McCain, Don’t You Think A Surge Might Have Been Better BEFORE People Voted?

Nielsen reports that McCain is surging his advertising dollars in "swing states" (for the most part, states formerly known as "red").

Yesterday Sen. John McCain boosted his TV advertising units in seven key swing states — Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, closing the gap between his advertising and Sen. Barack Obama’s.

On Sunday, Oct. 26, McCain ran just 331 TV ad units in those seven states — 308% fewer than the 1,350 ad units Obama ran that day.  

But on Monday, Obama’s lead in these key battleground states shrank to 113% — or a margin of 1,528 ad units, after McCain’s campaign increased the number of TV ad units it ran in those states by 308%, to 1,353 units.

I guess McCain has finally figured out that he needs to win a few more Bush states to have a prayer of winning this race.

But here’s the thing. Check out the number of people who have already voted in CO, FL, GA, OH, and VA (with the exception of VA and GA, totals are through yesterday):

CO: 813,948 people–or 37.9% of 2004’s total

FL: 2,063,157 people–or 27% of 2004’s total

GA: 1,206,891 people as of today–or 36.4% of 2004’s total

OH: 309,041 between Cuyahoga and Franklin counties–or 25.3% of 2004’s totals in those two counties

VA: 50,350 in Fairfax county as of Friday–10.9% of 2004’s total in that county

So McCain has finally decided to get serious about advertising to these states–after 4.5 million people have already voted.

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32 replies
  1. sojourner says:

    At the risk of being overly-optimistic, it is SOOOOOO delicious watching all of these idiots go down in flames — and especially John McCain. I have to admit that at one time, I thought I agreed with some of what he had to say. In this last year, however, I do not think that there is much that he has not reversed himself on — and no matter how much he wants to distance himself from Dubya, he is just more of the same.

    When the histories get written, I suspect McCain’s campaign will become a handbook for how not to do it. In the meantime, I just hope he keeps making his missteps…

  2. freepatriot says:

    ready, shoot, aim

    that’s john mcsame

    I read an article about Obama’s plan to steadily increase ad spending in the weeks before the election. The article showed how Obama was increasing his spending by an average of 20% a week for about ten weeks

    mcsame is jumping from gimmick to gimmick

    Obama is proceeding with a plan to OBLITERATE mcsame

    it’s like watching a puppy get flattened by a semi, OVER AND OVER, day after day after day

    but it’s ok cuz it’s a repuglitarded puppy

    I can’t wait till we’re all assimilated by the borg tomorrow night

  3. WilliamOckham says:

    More campaign wizardy from Schmidt, Salter, and Davis. They seem to be making a play for the title ”Worst Campaign Ever”.

  4. ANOther says:

    Methinks that Nielsen needs help with their use of percentages. “308% fewer” has no meaning – now if they were to say that McCain’s ads numbered only 25% of Obama’s ads, we can all understand that. (Sorry, retired and recovering actuary here.)

  5. Minnesotachuck says:

    Does anyone know if any exit polling is being done at early voting sites? Or know of any studies that have been/are being done regarding the impact that substantial early voting (15-20% or more) has on the accuracy of election day exit polls?

  6. freepatriot says:

    we’re well beyond hypocrisy and irony here, folks

    we’re entering a parallel universe where everything princess pandora touches blows up in her face

    the fruit flies, the clothes store

    now the “Obama is a Socialist” argument is spread all over princess pandora’s face like so much rotten eggs

    princess pandora was a wealth spreader, last month, before wealth spreading was evil

    keith olberman broke the sad news

    looks like we might not get to kill all the lawyers after all …


  7. Mary says:

    OT – Military judge tosses out Jawad’s confession as based on torture.…..ure_ruling

    “During the interrogation, someone told the accused, ‘You will be killed if you do not confess to the grenade attack,’ and, ‘We will arrest your family and kill them if you do not confess,’ or words to that effect,” [military judge]Henley wrote in response to a defense motion to suppress the evidence. “It was a credible threat.”

    Defense counsel,

    … praised the judge for “adopting a traditional definition of torture rather than making one up.”

    • freepatriot says:

      them fancy show trials ain’t workin out too well ???

      now THAT is something I predicted would go wrong for the bushies

      but I gotta credid mcsame for princess palin

      that was mavericky all right

      not to bright

      but it WAS mavericky

      or maybe we should call it McMavericky

      and on another front, the McMutiny is proceeding nicely …

    • cinnamonape says:

      Wow! Looks like Justice Henley eviscerated the prosecutors case unless they have some pretty substantial evidence otherwise.

    • skdadl says:

      Every one of these decisions helps. Jawad may be relevant to Khadr’s case, also delayed until January because the new judge accepted a defence argument for independent psychological evaluation.

      That’s a nice zinger from Frakt, about Henley’s use of a serious definition of torture. That’s aimed directly at the structure and rules of the military commissions. I hope someone is writing a book about the JAGs and all they have done at GTMO — they deserve to be honoured.

  8. freepatriot says:

    I just want to offer a bit of a warning, here and now

    in about 10 days, I might become the biggest supporter of sister sarah that you people ever saw

    If Obama wins the election, and Democrats start to repair our nation, I’m gonna continue rat fucking the repuglitard party till I PISS ON THEIR GRAVES

    some people find solace in forgiveness

    I never did (in giving or receiving)

    I believe I have found the perfect instrument to DESTROY a blight on America’s history

    I love princess pandora

    I hope she runs in 2012

    and I’ll help that anchor sink the repuglitards any way I can (except that I ain’t really gonna do anything to actually “HELP” them win elections)

    don’t think of it as politics, think of it as Euthanasia

    jus so youse know …

    (ever read “Dune” ??? “Never to Forgive, Never to Forget”)

  9. freepatriot says:

    hey, we got a complement from mark levin

    check out this quote from sadly no:

    The question is whether enough Americans understand what’s at stake in this election and, if they do, whether they care. Is the allure of a charismatic demagogue so strong that the usually sober American people are willing to risk an Obama presidency?

    it’s not every day that somebody calls you “Usually Sober”

    can I use that on a job application, under references ???

    mark levin says I’m usually sober …

    if anybody finds out where we fell into this rabbit hole, let me know

  10. radiofreewill says:

    I early-voted today.

    It took an hour and fifteen minutes, all total, was painless and very straightforward.

    I saw Hope, real Hope – sometimes too scared to be voiced – in the eyes of hundreds and hundreds of People today – Hoping that Our Country may have Survived the Bush/Republican Party Nightmare after all.

    I Hope everyone Votes!

    Take Back, America!

  11. cinnamonape says:

    In addition people can’t watch those ads if they are standing in lines for 5+ hours.

    It’s here that the psychological aspect of knowing that Obama is ahead in so many states and in the early voting that is going to prey at the mind of the Republicans. Already discouraged at the prospect of victory, they may simply say WTF*** and go home and mope at the abysmal campaign run by their selection. With half as many voters the Democrats will be through in three hours, surrounded by celebratory comperes, feeling that they are a part of history.

    Early voting is sort of like having the results announced early…which typically depresses the turnout for the loser, I believe.

  12. cinnamonape says:

    Oh hint…hint. On election day we need to start talking about how long the lines are in various Republican areas…on the right-wing blogs. Gripe, moan, bitch…talk about the bad weather, the fact that Republican poll challenges are slowing down the polls, etc. Make it sound as if the pollworkers are horrific, broken machines…and complain about everything that went wrong in the McCain-Palin campaign as to “why we lost”.

  13. kspena says:

    OT-Candy Crowley made an interesting observation tonight on CNN. She said that for the last few days that Obama has been appearing in some of the ‘reddist’ parts of the red states drawing hugh crowds. It doesn’t matter where he goes now, hugh crowds appear… So refering to bmaz’s previous thread, let Obama go to the heart of the ‘reddist’ part of Arizona and draw hundred’s of thousands…

    • JimWhite says:

      Same for Biden. His rally yesterday in Ocala, Florida was in a county the R’s haven’t won since 1976. 3500 showed up on a weekday morning when the temperatur was 40 [that’s freakin’ cold here, folks!] And Senator Bill Nelson, during the warm-up, told us that the 11,000 at last week’s Michelle Obama rally in Gainesville (a dot of blue in a sea of red) was her largest rally of the entire campaign.

      Top that with this wonder of wonders: Charlie Crist, former butt-monkey for John McCain, issued an executive order yesterday extending early voting hours to 7 to 7 from the 9 to 5 for weekdays and forcing counties to add 12 more hours this weekend, also. The R’s are not amused, but they have to be somewhat reserved in their comments because they can’t be too obvious about wanting to prevent voting. [It was the R legislature that put in the lame early voting hours.]

      • kspena says:

        That’s great. Do you think Crist might be part of a growing
        number of ‘intellectual’ republicans who are positioning themselves to pick-up the pieces to rebuild the party? Margaret Carlson, among others, pointed to a growing divide between intellectuals and anti-intellectuals in the party a couple of days ago. I think she referred to the angst as a ‘battle’.

        (24-spell-check, please…)

  14. Mary says:

    26 – There’s a new ball in the game. In a way, this one was the “easy” call (on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is hard, this was *only* a 10 for the lawyers and judge, others are going to be 13s and 15s). The facts in this case allowed for a finding of torture involving the confession that was not, technically, US torture. Those threats were made Afghans and generated the confession and so the judge didn’t need to look past the treatment in Afghan hand to the treatment in US hands to make the ruling on the confession.

    I’m wondering how this jives with what the “clean teams” from the FBI may or may not have done with Jawad.

    Unfortunately, we already have US precedent in Padilla and Salah (although those were not military cases) both allowing on the one hand, a long series of torture that was just on whim and for experimenation (not in connection with a confession) can just be ignored by a US court, even when applied to a US citizen on US soil. And in Salah we have the ok for negating claims of torture by having identity concealed men who face no real perjury or obstruction threat of any kind give secret testimony that everything was fine. IIRC, in Salah you had members of an agency that the Israeli S. Ct said had been engaging in torture, one of the kinds of torture they engaged in was sleep deprivation, the prisoner claimed sleep deprivation and even was able to get logs showing that he was kept out of the general detention at night, time after time, as support – – – and the prosecution presented to the court as “explanation” the hooded guys saying that, ‘oh yeah, did we forget to mention that Salah asked us to be allowed to sleep in the [no bed] interrogation room instead of having to go back, so we just did that to accomodate him’ and the court bit on that?

    Still, to have a military commissions Judge be tougher than the whole of the legal corps at DOJ together and use a real definition applied to real facts, rather than backing into a definition that will get Bush what he wants and making up facts or just ignoring facts in application —- that’s really something. They deserve more than a book – they deserve someone to have to be accountable for the careers that were destroyed in standing up for the rule of law and they deserve a nation that appreciates their sacrifice and commitment and shows that appreciation.

    The world being what it is, I don’t truly believe they’ll get that, but I’ll send up my prayers for them and try to believe it.

  15. freepatriot says:

    does anybody expect this farce to continue beyond January 20, 2009 ???

    so what’s the fucking point ???

    george bush’s show trials are an embarrasment to America, they serve no purpose. they will be suspended with prejudice the second presnit bunny pants leaves office

    kinda makes you wonder why it took so long for these prosecutors to catch on

    soon it will be time to try those who created these kangaroo courts

    working for george bush is gonna be as healthy as working for stalin or hitler

    I have NO SYMPATHY for anybody who participated in these trials

    if false evidence was entered (under the LEGAL DEFINITION of evidence) we got laws to punish that

    if false charges were proffered, we got laws …

    if illegal rulings were issued, we got laws …

    the next presnit bunny pants ain’t gonna get any cooperation if we hang everybody who violated a law at the behest of george w bush


  16. freepatriot says:

    and the BEST part about charging the bushistas for their illegal torture and imprisionmment is that IF anybody wants to defend george’s prisons and tactics, we use george’s prisons and tactics to CHANGE THEIR FUCKING MINDS

    trust me

    I CAN convince you that this is a crime against humanity

    you don’t want that …

    georgie porgie created one hell of a “Catch 22″ there, didn’t he ???

  17. BillE says:

    The future Palintologists will marvel at the wreckage that has been created.

    I hope Obama during his inaguration speech with the Chimperor watching pulls out an EO closing Gitmo and maybe a few other wipe his face in it moves and really lets him have it. Then on day 2, extradites the whole lot of them to the Hague.

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