McCain’s One Consistent Stance: Admitting the Danger of Erratic Behavior

I noted on Friday that the McCain campaign had argued that it was okay to carry out a paranoid vendetta against someone who had exhibited erratic behavior.

But did you know they rationalized their concern by describing Mike Wooten’s–Sarah’s former bro-in-law–"long history of unstable and erratic behavior"?

Although the report describes Wooten as a separate issue, the McCain campaign goes into great detail about the "rogue" trooper and his "long history of unstable and erratic behavior."

So in case you’re wondering, the McCain camp agrees that the guy with the long history of unstable and erratic behavior is a menace to society.

Today, they’ve repeated their warnings about erratic behavior, suggesting that erratic politicians can’t be trusted to handle your money.

Investors are always responsible for their investment decisions, but the hard earned savings of Americans should not be penalized by the erratic behavior of politicians.

See, they’re consistent about one thing! You shouldn’t elect people who have the kind of erratic behavior exhibited by their campaign. 

  1. JimWhite says:

    More erratic behavior from Johnny Mac. He turned in his homework a day late after looking at the smart kid’s report. Here is the AP story.

    Get a load of this part:

    McCain said President Bush’s $250 billion plan to buy shares in the nation’s leading banks — which helped stocks soar on Monday — should be short-term and last only until the institutions are reformed and put on a sound footing again.

    “When that is accomplished,” McCain said, “government will relinquish its interest in these private companies. We’re going to get the government out of the business of bailouts and equity stakes and back in the business of responsible regulation.”

    Really? Relinquish? Doesn’t that mean surrender? Johnny wants to cut and run! [Apparently without even getting our money back.]

  2. Ishmael says:

    “Investors are always responsible for their investment decisions, but the hard earned savings of Americans should not be penalized by the erratic behavior of politicians.”

    Even the elderly investors who invested in Lincoln Savings and Loan? This is rich coming from one of the politicians whose “erratic behaviour” on behalf of Charles Keating cost so many American their hard-earned savings.

  3. TheraP says:

    That would make a nice ad. Just use his words against images of his own erratic behavior.

    These people are so off-message that they walk right into minefields of their own making!

  4. bell says:

    mccain is selling fear… some people are going to buy it and some aren’t… in this regard mccain is working from the same position as bush… a lot of folks are disappointed in what bush sold them… perhaps they need to question what they are buying from mccain given their first hand experience with bush…

  5. freepatriot says:

    chicken noodle network is tearing princess pandora a new asshole on the AIP

    and the mcsame campaign is going bugshit hypocritical about it

    apparently, talking about princess pandora and the AIP is equivelent to attacking Obama’s religion

    I thought the AIP was a terrorist outfit, not a religion

    • kspena says:

      How erratic is comparing Palin’s behavior with what she’s saying on the stump??? The LATimes got her calander:

      “In addition to meetings with big business and lobbyists, Palin’s calendar indicates that she filled her daily schedules with dozens of media interviews”…

      “According to aides, Palin wooed reporters in Juneau with plates of brownies and telephone calls on their birthdays….

      “”She craved publicity and the poll ratings that came with it,” said Larry Persily, a former Alaska journalist who worked for Palin in Alaska’s state office in Washington until earlier this year…”

  6. freepatriot says:

    really ???

    that’s one of our guys ???


    I rarely make the connection between the two mediums

    unless it’s markos

    if you can’t even recognize your own evil overlord, what’s the whole point of being a mindless minion, ya know ???

    onward, thru the fog …

  7. oldtree says:

    Sounds rather like the “dear friends” “my friends” rhetoric that he uses even though this is his term for hatred of the group? Now is he really asking everyone to look at his behavior?
    is there a psychologist or 3 that would like to weigh in?

  8. freepatriot says:

    off-topic, in the “maybe you’re over thinking this” department:

    I saw a report on Sarah Silverman’s “the great Schlep

    apparently the organizers want to translate the campaign commercials in to Spanish

    for what ???

    to appeal to all those Spanish Jews out there ???

    (ducking and running)

    • 4jkb4ia says:

      Way EPU’d, but there are more Spanish-speaking Jews than you think. I am distantly related to a former chief rabbi of Mexico.

  9. Leen says:

    Chris Matthews mentioned Sarah’s efforts for Obama tonight. Matthews pounded Palin again. Calling her comments on Limbaugh ”irresponsible” Matthews compared Palin’s intellect to Hillary’s saying that that is like comparing ”an igloo to the Empire State building

  10. ffein says:

    Today I received in the mail an “emergency donation request” from John McCain…said among other things that they need to “get out our message of truth to all Americans….and we must match the democrats’ fundraising efforts.” Geez. I’ve never in my life registered as a Republican and this is the 4th or 5th letter I’ve received from their campaign. I did what I always do, edited the letter to correct some of their lies, then put the letter in the accompanying envelope, sealed it, opted not to use my own stamp (as they suggest) and put it in the mail. And I thought he gave up on Michigan…

  11. ffein says:

    I just saw that…a private fundraiser for the National Republican Congressional Committee and the Republican National Committee.

  12. MadDog says:

    Who knew The Erratic One thought this campaign was all about being the most erratic?

    But following in the footsteps of Junya, we all probably should’ve guessed.

  13. behindthefall says:

    Ever seen Kurosawa’s “Kagemusha”? Commoner acts as a double for a warlord. Survives, and even succeeds to some extent, by being still; ‘kagemusha’ apparently means ‘mountain’, and the warlord exerted his influence through his imperturbability. Reminds me of ‘No Drama Obama’ in the debates, sitting or standing perfectly still, while McCain veers and backs, eventually losing headway and crashing on the rocks.

  14. randiego says:

    OT Alert.
    Fucking lying douchebag fuck. I just saw (On Keith/Rachel) the interview today with whoever it was…

    It’s one thing to spout your lies to the mouth-breathers at your rallies. It’s completely different to be asked a question in an interview and FUCKING LIE straight into the camera about whatever you choose to lie about today. Or maybe it isn’t.

    This is worse than 2004, with the Swiftboating, and Cheney spouting his BS about a new terrorist attack if Kerry won. This is Worse.

  15. kspena says:

    The following is from David Frum’s Diary today….again what a prick….Keith said a staff member from the show goes over the topics with the guest the same day before appearing on the show. Frum says Rachel changed the subject???? Afganistan was never to be a subject of discussion…His views of criticism of McCain were…. LIES, LIES and MORE LIES… Those neocons are such cowards, with their fans and even with their spouses….

    “Mirror Imaging

    One follow up to the post below – and the literally hundreds of emails it has elicited …

    Just before I traveled to Afghanistan, I accepted an invitation to appear on “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC when I returned. This was not something I’d normally agree to do: I don’t watch the show, but I had (or thought I had) a rough idea of what it was like.

    But I write a column for The Week, the appearance was booked through them, so I agreed to do my bit.

    Big mistake. I watched the show in horror in the MSNBC green room. Maybe I was a bit crankier than usual: I’m still jet-lagged enough that I have been going to bed by 8:30 most nights this week … Anyway I was unprepared for the sarcasm and anger of what I saw.

    So when it was my time to go on air – and instead of being asked about Afghanistan I was asked about how awful and hateful the John McCain campaign was – I got a little grouchy. I dont know if there’s a tape visible anywhere.

    (My closest relatives insist it was OK. Then again, my wife is a big believer in Judith Martin’s quip that the key to a happy marriage is the ability to say with a perfectly straight face, “I don’t know what you are worrying about darling. I thought you were very amusing last night, and I’m sure everyone else did as well.”)

    If I find it, I’ll link.

    Now after receiving more than 100 emails from NRO readers (mostly) scolding me for selling out the team by criticizing the McCain campaign on CBS in the morning, I am now sifting through more than 300 emails from (mostly) enraged viewers accusing me of rudeness to Ms Maddow (sorry – her fans call her “Dr Maddow”) for declining to criticize the McCain campaign on MSNBC in the evening …

    PS: Here’s the clip …

    10/14 06:18 AM”

    • kspena says:

      Now I’m wondering if he was so stricken from the thumping he got from the CBS morning appearance that he took a dive on Rachel’s show, not thinking how his negative remarks to her would appear. Those neocons seem incapable of anticipating the consequences of their behavior.

  16. yonodeler says:

    If we of the masses could only accept the claimed righteousness and blessedness of those who offer themselves to save us from erratic (and worse) evil-doers, we’d not worry about what for lesser beings would be obsessive, stalking, vengeful, utterly selfish behavior. We’d see that the hand that brings the evil-doer to justice, even extralegally, may need to go sans glove, and that a righteous end justifies that the means to it be unfettered by worldly preoccupations with law, ethics, and mores.

    • skdadl says:

      You do that very well. You might have scared me if I didn’t know better.

      OT: The Canadian election: you win some, you lose some, and some are washed out. I have to resort to that tired old Canadian line: it could have been worse. Harper is back, but still with a minority.

      Some good things happened: there’s a New Dem (social democratic) in Alberta, of all places, one in Montreal, and one in Nfld.