Obama’s Firewall: Commie, Unpatriotic, “Fake” Virginia

So let me get this straight: All those civil servants and employees of the military-industrial complex living in northern VA are Communists.

They are unpatriotic and anti-American.

And they are not "real" Virginians.

I get that the McPalin campaign is all-but conceding that they cannot win the votes of those who know government best, including many many members of the military and national security community. I might ask why they’re conceding that, why they seem to admit they can’t gain any resonance with these voters, but whatever–I guess they’ve seen the polling.

What I really want to know, though, is how this is not, effectively, a concession for the entire race. McCain has admitted he needs to win all the Bush states that are currently still toss ups: FL, NC, MO, IN, CO, NV.

And VA.

(IA and NM, in which Obama holds big poll margins right now, would bring Obama to 263; VA has 13 electoral college votes.)

Yet his campaign seems to be pursuing a strategy designed to offend the largest chunk of Virginia’s population.

23 replies
      • Ishmael says:

        Who would have ever thought that the Republicans would be criticizing “white flight”, or that they would ever think that it would actually cost them a state! Birnam Wood has come to Dunsinane for the Rethugs.

    • Ishmael says:

      I’m sure that any golf or country club that Nancy VolkenPower belongs to will be completely full of “real” Virginians.

  1. foothillsmike says:

    Sorry I could not watch Nancy Potent BS a second time. I saw it live. The announcer was astounded and tried to give her an out so she dug a little deeper. After the interview the announcer said something to the effect that wow the media will be talking about this on Monday.

  2. freepatriot says:

    Oh yeah, North Virginia has been a commie pinko region for years

    and in close alliance with the Communist State Of Berkley and East Oakland

    but don’t mistake them for those “San Francisco” liberal commie pinkos

    berkley and Frisco have been at war with each other for years

    those commie pinko bastards just can’t get their shit together

    any way, there is an obvious plot between the berkley and east oakland commie pinkos and the north virginia commie pinkos

    probably want to invade Porto Rico or something scary like that …

    now to deal with the 800lb gorilla in the blog …

    Joe Pa makes ready to destroy big blue, and what is this blog’s response ???

    to act like football never existed ???

    my friends, that’s not change we can believe in

    but we can still trash talk the trash talk defict around here

    the silence is DEAFENING

    • emptywheel says:

      Frankly, I’m rooting for Joe Pa.

      I come from a family of Lions: Grandfather taught there, my mother, her three siblings, and my cousin all graduated from there. So I’ve been raised with PSU as my team (Villanova, bc Dad went there, was my hoops team and I even called their cindarella victory in the NCAA).

      So I’m a big fan of Joe Pa. And I’m really glad he’s doing well this year. So given the fact our team sucks wienie, this year, I’m happy for big Blue to get spanked by Joe Pa’s team.

      Besides, Joe Pa has to stay ahead of Bowden.

        • emptywheel says:


          Look, seriously. Which is more important. Joe Pa maintaining a lead over Bowden and at least ONE team from the Big 10 11 having some credibility this year, or beginning the rebuilding now, rather than later.

          Incidentally, the same shop that has the Schembechler Merlot down the street is having a scarecrow contest leading up to Halloween. One of them is a Rodriguez Scarecrow.

        • MadDog says:

          …at least ONE team from the Big 10 11 having some credibility this year…

          Hey, my Goofers…oops…Gophers are winning this year and are already bowl-eligible.

          Tidy Bowl, here we come!

        • freepatriot says:


          I knew this campaign season was gonna get ugly, but …


          you don’t have to take that, ew, make a crack bout his pitcher stealin baseball team, or his professional loser football team …

      • ffein says:

        Being a “townie” I cringe every time I drive by the stadium and see that monstrous addition going up, up, up. I realize it wasn’t the coach’s or team’s fault, but…I do feel a little smile when they lose. Toledo especially. When I was a kid (even a young adult) we could buy tickets in the end zone for $1.00. I’m sure there are a lot of kids these days who will never see the inside of that beautiful stadium.

    • bmaz says:

      Alright alright. I’ll do a Trash Talk. Meant to do one last night, but fell asleep. I am, however, almost feeling sorry for certain residents of the Schembechler Whinery Region, also known as Ann Arbor. Sorry, that is, until I see each week how crappy my local college team is.

      • Ishmael says:

        Please do a Trash talk thread, I don’t know how much longer I can contain myself about the inspiring Red Sox rally against Tampa Bay! Tonight Beckett will make us forget all about Schilling and his bloody sock when he beats the Rays with a torn abdomen!

  3. masaccio says:

    Nancy is talking to a Black Announcer for MSNBC when she announces that Democrats have flooded into Northern Virginia from DC. “Northern Virginia is really Metro DC, as you’re aware Kevin.” Real Virginia is more southern, and is more receptive to McCain’s message. So, which message is that, Nancy? Could it be….. racism?

    • Neil says:

      Could it be….. racism?

      Not necessarily? Real Virginians is like real American, is unlike friends with terrorists and unlike all the anti-American members of Congress which are like liberals.

      My faith in the American people to see through this pejorative construct rises and falls through the course if the day.

  4. freepatriot says:

    I’m lucky

    Joe Pa is rarely on my team’s schedule

    I been a Joe Pa fan since John Cappelletti gave the Heisman to his little brother

  5. JohnLopresti says:

    I think some Brookings folks play sandlot in NDVA. The link is to a demographic paper, but caveat, although the text download is brisk, the links to maps and tables may require a subscription?; still, the paper is worthwhile, as was the UVA Weldon Cooper press release. The first link is to a new publication by Frey Teixeira dated today.

  6. MarkH says:

    The fact that she didn’t back down might indicate this extreme divisiveness is from the Rovian playbook. 50%+1

    How to oppose it?

    Remind people we have bigger problems than answering the charge that one part of a state is patriotic and another isn’t. We have problems that ALL Americans must face together.

  7. dosido says:

    Who do these people think they are talking to? I guess they are pretty disoriented what with all the reality crashing around them, but really, “real” Virginia?

    What? Are they going to split off another part of the state in yet another Civil War? Is that where this is going?

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