The Bush Economy
January 19, 2001: 10,587.59
September 29, 2008: 10,365.45
NASDAQ Jan 19, 2001 = 2770.38
NASDAQ September 29, 2008 = 1983.73
CPI, January 19, 2001: 175
CPI, September 29, 2008: 219
Dollar exchange with Euro, January 19, 2001: 1.068
Dollar exchange with Euro, September 29, 2008: .695
NASDAQ Jan 19, 2001 = 2770.38
NASDAQ September 29, 2008 = 1983.73
Heck of a job, Georgie!
Latest Dow: 10,365.45
Seems like there was still some blacklog to get cleaned out.
I’ll update at 4:30–but yeah, well below where it was when this man started to screwup our country.
National Debt During 8 Clinton Years: Increased $1.3 Trillion to $6T
National Debt During 8 Bush II Years: Increased $4.2 Trillion to $10T
CPI, January 19, 2001: 177
CPI, September 29, 2008: 219
And, NA@2: we got a good thousand points more to go before we’re even close to hitting a hard bottom. Right now, this is all the ducksh*t mud on the bottom of the pond – soft, stinky, and unable to bear any pressure or weight.
One wonders, if when comparing Dow or NASDAQ values then and now, one were to factor in either the Dollar-Euro exchange rate or the Dollar-Barrel o’ oil exchange rate, what that comparison would look like. I don’t have the numbers handy, but I’m sure one of the readers does.
Great additions, folks, I will add them when I update at 4:30. Anything else we’re missing?
Like the surplus?
Surplus? What surplus? The stuff you thought was a surplus got shipped by the plane and pallet-load direct from the New York Fed warehouse into the Iraqi desert and given to some guy named “Ali” or something without even a hand-receipt for it.
Hadda get my mad cash somewhere, after all.
Don’t bother us about no stinkin’ surplus.
A quick comment about the “surplus” / deficit (as of today)–it’s easy to game the accounting on the deficit. As CR has pointed out many times, year-over-year increase in the national debt is a much harder number to game.
So I just use RFW’s numbers?
Works for me!
Also, my apologies, I was off by a row, it was 175 in 2001.
CPI table link
PSSVP*, September 17, 1787 – January 19, 2001 – 1
PSSVP*, January 19, 2001 – September 29, 2008 – 1
* People Shot by Sitting Vice President
You know, a few weeks ago “Newsweek” did one of those “Where Are They Now?” type blurbs on this story, and they somehow forgot to mention that, except for Dick Cheney’s “interview” on Faux News, NO ONE (including the victim) has given a first-person account of what happened that day.
That’s most likely because all of the participants were too drunk to know what really happened. That’s not snark. I don’t know of any sober hunter in Texas who hunts clipped wing quail, but the ‘hunting is an excuse to get away from the wife and drink til I can’t stand up’ crowd love it.
I live down here, too, and I’ll bet you a dollar to a donut that there’s no way in hell they were letting the Mexican “guide” drink on the job.
Well, of course not. The ‘help’ doesn’t get to drink on the job, but they know better than to open their mouths, too.
Too bad the American public or our congress were not brave enough to do an intervention. Throw them out and into treatment. Probably too drunk themselves.
Good one!
But that’s not really economic!!
Here’s my source for the National Debt Numbers:
January 19, 2001: 10,587.59 * 1.068 = 11307.54
September 29, 2008: 10,365.45 * .695 = 7203.99
Change: 7203.99/11307.54 = 0.6371
September 29, 2008 = 0.6371 * January 19, 2001
NASDAQ Jan 19, 2001 = 2770.38 * 1.068 = 2958.77
NASDAQ September 29, 2008 = 1983.73 * .695 = 1378.69
Change: 1378.69/2958.77 = 0.4660
September 29, 2008 = 0.4660 * January 19, 2001
Another way:
CPI, January 19, 2001: 175
CPI, September 29, 2008: 219
Change: 175/219 = .7991
September 29, 2008 = .7991 * January 19, 2001
Dollar exchange with Euro, January 19, 2001: 1.068
Dollar exchange with Euro, September 29, 2008: .695
CPI change was an increase, so Change: 219/175 = 1.251
The way I have it, I’m showing it in constant dollars or actual value. In other words, if the CPI was 175 in 2001 and 219 today, it would cost $219 today to buy what $175 did in 2001. Thus, the dollar today would be worth 175/219 of what it was in 2001, or today’s dollar is worth 79.91 cents.
OK. Decline in purchasing power of the dollar, rather than increase in prices.
Issa just called Paulson a “day-trader” and said we needed to get real bankers involved in a solution.
First time I’ve agreed with Issa in a long time.
There was a first time??
Been so long, I don’t remember one way or another so I’m being careful, though I’d suspect we probably see 2d Amendment issues similarly….
Okay, I can except a simple 2nd concurrence; but anything beyond that is fairly disqualifying….
Good thing Hank banned shorts last week, so the market wouldn’t go down!
US$ exchange with zloty:
2001 – 4:1
2008 – 2.2:1
Nooooo. No Polish jokes. Even I draw a line, somewhere.
scribe — not a joke.
just following my zloty account, and I have a bunch! that’s how much it has devalued b/c bushco.
Perhaps the Bush Gang stole 8 years of all of our lives? Seriously.
S&P 500 – January 19, 2001: 1354.95
S&P 500 – September 29, 2008: 1106.39
Thanks, EW.
This is precisely the kind of information we all need right now — the larger patterns, the ’signposts’ that synchronize with GOP administrations and legislation.
This kind of data is invaluable.
Regular Unleaded Gasoline – January 22, 2001: $147.1 per Gallon
Regular Unleaded Gasoline – September 29, 2008: $363.2 per Gallon…..gvwreg.xls
Bitching about gas going up stocks going down and our Government and economy broken is great but people keep supporting the people the people who caused all our problems. No one in all these great minds seems to want fix our problems they keep playing politics by supporting politics. If you would like to know whats wrong and how to start fixing it read “Why we have so many American problems and what we can do about them” available at Knowing whats wrong is the start to intelligent bitching and the only way to ever fix any problem.