of the Dem party

    • BayStateLibrul says:

      Good choice, and Barney Frank for Press Secretary… we need more
      leaders with a sense of humor, intelligence, boldness, and ability to
      summarize the events in colorful language/metaphor.

    • JClausen says:

      But wasn’t she the one who worked with her “friends” in Congress from Florida who were Rethugs rather than help fellow party members as the DCC chairperson?

      Unforgiveable as far as I am concerned.

      • Leen says:

        Not sure? I have just been watching her the last several years. Not sure if she was one of the folks who blocked Murtha from getting Hoyer’s spot or not. They sure slammed Murtha

    • Nell says:

      Are you freaking kidding me? Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, put in charge of the Red to Blue program because of the way in which she’s positioned to do fundraising, and she wouldn’t even endorse or work for two Democratic Congressional challengers in other Florida districts (our candidates taking on the right-wing scum Diaz-Balerts)?

  8. Arbusto says:

    Any talk of Emanuel, either as Chief of Staff or Speaker, would indicate a more DLC/Center Right Administration or House. I hate “pragmatic” Democrats because in Demo speak it means go along to get along. Haven’t we had enough pragmatism for the last 12 years?

  9. klynn says:

    Let’s not forget Ambinder stated this not so long ago about Bloomberg:

    …while Bloomberg is so concerned about Your Health and Welfare that he studies intently the ins and outs of congestion pricing and trans-fats. He’s a prime minister-type — although he brings an outsider’s sense of efficiency to the bureaucracy. Let Obama be the vision guy; Bloomberg could be the brass-tacks administrator.

    I always thought that was a pitch for Chief of Staff…

    • Nell says:

      Ambinder’s a Republican with Republican sources. So I don’t believe the Rahmors either, and I further believe they came from someone in the R camp.

  10. Leen says:

    Will there be a spot for Wesley Clark?

    “John Walsh writing about Emmanuel at Counterpunch and “If Americans Only Knew” website.


    How Rahm Emanuel Has Rigged a Pro-War Congress
    Election 2006: The Fix is Already In

    “Meanwhile, even though Duckworth has been the recipient of Rahm’s largesse, to the tune of $1.8 million, the same amount as her Republican opponent, her campaign has not taken wing. You get the picture. If you toe the line for Rahm on the war, the money rains on you like manna from heaven and you are elevated to national celebrity status. But if you are anti-war, Rahm cuts you off at the wallet.
    Note that in each of these two cases Emanuel did not pick candidates based on a proven ability to raise money. Nor did he pick them for their ability to win. In Duckworth’s case she damned near lost despite the cash infusion, and McNirney did win despite the money that Emanuel funneled to his opponent. Emanuel is not choosing proven fundraisers or winning candidates; he is choosing pro-war candidates.”

    Emanuel’s War Plan for Democrats
    The Book of Rahm
    What are Emanuel’s views on war and peace? Emanuel has just supplied the answer in the form of a scrawny book co-authored with Bruce Reed, modestly entitled: The Plan: Big Ideas for America. The authors obligingly boil each of the eight parts of “The Plan” down to a single paragraph. The section which embraces all of foreign policy is entitled “A New Strategy to End the War on Terror,” a heading revealing in itself since “war on terror” is the way the neocons and the Israeli Lobby currently like to frame the discussion of foreign policy. Here is the book’s summary paragraph with my comments in parentheses:

    “A New Strategy to Win the War on Terror”
    (”War on Terror,” as George Soros points out, is a false metaphor used by those who would drag us into military adventures not in our interest or that of humanity.)

    “We need to use all the roots of American power to make our country safe. (He begins by playing on fear.) America must lead the world’s fight against the spread of evil and totalitarianism, but we must stop trying to win that battle on our own. (Messianic imperialism.) We should reform and strengthen multilateral institutions for the twenty-first century, not walk away from them. We need to fortify the military’s “thin green line” around the world by adding to the U.S. Special Forces and the Marines, and by expanding the U.S. army by 100,000 more troops. (An even bigger military for the world’s most powerful armed forces, a very militaristic view of the way to handle the conflicts among nations. What uses does Emanuel have in mind for those troops?) We should give our troops a new GI Bill to come home to. (More material incentives to induce the financially strapped to sign up as cannon fodder.) Finally we must protect our homeland and civil liberties by creating a new domestic counterterrorism force like Britain’s MI5. (A new domestic spying operation is an obvious threat to our civil liberties; MI5 holds secret files on one in 160 adults in Britain along with files on 53,000 organizations.)

    There it is straight from the horse’s mouth.2

    RCongressman Rahm Emmanuel is a war hawk!
    When Israel illegally invaded Lebanon and bombed the hell out of them here is Rahm’s response to Maliki calling Israel’s attack on Lebanon and act of “aggression”

    “most recent evidence was his attack on the U.S. puppet Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri al Maliki, because Maliki had labeled Israel’s attack on Lebanon as an act of “aggression.” Emanuel called on Maliki to cancel his address to Congress; and he was joined by his close friend and DSCC counterpart, Sen. Chuck Schumer, who asked; “Which side is he (Maliki) on when it comes to the war on terror?” In terms of retired Senator Fritz Holling’s statement that Congress is Israeli occupied territory, Rahm Emanuel must be considered one of the occupying troops. And he certainly is a major cog in the Israel Lobby as defined by Mearsheimer and Walt. Nor is the idea that the Lobby exists and has tremendous influence on Middle East policy any longer a taboo in the minds of the general populace. According to a poll just carried out by Zogby International for CNI 5, 39% of the American public “agree” or “somewhat agree” that “the work of the Israel lobby on Congress and the Bush administration has been a key factor for going to war in Iraq and now confronting Iran.” A similar number, 40%, “strongly disagreed” or “somewhat disagreed” with this position. Some 20% of the public were not sure.”

    This is an important article about Rahm Emmanuel.

  11. klynn says:

    Marc Ambinder is a professional journalist. But in defending the role he and his colleagues play in covering our elections, he won’t be bothered by dreary, annoying “debates about the duties, obligations and frustrations of the press.” That — he announced with finger-snapping, eyebrow-raised, head-swaying defiance — is a “game” that Marc Ambinder doesn’t “play.”

    Ambinder editorializes and is too self-absorbed. He likes to “play around” with politics and his toy of choice is journalism.

    I really question this whole story and the sources the more I think about “how” Ambinder “does” journalism. He “does” it quite a bit.

  12. Leen says:

    I sure hope someone creates the spot for Rep Dennis Kucinich as a Secretary of Peace. We need a “Dept Of Peace” This man sure deserves it. He led the way against the 2002 war resolution, has held so many informative hearings about Iraq, Iran (that the press barely covers) stood against the Kyl Lieberman amendment (the equivalent in the house)

  13. freepatriot says:

    why isn’t the site loading ???

    this is the only thread that will open

    I tried to open two other threads

    20 minutes and NOTHING

    and it’s just this site, everything else opens fine

    anybody got any clues

  14. amilius says:

    Perhaps a Chief of Staff appointment would be Obama’s way of limiting the damage Rehm can do to his policies in the House? Might there be a method to this seeming ‘madness’?

  15. bobschacht says:

    Geez, this thread has really got me depressed about the Democratic leadership in the House. Nancy “Off the Table!” Pelosi, “Rambo” Emmanuel, Steny “FISA-deal” Hoyer, Jack “Earmarks R Us” Murtha…

    Ick. I know we’ve got better folks. When is the Progressive Caucus going to get one of its own in leadership?

    Bob in HI

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