What You and I Bought Sarah Palin

A number of people have pointed to this David Talbot article describing the bordello-red wallpaper Sarah Palin illegally plastered onto the walls of her mayoral office. But that’s not the most important part of the article. While Palin’s poor decorating taste offers one more piece of evidence she abuses power, her decision to redecorate is still an issue between the residents of Wasilla, who paid for the tacky makeover, and their former mayor.

Not so Palin’s reportedly ego-driven decision to build an emergency dispatch center for Wasilla.

Local officials are also highly critical of Palin’s decision to build an emergency dispatch center — even though Wasilla and nearby Palmer already shared the costs of an emergency operation for the Mat-Su Valley. As a result of the duplication, there are now two expensive operations for an area with 85,000 people, while the city of Anchorage, with a population of over 300,000, makes do with one emergency station.

"Don’t tell me about earmarks," snorts a borough official. "Because of Palin’s ego, she couldn’t stand the idea of sharing an emergency dispatch operation with Palmer, which has been Wasilla’s town rival ever since her high school basketball days. So she ran to [Senator] Ted Stevens to get an earmark for her own system. Now we have two expensive emergency systems and both are losing money. She’s no budget cutter — give me a break. She’s just the opposite." [my emphasis]

You see, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, you and I paid $1 million for that dispatch center in 2002, and another $750,000 in 2003, all because Sarah Palin has an insecurity complex about Palmer, left over from her high school basketball days.  It was a terrible policy decision–one the Mat-Su borough, which has to operate the center, is still hemorrhaging money over. And it was decision that owes everything to Palin’s then cozy relationship with indicted Senator, Ted Stevens (immediately after Uncle Toobz got Sarah her dispatch center money, she served as Director of Stevens’ Excellence in Public Service 527, channeling corporate money into the Alaska Republican Party). You and I paid $1,750,000 in Stevens-tied earmarks so Sarah Palin could boast her home town was as good as the town next door.  

As early as seven years ago, Sarah Palin was already corruptly screwing you and me I with her bad policy decisions.

Update: Thanks to brendanx for correcting really stupid grammar errors. 

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  1. whitewidow says:

    Maybe we should just give in to the AIP and let Alaska secede. They seem to be an expensive little habit for the Lower 48.

  2. brendanx says:

    Forgive me — this is like fingernails on a blackboard

    Sarah Palin was already corruptly screwing you and I with her bad policy decisions.

    “you and me”

    If you don’t like people correcting your grammar, I think you have a ready retort here.

      • klynn says:

        Figured you had asked the question AND knew the answer! I’ll look forward to the “other end of the earmarks” story…

        Funny how she sent Ted a 70 page report this past February asking him for another $200 million.

        The Paul Kane WaPo story from 9-2 was pretty damning.


        • dosido says:

          You know, Palin really is a reformer! She takes the money then converts into a reformer of the person who gave it to her! Uncle Toobz gives her Big Presents and she tells him he’s a Bad Man.

          Reminds me of a friend of a friend who would get engaged and then break up once she had the diamond ring. She did this at least four times that I know of. Quite a racket.

  3. dosido says:

    You mean in addition to co-owning AIG, I get an emergency center in Wasilla? Wow, I can’t wait for the goodie bag at the end of this party!

    • klynn says:

      You mean in addition to co-owning AIG…

      Co-owner of AIG will be added to my resume update!

      I’ll skip adding the Wasilla Emergency Center…even though we all could add it to our resumes.

      • freepatriot says:

        ever seen an oil well

        you might be the leading energy expert on the planet

        oppps, sorry

        to be the world’s leading expert on energy, you have to be able to see an oil well from your porch

        but you could be the world’s second leading energy expert

        have you eve seen an oil well …

        • MrWhy says:

          Seen an oil rig in place, and see one in harbour most every day. Is that close enough? I knew that I must have something in common with Sarah Palin.

        • klynn says:

          Come to think of it, I’ve seen LOTS of oil wells…I totally forgot to add, “energy expert” to my res…

          Yep, saw all the wells in Oklahoma City and in Dallas and some natural gas wells here in Ohio. Hey, I even pump my own gasoline and buy my propane tanks. A good friend’s dad was an “energy” investment banker and we use to talk “energy”. Gosh, thanks freepatriot! I TOTAL LIKE, forgot, I am an energy expert!:)

          But MrWhy sounds like a trump to my experience. I nominate MrWhy.:)

  4. klynn says:

    Just the fact that “under investigation Don Young” beat Parnell says something about how being “paired” or associated with Palin is not a positive in Alaska…

  5. freepatriot says:

    so do the competing “response centers” fight it out over who gets to put out the fire, ala “The Gangs Of New York” ???

    that;s some OLD SCHOOL politcs

    tammany hall shit

    and that is change we can believe in