Don’t You Hate When Your Plumber Is a No-Show on Your Appointment?

Only, when you get blown off by repairmen, there aren’t 6,000 people and the national press watching. 

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50 replies
  1. FormerFed says:


    Come on back to AZ and finish your term and retire to Sedona. You have tarnished your reputation enough.

    • groucho says:

      I loved Sedona. until all the rich elites like mccain, built their mcmansions all the way up to the most spiritual part. Take their hate and live somewhere that isn’t obscuring the view of national treasures for the rest of this world. under a rock, mayhaps

    • emptywheel says:

      Via DK, apparently a huge chunk of the audience consisted of shipped-in K-12 students.

      A local school district official confirmed after the event that of the 6,000 people estimated by the fire marshal to be in attendance this morning, more than 4,000 were bused in from schools in the area. The entire 2,500-student Defiance School District was in attendance, the official said, in addition to at least three other schools from neighboring districts, one of which sent 14 buses.

      Sometimes, I almost feel sorry for McCain.


      • freepatriot says:

        fuck mcsame

        I feel sorry for the kids

        anything that makes you wish you were back in class should be considered torture

        I’m assuming that most of those students didn’t want to see loser mcsame do his grumpy old man act

  2. gryphon says:

    Joe had a previous appointment with the board of liscensing, then he had to make a brief stop at the union hall to get his certificates in order …

  3. bmaz says:

    Man, McCain just can’t get any respect from the trades I guess. Far as I can tell, Larry the Cable guy wasn’t there either….

  4. freepatriot says:

    I know plumbers. I work with plumbers, Plumbers are friends of mine, and joe ain’t no plumber

    whodathunk mcsame could find a BIGGER gold digging DIVA than princess pandora ???

  5. Adie says:

    EW You just made my day! Thanks much.

    So, even the plumber has caught the shift in the wind.

    When ya lose the plumber’s endorsement, yer headin’ down the toobz fer sure.

    Can this go viral, oh purty puleeze?

    • Waccamaw says:

      One of the other blogs made mention of several news people virtually licking their lips and laughing about how it *will* go viral. Never fear…….Keef and Rachel to the rescue. *g*

  6. scribe says:

    Well, from a purely educational perspective, I can justify and understand taking all the kids on a one-morning field trip to go see a live presidential candidate in town.

    I mean, I remember when I was in kindergarten and the (small, traveling) circus came to town – they took us to go see it instead of keeping us in school all afternoon. It was fun. They had all sorts of animals and the clowns were funny. Three or four rows of bleachers inside a real tent big-top.

    • emptywheel says:

      Oh, I have no complaint with kids going to a presidential candidate’s speech. Anything to encourage these kids to grow up with some appreciation for the electoral process.

      • scribe says:

        Which is why I’m not being negative on sending the kids to be McSame’s rally audience. It’s educational.

        Just like I’m still positive (more than 40 years later) on sending my kindergarten class to go see the circus. Thinking back to those old memories brought back another – they had a clown car then, too!

  7. oldoilfieldhand says:

    Thank you Marcy! Please keep doing the heavy lifting for rest of us! Since Joe is almost a rowdy country music star, maybe he’s in Rehab!

  8. Pat2 says:

    … If only Joe had agreed to appear at the rally, Sen. McCain’s tone wouldn’t have had to become so disagreeable.

  9. DeadLast says:

    Sun-Tzu, in the Art of War, talks about how important it is to take care of your spies. Obviously McCain never read that chapter.

  10. der1 says:

    Maybe he’ll find that aide and….”McCain had hoped that night would help launch him as a national figure. Instead, when the 5-foot-9 senator-elect spoke at the Phoenix victory party, the podium was too tall.
    “You couldn’t see his mouth,” Hinz said.
    A furious McCain sought out Robert Wexler, the Young Republican head in charge of arrangements.
    “McCain kept pointing his finger in Wexler’s chest, berating him,” Hinz recalled. The 6-foot-6 Hinz stepped between them and told McCain to cut it out. “I told him I’ll make sure there’s an egg crate around next time,” he said. McCain walked away angrily.

    Effen morons, it’s too sad to be funny even though I laughed. This gang has run our beautiful country the last 8 years and they’ve done “a heckuva good job!” the examples would fill pages and possibly lead to the editor’s suicide. True it ain’t over ’til it’s over but the way things are looking I think I’ll finally keep my promise to myself to do something else besides sitting here reading this screen every day.

    • diablesseblu says:

      Actually McCain is 5′9″ only with footwear prosthetics. He was generously 5′7″ when at USNA and we know how the elderly can shrink. (There’s no Viagra for height. *g*)

      Would love to see him accurately measured sans foot gear.

  11. damagedone says:

    Judging by the McCain ads in Florida, Joe the Plumber is a cross dresser who likes to impersonate many different women. Maybe that is why he did not show up.

  12. i4u2bi says:

    Joe suddenly remembered that McCranky was the old coot that kept Joe’s football when it rolled into McSenile’s yard.

  13. cherveny says:

    Heh, I saw that video earlier and laughed.

    Maybe Joe the plumber is trying to “go rogue” too, and form a Sarah/Joe ticket in 2012.

  14. Twain says:

    Isn’t it strange that Joe the Plumber has become a joke and yet McC still keeps using it? The old man just doesn’t get it, I guess. It’s making him look silly.

  15. Prairie Sunshine says:

    McCain campaign shill on CNN right now doing the shitwork of smear against Obama.

    Dirty hands.

    I’ll give Sanchez credit for asking tough questions. But when you’re dealing with the kind of scum who would stoop to the scurrilous racist campaign that McCain is running these days, just giving these people airtime puts a stench on them, too.

    This is such an obvious red herring away from talking about economic issues.

  16. TwinpeaksnikkiSF says:

    I am honestly concerned with McCain’s mental health. I would really be concerned if I thought he had a real chance of being elected.

  17. rdwdkw says:

    Marci, what’s the difference between Joe and a toilet that is full of shit? Give up? We all know where the shit is going after it’s all over.

    • cherveny says:

      The “death to Israel” comment from Joe portion I saw via the Daily Show. You know you have a problem if you are a conservative, and even a Fox news anchor says you’re full of sh**.

  18. siri says:

    LOL! GREAT JOB Marcy!
    Joe had to get a nap. He had an early morning on a titch of a hangy poo from last night’s skin head rally.
    po joe. Say it ain’t so.

  19. cherveny says:

    It can be found in this video. About 4 mins in his the Joe moment and Fox’s response. Good segment overall. Would recommend the whole thing.

    You know, with Palin being called “rogue”, and Republicans being elephants, does this mean we here in Ohio should start readying our tranquilzer guns, so she doesn’t trample our villages? :-p

  20. Jo Fish says:

    Yeah, I saw that live this morning. I guess Joe had a meeting with his publicist about the record deal with Aaron Tippin and his attorney/agent for the book deal. Wanna bet McInsane is not going to be making too many more “Joe” references…temper temper John-boy…

    If Barack Obama had not stopped and answered his questions, he’d still be looking for the first :30 of the 15 minutes of fame. He should theoretically be BO’s biggest fan now. ROTFLMFAO.

  21. Neil says:

    David Shuster on MSNBC Live covers

    Elizabeth Dole slanderous TV ad against challenger, Kay Hagen (D-NC)

    You did it for prospective US Congressman El Tinklenburg. Now do it for prospective US Senator Kay Hagen.

  22. Dismayed says:

    I keep seeing Sesame Street. Joe the Plumber is just like big bird walking on. Only the kid who what Sesame Steet are much more savvy than the dip shits going to those rallys. They know Sesame Street is just a show.

  23. TheLodgerAgain says:

    As if the McSame campaign didn’t have enough rogue ego problems… Joe the Plunger shows up at a Palin rally and actually makes the candidate blend into the background (see the Olbermann video above.)

    Let me repeat that:


    It’s going to be one loooong plane ride back to Anchorage on Wednesday for Clan Palin.

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