TrooperGate Tomorrow

I wonder if the hate rallies will mind if Steve Branchflower concludes that Sarah Palin and her creepy sidekick "Dude" abused the public trust to pursue a personal vendetta, now that Republican efforts to squelch his investigation have failed?

The Alaska Supreme Court today rejected an attempt by a group of six Republican legislators to shut down the Legislature’s investigation of Gov. Sarah Palin.

The ruling means that Steve Branchflower, the investigator hired by the Legislative Council, will release his report as scheduled on Friday.

I doubt it.

As I understand it, Branchflower presents his report to the legislature at 9AM Alaska time, so an early Friday afternoon document dump for those of us in the East. 

Update: Opinion here.

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  1. dotsright says:

    The current McCain campaign tactic seems to be to lay all the Troopergate stuff at the door of Todd Palin as he is unelected and therefor unanswerable to the legislature. I’m assuming that the Gov’s staff that finally testified also upheld this new theory.

    I doubt Branchflower fell for it but McCain’s camp must be hoping that most voters will.

    • emptywheel says:

      I thikn they released the affy to get it out there–because I’m sure Branchflower’s report reads like a chronology of the 100 times Mad TOdd talked about this with govt people.

      But there is no way Todd can take the fall by himself. Somehow his complaints got turned into improper interventions.

      • Ishmael says:

        Agreed, “Meanie Todd” had his affidavit out first to take the sting out of the Branchflower report – there are too many emails to Sarah cc’d to Todd that Branchflower undoubtedly has for him to take the hit for her completely.

  2. JaneWade says:

    There is apparently a move by Alaska Republicans to hold the report back until the full legislature can vote to release it after they reconvene in January. Alaska bloggers have been pressing hard to get the report released by the governing committee tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed.

  3. Neil says:

    I agree, they released the affy to put the focus on Todd and his “justifiable” vendetta, fair is fair. But Branchflower may have more (he said hopefully).

    Got to hand it to the folks in Alaska. How often do we get prior warning of a Friday doc dump from the good people in DC?

  4. freepatriot says:

    thank goddess for princess pandora

    I hope she survives to lead the repuglitards off the cliff in 2012

  5. Hmmm says:

    Tomorrow may prove to be a very big day. With the Dow now down 20%, I’ve seen a couple references to a Black Friday scenario. That’d provide plenty of cover for the Troopergate report, if the Alaska legislature Rs don’t succeed in delaying it.

    BTW regarding the Palin and guns meme — I think I broke the code. Sarah’s just got a bad case of He-Man Putin envy.

  6. freepatriot says:

    now the repuglitard national committee is in cahoots with Wachovia

    the rnc is borrowing money from a bankrupt bank

    wonder how that happened

    is there anybody in the rnc or Wachovia that has ever heard of the words “Conflict Of Interest”


    • emptywheel says:

      Don’t forget that Wachovia is the bank that gave teh NRCC a big loan after they presented fraudulent audits. And putting all the NRCC money into interlinked WAchovia accounts was central to CHristopher Ward’s money laundering.

      • freepatriot says:

        how could I forget ???

        damn, is your brain a fookin filing cabinet or what ???

        bet you could drive a shrink crazy in a word association game …

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Oh…. I had not connected THOSE dots in quite that way before.

        As skdadl might say, “Oh! My paws and whiskers!!”

  7. FrankProbst says:

    Late to the thread, but how many justices are on the Alaska Supreme Court, and what was the vote breakdown?