MI Republicans Admit to Illegal Foreclosure Scheme, “Surrender” to Democrats
Democrats and Republicans have settled the suit seeking to prevent Michigan Republicans from using foreclosure lists to challenge voters. The MDP statement on the settlement says:
An agreement announced today by Obama for America, the Republican National Committee, the Democratic National Committee, the Michigan Republican Party, the Michigan Democratic Party, the Macomb County Republican Party, the Macomb County Democratic Party, and plaintiffs Duane Maletski, Sharon Lopez, and Frances M. Zick protects the voting rights of foreclosure victims. The settlement acknowledges the existence of an illegal scheme by the Republicans to use mortgage foreclosure lists to deny foreclosure victims their right to vote. This settlement has the force of law behind it and ensures that Republicans cannot disenfranchise families facing foreclosure. [my emphasis]
In their reply to the joint motions to dismiss from the Republicans, the Democrats reminded that 6th Circuit precedent grants discovery before a suit like this can be dismissed on the jurisdictional grounds the Republicans had cited in their motions.
Under controlling Sixth Circuit precedent, when jurisdictional challenges raise questions of fact that are intertwined with merits questions, the proper course is denial of the motion to dismiss, conduct of discovery in the ordinary course, and consideration of the issues at the appropriate time on summary judgment. And because none of the Defendants has answered an interrogatory or produced a document in response to the Court-ordered discovery on jurisdictional issues, controlling precedent bars the Court from granting their motions. The rule is simple: When a defendant introduces evidence of its own related to the merits, it cannot block the plaintiff from conducting full discovery and still prevail.
I’m guessing–though this is an outtamyarse guess–that the Republicans weighed their options, thought discovery was sufficiently likely (and sufficiently damaging) that they chose, instead, to settle. And in return, the Democrats get to affirm that, indeed, Republicans were planning on using foreclosure lists to challenge voters.
Here’s Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer on the settlement:
Today’s settlement protects the voting rights of all Michigan citizens and guarantees that Republicans cannot use foreclosure lists to deny or challenge anyone’s right to vote. It is no surprise the Republicans back pedaled when their illegal scheme was revealed, and their surrender today ensures that Republicans cannot take advantage of the economic crisis to deny anyone’s voting rights. The agreement is a win for Michigan families ready to vote for change, and we will continue to aggressively protect everyone’s right to vote. [my emphasis]
I like that word, used in conjunction with Republican schemes: "surrender." I’m hoping we’ll get to hear more of it in the near future.
Update: A couple of readers have rightly pointed out that, since we don’t know what the actual settlement (which is not public) says, my headline may be inaccurate. Here’s what the GOP version of events is–which states that no proof of the scheme existed:
FORECLOSURE LAWSUIT DROPPED…Democratic National Committee and Obama for America today opted to drop a frivolous lawsuit against the Michigan Republican Party rather than risk having to pay defendants legal fees. The Democrats’ actions confirm that no proof ever existed that Republicans planned to use foreclosure lists to challenge voters.
I suspect both parties are playing semantics–but would note the GOP focus on proof, rather on the scheme itself, is significant, particularly given the legal issuse surrounding discovery. The Dems argued that just the threat of using foreclosure lists may suppress the vote among people who have been in foreclosure. Furthermore, every Republican who commented on this noted that the lists Republicans bring into polling places to challenge voters are just the voting rolls (that is, they wouldn’t bring foreclosure lists in any case, they’d bring QVFs with names pre-selected for challenge).
Republican surrender. I like the sound of that.
Scum of the earth.
Yeah, I’m just trying to figrue out how comfortable the MDP is with us blowing this up nationally.
Depending on how strong their admission of the foreclosure scheme is, it seems like it’d be a nice way to counter their crap on ACORN.
Hopefully they say blow it up since the Republicans are pulling every thing out of their bag of evil tricks to disenfranchise voters.
I sure hope they do. I was encouraged by the Obama campaign’s earlier filings in the case that explicitly linked this to the GOP’s history of vote suppression nationwide.
I agree with your guess. Just how damaging would those revelations have been if they had been aired in court? What other related details would have been exposed that they are able to keep secret by “pleading the lesser charge”?
I am not sure how much more damaging the statements would have been if played out in open court; admitting to an illegal act is pretty straight up. Appears to me that what was likely avoided is protracted litigation where a lot more money was expended without any better result and that individuals would be locked in as to the offenses.
Spacefish @5 – This was civil litigation, no conviction could have resulted here, although a more fleshed out factual basis for subsequent prosecution sure could have.
This does raise the question of where the criminal authorities are here though, doesn’t it? There has been a direct admission of what would appear to be criminal activity; does any governmental entity intend to pursue that? Or were prosecutorial forces part and parcel of the “settlement”?
Gee, don’t you think a US Attorney would be interested in this. Oh, that’s right, they are currently part of the problem.>s
It’s worth noting the MRP is broke. Broke and trying to pay for GOTV in the absence of a presidential campaign.
It’s also worth noting that McCain withdrew from the state when this got serious. I still believe they were attempting to insulate from this suit.
And finally, it’s worth noting that all three defendants (MRP, Macomb, and RNC) issued affys saying this didn’t happen (plus Carabelli WAS suing the Michigan Messenger for defamation). I’m curious what happens with those signed statements. And I’m wondering if Conyers will be investigating this next year with his expanded majority.
More white collar crime the FBI has no resources to investigate. And that article, and elsewhere, suggests that the states might be stretched by all those mortgage fraud cases they’re having to tackle on their own.
Also, a settlement, even with an admission of guilt, will generally generate much less media coverage than a conviction.
I don’t think we’ll need our toes [in addition to our fingers] to count the number of MSM outlets that pick this up. OTOH, a centipede would be needed to count the ACORN references.
Dirty Bastiges.
Evil cannot tolerate the light of truth.
I want to shout “Make it Stop” but Let Justice roll down like waters is more fitting….We are seeing the exposure of years of their shenanigans and trash…Maybe we will even get Florida uncovered one day. Some sort of great cleansing maybe. How can some of these people show up in public. Thanks for your update.
It’s like the word ’shame’ has left their vocabulary.
oh, I hope the MSM picks up on this given that (at least on MSNBC0 they are launching their voter protection programs to ‘ensure’ that all votes are counted
There was a Bill Moyers program last week as well.
Despicable. I hope this gets enough publicity so that voters are aware of this scheme and the potential to other kinds of fraud.
guess this won’t see too much light. Via Calitics
Arrest Made in Widening GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal
any links to any of the statements ??
would like to forward to the local reich wing news rag which was poo-pooing the allegations against the repukes and has been attacking ACORN.
thanks !!
I got them all via email. The statement’s not on the MDP site yet.
I do so want this sort of stuff to be publicized as far as possible – especially with the phrase “illegal scheme” – people need to know that what the Repubs are doing and trying to do is not just some sort of ‘we win/you lose’ game. This is illegal stuff.
And immoral as well.
Should we be so fortunate as to win big in two weeks, a complete overhaul of the election process should be mandated.
Total elimination of partisanship should be the goal, and stiff criminal penalties for anyone attempting to steal votes or lying about when and where one may cast their vote.
Not to be overly dramatic, but this cuts to the heart of the democratic process.
Voter turnout is weak enough already without games being played on those who do decide to vote.
I’ve always thought Democrats should lead generic get out the vote efforts. Because at least 6 of every 10 people you get to come out are probably gonna vote Democratic anyway.
I would like to see Acorn sue The McShame campaign for false claims, insighting violence etc include defamation charges for huge amounts and put a hold on campaign funds. See how long it takes them to grovel.
My guess is that evidence would show that this is a national scheme and that, maybe by keeping the case within MI, we would not catch the evidence trail for this voter challenge method to be used in Ohio and elsewhere.
I don’t like thinking about the only Republican alternative left for stealing the election.
Thanks ew.
As Steve Gilliard would say,
“We fuckin Fight Back!”
It was worth it to stand up to bullies in grade school, and it’s worth it as adults. Keep ‘em comin, Barack and Dems! Let’s make Steve proud of us.
Obama needs to make a commercial like:
Maybe you lost your job. Maybe a family member had a serious uninsured illness. And now you’re losing your house. Could it get worse?
Unfortunately, the answer is yes. The Republican Party wants to make sure you lose your vote, too.”
Like that
PhilK, I like that too. Please write it up as a diary at Oxdown. That’s powerful.
This breaks my heart
McCain Supporters Heckle Early Voters, Call Them ‘Cheaters’
What I’m not seeing addressed is the voting machines that drop votes or switch them w/o the voter being aware of it. The machines where the final tally is changed. Is anyone addressing that?
More ew at FDL
McClatchy roles up ACORN-related threats and vandalism across the US.
Break the Republican controlled black box voting and the Republicans would be past history.
Diane Rehm Show covering the ACORN story today. Some nut job from ACRU going on about the fraud but the Reg director for ACORN and a reporter from McClatchy shooting him down pretty well.
When does somebody (DOJ) start pursuing the RNC for pattern and practice? Michigan is just part of the plan for all battle-ground states.
Not an attorney. But I have heard of pattern and practice.
ever read the RICO act
The Republicans are going with ACORN and now “secret donors” as a cover for fraud and/or deligimitizing Obama’s win. When and what is the counterpunch?
Oh the woes of running against someone who is an expert in constitutional law!!! Where will Wolfewiz, Cheney, and Rummsfeld hide?
You gotta take down the “air quotes” around “Surrender” when it comes to the Repugs on this one.
Ain’t no qualification and there ain’t no irony. They gave up. Period.
They surrendered, cut and run.
Yeah, I was just asking EW about this. It is a rather startling admission/surrender isn’t it? I have not seen too many that directly confess criminal activity before, which this one sure seems to. Pretty wild.
From the horse’s mouth, so to speak:
Democrats and Republicans settle foreclosed voter lawsuit
What’s next for Republicans? Going back to allowing only white male property owners the vote? They didn’t just shoot themselves in the foot with this stunt, they blew off a whole leg.
I just hope the people who faced foreclosure due to the democrat’s (intentional) errors with Fannie and Freddie (By the way… who received the 1st and 2nd largest politcal “donations” from these two special interest groups??)….
Anyhow.. I just hope the people who had to sell their homes, land and/or cars just to beat foreclosure realize that Obama’s CAPITAL GAINS TAX is going to hit them hard…
Talk about adding insult to injury!!! You lose your home or car, sell it under the value to avoid foreclosure and now Obama wants you to PAY A HIGHER capital gains tax on it!!! Talk about total BS!!!
What is really odd is that Ayer’s buddy and SDS counterpart, WADE RATHKE is the maggot that petitioned the supreme court to have the GOP lawsuit for early dead people voting from ACORN and the DNC squashed!
Do you undertsand the implications??
Ayer’s buddy…. Rathke… who was also a terrorist working with SDS and the Weather Underground.. and part of the Woods Fund… Helping ACORN do early voting for dead people, and restaurants, etc… All for Obama.
What is it you liberals just don’t get???
I just hope the people who faced foreclosure due to the democrat’s (intentional) errors with Fannie and Freddie (By the way… who received the 1st and 2nd largest politcal “donations” from these two special interest groups??)….
Anyhow.. I just hope the people who had to sell their homes, land and/or cars just to beat foreclosure realize that Obama’s CAPITAL GAINS TAX is going to hit them hard…
Talk about adding insult to injury!!! You lose your home or car, sell it under the value to avoid foreclosure and now Obama wants you to PAY A HIGHER capital gains tax on it!!! Talk about total BS!!!
Regarding capital gains, it’s my understanding that if property is sold for less than or for what is owed on it, there is no capital gained, therefore no income to tax.
I don’t quite see how you can state as fact that the MRP “admitted” to having a plan, or anything else. The only evidence for that is the MDP saying that they did. And the MRP has flatly denied it. I wouldn’t be the least surprised if they did, but I don’t see anything like an admission of guilt of having a foreclosure plan.
anyone can be vp! check it out
Cleanup for Freepatriot on aisles 48 and 49. It’s a gooey little critter too.
emptywheel, I’ve looked and looked, but I cannot find any reference online to your
Can you provide a citation?
The settlement itself isn’t public, so no, I can’t. The statement both sides made is more cautious than this.
So you’re right, we can’t see what the Republicans themselves admitted to. Perhaps I’ve gotten snookered by the Dem statement–though I rather suspect that the statement wouldn’t have been so aggressive without some basis in the statement.
Here’s the GOP version of what happened:
One of the things that’s going on, too, is the standard of proof: the Dem argument is that, by saying they WERE going to use foreclosure lists, it becamse a scheme unto itself.
post updated with some caveats abotu my headline.
Imagine that. Corruption is Bliss isnt it?