McCain Says He’s Responsible
From ThinkProgress:
“[T]his bill would not have been agreed to had it not been for John McCain. … But, you know, this is a bipartisan accomplishment, a bipartisan success. And if people want to get something done in Washington, they just watch John McCain.” — Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, 9/29/08
“Earlier in the week, when Senator McCain came back to Washington, there had been no deal reached. … What Senator McCain was able to do was to help bring all the parties to the table, including the House Republicans.” — Senior adviser Steve Schmidt, 9/28/08
“But here are the facts, and I’m not overselling anything. The fact is that the House Republicans were not in the mix at all. John didn’t phone this one in. He came and actually did something. … You can’t phone something like this in. Thank God John came back.” — Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), 9/28/08
“Before John McCain suspended his campaign yesterday, the situation that we’re looking at today looked very different then. After he showed leadership and called for bipartisanship, for us to partisanship aside and tackle this solution head on, here we are.” — Spokesman Tucker Bounds, 9/25/08
Great work, McCain!! Here we are, thanks to McCain.
Update: Meanwhile, McCain’s hiding in the front of the Straight No Talk Express trying to figure out what he can say about this.
After bragging today about his role in shaping the economic bailout package, Sen. John McCain has made no statement to the press since the defeat of the bill, in part at the hands of House Republicans. McCain boarded his Straight Talk Air charter plane a few minutes ago, but the plane has not taken off yet. McCain is in the front of the plane, separated from reporters by a brown curtain
No congratulations are required because the denials of his role from the McCain camp are about to commence.
But but but, Boehner & Blunt sayit’s all Pelosi’s fault.
The Limbaugh Wurlitzer will be playing that tune loudly.
I love this:
I love that every reporter is reading that speech trying to figure out wtf they’re talking about.
Which speech? Link?
Pelosi’s speech. I don’t have a link yet. I suspect I’ll get it shortly.
Now McCain will have to take credit for the bill going down in flames.
So glad that McC is tied so firmly to this smelly bill. He loved it.
McCain will deny that and involk his POWness.
Does Oxy Limbaugh refer to Pelosi as a Feminazi?
Pelosi up – the republicans did not live up to their side of the bargain
Exactly. In a situation outside of the Senate where everyone knows each other , McCain is suddenly not the grand bipartisan who can make the most ideological members of Congress move. McCain may not necessarily move a deal through if it is a good idea from a member of Congress whom these Republicans dislike.
(K’tiva v’chasima tova to EW, bmaz, and all the regulars. Ideally everybody in Congress gets two days to think this over and remember to be flexible, but they may be watching the markets slack-jawed like the rest of us.)
This is damning of McCain:
It’s not damning because he’s a Republic.
The most patriotic thing McCain has done in his life. His other failures have cost us dearly.
Congress adjourns – or is supposed to – on Wednesday. What now?
gotta give some credit to Cryin’ John Boner. He said that this vote would separate the men from the boys – girls from the women.
Now he’s on the teevee whining that mean ole Nancy gave a partisan speech and hurt the feelings of Repubs who thus changed their votes.
Separated the men from the boys?
Yep – seems so.
Will McCain suspend the Palin debate with Biden?
the repuglitards just made their final payment on the financial crisis
go ahead an burn the paper, you guys OWN this mess now
God, I love Barney Frank when he’s talking shit.
“These guys would rather have a financial crisis because somebody hurt their feelings.”
Frank: “If they give me a bill, I will talk uncharacteristically nicely about them.”
You should invite him to do a trash talk post…
Remember Obama’s line at the DNC “it is time for them to own their failure”.
Methinks this is, in no small way, coordinated with that.
Now, if the campaign would start pushing that line a bit more….
He is so quick, sometimes a bit smug.
I am just wondering how long this could keep our Reps from going home to face mobs of pissed off American citizens?
Will they stay in D.C. until they work it out?
Frank put Boehner & Blunt in their place with ridicule. It was a good one.
Wasn’t that nice?
These guys must be taking strategy lessons, now, from the McPalin campaign.
OT A lot of anger has been coming regarding Brokaws biases Here is a link to a petition being circulated to have him removed as the debate moderator…..-moderator
Might white of McCain, standing up to take all the heat.
Yeah, I was thinking about that.
But then–have you ever seen Barney Frank and freepatriot in the same place at the same time?
I laughed out loud (literally, like the guy in the next office wanted to know what was up and I couldn’t explain it to him)…
Let’s not go blowing anyone’s cover, here.
Nate Silver has the analysis that counts:…..oomed.html
Looseheadprop over at the Mothership on the DoJ report.
OT, but important: Ohio Supreme Court and US District Court uphold that one-week window of register-today-and-vote-absentee-today created when the Rethugs tried to monkey with the election law to further skew the system.
The voting booth opens tomorrow in Ohio.
Until Oct 6 you can register and vote in the same day. Obama is going to take Ohio unless they are able to illegally shave off those votes again.
I really appreciated when Chris Matthews called Rep Cantor out on the economic conditions in our country. I have only seen CM this pissed off a few times.
Matthew asked Cantor
“Is the Republican party responsible for the economic policies of this country right now”
Cantor dances around.
Then CM gets even more pissed off
“I have never in my life seen a party run from its own record like the Republicans have”
“It is time for them to own their failure.”
Chris Matthews Rocks!…Maybe not. How about Chris Matthews sometimes is allowed to be honest, now that Tim Russert no longer controls the MSNBC narrative.
At the Libby trial I was able to ask Matthews a few questions about coverage.
I reminded him that he had said that “Katrina had ripped off the scab of racism in our country” I mentioned to him on his program the scab had come off about two weeks. That he had barely touched the issue since then.
I also asked him about the lack of coverage on the Israeli Palestinian conflict (knowing what the answer would be).
He answered “I do not control the programming”