They Don’t Make Ratfuckers Like They Used To

I noted yesterday that, with the evidence that the cops may in fact have been the source of the "teach her a lesson" quote given to Pittsburgh’s TV stations (though clearly via the McCain campaign), one big question remained about the McCain team’s involvement in pushing Ashley Todd’s story to the press: who gave Drudge the picture of Todd.

It looks increasingly likely that the College Republicans gave Drudge the photo. We know, at least, that the friend whose house she went to before she called the cops, Dan Garcia, gave a copy of the photo to the College Republicans.

Mr. Garcia, 32, a first-year student at the University of Pittsburgh law school who also is from Texas, met Ms. Todd in May at a gathering of young Republicans in their hometown of College Station. On Wednesday night, she came back to his house, bruised and battered, and told him of the attack. He contacted police.

Mr. Garcia said his immediate response was to tend to the wound on her cheek. A police officer arrived, and Ms. Todd became belligerent when the officer asked where the mugging happened.


Mr. Garcia took the widely published picture of Ms. Todd with her injuries. He said he took several photographs with a digital camera to document what had happened. He said he only gave copies of the photos to police and Ms. Todd’s employer, the College Republicans. One photo appeared on The Drudge Report on Thursday, setting off a storm of media attention.

Mind you, I don’t entirely buy Garcia’s story. Why, for example, was there a half-hour or longer lapse before he and Todd called the cops? And when he describes meeting her at a gathering of "Young Republicans" does he mean "College Republicans"?

But I do believe that he gave the photo he took of Todd’s face to the College Republicans. From there, the photo magically landed on the front page of Drudge.

Though it doesn’t take much magic for an incendiary photo to get from the hands of the College Republicans to the front page of Drudge.  

39 replies
  1. freepatriot says:

    nogstalgia ain’t what it used to be …

    it’s not like segretti was a fookin rocket surgeon either

  2. Oval12345678akaJamesKSayre says:

    “College Republicans?” Bad seeds, one and all. This is where fascism begins for YR in those college years, which should be both educational and fun-filled, but with the Little GOPers, it’s four years to practice hate, treason and treachery.

  3. freepatriot says:

    things are gettin seriously outta whack here at casa de patriot

    I was laughin so hard at the comments in the frumski projection that I fell asleep at the switch an ended up listening to Dartmouth versus Columbia, 0-0 early in the first (looked up an thought they was televising a pop warner game)

    turned up the sound on Georgia-LSU

    Georgia is beatin LSU 21-7 in the second quarter

    michigan an M State are tied at 7 in the big house

    and a guy named McBath had 3 interceptions in the third quarter of the Kansas-texas tech game

  4. gryphon says:

    Segretti … wow … that brings back memories …

    of subpeonas answered and impeachments on the table …

  5. randiego says:

    Heh, I have that Colgate Dartmouth game too.

    Honeybunch is ranting that Texas isn’t on – we have the Cal UCLA game instead.

    She went and watched Texas Tech destroy Kansas with her alumni group this morning while I hit the waves.

    Later we’re off to carve pumpkins.

  6. freepatriot says:

    that georgia-LSU score should be 21-17

    24-17 now

    did I ever mention that I got some stupid fingers ???

    at least three of em got no talent at all …

  7. freepatriot says:

    I think we got a whinna in the responses to the frumiester projection

    Most normal people find wide stance, small tent religious & cultural zealots somewhat alienating.

    this ends this episode of snappy answers to stupid people

    now we take you back to your hijacked trash talkin thread …

  8. Boston1775 says:

    Well, gee whiz, if Miss Todd didn’t actually get beat up, what do you suppose actually happened at Mr. Garcia’s apartment?

    A thirty two year old Texan…
    A law student.
    A first responder.
    A photographer.

    “she came back to his house”

      • freepatriot says:

        so there is no evidence of any attack at all

        was she even at the scene of the crime when it occurred ???

        we’re talking about a willful violation of some pretty serious laws here

        conspiricy to obstruct, conspiricy to commit perjury

        that will get ya some serious time in the pokey …

      • lllphd says:

        that ’shiner’ nonsense was so obvious! and it definitely looked like makeup. the fact that there was no other ’shiner’ symptom, like swelling, lowered lid, reddened sclera, etc. – dead giveaway.

        this was a concocted scheme, no doubt about it. low level, and low life, but there it is. another backfiring hysteria from the mccain campaign, another microcosm of everything that is wrong about this country.

  9. freepatriot says:

    the whole state of kansas is probably lookin forward to basketball season after today

    their football teams gave up 119 points combined

    they’re gonna need a basketball team to score that many themselves

  10. foothillsmike says:

    These guys should have a long and prosperous careers in the sleaze party. Didn’t Rove start off by breaking into a Dem party office, stealing stationary then writing some damning letters?

    • Sara says:

      “These guys should have a long and prosperous careers in the sleaze party. Didn’t Rove start off by breaking into a Dem party office, stealing stationary then writing some damning letters?”

      Actually, Rove’s political career began in 1972 and yes he worked through College Republicans, but that summer he worked for Lee Atwater traveling around the South, meeting College Republicans, and executing some of the first acts of the Nixon Southern Strategy. And while neither of them admit this was when they met, Georgie W. Bush was hanging out in a Senate Campaign in Alabama that summer, learning the ropes of campaigning racist style, trying to stay out of the reach of the Texas Air National Guard, which seems to have lost him. Daddy was on deck to become Party Chair after Nixon’s re-election, and everyone was trying to deal with the fact that Cubans and CREEP guys had broken into the DNC offices early that summer, and no one quite understood what was really up. But what Rove was about that summer was collecting names of a generation of College Republicans for his little black book — and testing whether they could do odd missions.

  11. cinnamonape says:

    Young Republicans are a bit different than the College Republicans. YR’s can include neanderthals unenrolled in a college and includes folks up to Age 41. Often College Republicans roll into the YR ranks once they graduate.

    Dan Garcia was once a bigwig in the Brazos County Young Republicans…I don’t know if that means there wasn’t a chapter of the College Republicans there at College Station. After the fraud was exposed he was acting quite outraged and defensive about his “helping” Todd…and he said something like “she wasn’t an Aggie and I hope she never becomes an Aggie”.

    Seems odd that he could take all these pictures and not notice that her raccoon eyes were simply mascara. And although he claims that he drove her to the hospital he said that she went in alone. Hmmm! Really? Was she actually seem by a doctor? Wouldn’t the hospital staff have told the police right away that there was no real evidence of ?

  12. Palli says:

    Bet one of the suspect clues was the B written backwards…consistent with a person lying down with the “scaffito” artist standing over her head, like at the end of a bed.

  13. cinnamonape says:

    Officer: “Ms. Todd, please quit crying your black-eyes are running”

    Ashley: “Oh, my Gawwwd! You’ve caught m…I mean, err…I guess that means the guy that hit me wasn’t black after all. He was in disguise…with his skin covered in shoe polish. So some must’ve come off on my eyes when he hit me! Those sneaky Democrat thieves! Trying to get me to blame black peeps!”

  14. radlib1 says:

    Look, she’s a Republican loser and liar.She’s hardly innocent, though, since her “story” was a lie and intended to inflame racial and ehtnic prejudice.

    But she’s a “puppet” in the Republican game, because she truly believed she was doing her “master’s” bidding — that is her “Young Republican” masters, the same people who elevated Karl Rove and Ralph Reed and Lee Atwater to their leadership — people without morals or scruples, whatsoever.

    Lee Atwater later died very early in life of brain cancer and, knowing he was was dying, apologized for his political sins — much too late, of course, because the damage had already been done.

    In the end, he was just another lying Republican scumbag who damaged America when he could and, then, only when he was dying, repented for his sins.

    I only hope George W. Bush repents before he dies. He has much more to answer for. More than 4,000 Americans dead in Iraq, more than a million innocent Iraqis dead, more than 4 million Iraqis homeless refugees, and more than $600 billion American dollars poured like blood into the sands of Iraq. All for a useless, preemptive, and monumentally stupid war.

    George W. Bush is not only the worst President in American history, he is the most clueless. And that is the sad fact.

  15. ltgra says:

    I want to point out to jody who was banned from this blog. That ‘B’s are hard to make while looking in the mirror she should have stuck to ‘w’ or ‘m’ . I know that this was obvious but senator Kerry doesn’t read here.

  16. Rayne says:

    Might not have been College Republicans. Might have been Young Americans for Freedom or Young Conservatives in College Station — not necessarily affiliates of Republican Party, but feeder organizations organized on campus that are even more rabid than CR.

  17. oldtree says:

    Do we think Mr. Garcia is going to become the fall guy? Why did the police apparently promote parts of this meme that are false, and with slight temporal problems relating to who was where when, and who was shouting out about Ms. Ashley and the vapors to the press?
    Was it just an over excited police spokesperson that loves him some Sarah or old Johnny? Do police spokespersons get fired for lying, or causing a panic, incitement to violence, etc? Or is this the brainchild of Garcia and Todd themselves? Does Garcia know makeup?
    This does seem to be a conspiracy involving hate crimes, false reports, incitement of riot, or racial crime. In a real world, charges may not be far behind. I wonder if the police will have anything to say?

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