Tweety Blames McCain
And why not? After all, McCain said he was responsible this morning.
One thing that works in our favor for the CW (in assigning the blame for this to the Republicans) is that most TV pundits are so solidly members of the village, they can’t imagine sacrificing Wall Street to the fates of the free market. So I expect it won’t just be Tweety blaming Republicans–and John McCain in particular.
“It is time for them to own their failure.”
Meanwhile, McSame is cutting and running, hiding out in the front of the Straight Talk (TM) jet, curtaineed away from reporters.
The only thing he hasn’t done yet is cross-dress like ol’ Jeff Davis did when he tried to flee the Yankees. [Gawd, I don’t even want to think of that image….]
Bush to give statement shortly. Will say he put forth a big plan = I guess that includes both pages
Probably they want the blame though seeing as how craptastic the bill was and how unpopular it was.
Not sure this is good.
I think the Repubs looked into the bottom of their wine glasses & saw tea leaves which, when they read them, said
“the American people don’t like this bill. They’re more angry at this ‘bail out the rich guys’ idea than they are scared that things are going to ‘crater’. So let’s vote against the bailout, go home & crow about what populists we are, and come out as winners.”
Perhaps. But I don’t think it’ll work out htat way. The market will drop 1000 points before they can get even a stopgap message through.
This will begin to hit folks directly before something will pass.
Is a government buyout of $700 billion in mortgaged backed securities the best/only solution to this problem?
Tweety is mad. I think he was watching his portfolio crater.
CM has been pissed for a long time. He started hammering hard after he realized that he had been duped. He started hammering on Kristol, Frum, Bolton soon after the invasion to the point that I swear they will not come on his program. C.M was the first mainstreamer to mention Walter Reed and returning soldiers. He aired some of the first shows from Walter Reed in 2004.. focused on returning soldiers
CM ask Rep Cantnor “Is the Republican Party responsible for the economic policies of this country right now?”
Cantor shuffles
C.M. to Cantor “I have never in my life seen a party run form its own record like the Republicans have”.
I for one do not understand this “blame” theme. Success is what is. The “People” have voted down a trillion$ golden parachute for bushie and pals. Not being a lawyer, an accountant or having slept in a hotel last night I have no expertise in understanding the bill as I have read it (as much as is available that is) but even I can see some seriously nasty shit going down here. I can only hope that after a few days on the ‘net common sense will rule the day and this daft bill will go to the dust heap.
At 538 there’s a note that those Republicans that do not have to face the voters (because they are retiring), 96% of those safe GOP’ers voted for the bailout bill.
Worth noting…
The Republicans have no clothes
Yuck, how am I going to get that visual out of my brain?