Foggo Gets a Plea Deal

Huh. I guess Dusty Foggo won his greymail fight.

A former executive director of the CIA has pleaded guilty to wire fraud as part of a plea bargain.

Kyle “Dusty” Foggo was the number three man in the CIA from 2004 to 2006. At a hearing Monday in federal court in Alexandria, he pleaded guilty to a single count of wire fraud, admitting that he helped his best friend obtain contracts with the CIA at inflated prices. 

I’m guessing the CIA finally decided it would be unwise to engage in a pissing contest with a guy who knows about their dirty laundry. 

  1. bmaz says:

    This is a charge that has, for decades, been used as a throwaway to get a minor plea against someone the prosecutor really wanted to drop altogether, but couldn’t due to appearances. This is literally a joke.

    He faces a maximum of 20 years in prison when he is sentenced in January, but prosecutors agreed that they will seek no more than three years.

    Ha Ha Heh Heh. Yeah, but I have never had anybody get more than minimal house arrest out of it. The status has changed now somewhat under the Federal Sentencing guidelines, but this is still going to be a throwaway relatively speaking.

  2. Citizen92 says:

    Foggo’s role in the secret prisons and rendition flights was an ironclad guarantee he would serve no meaningful time.

    • bmaz says:

      No, this is a complete punt. You want no part of this unless there is a very extremely substantive cooperation agreement; but I have seen no evidence of that whatsoever. Absent substantial cooperation, might as well just cut the prick free; this is just plain worthless absent cooperation.

  3. Leen says:


    Damn I knew I heard Obama say “Iran is developing nuclear weapons” during his appearance on Face the Nation on Sunday. He did not say they might, could, want to develop nuclear weapons Obama said “Iran is developing nuclear weapons” WTF

    Why did Bob Schaeffer allow him to get away with repeating this unsubstantiated claim? We have heard Lieberman, McCain, Ledeen, Cheney, Bush, Rice, Reuel Marc Gerecht, Woolsey, Kristol, and other right wing radicals say this but this is the very first time I have heard Obama say this. What’s up with Obama repeating this?

    Why is Obama ignoring the last NIE on Iran? Why is Obama ignoring what Iaea’s El Baradei has said about Iran? Why did Obama’s inaccurate and inflammatory claim about Iran pass by listeners and Bob Schieffer?

    Listen to this interview with Obama? He said “Iran IS developing nuclear weapons” Obama needs to be called out on this.

  4. randiego says:

    Why is Obama ignoring the last NIE on Iran? Why is Obama ignoring what Iaea’s El Baradei has said about Iran? Why did Obama’s inaccurate and inflammatory claim about Iran pass by listeners and Bob Schieffer?

    This also disturbed me when it came up during the debate, along with the demonization of Ahdmedinajad. At this point I’m willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt that he’s shoring up his right flank.

    Iran has a population 66 Million. They aren’t stupid. Think they want to be bombed back into the stone age? Everything they say is just standard ME posturing.

    • Leen says:

      With Dennis Ross as one of Obama’s middle east advisers and then Obama being more than willing to say “IRAN IS DEVELOPING NUCLEAR WEAPONS”. This has me worried about Obama

  5. Mary says:

    ” . . . the CIA finally decided it would be unwise to engage in a pissing contest . . .”

    I don’t think it’s a finally decision – they never wanted this litigation at all. It was something Lam pursued and everyone at DOJ/CIA has a) seen what happened to her, b) don’t give a damn anyway – they are hand in glove in so damn many crimes they couldn’t list them if they tried, and c) have seen that Congress, the Dems, and especially the Obamaites – want to drag the bodies out to the compost pile and pretend they are fertilizing freedom with them. There’s no percentage for anyone of the games players in doing anything else, and after more than half a decade of blatant torture advocacy, it’s not as if there’s any good people who will do the right thing in the organization. If Afghan was a failed state under the Taliban, the DOJ under Republican lawyers is a failed institution.

    • bmaz says:

      Failed institution is too kind. They are completely antithetical to their purpose and duty at this point. Failure presupposes they were trying; they were not.

  6. i4u2bi says:

    The thing is yes we know what happens to those that know too much or also pretend to know too much. Funny how kissing ass can get one disappeared if need be.