
Via Marc Ambinder, Michigan’s Republicans are going to appeal directly to the hockey mom:

Subject: Dear Governor Palin from Chuck Yob

Governor Palin,

I saw your comments on Fox News today and described in the Detroit Free Press article below.  I wholeheartedly agree with you that the decision by the McCain campaign to pull out of Michigan was the wrong decision.

We have all been wrong at times, and I think this is a decision that will be corrected in a couple of weeks.  We were ahead three points as of a week ago according to MRG, a polling firm that I trust more than any national pollster.

I talked to Michigan Republicans and McCain supporters on a conference call last night and they vowed to redouble their efforts.  Indeed, there will still be a campaign for John McCain in Michigan whether it is sanctioned by the professionals in Washington DC or not.


I agree with what you said on Fox News today and I hereby invite you to come to Michigan immediately.  The good people of Macomb County, Northern Michigan, the Upper Peninsula, and Grand Rapids await your response.

Your Friend and Loyal Supporter of McCain-Palin 2008,

Chuck Yob
Michigan Co-Chairman
McCain-Palin 2008
Republican National Committee Member 1989-2008
Former Vice Chairman, Republican National Committee

At what point does Palin’s work cease supporting McCain’s 2008 campaign, and begin laying the groundwork for Palin’s own 2012 campaign? Because, first of all, Palin has the stamina to do far more events in a day than McCain. She can help the MI GOP raise money–something they desperately need. And in return, Palin would be building relationships she could call on in 2012.

Update: 2112 changed to 2012 throughout (I hope). That’s about the 12th time I’ve made that error. 2112 just looks right to me. 

  1. dakine01 says:

    It might take until 2112 for Palin to learn enough to actually be qualified for President; but I guess you really meant 2012.

  2. Teddy Partridge says:

    Maybe the rave reviews she’s getting from captive outlets for her debate performance will encourage her to go rogue. That would be exciting — a Veep candidate pursuing her own strategy, visiting states she chose, raising money for local parties wherever they invite her.

    Popcorn, pleez.

    • Fern says:

      Strikes me as a pretty likely scenario.

      She thinks she aced the debate, and has her confidence back.

      • bmaz says:

        I’ll call your Palin and raise you a Petraerus. 2112?? That is like a Rush flashback. Was never a Rush fan, sorry Getty Lee fans and Canucks. Of course Rush would be preferable to the Neil the Squeel Diamond Sweet Caroline that is playing in the bar I am currently inhabiting. The crowd is singing along. I got to get the duck outta here!k

        • rosalind says:


          (good lord people. sprinstein? getty? if you’re gonna drop rock references, for the love of bible spice “get ‘em right!”.)

          (working my first neil diamond show i took my 1/2 dinner break and snuck into the house to catch a few songs. i saw “sweet caroline”. the whole 30 minutes. “one more time…sweet caroline”.)

  3. readerOfTeaLeaves says:

    Michigan’s Republicans are going to appeal directly to the hockey mom:

    Further evidence that the GOP only has tactics, without any larger strategy other than ‘Nar.At.Tive.’.
    All the more reason to be relieved that the Howard Dean led Dems, and the Obama campaign actually do have a strategy, including the best ground game I can recall.

    Must piss McCain off more by the day. No wonder he’s getting testy.

    • Beerfart Liberal says:

      i was just gonna respond to teddy’s #6 that she must be pissing mccain off. then I read your #7.

    • Beerfart Liberal says:

      i can remember when over the summer somebody at msnbc–don’t think it was todd, might have been fineman – gave a list of 5 things Obama did wrong. one was not taking public financing. dope.

  4. JPL9 says:

    Is it possible that if Palin has to resign, they plan on putting Mitt on the ticket. Would Mitt help McCain carry Michigan?

    • MadDog says:

      Is it possible that if Palin has to resign, they plan on putting Mitt on the ticket. Would Mitt help McCain carry Michigan?

      Or McSame resigns and MsBull…winkle moves up ticket with Snake Oil Romney as her second?

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Ah? You mean the same ‘Rudy’ who spent over $100 per primary vote while his campaign was still alive? The ‘Rudy’ that theAugustPunditry thought was the leader of the GOP pack one year ago…?

        THAT Rudy?
        Hmmmmm… wonder whether the Deep Pockets that funded him can afford the cost of general campaign votes, post market-crash? Inquiring minds would love to know…

    • FrankProbst says:

      Bottom line. Give me some straight talk, What the fuck is goin’ on in Michigan?

      McCain/Palin is waving the white flag of surrender. He can’t win Michigan. He’s already behind in the polls, and Team Obama hasn’t even started running clips of what McCain was saying in the primaries about how the autoworkers need training so they can all get new jobs. That went over like a lead balloon, and Michigan went for Mitt Romney in the primary. And then Mitt didn’t get the Veep nod.

      Add to that the fact that Florida is trending towards Obama, and Team McCain is in deep shit. There’s no way for him to win without Florida, and he really needs Ohio. Obama looks like he might even end up putting Indiana in play. Michigan is a waste of time and money for McCain. There’s no reason for him to stay there.

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Be still, my beating heart….
        Again, that 50 state strategy and not having the DNC Beltway crowd making every decision, PLUS an actual ground game, plus active unions…

        I must go off to breathe deeply.
        I’m not sure that I can handle this much optimism on a Friday night…

        • FrankProbst says:

          I’m not sure that I can handle this much optimism on a Friday night…

          Don’t get too giddy. I don’t think Obama’s actually going to win Indiana. But I do think he’s going to make McCain spend money there.

  5. MadDog says:

    2112 changed to 2012 throughout (I hope). That’s about the 12th time I’ve made that error. 2112 just looks right to me.

    2112 would make MsBull…winkle about the same age as McSame is now, right?

    I think you ought to change it back. LOL!

  6. prostratedragon says:

    Neil the Squeel Diamond Sweet Caroline that is playing in the bar I am currently inhabiting. The crowd is singing along.

    If after you got outside it looked like First Ave. in the 60s, 1) check the nearest calendar; if it doesn’t indicate Oct. 2008, 2) wake up —but carefully!

  7. radiofreewill says:

    I’ll betcha she won’t be a Politician in the next go ’round…

    Oct 2012

    The “Get Ready for Rapture” Telethon

    Host Sarah Palin, eyes streaming tears as she looks into the camera, and says, “Lord, I know you’ve got a plan for me – and, somehow, that plan included Impeachin’ me as Governor, I know – but, I didn’t Blink!”

    “And so, last night, I was thinkin’ to myself, “Gosh, Dear Lord, how are we goin’ to save all these Sinners?”"

  8. ANOther says:

    Neil Diamond was here (Winnipeg) three weeks ago. A terrific concert – two hours straight – and he sang Sweet Caroline twice, because of the audience reaction. My wife and I, in our sixties, were on our feet dancing. Maybe you are just an old curmudgeon, bmaz.

    • bmaz says:

      Curmudgeon yes. Old; maybe. But I will always be too young at heart for Neal Diamond. Date made me take her. I got rid of her promptly after that. Stones, Zeppelin, Doors, Clapton, BOC are more my cup of tea.

  9. kspena says:

    One of the talking heads said tonight that mccain had to pull his operation out of MI to go to Indiana which the campaign had taken-for-granted until very recently. By any measure, they can’t lose Indiana…

  10. kspena says:

    OT-Did anyone catch a slip-up by palin on confusing “The Taliban” in Afganistan and “Talabani”, President of Iraq?

      • kspena says:

        LOL–IIRC-palin was issuing one of her stream-of-consciousness sentenses and seemed to slip from one to the other as if she had memorized a set of ’sounds’ and made the auditory jump from Taliban to Talabani..without any conceptual coherence of the difference….

        • pdaly says:

          [Palin] seemed to slip from one to the other as if she had memorized a set of ’sounds’ and made the auditory jump from Taliban to Talabani..without any conceptual coherence of the difference….

          LOL. Reminds me of how a musical composer might take advantage of a pivot note to switch from one key signature to another–or from one theme to a new theme, seamlessly. Palin’s a freaking Mozart.

  11. numbertwopencil says:

    …Palin/Undead 2112…

    Dude. You’ve seen the movies. It’s Palin/The Undead. Plural. By 2112, we’ll need several dozen prezit brains to run the country. Zombies that the best way out of the raw flesh shortage is enabling an overclass of Zombies to lead the pack.

  12. LiberalHick says:

    Oh – and according to the Christian Science Monitor, Sarah just can’t wait to talk to the media s’more (except for maybe that annoying Katie Couric).

    ‘What about the McCain handlers who put her in the cone of silence? Not true, said Palin.
    “Well I beg to differ with the notion that I was reined in in any way, but if there was any of that, it’s over,” she said.’

    If there WAS any – which there WASN’T – but if there WAS, then there isn’t NOW… even though there WASN’t before….it’s over now….

    Got it, Sarah….Riiiii…ght.

  13. CTuttle says:

    Hmmm… Is the MSM onto the Mukasey sleight-of-hand…?

    Democrats leery of prosecutor

    Lawmakers question her independence in the probe of the firings of nine U.S. attorneys.

    Democratic lawmakers yesterday questioned the independence of a veteran federal prosecutor named to investigate whether laws were broken in the partisan political firings of U.S. attorneys.

    Rep. Linda T. Sanchez (D., Calif.), who has led the House Judiciary Committee’s investigation into the firing of nine prosecutors nearly two years ago, said the Justice Department might interfere with the career prosecutor who will conduct the probe.

    Nora Dannehy – the acting U.S. attorney in Connecticut and a white-collar-crime specialist – was named this week by Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey to continue an inquiry that so far has found incompetent, unethical and possibly criminal conduct surrounding the firings.

    Mukasey assigned Dannehy to determine whether criminal charges should be filed against former Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, his former top aides, or White House officials who might have played a role in the dismissals, but refused to cooperate in an internal investigation of the scandal.

    Meanwhile, Gonzales’ attorney George Terwilliger sent a letter to the Justice Department’s inspector general and Office of Professional Responsibility, critical of their report on Gonzales and the firing of the prosecutors.

    The report contains nothing “upon which to conclude that a further investigation of Judge Gonzales is appropriate,” Terwilliger wrote.

    Sanchez raised her concerns as Glenn Fine, the Justice Department’s inspector general, was preparing to review the 358-page report documenting the politically inspired firings of at least four of the nine prosecutors.

  14. LabDancer says:

    OT x 2:

    On the up side, thanks to several for encouraging me to post something at the Oxtown dohickey [readeroftealeaves joined the groundswell; okay, maybe it just felt like the earth moved a teeny bit…sort of].

    On the down side, I recognize this might seem like asking how to tie shoelaces, but I’d appreciate any advice I can get on how to maintain the integrity of paragraph breaks in posting there from a response originating here. On the only evidence over there, I look like a solid candidate for person who came up with “D’Oh”.

    Swinging back to the up side, staying up long enough to catch some PBS and then defeat myself in a best of 3 posting pratfalls [a veritable “Outrage At Oxtown”], I note one Orenthal James Simpson, one time denizen of Los Angeles, Calif. and environs, has run into a patch of bad luck with a jury in Vegas assessing his role in what heretofore had been alleged [and now stands proved] a robbery. I don’t mean by this to add weight to the notion that the verdict on the allegation that he murdered his ex-wife and her aspiring rescuer was a miscarriage of whatever constitutes justice; rather, I think this more recent verdict speaks to the power of hubris.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Yo, LabDancer, you prompted my first Oxdown Diary.
      Subject: Formatting Your Diary.

      Hope it’s useful.
      Not sure what browser you are on — I was using Safari when I wrote it, and personally avoid IE (Internet Explorer) like a plague, given the number of hours its quirks and weirdnesses have sucked from my life. But I **think** that my advice should be applicable to any user, on any operating system, using any browser. Assuming you are on IE, then the instructions should still work for you.

      All corrections and amendments to my ’set of simple instructions’ are welcome, particularly from IE users. Comments can be left at the Oxdown diary.
      I tried to give a little bit of background about WHY formatting can be such a problem online, prior to the instructions.
      At the end (in a comment), I tried to explain how you can go EDIT your diary to revise it so that you can go back and insert the paragraph breaks.

      However, if my efforts don’t help enough –there are plenty of sharp minds around here! Any number can play…

      Apologies to EW and others for the OT.
      Done in the interests of moving Oxford forward…

    • bmaz says:

      We’ve had a bit of a bug with the paragraph break machine or whatever the heck does that service. The best minds in the universe are toiling day and night. I can guarantee it will be repaired. By 2112.

    • Fern says:

      Nope. A per diem is theoretically just reimbursement for work expenses payed out of income that was already taxed. If the per diem was taxed as well, then it would be like taxing it twice.

      • perris says:

        that theory becomes void when the per diam exceeds expenses and the person is recieving income from both sources

        per diam in leu of expenses or salary already taxed is one thing, when it exceeds salary even including expenses it becomes another

  15. Palli says:

    Will the Republican party still be that bankrupt…or will she advance that “Alaska Independent” party to compete with libertarians?

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      Wow. Even at a glance, that article provides yet more evidence to support the notion that the GOP has been damaged severely by the sidelining of the Rove-Abramoff-CA$INO-money-laundering operation. I say ‘damaged severely,’ because I’m sure they still have plenty of workarounds and slush funds.

      Next, the GOP will be cutting law enforcement and FBI budgets.
      After all, if not for law enforcement, Abramoff would still be funding mega-campaigns in Michigan and Alabama and elsewhere. Now, for Rove….

  16. Leen says:

    Palin 2012 was exactly what the guest on Friday’s Chris Matthews were all saying. There is absolutely no way Palin could be contender in 2012. Three quarters of her game is the way she looks.

    Was talking with some friends who heard the debate on the radio (no visuals) much better way to take in Palin. They were appalled by how ignorant she is and how much she avoided the questions and was all about spinning her talking points.

  17. Leen says:

    I keep asking why in the hell are the folks in the MSM making it out as if she had a come back? Just because she did not sputter and trip there was absolutely no content to what she had to say

  18. freepatriot says:

    voters can smell fear

    sixtyseven senators, comin up

    Indiana, Georgia, Alaska, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina

    can anybody believe where the battleground states are this year ???

    by 2012, we’re gonna be fighting to bring the heart of Dixie back to the Democratic Party

    palin and the wingnuts are gonna be awful lonely