Either Todd Palin or Walt Monegan Didn’t Tell the Truth

Two details of this detailed NYT article on TrooperGate stick out to me (h/t lemondloulou). In this post I’ll look at how Walt Monegan’s testimony contradicts the First Dude’s. Here’s what First Dude had to say in his affidavit.

I was not aware of the Grimes report until July 2008, after Monegan left the government. The DPS never informed me or my wife that Wooten had been disciplined. 


Monegan never informed me about the substance of any investigation that had been done.  I was told no details could be released. I assumed nothing had been done or that whatever was done internally must have been a slap on the wrist. Col. Grimes never told me and Monegan never told  me.


Not until Wooten released, and then the ADN posted, his personnel records in July 2008 did I learn that there was a completed internal review by Col. Grimes and what was done. (3, 23)

Here’s what Monegan told the NYT (which I assume matches his testimony to Branchflower).

On Jan. 4, 2007, a month into the Palin administration and his tenure as public safety commissioner, Mr. Monegan was called to the governor’s Anchorage office to meet Todd Palin. Mr. Palin was seated at a conference table with three stacks of personnel files. That, Mr. Monegan recalled, was the first time he heard the name Mike Wooten.

“He conveyed to me that he and Sarah did not think the investigation into Wooten had been done well enough and that they were not happy with the punishment,” Mr. Monegan said. “Todd was clearly frustrated.”

That is, not only did Monegan tell Todd the investigation was completed–but he told Todd what the punishment was. (See Halcro for his point on this earlier today.)

There’s a reason Todd repeats the claim that he didn’t learn of the results of the Grimes investigation until after Monegan was fired. Because so long as he can claim he didn’t know the results of the investigation, then he can (sort of) claim to have had a reason to nag Monegan so much–because he still believed it was an outstanding issue.

The question, of course, is whether or not Branchflower has proof that Monegan had already told Todd the results of the investigation. According to the NYT, the early instances of Monegan informing Sarah and Todd about the earlier investigation consisted of that face-to-face meeting and two phone calls.

A few days later, Mr. Monegan informed Mr. Palin that the issues raised at the meeting had been addressed in Mr. Wooten’s suspension. The case was closed.


Several evenings later, Mr. Monegan’s cellphone rang. “Walt, it’s Sarah,” the governor said before echoing much of what her husband had said. Mr. Wooten, he recalls being told, was “not the kind of person we should want as a trooper.” He told the governor, too, that there was no new evidence to pursue.

Which raises the question–were these phone calls taped, as the phone call between Frank Bailey and Rodney Dial was taped?

But I think the real tell–where Todd Palin may be in a heap of trouble–is in this detail from the NYT story.

On Jan. 4, 2007, a month into the Palin administration and his tenure as public safety commissioner, Mr. Monegan was called to the governor’s Anchorage office to meet Todd Palin. Mr. Palin was seated at a conference table with three stacks of personnel files. That, Mr. Monegan recalled, was the first time he heard the name Mike Wooten. [my emphasis]

Personnel files. The implication from this story is that Palin had Wooten’s personnel file laying there on a table when he had this first meeting with Walt Monegan. Even in the phone call between Bailey and Dial, there’s tension over whether Bailey–a government employee, after all–had accessed Wooten’s personnel file. Bailey had suggested he got it through follow-up on the workers comp issue.

But this story suggests that Todd Palin–not a government employee–had gotten Wooten’s personnel file in the first weeks of Sarah’s tenure as governor. And that personnel file, of course, would have the details about the Grimes investigation.

If Branchflower has proof that Todd Palin got the personnel file–and that Palin’s office got it without the excuse of the workers comp issue–then First Dude may be in a heap of trouble.

  1. dakine01 says:

    I’m not all that much into betting which is why I’m pretty confident and willing to put my money on the truthfulness of Mr Monegan.

    Betting on Todd’s truthfulness seems to me to be a fairly stnadard sucker bet.

    • emptywheel says:

      Yup. But she’ll avoid perjury charges, at least.

      I’m beginning to understand now why Todd looked like he never wanted to see Sarah again after her debate on Thursday. That may also be why he had to show up in AZ, to try to find a way out of this.


      • Peterr says:

        I would think that handing over three piles of personnel files (or allowing them to be handed over) to non-employees with appropriate clearances may be a tad more problematic than a perjury charge.

  2. TobyWollin says:

    OK..I’ll bite: WTF was Todd Palin doing with government employee personnel files…confidential personnel files? He had no business even being in the file room with those files. The DH works for the State of New York and in order for an EMPLOYEE to see his or her own file, they have to show up, show ID..the HR staff person gets the file, takes the employee into a confidential office, shuts the door and lets the employee review the file. If there is something in the file that the employee disagrees with or thinks needs to be taken out of the file, there is a procedure for handling that..but everything in the damn file is on a list and numbered, so if a piece disappears, they know about it because then the person leaves, the file gets examined again and they make sure that every last piece of numbered paper is in the damn file. How did Todd Palin – not an Alaska State Employee – have a stack of personnel files at his disposal?

    • AZ Matt says:

      I would hazard the guess that his wife go the files for him. No one lower than her would do it without her permission. She would have to pull the strings to get those into her office.

      • MadDog says:

        Or if someone lower on the totem pole (had to get that Alaska reference in) did the file request, perhaps Branchflower already has their testimony.

        Of if First Dude himself did the ordering requesting, perhaps the HR folks receiving the order request are already on testimonial record with Branchflower.

        • AZ Matt says:

          Only someone with authority could order them and Todd didn’t have the Juice for that, only his wife could have done it.

      • Dismayed says:

        Yep. And that may be the clusterbomb that hit’s today. The staff would know who told who to do what. Sara in big trouble here as well. 28 minutes and counting. Fingers crossed.

    • NCDem says:

      On the personnel file, I want to add one point. EW offers that Todd Palin may have gotten access to the personnel files because of the involvement of the worker’s compensation claim. This can’t be correct.

      The meeting between Walt Monegan and Todd Palin took place on January 4th, 2007. There was no reason at this time for any WC folder’s to be accessed because his back injury did not happen until January 15th, 2007.

      From the Anchorage Daily article by Wesley Loy from the Sept. 25th issue.

      Wooten, 36, the man at the center of the political storm known as Troopergate, hurt his back on Jan. 15, 2007, as he helped lift and carry a body bag containing a man’s corpse through the snow.

  3. Fern says:

    If there was a stack of personnel files in the office, one wonders who else was being targeted by the Palins and for what.

  4. lemondloulou says:

    Sarah Palin was inaugurated governor of Alaska December 4, 2006. January 4, 2007 her husband Todd, not an employee or officer of the state of Alaska, had a stack of three personnel files and a meeting with Walt Monegan? Sheesh.

  5. MadDog says:

    I wonder if the Palins will ever return to Alaska?

    Shorter MsBull…winkle: “Jeebus John, take the friggin’ gloves off already! Remember, we can’t go home!”

  6. TobyWollin says:

    The thing is, also, no matter who went into those files and got them out and allowed Todd Palin to read them, these private government records were used by a non-government employee to threaten Walt Monegan? To put pressure on him to modify his policies and procedures because of this personal family matter? Excuse me? Isn’t this criminal conduct? I want to know who got those files – who gave permission to get those files – to give them to Todd Palin. If this is not a crime – it’s a tort for sure(which one? beats me…breach of duty? Monegan lost his job – at the very least he should be able to sue especially on the basis of her allowing her husband to interfere in his performing his duties).

  7. Neil says:

    Branchflower’s questions to Todd Palin in the interrogatory were open ended, and fully explored the communications Todd had with every likely party, in government and out, to the sordid affair. As Bmaz said, Branchflower locked Palin into his story.

    Branchflower let Todd, the first Dud, tell the complete story Todd’s way. The openness of the questions gave Todd the opening to spin, spin, spin mostly by omission and sometimes prevaricate out of necessity. Oh, he’s screwed.

    Then there’s the PR game. Palin/McCain leak Todd’s affidavit so Moneghan goes on record with the NYT. You KNOW that’s got to piss them off.

    Moneghan frames the question beautifully. One of these two men is a liar. It is former marine Sargent and Former Commisioner of Public Safety Moneghan or Todd Dude? …but Moneghan’s wife isn’t running for VP of the United States. Talking about the VP, on what authority did she entrust her husband, fisherman and snow machine racer, Wooten’s personnel files

  8. lemondloulou says:

    USA Today has the McCain/Palin story up now too. Here’s the money quote:
    “I have heard criticism that I am too involved in my wife’s administration,” Todd Palin wrote in his affidavit. “My wife and I are very close. We are each other’s best friend. I have helped her in her career the best I can, and she has helped me.”

  9. chrisc says:

    I don’t know what the law is in Alaska, but in California, everything in a personnel file is exempt from the public records act. When our local council meets for a personnel issue, it is done in a private session. If the council takes some action, only the action can be made public, not any of the discussion. And council members can’t talk about what happened with anyone (although I have tried to wring it out of them.)

    • PJEvans says:

      I remember when I was working for a local government in TX, when someone called to ask about a person’s employment, we were not allowed to say more than ‘Yes, that person works here’. We didn’t have access to the personnel files, either.
      I think the Palins are up to their chins in sh*t, and they’re not saying ‘don’t make waves’, even though it’s clearly getting deeper.

  10. bmaz says:

    Todd bad Branchflower good. Am at a bar standing next to a dude that is the spitting image of Gonzo. But the band is playing Santana from Abraxas, so I can’t interrogate the suspect. Priorities abound…

      • ThatGuy says:

        I think we’re ALL going to be drinking liberally very soon, and it’ll all be two-buck chuck.

        I’ve often wondered what it must have been like for a middle-aged, middle-class guy in the Great Depression, worked his whole life and saw it all just destroyed in a matter of days. How must it have been?

        I think many of us are going to find out.

        • Peterr says:

          If you want to know the answer to “how could this be worse than the Great Depression?” think about this: from the 1929 crash until December 5, 1933, drinking (liberally or otherwise) was illegal.

        • ratfood says:

          There was a time when I was reasonably confident it would happen in my lifetime. Now, not so much.

        • BargainCountertenor says:

          In the mid-80s Kansas started taxing illegal drugs.

          The T&R Department ’sold’ tax stamps. Dealers caught selling illegal drugs without having the appropriate stamps were charged with tax evasion as well as drug possession. It was explained in the Lege as an Al Capone enforcement mechanism.

          I have no idea if the program is still in force.

        • freepatriot says:

          wake up and snap out of it, you goobers

          the federal laws that essentially prohibit possession of cannabis ARE fookin tax laws

          get stoned and read a law book some time

          look up the machine gun law, prohibitive tax litigation, and cannabis law

          you’ll learn that the Constitution means whatever 5 Supreme Court Justices say


  11. Beerfart Liberal says:

    i don’t think this story warrants much attention. we’re letting McCain blame the financial crisis on our guy with almost no pushback. we have to deal with a desperate gutter campaign. and i’m supposed to care about some bullshit vendetta in Alaska which is based in the fact that Palin’s sister’s gotta be even dumber than her to have ever married this miscreant to begin with. if she had continued to stonewall, that would have been a story. but te incident itself? i think most people are like me–don’t give a shit.

    that said, your reporting has been top notch as always, marcy. i just don’t think there’s any there there.

  12. JimWhite says:

    I agree with the assessment that it took Sarah to obtain those files and that she should be in deep doo-doo for sharing them with Todd. I don’t see how she survives this one.

    On the other hand, if she does, and miraculously becomes VEEP, she should make sure the mandude-sized safe stays in the office.

  13. jukeboxgrad says:

    Hi EW, here are a few details you might find interesting.

    Todd repeats the claim that he didn’t learn of the results of the Grimes investigation until after Monegan was fired

    Yes. And Palin has also made this claim, very emphatically, in several of her own legal filings. I think we all see the obvious reason they are motivated to sell this claim.

    The question, of course, is whether or not Branchflower has proof that Monegan had already told Todd the results of the investigation.

    That’s a good question, but there’s another avenue to prove that the Palins are lying about this. They have already explicitly admitted that Wooten’s personnel file was in Todd’s hands. They have claimed (falsely) that this file was in the “public domain,” by virtue of a release that Wooten signed. They made these admissions when they were trying to explain the source of the details that Bailey told Dial in the famous recorded phone call. Oh what a tangled web we weave etc.

    Very detailed citations regarding all of the above can be found in the wiki article. Google troopergate. I wrote some of that article. The article points out some other contradictions and falsehoods that I think have been overlooked.

  14. chrisc says:

    Since 1982 Alaska has also prohibited disclosure of personnel files but there have been some court cases were the records were released.

    Access to the personnel records of public employees is generally governed either by the basic public records act, AS 40.25.110 et seq., subject to arguments based on constitutional privacy rights or local ordinances, or, for certain classes of state employees, by AS 39.25.080. AS 39 was amended in 1982. It previously provided that all information concerning public employees of the state was disclosable unless specifically exempted. The 1982 amendment reversed the presumption, and prohibits disclosure of personnel records of certain classes of employees except for their name, salary, job classification, and history. Applications are not disclosable.

    Who is covered by AS 39.25.080? The question is important because the press has taken the position that if the employee is not specifically covered by the public employee act limitations referred to above, their records are presumptively subject to disclosure pursuant to the general public records law. Specifically, the press has argued that the limitations on access apply only to classified employees, and not to the exempt and partially exempt employees identified in other subsections of the law, as a matter of statutory construction. In 1986, the Supreme Court endorsed this position in Doe v. Superior Court, 721 P.2d 617 (Alaska).

    Note that AS 39 only applies to state employees. Records concerning municipal employees are not exempt under Title 39, and courts have rejected attempts to apply the restrictions of Title 39 by analogy, or on equal protection grounds.

  15. GregB says:

    How dare you question the Palin’s private lives? Outrageous and intrusive.

    Now is the time for Barack Obama to come clean about what he was doing when he was 16.

    -Frank Fuckface Keating

  16. billybugs says:

    Why was Todd Palin conducting state business in the first place?
    He was not employed by the state,what was he doing with personnel files?

    • Blub says:

      The First Dude of Alaska is simply adhering to accepted standards of rethug privacy rights an’ safeguards. We’re talking about people of the same caliber as those who spied on the spouses of American servicemen serving abroad….. “U.S. listened in on military calls home”

  17. allan says:

    But EW, even a fierce law-and-order type like Brendan Sullivan thinks
    that Todd and Sarah are innocent victims of a witch hunt.

  18. Beerfart Liberal says:

    don;t get me wrong. anything ion the report critical of palin is good. but it can’t be a very big focus. she’ll continue to be too scairdy ‘fraid to answer media questions unless its from hannity.

    • earlofhuntingdon says:

      I don’t think McPalin is afeared of answering questions. She’s like that rogue Marine colonel in A Few Good Men; she wants to tell you all about it. You betcha. Her handlers know, however, that her attitudes are so out of the mainstream that it would hurt her election prospects, and those of others in the GOP, if she admitted them (as would have been true had people understood the real Cheney in 2000).

      If she wins, she won’t tell, she’ll just do, and lie about it. With McCain’s anger and his preoccupation with payback and small things, he’ll leave Palin enormous room to practice her arts. She’s nowhere near the master federal bureaucrat that Cheney is, but she’s just as mean and addicted to retribution, just as willing to shill the bald-faced lies to cover them. The mystery would be the public and its attention span. That is, having allowed McPalin into the White House, will they still care what they do with it?

  19. Fern says:

    I wonder what plans the Palins have for sharing restricted information in the (unlikely) event that she becomes VP.

    Were they “job-sharing” because she was incapable of handling the work on her own, or because he is even more controlling than he looks like he is?

  20. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Modify this slightly. Hillary Clinton, in 1993, is looking at the personnel jackets of civil servants, not political hires, at the DOJ. She wants somebody fired because they gave a friend of hers hell when they worked in Arkansas, and she’s reaming the AG a new one about it.

    Tell me, tell me, that Newt Gingrich (or Jane Six-Pack) would have found nothing wrong with that. Pretty please, tell me.

  21. PLovering says:

    Too bad the Democratic Congress critters didn’t do their jobs.

    Not much hope things will improve any time soon, either.

  22. DWBartoo says:

    Perhaps, as well as being First Dude, Todd Palin is an ‘advisor’ to her Excellency, a confidential and non-officially official superduper, super cool, supernumerary; zealously protecting the pillow-talk perogatives of Palinillogical palaver. Especially as it involves the pyrrhic application of perceived power in the service of almighty ‘direction’ from on high.

  23. rosalind says:

    ot: poor AIG, forced to cancel yet another get together at a luxury resort. they’re not happy about it, even considered taking out ads to plead their case. PR dept. talked them down.

    mean american taxpayers, ruining all their fun.

  24. Neil says:

    In the second page of the deposition by Todd Palin, he quotes directly from the Grimes Report (former Public Safety Commissioner, Julia Grimes) on the investigation into the behavior and actions of Michael Wooten. My question is how Todd Palin would gain access to this report. This report should be filed in Wooten’s personnel folder and only accessed by a limited number of government officials. The fact that Todd Palin quotes directly from the report proves that Todd Palin had gotten access to a private personnel folder. Here, in his own words, he provides proof that he meddled in the state’s business in unauthorized ways to harm the career of Michael Wooten.

    I think the Branchflower report to the legislature will also show that he gained access to the worker’s compensation folder for Michael Wooten.

  25. ratfood says:

    Funny, the Toddster doesn’t sound like a snowmobile jockey. I don’t suppose it’s possible that his sworn affidavit was crafted by say, one of McCain’s lawyers? Of course not, that would be dishonest.

        • billybugs says:

          She has a background in TV she can follow a script and she can act. Todds been coaching her all along

        • Palli says:

          Remember one of the Christain Right tenets: Obey the husband, the man….it is still in effect for governor or not.

      • acquarius74 says:

        If you Google: Pentecostal beliefs
        you will find one of their fundamental pillars is the emphasis on the husband being “the head” of the wife and she being subject to him.

        Also, a lot of other interesting items found there: 1) only when a convert speaks in tongues is it proven that God has entered into them and speaks to them directly; 2) women should not cut their hair [you can spot the Pentecostals in my town by the women’s hairdo(s) 3) the laying on of hands; etc..

  26. ThingsComeUndone says:

    Who would get Todd the files someone from the records dept if we have them willing to talk on record that Sarah, Todd or the Gov’s office asked for them and delivered them to said person then this is over right?

  27. Blub says:

    I’m kinda hoping that the October surprise is Palin having to pardon herself and First Dube. “I am not a crook”

  28. JayBur says:

    It’s starting to look like things could get very interesting for the Phalins when they have to return to Alaska November 5th as the First Couple of losers. Maybe they can get jobs at the Bush compound in Paraquay?

    • Twain says:

      They will stay “down here” – Sarah will work for Fox and Todd will have to take up line dancing instead of snowboarding.

  29. Hmmm says:

    I have an intuition that Obama is going to use his newly-purchased 30 minutes of prime time on October 29th — anniversary of the previous great market crash — to show clearly, calmly, and with a certain je ne sais quois, precisely how the Keating 5 led directly to the current market crash. And that will be The End of The Ballad of John and Sarah.

    • TheraP says:

      I think it’s going to be a Presidential Talk. I doubt he’ll bash mcShame. I’m betting on a pep talk. A barn-burner. Can’t wait.

        • brendanx says:

          I’ve had this sense that Obama feels he is the acting president for a while, even before the international trip. It started for me when he offered a contrast to Clinton’s “obliterate Iran” statement in the primaries. It’s interesting how he manages to turn all his opponents into variations on Alan Keyes.

  30. TheraP says:

    First Couple of Losers

    Alaska, we’re counting on you! You can lead the way to the return of the Rule of Law.

  31. LS says:

    The Palins are the antithesis of the McCains.

    The Palins are survivalists…they shoot game for survival…they are fit and can endure severe weather challenges. Neither have come from wealthy families.

    The McCains are BOTH spawn of wealthy families. Neither Mr. or Mrs. McCain have faced financial stress. Both are born into silver spoon inheritance situations…McCain the grandson and son of Naval Admirals….Cindy the daughter of an alcohol distribution family business….

    The Palins and the McCains are in opposition….to each other.

    I think that the Palins have an agenda that the McCains are not prepared for despite all of the fluff.

    They opened a certain Pandora’s box, and the market has cooperated…

    Perfect storm.

    The Repubs will have experienced a huge loss of wealth…and a huge surge of humility…

    Karma raised it’s head..not Putin.

  32. ANOther says:

    This is the VP candidate before politics. I thought it was funny until right at the end when she reported that my much missed Winnipeg Jets were leading the Maple Laughs 8-1. The Jets were then moved to bmaz country.

  33. brendanx says:

    I just saw footage of the “Kill him” Palin rally on tv. No one told me that Bristol Palin was on stage holding the baby. What despicably callous cultists these candidates and their crowds are.

  34. JThomason says:

    The fascinating aspect of this story for me is the Palin campaign releasing its own simultaneous report. It is a trend in the diminishing of the judicial capacity, the professional standing of the courts and the quasi-judicial function of legislative fact finding that Bush likewise has fully exploited. Its to be expected in the age of information and disintermediation but it essentially amounts to a slander of legitimate process and authority. The notion is to essentially undermine accountability in the winds of shifting perceptions and to challenge the historical validity of standards. It is a kind of treachery adrift.

  35. Ishmael says:

    According to the AP, the McCain Whitewash Report blames the Troopergate investigation on…….those mighty bloggers!!!

    “The campaign’s report instead blames former campaign opponent, Andrew Halcro, who has a blog, of conspiring with Wooten to pin Monegan’s dismissal on the family’s dispute with Wooten. Three days after Monegan was fired, they say, Wooten told his ex-wife, Palin’s sister, that: “You guys are going down. Get ready for the show.”

    Two days after that confrontation, they say, Halcro and Wooten met at a hotel bar in Anchorage for more than three hours _ and that evening, Halcro posted the first accusations on his blog that Monegan had been fired because of a vendetta against Wooten by the Palin family.

    “It is tragic that a false story hatched by a blogger after drinks with Trooper Wooten led the legislature to allocate over $100,000 of public money to be spent in what has become a politically driven investigation,” the 21-page report concludes.”

  36. LabDancer says:

    Watch Out For His Free Paw: Meet Mike, The Alaskan Trooper Safety Bear

    This is number 5 in a continuing series “Gettin’ To No thuh Animals of Alaska”, brought to you as a public service in conjunction with the State-sponsored No Yer Prey and Shoot On Sight programs, signed into law by Governor Palin as her first and second executive order immediately upon taking office.

    This one’s particularly persistent pest. You’ll might spot him at yer State Fair, or even at yer children’s school.

    Needless to say: Shoot first and ask questions afterwards … up to several months afterwards.

    You’ll need to become familiar with his identifying features and markings. Here’s a shot of how he looked in 1975:


    You might have spotted that, at that time it appears he was still allowed in official Alaska State offices. [Ask yourself what party THAT governor belonged to!] Extra credits for considering not just how many of his kind are still in the Alaska government, and what suggestion you have fer the Governor to do about it:

    And here’s a more recent shot:


    Now ask yourself this: Why doesn’t he want you to see what’s in his left paw? And note: it’s his LEFT paw!

    Just as a reminder, here’s a quick look at the previous posts in this series:

    #1: Meet Madeline: The Cross-Dressing Moose

    [excerpt: “So not only does Madeline provide enough meat to feed a family of nine for up to month, you will also be striking a blow for God against teh Gay Life Style!”]

    #2: Bear Beware! Meet Putin the Polar Bear

    [excerpt: “We recommend laying down a barrage of automated fire for a minimum of three minutes. Even if you miss a vital organ, your first barrage of should be enough to drive the wounded beast back to the Soviet Gulag which is its natural habitat.”]

    #3: Die Dog! Meet Walt, the wascally wolf.

    [excerpt: “You should exercise some caution in picking the best spot to set down your chopper, before disembarking to administer the kill shot, and cut off that tail you’ll need to redeem your official State coupon [in addition to any other parts still intact enough to make a nice memento of your day].”

    #4: Enemy of the State: Laden, your Liberal Terrorist Democrat

    [excerpt: “Be careful not to listen, because his bag of verbal tricks is virtually endless. One of his typical claims is that his middle name doesn’t mean he’s a secret A-Rab Moos-lim.]

    Be sure to look out for the first our next series, Friends Not Foes, to start in February: #1: Meet Sarah the Barracuda; and it fer sure looks like it could be under a new governor.

    [Put this one under your toque, but Governor Palin recently signed into a law Secret Executive Order #124,237, with this title: “Succession”…and evidently it mentions a certain “First Dude”!]

  37. kspena says:

    From Mudflats:
    “This is a meeting of the Alaskan Independence Party. The speaker is Vice Chairman of the AIP, Dexter Clark.

    Now, we get to the interesting part, just before 6:00 on the video.

    “Our current governor, we mentioned at the last conference, the one we were hoping would get elected, Sarah Palin, did get elected. There’s a joke, she’s a pretty good looking gal, there’s a joke goes around we’re the coldest state with the hottest governor. (laughter) And there was a lot of talk about her moving up. She was an AIP member before she got the job as a mayor of a small town — that was a non-partisan job. But to get along and go along — she eventually joined the Republican Party, where she had all kinds of problems with their ethics, and well, I won’t go into that. She also had about an 80% approval rating, and is pretty well sympathetic to her former membership.“

    What Clark is saying here, is that Palin’s philosophical loyalties lie with the Alaska Independence Party, but in order to get elected, she had to distance herself from the AIP and pretend to be a Republican, because that was the only way for her to get elected. But not to worry, Clark reassures those in attendance, her heart is still with us at the AIP, and her sympathies are with our agenda, namely, Alaskan ndependence.”


  38. jukeboxgrad says:

    how Todd Palin would gain access to this report

    Wooten made that (Grimes) report, and a bunch of related documents, available to the public some time ago. So with regard to that particular document, Todd is not in hot water.

  39. bell says:

    that wouldn’t quite explain the personnel files that todd was said to be privy to jan 2007.. >>Mr. Palin was seated at a conference table with three stacks of personnel files.

  40. jukeboxgrad says:

    that wouldn’t quite explain the personnel files that todd was said to be privy to jan 2007.. >>Mr. Palin was seated at a conference table with three stacks of personnel files.

    Indeed. But without other proof, Todd could claim those piles were just blank paper he had just bought at Staples.

    Above I pointed out some other proof, regarding how Palin has already trapped herself, by admitting that Todd held Wooten’s file.

  41. freepatriot says:

    btw, anybody else notice that mcsame is in trouble in West Virgina


    sixtyseven senators

    who’s with me ???

  42. Evolute says:

    From LA Times

    U.S. tapped intimate calls from Americans overseas, 2 eavesdroppers say

    Well d’uh. What, did they think a little news dump in the middle of a global monetary meltdown and we wouldn’t say, see we knew this was fucking happening? …The tip of the iceberg.


  43. Neil says:

    We’ll see by late Friday, whether or not the McCain-Palin “Truth Squad” can somehow keep the public from knowing the results of Branchflower’s efforts.Today may be a day that goes down, etched in dog lipstick somewhere, in Alaska history.

    One question I haven’t seen asked yet – maybe I missed it – is, “What has Todd’s role been in these continued bad relationships with chiefs of pubic safety entities under Palin family control?”

  44. radiofreewill says:

    If she hadn’t released her own self-white-wash Report last night, I think the Alaska Republicans might have seriously considered holding the Report, but now, not so much.

    Trying to stampede these Frontier Lawyers in the Alaska Legislature by banging pots and pans doesn’t appear to be phasing them, at all.

  45. Neil says:

    At their meeting Friday, [Alaskan] lawmakers planned to vote to release the estimated 300-page report and some of the 1,000 or more pages of supporting documents. The 14-member legislative panel could recommend that the case be closed, that another committee continue to investigate, or that the matter be referred to criminal investigators.

    In an effort to head off the report, McCain campaign spokesman Taylor Griffin released the campaign’s own version of events. That report, which Griffin said was written by campaign staffers, says the Legislature has taken a legitimate policy dispute between a governor and one of her commissioners, and portrayed it as something inappropriate.


    Steve Branchflower, a retired prosecutor hired by the Legislature, is also investigating whether anyone in the Palin administration pressured auditors to deny Wooten’s disability claim.


    This is where I think Todd Palin is screwed. The rest of it is in Sarah because she provided him with access to confidential materials like Wooten’s personnel file.