Prison Is the Bank?

2001dualback_poster.jpgI hope these counter-intelligence folks know what they’re talking about. 

Because Dick Cheney ordered the leak of a CIA spy’s identity, and he got to remain Vice President for five more years.

Though, as an optimist, I’m not ruling out "prison is the bank" in the future.

(Photoshop love from twolf)

16 replies
  1. Leen says:

    Cheney deserves a fair trial. Will the damage assessment as a consequence of Valerie Plame/Wilsons identity being revealed

    Let’s not forget the Aipac/Rosen/Weisman espionage trial that the MSM and the progressive blogosphere has ignored. The four or five time delayed trial (still may be dismissed) starts on Oct 28th. No one writing about this upcoming trial that will be dwarfed by the election.

    selected files of the Aipac/Rosen case

  2. WilliamOckham says:

    It’s not just the Libby affair. Let’s not forget how Cheney and his minions got played by Chalabi. And Ghorbanifar.

  3. BoxTurtle says:

    Would anybody care to bet that Cheney will NOT be pardoned for whatever acts he may have committed?

    I’d love to see him have to answer for this. But it ain’t gonna happen. Our best hope is the ICJ, which won’t much care about a Bush pardon in the case of war crimes.

    Boxturtle (And it’s a slim hope)

    • Ishmael says:

      Seymour Hersh is even less optimistic than you are about any penal sanctions for Bushco: he hopes that if he can chronicle the crimes and abuses of power it might help though. From the Guardian the other day.…..r-reporter

      ‘You cannot believe how many people have told me to call them on 20 January [the date of the next president’s inauguration],’ he says, with relish. ‘[They say:] “You wanna know about abuses and violations? Call me then.” So that is what I’ll do, so long as nothing awful happens before the inauguration.’ He plans to write a book about the neocons and, though it won’t change anything – ‘They’ve got away with it, categorically; anyone who talks about prosecuting Bush and Cheney [for war crimes] is kidding themselves’ – it will reveal how the White House ’set out to sabotage the system… It wasn’t that they found ways to manipulate Congressional oversight; they had conversations about ending the right of Congress to intervene.’

  4. scribe says:

    Re: Deadeye Dick and his just deserts.

    As a client from Texas once told me about a case in the news: “if he were in Texas, we’d give him a nice, fair trial and after the jury convicted him we’d take him out in back of the courthouse and hang him.”

    • Ishmael says:

      LOL. I used to say something like that to my clients who got an acquittal that was appealed by the Crown to our Appeal Court at the time, full of former insurance defence lawyers – it will make sure it hears the matter quickly and then make sure that a scrupulously fair sentence was substituted for the erroneous acquittal!

  5. Mary says:

    I have to say, the quote about using the blood of patriots as plantfood (not every word that ever passed Jefferson’s lips is quoteworthy) juxtaposed with a quote from GWB says it all.

    • gryphon says:

      I think you mean “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” – Thomas Jefferson

      which is, by the way, one of the most sublimely clear pieces of lyrical prose in the English language … must go change sig file everywhere now ;p

    • pdaly says:

      I’m willing to guess Jefferson and everyone else around at the time of the Revolutionary War saw copious amounts of wet, sticky, red mud staining the countryside. Maybe he had to turn that image into something more poetic.

      By comparison, Fox News and the Pentagon have kept our war vision clean since then so now Jefferson sounds like he works for The Little Shop of Horrors.

      I like the line from West Wing when President Bartlett answers a student’s question about hero’s dying for the country with something like “I’d much rather we had more heroes live for this country”

  6. Quzi says:

    Though, as an optimist, I’m not ruling out “prison is the bank” in the future.

    – a woman can dream, can’t she?

  7. Mary says:

    11 – LOL Don’t change for me unless it’s to spite me. *G* :p


  8. pdaly says:

    lol, my ’since then’ implies Fox and the Pentagon took over in the 1700s. That history hasn’t been written, yet. Too many computers to counter their narrative.

  9. pdaly says:

    Pres. Bartlett’s actual quote (from IMBd):

    We don’t need martyrs right now; we need heroes. A hero would die for his country, but he would much rather live for it.

    -West Wing Season 3, Special Episode “Isaac and Ishmael” which was writted and aired after 9/11/2001

  10. pdaly says:

    gryphon, you inspired to me to look up actual Jefferson quotes.

    I found this one:

    The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.

    Criminals and tyrants. Jefferson knew his stuff.

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