How about DC’s Suburbs?

Sarah Palin has now clarified her insinuation that some parts of America are pro-America parts and some are … not.

We believe that the best of America is not all in Washington, D.C. We believe" — here the audience interrupted Palin with applause and cheers — "We believe that the best of America is in these small towns that we get to visit, and in these wonderful little pockets of what I call the real America, being here with all of you hard working very patriotic, um, very, um, pro-America areas of this great nation. This is where we find the kindness and the goodness and the courage of everyday Americans. Those who are running our factories and teaching our kids and growing our food and are fighting our wars for us. Those who are protecting us in uniform. Those who are protecting the virtues of freedom. [my emphasis]

I’m curious. Aside from asking Palin where she draws the line–how big does a "small town" get before it gets unpatriotic, I’d like to know. Are DC’s suburbs pro-America?

It seems worth a follow-up, after all, because all those civil servants living in Virginia’s DC suburbs–the ones running our military and our intelligence services and our bureaucracies–they might want to know whether or not the Republicans’ VP candidate believes they’re pro-American or not before they vote. John’s brother Joe McCain has already called them Communists, of course, but perhaps someone could clarify whether the McCain campaign believes that those voters in a must-win swing state are unpatriotic Communists.

A big percentage of Virginia’s voters at least work "in" Washington D.C. I guess Sarah Palin doesn’t want their anti-American vote?

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19 replies
  1. TobyWollin says:

    EW – I have a brother-in-law who moved from a teeny place in Virginia(cross roads with one gas station cum post office)to the DC suburbs when he married my sister. Did THAT make him anti-American? This is more ’small town vs. big city’ claptrap(cue sound of banjos playing theme from ‘Deliverance’). Sarah Palin herself and her candidacy is offensive to anyone posessing two brain cells to rub together.

  2. dosido says:

    Jon Stewart calls this crap out all the time. I think it was Peggy Noonan that was on when he said “NYC is like a whole bunch of small towns layered into one building! How does make us less American?”

  3. AlbertFall says:

    The main thing is, only real Americans should be entitled to vote.

    If not for the votes by people who are not real Americans, the Republicans would expect to win, because that is what they are entitled to do, as only Republicans are real Americans.

    Have you ever seen an executive try to set up a subordinate for the fall when the quarter results are going to stink? That is the McCain campaign now–setting up voting issues as the excuse to challenge the legitmacy of the president, rather than to say, elections matter even if the other guy wins.

    • dosido says:

      That is, indeed, what is going on. I totally agree. I’m gratified to read your comment and know others see through this as well.

      If I could make a wish, it would be that McCain would start rehabilitating his reputation right now. Enough with the Fighter crap. America does NOT need a fighter right now. We don’t need more fights. We need our freedom and we need leadership.

  4. Arbusto says:

    Sarah continues to preach us versus them, wrapped in her ideology, protected from reality by her staff and dealing with the press by the SS.

  5. PaminBB says:

    I was recently annoyed enough about this issue to write my very first ever diary about it, pointing out that not only do most Americans _not_ live in small towns, it’s arguable whether the Palins live in a small town (versus an exurb of Anchorage).

    Reverse elitism.

  6. marksb says:

    Well, shoot. We’re an area of around 100K people, pretty affluent all things considered, and we elect a strong liberal congresswoman every two years. Guess that makes us unpatriotic.

    But just down the road is an area that is far larger than us that elects a complete wingnut every two years–and houses the Raygun Library. I’m guessing this region, in spite of being far larger and closer to LA, is absolutely patriotic according to Ms. Palin.

    Heh. Worst resume title of the year: “2008: Speechwriter for Sarah Palin.”

  7. bell says:

    claiming parts of america are more american then others is a step towards lock down in other parts of america that are considered ’supportive’ of terrorists, or worse – there are ’suspected terrorists’ in those areas.. next thing ya know – the military has a new job to do.. sick society when the money going towards shit like this makes everything else pale by comparison..

  8. Citizen92 says:

    Arlington and parts of Alexandria are communist because they used to be part of the District of Columbia. George Washington’s own surveying posts are still scattered here there to prove it.

    But the rest of the DC suburbs, fine Americans. Except for, maybe, parts of Takoma Park.

  9. cinnamonape says:

    Is Palin qoutin’ some more of her favorite author Westbrooke Pegler again?

    “We grow good people in our small towns, with honesty and sincerity and dignity.”

    • bluebutterfly says:

      Sarah Pain loves her racist hero. He also, in 1965 wrote about RFK..”Some white patriot of the Southern tier will splatter his spoonful of brains in public premises before the snow flies”.

  10. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Ms. Palin imagines herself a paladin charging into the culture wars. She is really a rightist caricature of Sancho Panza accompanying her Don Quixote on a fruitless quest. Her claim to speak for “small-town” Americans is an expression of the GOP’s artificial culture war, designed to hide the real economic one, meant to get us focusing on windmills or fighting each other, instead of focusing and fighting real dragons.

    Ms. Palin’s speechwriters are way ahead of her. But she understands enough of their themes and strategy to play her part, to blithely label any opponent as “unAmerican”, as if she were a press aide for Joe McCarthy. She doesn’t know which Americans live in small or big towns, or which still live in no town (or how that accurately describes who they are and what they think). She simply assumes that her target audience will cast themselves as the protagonists in any story she spins, no matter how wrong she is on the facts.

    • MrWhy says:

      Paladin – Have Gun – Will Travel

      McCain must have made a spelling mistake and thought that Palin was related to the star of the TV show.

  11. JohnJ says:

    Gee my ol’ stompin’ grounds was commie/terrorist?

    The court I lived in had employees: Treasury; ex-FBI, FCC, NSA technology (my house); Customs; Secret Service; Paint store owner (where the hell did he come from?); FBI; and CIA. Across the street was WaPo; Generals from 2 services; one of Ford’s speech writers; a real spook (off active duty since his wife told us what he did).

    We did have very interesting conversations at parties!

    And this was during the Watergate era.

    Maybe I caused the problem since I turned down a job at the Pentagon.

    Who would have known we were all anti-Americans!

  12. Boston1775 says:

    Every. single. day. hate radio in Boston is telling us that Liberals are Communists.
    For nearly ten years, Liberals are Communists are unAmerican are unpatriotic is blared from the WTKK megaphone.

    Brown people from the “gutter culture” south of the border are the ruination of America and should be shot at the border.

    All terrorists are Muslim. Barack HUSSEIN Obama associates with terrorists. He recited the call to prayer in Arabic. Be afraid and join the “government in exile” to stop Obama. Join the “government in exile” and work to make it impossible for Barack Obama to effectively govern; work to undermine him politically and impeach him.

    This is what “true patriots” will do. They will join this twisted genius from WTKK (WKKK).…..atch=QUERY

    Please listen to the full 14:49.
    This person has worked on the campaigns of Pat Buchanan, George Bush I, Rudy Giuiani and more. He is most aroused by Mitt Romney.
    He proclaims a great belief in negative campaigns.
    He declares he has written and produced many campaign ads, himself.

    New England and its Liberals have been called unpatriotic Communists by talk radio for so long, we have nearly forgotten the McCarthy era.

    The Republican party declared New England unAmerican and unpatriotic ten years ago when this assault from the airwaves began. Sarah Palin is simply reading the words they have written.

  13. dopeyo says:

    has anyone pointed out the irony of the anti-american secessionist’s wife speaking out in pro-american virginia?

    and when the republicans’ dream of enacting “the handmaid’s tale” comes true, she and her daughters will be safe, up there in the republic of alaska.

  14. Leen says:

    This woman is terrifying along with Michelle Bachman…real fundamentalist. Boy am I ever sorry for suggesting that she go on Saturday Night several weeks ago on your blog. I am sure her campaign thought of it themselves, but I would hate to think that I ever lent a hand to Palin. Last night on the Letterman show Tina Fey said that Palin’s campaign had contacted SNL. SNL did not invite them. Damn.

    I hope her appearance does not help her ratings. Maybe they could cast her as the host of American Idol or some game show (as EW has suggested in the past)

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