Big Time Newspaper Endorsements
Because this seems to be the weekend when all the big newspapers decided that they had better endorse Barack Obama. I will update this going forward–please alert me to endorsements in the thread [my emphasis throughout].
Chicago Tribune (has never endorsed a Democrat):
Many Americans say they’re uneasy about Obama. He’s pretty new to them.
We can provide some assurance. We have known Obama since he entered politics a dozen years ago. We have watched him, worked with him, argued with him as he rose from an effective state senator to an inspiring U.S. senator to the Democratic Party’s nominee for president.
We have tremendous confidence in his intellectual rigor, his moral compass and his ability to make sound, thoughtful, careful decisions. He is ready.
The change that Obama talks about so much is not simply a change in this policy or that one. It is not fundamentally about lobbyists or Washington insiders. Obama envisions a change in the way we deal with one another in politics and government. His opponents may say this is empty, abstract rhetoric. In fact, it is hard to imagine how we are going to deal with the grave domestic and foreign crises we face without an end to the savagery and a return to civility in politics.
Obama is deeply grounded in the best aspirations of this country, and we need to return to those aspirations. He has had the character and the will to achieve great things despite the obstacles that he faced as an unprivileged black man in the U.S.
He has risen with his honor, grace and civility intact. He has the intelligence to understand the grave economic and national security risks that face us, to listen to good advice and make careful decisions.
When Obama said at the 2004 Democratic Convention that we weren’t a nation of red states and blue states, he spoke of union the way Abraham Lincoln did.
It may have seemed audacious for Obama to start his campaign in Springfield, invoking Lincoln. We think, given the opportunity to hold this nation’s most powerful office, he will prove it wasn’t so audacious after all. We are proud to add Barack Obama’s name to Lincoln’s in the list of people the Tribune has endorsed for president of the United States.
Los Angeles Times (has never endorsed a Democrat and hasn’t endorsed since 1972):
It is inherent in the American character to aspire to greatness, so it can be disorienting when the nation stumbles or loses confidence in bedrock principles or institutions. That’s where the United States is as it prepares to select a new president: We have seen the government take a stake in venerable private financial houses; we have witnessed eight years of executive branch power grabs and erosion of civil liberties; we are still recovering from a murderous attack by terrorists on our own soil and still struggling with how best to prevent a recurrence.
We need a leader who demonstrates thoughtful calm and grace under pressure, one not prone to volatile gesture or capricious pronouncement. We need a leader well-grounded in the intellectual and legal foundations of American freedom. Yet we ask that the same person also possess the spark and passion to inspire the best within us: creativity, generosity and a fierce defense of justice and liberty.
The Times without hesitation endorses Barack Obama for president.
We may one day look back on this presidential campaign in wonder. We may marvel that Obama’s critics called him an elitist, as if an Ivy League education were a source of embarrassment, and belittled his eloquence, as if a gift with words were suddenly a defect. In fact, Obama is educated and eloquent, sober and exciting, steady and mature. He represents the nation as it is, and as it aspires to be.
ANY PRESIDENTIAL vote is a gamble, and Mr. Obama’s résumé is undoubtedly thin. We had hoped, throughout this long campaign, to see more evidence that Mr. Obama might stand up to Democratic orthodoxy and end, as he said in his announcement speech, "our chronic avoidance of tough decisions."
But Mr. Obama’s temperament is unlike anything we’ve seen on the national stage in many years. He is deliberate but not indecisive; eloquent but a master of substance and detail; preternaturally confident but eager to hear opposing points of view. He has inspired millions of voters of diverse ages and races, no small thing in our often divided and cynical country. We think he is the right man for a perilous moment.
Atlantic Journal-Constitution (h/t rfw)
Different challenges require different strengths. Obama has demonstrated a calm, thoughtful leadership style that fits this time and this challenge well. He has laid out a wiser, more measured approach toward foreign policy that elevates diplomacy and negotiation while reserving the use of force if necessary to protect this country and its allies in a dangerous world. He understands that international respect and admiration can’t be forced at gunpoint.
Economically, Obama is better equipped to deal with a rapidly changing global situation, and his policies focus directly on the problems confronting the American working and middle classes. His tax plan, for example, proposes to cut taxes on 95 percent of American households while raising taxes only on households with an income of more than $250,000. That plan may have to be adjusted in light of a harsh new fiscal reality, but it demonstrates where Obama’s instincts and values lead him.
The same is true of his health-care proposal. It requires a comprehensive approach, including financial assistance to help small businesses buy insurance for their employees. It would also require large employers that do not offer health insurance to help their workers with the cost of buying insurance on their own.
Those are new approaches, crafted by a new generation of leaders drawn to Obama by the chance to write their own chapter in the American story. Their time has come. His time has come. Obama is a leader of rare potential, and that’s precisely what the job of our 44th president demands.
Boston Globe (h/t Ishmael):
COME JANUARY, a new president will take charge of a nation diminished, an America that is far shakier economically, less secure militarily, and less respected internationally than it was eight years before. The nation needs a chief executive who has the temperament and the nerves to shepherd Americans through what promises to be a grueling period — and who has the vision to restore this country to its place of leadership in the world.
Such a leader is at hand. With great enthusiasm, the Globe endorses Senator Barack Obama for president. The charismatic Democrat from Illinois has the ability to channel Americans’ hopes and rally the public together, at a time when the winds are picking up and the clouds keep on darkening.
Unlike many of his rivals this year of either party, Obama isn’t refighting the political or cultural battles of the 1960s. Instead, he is asking Americans to take responsibility for the nation’s problems now; no one else will take care of them, and the consequences of years of disunity and profligacy should not be visited upon future generations.
In unsteady times, it may seem obvious to gravitate toward the veteran politician, but in this campaign, it’s been the newcomer who has had the steady hand.
If Americans were only worried about foreign affairs, McCain’s stalwart service in the military and experience on the national stage would make him the more credible commander in chief. But our eyes have turned homeward and, in this hour, Obama has the eloquence and vision to bring us back together.
As novelist Christopher Buckley said in endorsing Obama, the Illinois senator "has a first-rate intellect and a first-rate temperament."
With the help and prayers of the American people, we believe those talents can also make Barack Obama a great president.
In other elections, voters have complained of having to make a choice between two bad candidates. That is not the case this time. The nation is fortunate to have good candidates and a clear choice. Sen. Obama represents the best chance for America to make a clean break with the culture wars and failed policies of the past, and begin to restore the hope and promise of America as the world’s greatest democracy.
Americans are ready to be one country. By the millions, they yearn to bridge their differences, to find common cause, to rise above ideology, race, class and religion.
They have grown weary of the culture wars and the personal attacks, tired of the exaggerated lines that divide. They dare to imagine a more constructive discourse, a debate marked by civility and respect even in disagreement, a politics that begins with listening to each other.
Often in America’s most difficult days, the nation has been blessed with extraordinary leaders who seemed just right for the times. We have in mind George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The times again demand an extraordinary leader. Our next president will take the oath of office in a country that is at war, heavily in debt, deeply divided and sliding into a recession. He will have to make hard choices — the money won’t be there for all his ambitious plans — and he will have to work with a Congress so lopsidedly Democratic that it may be veto-proof.
Success will require audacity, in all the best meanings of the word: nerve, spunk, grit and, especially, boldness.
And success will require a president and a people ready to embrace hope, in all the best meanings of that word: A conviction that what we want and need can be had.
Barack Obama believes in the audacity of hope. He inspires it in others. He inspires it in us.
Barack Obama should be the next president of the United States of America.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (h/t Ishmael):
American exceptionalism — the idea that this nation by virtue of its history, political beliefs and the blessings of divine providence has a favored place in the world community — is easy to believe in this year of a presidential election that is in every way exceptional.
Titanic forces have been at work. It is as if history has been a glacier inching its way to the sea, coming together at last for a dramatic climax that most Americans could not have imagined when the journey began.
But this election is not just about the shortcomings of Mr. McCain and Ms. Palin and the failed legacy of a philosophy that they seek to perpetuate under the hastily erected banner of maverick.
It is about the strengths of Barack Obama, whose rise to prominence is not a fluke or national infatuation but the consequence of his remarkable skills — a keen intellect, noble intentions and the wit and grace to express them in ways that have inspired millions across the country. He has a rare gift exactly suited to the fearful times — he knows the language of reassurance and hope.
Salt Lake Tribune (h/t ballerinaX):
The country desperately needs a new and well-defined road map for the 21st century and leadership that can unite the country behind it. We believe that Barack Obama can give us both.
El Diario/La Prensa (h/t rfw):
Nuestro próximo presidente debe tener la capacidad, juicio y visión para restaurar confianza, tanto aquí como en el extranjero. EL DIARIO/LA PRENSA respalda al senador Barack Obama como el líder listo para redirigir a Estados Unidos de América hacia su promesa.
[AP’s translation] Our next president must have the capacity, judgment and vision to restore confidence, both here and abroad. El Diario/La Prensa endorses Sen. Barack Obama as the leader ready to redirect the United States of America towards its promise.
Estados Unidos se encuentra en una encrucijada, el país necesita una visión distinta y un enfoque nuevo para enfrentar problemas que por décadas se vienen arrastrando. Barack Obama es la persona indicada para iniciar un nuevo ciclo de reconstrucción, como presidente de Estados Unidos.
The United States is at a crossroads. The country needs a different vision and a new focus to the problems that have been dragging on for decades. Barack Obama is the right person to begin a new cycle of renewal as President of the United States.
Throughout a campaign that has been intense – and at some points ugly – Obama has kept his composure and maintained a vision of optimism that has drawn an unparalleled wave of young people into the political process. His policies and his persona have offered hope to a nation that is deeply polarized, swimming in debt, mired in war and ridden with anxiety. He taps into that treasured American reservoir – patriotism – with his calls for sacrifice and national service.
Not newspapers, but see Dean Smith, Michael Smerconish, Christopher Buckley.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on October 12 – good for western Pennsylvania!
Salt Lake Tribune
Boston Globe – the NY Times will not be far behind….…..president/
Thanks. Included the PPG and the SLTrib.
Atlanta Journal and Constitution
Obama is the Choice….._1019.html
And the BoGlo. Will add the AJC.
Denver Post
Post editorial board endorses Obama
Got the Denver Post already. Now bring me the Rocky Mountain News.
Nothing from RMN, Charlotte Observer, Miami Herald…
Obama para Presidente
El Diario/La Prensa, the largest Spanish-language daily paper in New York City, endorsed Democrat Barack Obama on Oct. 17…..659-1.html
Wow, Chicago Tribune… and words used sure could help quell all the latest “not American enough” crap. That’s really a biggie.
Flipping channels earlier, I stopped @ FOX (Greta) who was interviewing Ruth Marcus on their endorsement. She said big tipping point was his selection of Palin.
Like, Digg
Thanks for the link.
Thanks ew.
add to the list Chicago Sun Times:…..08.article
Blue Collar endorsement.
Everyone seems to just assume that because we comment on moonbat lefty DFH nutroots blogs, we just MUST be Obama supporters.
It seems to me if the low-tech, oft-moronic Old School standbys of traditional and mainstream journalism are obliged by custom and popular expectation to come right out and “formally” and “officially” endorse a candidate, it could do no harm for the high-tech, mostly-sharper New School of web journalism to do the same.
I for one have been on pins and needles awaiting Ms E Wheel’s endorsment [among many others – I do point out that the Great Orange Satan came out on this front months ago, if fair comparables are needed here].
Now, if Ms E Wheel thinks its possible that others in the DFHippysphere are like minded [no matter which way, you understand], it would also seem appropriate to start a gigantic rolling one day Endorsement Wave right across the blogosphere.
But while I would dedicate an entire day to watching that awesome tsunami, mixing metaphors for this, every mighty oak starts with a little acorn, so let us know where you stand on this matter of increasingly urgent public interest.
You had me right up until you brought ACORN into it.
it might be a good idea to post the mccain endorsements as well marcy
probably a short list but we should see both sides of any issue when we are progressives
I am imagining the new york post might come out for mccain, they punish democrats at every oportunity but they have a constituence they better not piss off here in new york
aha, this is interesting, in todays paper, as I thought, the post endorsed mccain, but this article is dated back in september even though it’s today’s online edition…..128044.htm
however again posted today, but an article dated for january, they endorse obama…..813218.htm
I wonder what this is all about, I’ll let you know when I see the paper copy on the newstand
aha, my bad, these are primary endorsements, will report later who they endorse now
now this is pathetic for mccain and as I expected, the new york post actually endorses him, this liar ia from editor and publisher
16 newspapers total
1,502,163 daily circulation
Napa Valley Register: 16,283
The San Francisco Examiner (B): 80,000
Mountain Valley News (Cedaredge): 2,000
The Daily Sentinel (Grand Junction) (B): 31,349
The Pueblo Chieftain (B): 49,169
The Washington DC Examiner (N/A): 100,073
The Baltimore Examiner (N/A): 50,000
Boston Herald (B): 182,350
The (Lowell) Sun (B): 44,439
Foster’s Daily Democrat (B): 22,547
Union Leader (Manchester) (B): 51,782
New York Post (B): 702,488
The (Findlay) Courier (B): 22,319
Amarillo Globe-News (B): 44,764
(Spokane) Spokesman-Review (B): 89,779
Wheeling News-Register (B): 12,821
barack did a smidge better;
57 newspapers total
over 7 million circulation (we are still counting)
Arkansas Times (K): 34,000
The Argus (Fremont) (K): 26,749
Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek) (K): 183,086
Daily Review (Hayward) (K): 30,704
The Fresno Bee (K): 150,334
La Opinion (Los Angeles) (K): 114,892
Los Angeles Times (N/A): 773,884
The Modesto Bee (K): 78,001
The Monterey County Herald (K): 28,933
Oakland Tribune (K): 96,535
The (Stockton) Record (B): 57,486
The Sacramento Bee (K): 288,755
San Bernardino Sun (B): 54,315
San Francisco Chronicle (K): 370,345
San Jose Mercury News (K): 234,772
San Mateo County Times (K): 25,982
Santa Cruz Sentinel (K): 23,290
Tri-Valley Herald (B): 29,759
Cortez Journal (K): 6,700
The Denver Post (B)
The Durango Herald (K): 8,870
Gunnison Country Times (N/A): 4,000
Ouray County Plaindealer (K): 3,000
The Washington Post (K): 673,180
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (K)
Honolulu Star-Bulletin (K): 64,305
Chicago Tribune (B): 541,663
Chicago Sun-Times (K):
Southwest News-Herald (K)
The Storm Lake Times (K): 3,200
Kansas City Star
The Boston Globe (K): 350,605
The Standard-Times (New Bedford) (K): 30,306
The Muskegon Chronicle (K): 41,114
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (K): 255,057
Santa Fe New Mexican (K): 25,249
el Dario La Prensa (): 53,856
Asheville Citizen-Times (K): 50,160
The (Toledo) Blade (K): 119,901
Dayton Daily News (K): 116,690
The (Canton) Repository (B): 65,789
Springfield News-Sun (K): 24,684
Mail Tribune (Medford) (K): 30,349
The Express-Times (Easton) (B): 44,561
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (K): 214,374
Chattanooga Times (K): 71,716
The Commercial Appeal (Memphis) (K): 146,961
The (Nashville) Tennessean (K): 161,131
The Lufkin Daily News (K): 12,225
The Salt Lake Tribune (B):
Falls Church News-Press (K): 30,500
The Columbian (B): 44,623
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (K): 129,563
The Seattle Times (K): 220,883
The Charleston Gazette (K): 48,061
The Capital Times (Madison) (K): 16,335
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison) (B): 87,930
oops, that’s supposed to read “this list” is from editor and publisher
this is the “more important stuff” that distracted you from posting a trash talking thread ???
it’s time we had a discussion about priorities around here …
Joe Pa comes to kick ass and the People of the good state of Michigan never heard of football all the sudden …
or what ???
and about those endorsements:
did the wapo issue an endorsement “without ambivalence” that included a lot of “ambivalence”
the ny times blurb writer thought so
some posts disagreed …
one of them claimed that princess pandora had more leadership experience that Truman (guess the goober didn’t know that Truman was combat vet Colonel of artillary)
see what happens when you don’t post a trash talking thread ???
I bag on your team AND THEN I gotta bag on the endorsements …
my hero, Harry S Truman, was a Captain of Artillery in WWI but a hero in all respects.
The Kansas City Star
Very thoughtful endorsements. But where have these editors been the last eight years? Why did they wait to call out Bush until the last days of his presidency?
Running for cover.
The Tennessean endorsement is here.
Dayton Daily News
Toledo Blade…..63314.html
An article at Fox about Newspaper endorsements…..ment-race/
United Association of Journeyman and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry
Gary Hamilton is the director of the plumbing division at the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry, which has endorsed Obama. Hamilton has been a licensed plumber for about 40 years, and he was dismayed at Wurzelbacher’s attempt to speak for an industry of which he is not part.
Thank you.
Check this out. I had read or heard yesterday that this agreement lets any soldiers or contractors who have committed crimes against the Iraqi people off the hook. No Accountability is rampant.
Muqtada al-Sadr urges rejection of US-Iraqi pact
By HAMZA HENDAWI, Associated Press Writer Hamza Hendawi, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 21 mins ago
BAGHDAD – Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Saturday called on Iraq’s parliament to reject a U.S.-Iraqi security pact as tens of thousands of his followers rallied in Baghdad against the deal.
The mass public show of opposition came as U.S. and Iraqi leaders face a Dec. 31 deadline to reach agreement on the deal, which would replace an expiring U.N. mandate authorizing the U.S.-led forces in Iraq.
Al-Sadr’s message was read by his aide Sheik Abdul-Hadi al-Mohammadawi before a huge crowd of mostly young men waving Iraqi and green Shiite flags and chanting slogans including “no, no to the agreement” and “yes to Iraq.”…..ea/ml_iraq
I think it would be great for the US Economy if we could start a permanent withdrawal around 31 January 2008. It would also pin the withdrawal on Bush/Cheney, which I think would be terrific.
Just how many of the recommendations has the Bush administration used from the Iraq Study Group? Remember that report.…..#038;gl=us
The policies and actions of Iraq’s neighbors greatly affect its stability and prosperity. No country
in the region will benefit in the long term from a chaotic Iraq. Yet Iraq’s neighbors are not doing
enough to help Iraq achieve stability. Some are undercutting stability.
The United States cannot achieve its goals in the Middle East unless it deals directly with
the Arab-Israeli conflict and regional instability. There must be a renewed and sustained
commitment by the United States to a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace on all fronts: Lebanon,
Syria, and President Bush’s June 2002 commitment to a two-state solution for Israel and
Palestine. This commitment must include direct talks with, by, and between Israel, Lebanon,
Palestinians (those who accept Israel’s right to exist), and Syria.
I KEEP THINKING THEY NEED TO TAKE “ISRAEL’S RIGHT TO EXIST” AND RESTATE “ISRAEL EXISTS” and then get back to the judgement that the International World Courts decision four years ago that the Wall is illegal, the settlements in occupied Palestinian territories are illegal.
The United States should immediately launch a new diplomatic offensive to build an
international consensus for stability in Iraq and the region. This diplomatic effort should include
Remember the ICC’s decision on the I/P conflict…..10/israel3
every country that has an interest in avoiding a chaotic Iraq, including all of Iraq’s neighbors.
Iraq’s neighbors and key states in and outside the region should form a support group to
reinforce security and national reconciliation within Iraq, neither of which Iraq can achieve on its
looks like cheney’s forgery shop is back in business
and some days I gotta wonder if the NY Times has a bunch of wanna-be journalists or insta-reporters hidden in a closet somewhere
there has to ba an explanation for the lack of institutional memory at the ny times
their latest “wet behind the ears” cubbie is named MARK MAZZETTI
apparently, this IDIOT, MARK MAZZETTI, is all impressed because the bush crooks have some PAPERS
the IDIOT MARK MAZZETTI thinks these papers are somehow related to Iran
I guess the IDIOT MARK MAZZETTI never heard of the evidence that saddam hussain was trying to develop WMDs
I guess the IDIOT MARK MAZZETTI never heard of the forged niger documents, or the sixteen word lie from george bush about the niger uranium forgeries
I assume the IDIOT MARK MAZZETTI is unaware of these facts, cuz the whole article gushes about how important these papers are
where does the ny times find these idiots ???
something you don’t see every day
Slight typo EW you typed Atlantic Journal-Constitution. It is Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Thanks for your blogging!
That Tribune endorsement was so wonderful, I cried.
The Houston Chronicle (Hasn’t endorsed a Democrat since LBJ in 1964):
Absolutely no doubt who the Post-Dispatch would endorse, but here they are.
“A presidency is defined less by what happens in the Oval Office than by what is done by the more than 3,000 men and women the president appoints to government office. Only 600 of them are subject to Senate approval. The rest serve at the pleasure of the president.
We have little doubt that Mr. Obama’s appointees would bring a level of competence, compassion and intellectual achievement to the executive branch that hasn’t been seen since the New Frontier. He has energized a new generation of Americans who would put the concept of service back in “public service.”
Consider that while Mr. McCain selected as his running mate Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, a callow and shrill partisan, Mr. Obama selected Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware. Mr. Biden’s 35-year Senate career has given him encyclopedic expertise on legislative and judicial issues, as well as foreign affairs.
The idea that 3,000 bright, dedicated and accomplished Americans would be joining the Obama administration to serve the public — as opposed to padding their resumés or shilling for the corporate interests they’re sworn to oversee — is reassuring. That they would be serving a president who actually would listen to them is staggering.”
You couldn’t ask for more fantastic weather yesterday. The whole holiday has been like that. We have barely seen one fly.