Are There ANY Adults Left in the Republican Party?

The RNC just released an ad attacking the bailout their president and their presidential candidate have been pushing. Sure, ostensibly it’s an attack on Obama’s plan to provide stimulus for the economy–but the whole thing is premised on Bush’s bailout.

It turns out, the ad was sent to stations yesterday morning, before the bailout bill failed.

The ad, however, seems to assume that it can safely attack a successful plan. And the reason may be the timing: Though it started airing this morning, the spot was released to stations yesterday morning, ad executives at stations in Michigan and Pennsylvania said.

Kae Buck of WLNS in Lansing said her station received the at at 7:55 a.m. Monday.  Luanne Russell of Pittsburgh’s WTAE said her station received it at 10:49 Monday morning.

The ad taps into deep resentment of the plan, but it comes at a time when the candidate it supports, John McCain, is urging its package, and asking that it not be referred to as a "bailout," but a "rescue."

If I were Reid and Pelosi, I’d condition any further bailout negotiations on the RNC withdrawing the ad and apologizing for it. It’s bad enough Bush fucked up the economy so badly. Now his party wants to use his own failure to beat Democrats over the head for their plans to fix the broken economy.

Update: Just fixed bone-headed grammar mistake in the title.

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    • Angellight says:


      “Here, in this shattering new interview, Stephen Spoonamore goes into harrowing detail about the Bush regime’s election fraud, past, present and–if we don’t spread the word right now–to come. Since he’s the only whistle-blower out there who knows the perps themselves, and how they operate, we have to send this new piece far and wide.” (

  1. scribe says:

    Short answer to your title, EW: “No, not that there were for a loong time.”

    I’m Pelosi, Frank, Reid, et als., I’ve got my staffs drafting a Bill to end All Bailout Bills which rams the Democratic position – the True Dem positions of bankruptcy reform for mortgages, help to homeowners, punitive taxation on golden parachutes, government ownership of bailout recipients, and lots of oversight.

    And when we come back Thursday, it comes to a vote. Pass it on a partisan basis. Let Bush veto it or the Senate Repugs filibuster it. Make our day. Because “it is time for them to own their failure”.

    Yesterday’s vote, in reality, exposed the rift between People Party and Money Party. And, FWIW, it showed People Party has more votes, at least when the Critters are coming up to the ballot box. Time to shove that wedge even deeper. (This also assists in accomplishing item #2 on my “Things to Do If I were Obama” list – “Break the internal discipline of the Republican party.”)

    Because if the Dems don’t, then we’ll see Bushbot judges finding ways to screw the average homeowner. We need more fights like this; when the Bushbot judge finds a way to protect the bankers and their predatory lending frauds, the judge got an earful.

    The 15-page decision by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Diane Sykes brought an unusually sharp retort from Kevin Demet, the [plaintiffs’] lawyer.
    “The opinion is a radical opinion written by a radical jurist,” he said in an interview.
    “This decision is a gift to certain members of the banking industry at the expense of the consumers who were misled,” he said in a statement.

    Because if Congress falls down on this now, the Bushbot judges will clean up the mess for the Repuglicans.

    • scribe says:

      Oh, and just to add a little spice to the mix.

      I’m in Congress, I’ll pull a Kucinich and file impeachment charges against Paulson. For f*cking up in the first place, trying to grab dictatorial power in the second, and lying about the state of the economy before pitching it into a crash, in the third.

      I know they’re not going anywhere but to committee, but they get me a good hour of privileged time ahead of anything else, to beat the snot out of the Republicans on TV. And, surely, it will help “negotiations”.

      • Leen says:

        No one can convince me that the timing of Paulson’s bomb 10 days ago was happen stance. The Republicans are trying to run away from the six years that they rubber stamped the majority of the Bush/Cheney policies and the last two years that they have blocked every attempt to hold anyone accountable for those policies.

        The Republicans have no clothes and Bush & Cheney are rubber stamped on their naked asses. Can they get away with running away?

        • scribe says:

          I never thought this “Crisis” was anything more than a confection of neo-con/Wall Street/Republican interests recognizing (a) they’re going to lose this election, (b) they need to hamstring the incoming Democratic administration, (c) they want to complete this iteration of their looting the country, and (d) they want to do all this in such a way that their hegemony over the majority is more-or-less permanent.

          In other words, this was all intentional.

        • behindthefall says:

          Take a look at the side-by-side clips of Bush speaking in 2003 and this year pasted up by the Daily Show elfs — in their ‘Best from Last Week’ video (or some similar name). Bush is selling this in exactly the same way that he sold the Iraq War. And we all know how firm the foundation for that was. Drat! They’ve taken the video down. Wish I knew how to pull videos out of storage there.

  2. brendanx says:

    I don’t know if anyone’s given this link on previous threads, but here’s the Paulson conference call.

    I’m glad that McCain looks ridiculous and irrelevant and that the Democrats get brownie points for seriousness. But I’m glad the wingnuts sank this. It doesn’t smell right. And we’re all still here.

  3. Funnydiva2002 says:

    [editor hat]
    “are their
    should be
    “are there
    [/editor hat]

    Morning, Christy. Wheel-Pups!

    Scribe@4: Don’t forget to post the YouTube!


  4. Funnydiva2002 says:

    Oh, and to answer your question

    No, there are no A-dults left. Not even B-dults. Only C-dults or D-dults.


  5. Boston1775 says:

    Dealing with Republicans is startlingly similar to dealing with people with mental illness.
    I’m not being flip; it’s the same as dealing with those who construct their own realities about the world, about themselves, about you, about me.
    If you challenge their realities, you get caught up in them.

    I’ve got to go find a beach and take a walk.

  6. Professor Foland says:

    Dow’s up 300 at the moment.

    We’re all gonna die!

    I’m embarrassed, because I really thought there must be something urgently spooking them, and I figured it must be a quarter-end cash crunch. And some of that kind of crunch certainly is going on. But the stock market seems to be complacent in the face of “this sucker going down.”

    If the markets weather quarter-end and an all-time LIBOR high just fine today, then it’s hard for me to see where any urgency comes in before, say, Dec. 31.

    • scribe says:

      What did I tell everyone yesterday?

      Don’t panic.

      Be like a roofer – keep your feet under you and ride that sheet of plywood to the ground.

  7. radiofreewill says:

    If Palin doesn’t Ride to the Rescue Thursday, or worse – Face-plants – the Goopers are going to be Streaming for the Exits by Friday!

    With Bush going AWOL on the Bailout, and McCain Leading the Charge to Nowhere – the Goopers are Rudderless – and Betting the House on Sarah Palin.

    Let’s Finish the Job on Thursday!

    Take Back America, Joe!

    • Leen says:

      Last night on Hardball Chris asked

      Sept. 29: Republican strategist Todd Harris and Democratic strategist Steve McMahon talk with Hardball’s Chris Matthews about what to expect from each candidate in Thursday’s vice presidential debate.

      How they would prep Palin and Biden


  8. ralphbon says:

    More editorial fun: “urging its package” requires a “[sic],” since the word Politico meant to use was “passage.”

  9. wavpeac says:

    Heard rumor yesterday day that Bush’s next step might be to make the plan “his way” and basically force congress to okay it. Can that be done? I only ask because I didn’t think he could do half the stuff he has.

    Could he say this is an emergency and “order” congress to pass his version of the bill? Or are there other ways for him to get around congress or is congress so likely to capitulate that it doesn’t matter?

    Never mind.

  10. randiego says:

    HuffPo has a link up that Gingrich sabotaged Boehner behind his back, stirring up opposition while at the same time releasing this statement:

    “Therefore, while I am discouraged at the final collapse of the Bush Administration, and frustrated by the Democrats’ passion for the taxpayer’s money, I would reluctantly and sadly vote for the bailout were I still in office.”

    Andrea Mitchell, grain of salt required:

    I swear, when I read quotes like that I want to scream. Republicans are playing hardball politics (even while Rome burns) – but the Dems better be ready with some stuff of their own (in addition to coming back with a bill of their own) to fight back. It seems that Barney Frank is the only one consistently on message that Republican deregulation policy caused this mess, although I’m not sure I trust him either.

    The new bill should have at a minimum rollback of Republican-sponsored deregulation from the last X years.

    Two years from now everyone will have forgotten the details and all that will remain is the meme that was allowed to harden during this time.

  11. randiego says:

    This is the kind of stuff I’m hearing a lot of.

    Obama this morning:

    Let me be perfectly clear. The fact that we are in this mess is an outrage. It’s an outrage because we did not get here by accident. This was not a normal part of the business cycle. This was not the actions of a few bad apples.

    This financial crisis is a direct result of the greed and irresponsibility that has dominated Washington and Wall Street for years. It’s the result of speculators who gamed the system, regulators who looked the other way, and lobbyists who bought their way into our government. It’s the result of an economic philosophy that says we should give more and more to those with the most and hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else; a philosophy that views even the most common-sense regulations as unwise and unnecessary. And this economic catastrophe is the final verdict on this failed philosophy – a philosophy that we cannot afford to continue.

    There’s a lot of nibbling at the corners but no connecting of the dots. I know Obama’s position is tenuous and god forbid he should step in it as badly as McCain has.

    Are people smart enough to connect the dots? isn’t it the job of the leadership to make the case?