The Meddling Husband May Get A Subpoena

One of the, um, creepiest things about Sarah Palin is that her husband lurks around the Governor’s business, sticking his nose in where private citizens should have no involvement. This includes oil and gas negotiations, her emails, and hiring and firing decisions–including that of Walt Monegan. In fact, when I was reading Wevley Shea’s warnings to Palin, I kept thinking: "Wevley, Dude, she can’t get out of this because she can’t fire one of the "aides" most intimately involved in pressuring Monegan: her husband."

Well, now she might wish she had, because in addition to the seven Palin aides who are cooperating in the McCain cover-up (and therefore NOT cooperating in the TrooperGate investigation), the investigator has asked to subpoena Todd Palin.

The committee investigating this has to vote on who will get a subpoena–so Todd Palin does not yet have to bone up on his "spousal privilege" (no, not that kind of privilege–with Republicans it’s about the cover-up, you know). 

But at the very least, this ought to focus some attention on whether it is appropriate for Todd Palin to be making the hiring and firing decisions of Alaska’s public servents.

Update: In a bipartisan 3-2 vote, the committee has approved the subpoenas.

The state Senate Judiciary Committee voted 3-2 today to subpoena 13 people — including the husband of Gov. Sarah Palin — in an investigation of whether Palin abused her power in trying to get her former brother-in-law fired.

The legislative probe has taken on new significance since Republican presidential candidate John McCain picked Palin as his running mate.

Retired prosecutor Stephen Branchflower asked the state House and Senate judiciary committees for power to subpoena the 13 witnesses, including Todd Palin, the governor’s husband.

"He’s such a central figure. … I think one should be issued for him," Branchflower said.

The Senate committees granted the request. Voting for were Sens. Charlie Huggins, R-Wasilla, and two Anchorage Democrats, Hollis French and Bill Wielechowski.

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  1. Blue Texan says:

    But at the very least, this ought to focus some attention on whether it is appropriate for Todd Palin to be making the hiring and firing decisions of Alaska’s public servents.

    She must submit to his will, so yes, it’s appropriate.

  2. dosido says:

    Hey EW, you’ve already been cross referenced on C&L. That was fast!

    I expect this to get fully stonewalled and forgotten. Sorry I’m so pessimistic. And that all this crap will make her more Cheney ready than ever.

    • Neil says:

      I know where to look. I don’t think it was yahoo but it was an address provided by her local telephone/internet provider in Wasilla.

  3. dosido says:

    slightly o/t

    new 527 from these folks
    “The Action Fund is a lean-and-mean political nonprofit that uses aggressive policy advocacy and electoral campaigns to support pro-environment lawmakers and defeat anti-environmental ones.
    Founded in February 2001, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund provides the wildlife conservation community with a voice in the legislative and political process. The Defenders Action Fund focuses on strengthening conservation policies with focused legislative and electoral efforts. “

    • bigbrother says:

      Great add…crosses political boundaries…outrages and disgust anyone who loves animals. How many of these kills left these animals to die a slow painful and lonely death. She is a pig that no lipstick can change,

  4. foothillsmike says:

    Oh hockey pucks – you people aren’t treating the first dude with proper deference – no testimony till you learn your place /s

  5. Peterr says:

    OK, now I get it.

    I was confused the other day about Todd being able to get a per diem from the State of Alaska. But since he’s doing consulting work on personnel issues, I guess it all makes sense now.

    • dosido says:

      This one was posted over at C&L. I don’t know. I’ll let you know if I see it on the telly. It may depend on which demographic areas it would be most effective vs. nationally.

      I just saw the Obama “change isn’t just a slogan” ad a few minutes ago on CNN.

  6. JimWhite says:

    Is anyone watching for sudden changes in lifestyles or spending habits among those who suddenly have withdrawn their offer of voluntary testimony? (Besides Sarah and Todd, that is.)

  7. jayt says:

    Noron busting some R-idiot’s chops who claimed Palin refused the money for The Bridge to Nowhere.

    Noron: “Let me get this straight – are you saying she *returned* the money? She didn’t.”


    The media is beginning to call a lie a lie? Never thought I’d see the day again.

      • jayt says:

        Don’t get too excited. Noron will be ’spoken to’ off camera.

        I don’t think so.

        The MSNBC female anchors seem insulted by all of the lies they’re being asked to peddle, and are fighting back.

        (with the possible exception of “the bookmark”, Contessa Brewer, who remains, as always, hopelessly confused about – everything)

        • kiotidada says:

          I’m not so sure about Contessa, but I did see her fairly eviserate some Repub guy whose name escapes me: He was the oldish white guy that Dan Abrams had on his show as “balance.”He is the one who would not even acknowledge the sun rises in the east.

          Anyhow she sliced him up. All of the MSNBC crew are being much more aggressive in trying to force answers.

          Maybe the worm has turned?

  8. der1 says:

    What I’ve read and some of what I know of Dominionists (for a better idea of what they’re about read this link through Digby:…..nd-it.html) there is a paternalistic thread that is a part of their philosophy. The wife submits to her husband as head of the family. Now this might seem a little silly seeing as Palin is Alaska’s Governor but not so much if they’re a team and she, having the winning personality, is who they’re selling to the public. To make it “right with god” obtaining power is primary in setting up Wasilla and Alaska as a destination and refuge for premillenialists. Sarah’s faith is in believing that her god is coming back to make it right, reverse global warming, bring back the dinosaur, and punish us sinners. Todd is, in my view of how they see it, an equal partner and part of every decision she needs to make. He’s getting cc’d, sitting in meetings, standing on the stage with her, practically her Siamese twin because that’s the way they see it and want it to be, he’s her counsel. These are truly dangerous people and shouldn’t be taken lightly as the press has been doing for the last 40 years. Unfortunately the business wing of the republican party has made a pact with these radical religious groups and can’t do a damn thing about it. When I try to make this point with my friends they laugh but I remind them how in 1948 the National Party took power in South Africa ( and turned that country and that part of the world upside down for 42 years. I believe that the National Party (also founded on a narrow christian world view) only made up about 25% of SA’s electorate, yet they were able to get and keep power for a generation. Helped by a deep fear of the other they exploited the white populations prejudices to maintain their hold. As far as I know they are still active and working against Mbeki’s government. There’s plenty of stuff out there on these religious parties. There’s the video of Sarah speaking to young grads at her church last June, the video of her remarks earlier this year to the Independent Alaska movement, and the video of their comments about Sarah choosing to be a Republican to help the cause. Just recently I came across a post that had her standing in front of the flag with only 49 stars on it. Todd Palin was, and maybe still is, a registered member of the Alaska Independence Party though publicly changing that in 2002. Earmarks are the grease that helps the cause, the cause is the independence movement, power to the movement. Whatever their slogans their motives are clear and that is separating Alaska off from the lower 48, preparing the way for Jesus’ triumphant return. Take them seriously.

  9. njr83 says:

    Todd Palin’s schedule may get tight…

    there’s also this
    “Greta van Sustern landed Todd Palin’s first interview, which will air Monday night at 10PM on Fox News Channel”

  10. siri says:

    i passed this around.
    i intend to keep doing so re McPalin.
    if folks had done that in the late 90s maybe shrubosis wouldn’t have been given (or stolen) the opportunity to plague the land for 8 long years.
    4 MORE years of that and this place’ll be unrecognizable!
    Thanks Marcy!
    You rock! and on a daily basis!

  11. TobyWollin says:

    One of the truly ironic things about this whole Todd Palin thing is that one of the ‘boogabooga’ weapons used against Hillary Clinton was that Bill was going to meddle.

    • wmd1961 says:

      I’ve been having the same thought, but Todd Palin is no Bill Clinton. There was the “twofer” element to Hillary’s campaign… think we’ll see Alaska’s First Dude used to make Sarah more appealing?

  12. JimWhite says:

    OT: Is our gummint learning?
    Got the feed of the FEMA briefing in another window–they’re asking reporters to give their name and organization before asking a question. Heh.

    • dosido says:

      thanks for the link. from that article I couldn’t help but notice:

      The [state] Senate committees granted the request. Voting for were Sens. Charlie Huggins, R-Wasilla, and two Anchorage Democrats, Hollis French and Bill Wielechowski.

      Voting no were Sens. Lesil McGuire, R-Anchorage, and Gene Therriault, R-North Pole.

    • JimWhite says:

      Woot! From your link:

      The Senate committees granted the request. Voting for were Sens. Charlie Huggins, R-Wasilla, and two Anchorage Democrats, Hollis French and Bill Wielechowski.

      Just priceless! The current Rethug in the State Senate from Wasilla was the swing vote for the subpoenas. You just can’t make this shi* up.

  13. maryo2 says:

    I would like to know what Todd thought about Sarah having amniocentesis done at the risk of their unborn child and why she did it while he was out of town. That medical exam does not fit with Dominionism or an anti-choice stance. That exam does not fit the Sarah Palin narrative we are being fed. (I don’t really want to know, I want her to just go away, but since Todd will be available perhaps FOX will ask him.)

    “Because of this miscarriage rate, amniocentesis is only offered to women deemed to be at high risk of having a baby with Down’s syndrome. Similarly, it must be something that you have thought about at length, discussed with your partner and feel that you would opt for a termination of the pregnancy, were you found to be carrying a baby with DS. Clearly, if this is not something you would consider, then you most likely would not wish to risk miscarriage, just to know.”

    • dosido says:

      excellent point!

      If one is truly accepting whatever God’s will is, one would not risk an amnio just to “prepare” for what’s coming next.

      I had an amnio during one of my pregnancies, something I really really did not want to do, but there were indications of something possibly amiss during the ultrasound. So the benefits outweighed the risk given my particular situation. But I could have used the God’s will faith to reject the amnio if I wanted to. (fortunately everything turned out fine).

      • maryo2 says:

        Similar for me. I had a baby in my later 30s and was offered amnio. Other, less invasive, tests were negative and so I declined the amnio. But had the other tests raised questions, I would have had the amniocentesis. The bottom line is that I am pro-choice but I declined the amnio for the fetus’ well-being. She is supposedly anti-choice, but she DID have a dangerous test performed. I can’t figure out why she would do that.

      • gloriasolideo says:

        Dosido, you were replying to someone who said:
        “Because of this miscarriage rate, amniocentesis is only offered to women deemed to be at high risk of having a baby with Down’s syndrome. Similarly, it must be something that you have thought about at length, discussed with your partner and feel that you would opt for a termination of the pregnancy, were you found to be carrying a baby with DS. Clearly, if this is not something you would consider, then you most likely would not wish to risk miscarriage, just to know.”

        Don’t you guys get it? Both the amnio and the superwoman I-can-go-on-an hour-airplane-ride-even-though-I-am-in-labor act were attempts to miscarry the baby by Mrs. Anti-abortion herself. Just the same way my Norwegian great-grandmother told me she would wash the walls until, exhausted, she would have a miscarriage(she brought 8 to term though).

        • Xenos says:

          Don’t you guys get it? Both the amnio and the superwoman I-can-go-on-an hour-airplane-ride-even-though-I-am-in-labor act were attempts to miscarry the baby by Mrs. Anti-abortion herself.

          I get it, and this always seemed obvious. Plausible deniability for causing fetal death by delivering a baby that needed a neonatal ICU on the plane. Especially a big commercial plane, big story, lots of public tragedy and people feeling sorry for the poor dear, and so on.

          I bet the airline would be really pissed off to hear that someone who was in imminent labor was getting on a long flight… would the airline have to eat the cost of diverting the flight to Boise half way through in order to get her to a hospital? It is really such a narcissistic and pathological set of thought processes that would allow someone to do such a thing.

        • plunger says:

          There is no independent evidence that she was either pregnant on that flight, OR that she was in labor on that flight.

          Find any quote from any person who can even confirm that she appeared to be pregnant on that flight, let alone in labor. It’s not as though she’s not a recognizable public figure.

  14. BoxTurtle says:

    Why would the GOP try to interfere? They’re probably satisified. Am I the only one who read that Palin herself gets no paperwork?

    Boxturtle (Todd can be tossed under a bus, they’re trying to protect her)

    • JimWhite says:

      Am I the only one who read that Palin herself gets no paperwork?

      That is a very important point. It makes me wonder if they are setting up their talking point in advance so that once devastating information comes out in a final report, they can claim that the investigation was “one sided” since Palin didn’t “get” to tell her side of the story. The push back that we should start now is that even though she won’t be subpoenaed, she still should volunteer to testify so that her side will be heard by the investigators. By not testifying, she is voluntarily giving up the right to rebut any damning information they uncover.

      • masaccio says:

        The rule is that if you don’t testify, the finder of fact is allowed to draw the inference that your testimony would damage your interests.

  15. freepatriot says:

    chicken noodle network just reported that the subpeona for palin’s husband was approved by the legislature

    repuglitard hissy fit in, three, two, one …

  16. maryo2 says:

    That link says “Bailey was caught on tape discussing personal information about Wooten, raising questions of how he knew those details.” Does anyone know what tapes, Wooten’s personal home phone message recorder or what?

    Caught on tape reminds me of Ted Stevens: “Tues., Sept. 2, 2008
    WASHINGTON – FBI agents taped more than 100 phone conversations involving Sen. Ted Stevens as part of their public corruption investigation, Stevens’ attorneys said Tuesday.”

    • Sixty Something says:

      That link says “Bailey was caught on tape discussing personal information about Wooten, raising questions of how he knew those details.” Does anyone know what tapes, Wooten’s personal home phone message recorder or what?

      Caught on tape reminds me of Ted Stevens: “Tues., Sept. 2, 2008
      WASHINGTON – FBI agents taped more than 100 phone conversations involving Sen. Ted Stevens as part of their public corruption investigation, Stevens’ attorneys said Tuesday.”

      Might this have anything to do with why the FBI was involved in the Palin investigation? Hummmm.

  17. Leen says:

    McCain ditches handicapped wife, commits adultery with Cindy, Sarah’s pregnant unmarried teenager is paraded across a stage, Sarah lies and lies about the bridge to nowhere, and we get lectures about family values.….._0911.html

    Whistleblower breaks 15-year silence to allege McCain hid wife’s drug abuse

  18. DefendOurConstitution says:

    Marcy you were right in your earlier post comparing to USA firings – they have now threatened to sue!…..lenews_wsj

    I want to see Palin explain that she didn’t say she welcomed this investigation, had nothing to hide and would cooperate fully.

  19. freepatriot says:

    this is off topic, but …

    if I understand this right, mcsame may have just disenfranchised a million voters in Ohio

    and I think we’re talking about repuglitard voters here


    anybody hearing anything about this ???

    I presume mcsame sent the faulty forms to repuglitards

    anybody heard different ???

  20. RevDeb says:

    MARCY This looks up your alley:

    WASHINGTON — Senior Justice Department officials blocked the U.S. attorney in Colorado from supporting a whistleblower’s suit last year, jeopardizing the government’s prospects for recovering as much as $40 million from a major oil company for its alleged underpayment of royalties.

  21. radiofreewill says:

    I spent some time this evening with Republicans Who’ve Already Made Up Their Minds for McCain/Palin.

    Here are my takeaways:

    – they are white
    – their primary Loyalty is to McCain
    – they like Sarah and feel Protective towards her
    – they want to hear her repeat her stump speech over and over
    – she’s ’smart enough’ for them
    – the men like to look at her
    – the women are modelling themselves after her
    – they don’t seem to have any particular expectations of her
    – they view Obama campaigning against Sarah as odd
    – they’re innoculated and expecting ’smears’ against her
    – they would demand a McCain counter-attack to a perceived smear
    – they will go to a rally to look at Sarah, but not John, but that doesn’t mean they don’t support McCain – he already has their vote, and he’s not pretty to look at
    – when they criticize the War or the Economy it makes them feel disloyal
    – their use of the term ‘Reform’ means making US live according to their values
    – they think they are ‘closing the book’ on the last 8 years with a fresh start
    – they find articles like this Glen Beck piece and Charles Krauthammer Op-ed persuasive
    – they say they like things the way they are, for the most part
    – they want violence and death kept out of their sight, only pretty things to see
    – they are afraid of losing, they can’t imagine not living ‘their way’

    We aren’t going to be changing the minds of many of these folks – however, based on my informal chats – we outnumber them.

    There is a affinity-legacy-bloc of these people out there – rational and sensible – who are leaning towards the middle and would come over to Obama-Biden if:

    – Obama doesn’t make a big mistake – they’ll wait till election day to decide
    – they had confidence that Obama wouldn’t make them pay for Bush’s short-comings (remember these are lifelong followers – they put everything on their Leader with no sense of Liability for themselves in exchange for their Loyalty)
    – there is no October surprise – they are risk-averse and would seek what they know in times of stress

    The more Obama-Biden radiate Stability, the more they draw the middle towards them

    The more McCain-Palin generate Chaos, the more they drive the middle to US

    They don’t want to see or hear anything negative about Sarah, but if they did see and hear evidence of Moral Failure (mainly sexual indiscretion) they would be appalled – shame is a stigma that recoils them. Just like if they saw pictures of flag-draped coffins, many of them would come over to our side, as well.

    One last observation – they are even More Fearful than we are that Bush is operating as Big Brother. Until Bush is made to conform to the Rule of Law on issues like Rove, they assume Bush has All the Power and is in Total Control, and it makes them toe the line out of Fear.

    All jmvho, fwiw.

    • BayStateLibrul says:

      Right on.
      Obama should not appear on Saturday Night Live, wait until
      after the election.
      They will be making good fun of Sarah (I love SNL) but, the McCain
      will use clips and say Obama was present at the execution.
      I’m dead serious on this one.

  22. Boston1775 says:

    A guestposter at Mudflats:

    Here’s Rep. Gara’s take on McCain’s spin and interference with the bi-partisan “Troopergate” Investigation.

    This is one of those cases where there’s a clear truth. It’s a clear truth – about a bi-partisan investigation – that I hope McCain’s operatives will ultimately fail at spinning into a “partisan” plot against his running mate.


    So what about the claim that this investigation is some sort of partisan plot against a Republican ticket? A legislative committee of 8 Republicans and 4 democrats asked former Assistant District Attorney Hollis French, a Democrat – to hire a legislative investigator in July. He did. He’s not doing the investigation. So the complaint that he’s a Democrat who supports Barack Obama is, well, weak. He’s a Democrat who supports Barack Obama, who was appointed before Governor Palin was a VP candidate. More importantly, he’s a Senator who has the confidence of a majority Republican Senate.

    He once said to the press the results of the investigation are likely to be troubling. He shouldn’t have said that. But the Governor’s said it too. The newspapers have said it. We all know it. The public record already contains evidence that the Department of Public Safety was contacted roughly 20 times by Palin senior staff, and her husband Todd, about firing Trooper Wooten. The Governor has conceded that based on this evidence, the public could conclude the Department could have felt pressure from above to fire Trooper Wooten.

    The investigator, Steve Branchflower, is a former DA and Office of Victims Rights head (a job he was appointed to by a Republican Legislature). He’s actually conducting the investigation. Attacking Senator French doesn’t really work if he’s not investigating the case, or making any findings. So the McCain folks have attacked Mr. Branchflower. And they’ve tried to stop him from issuing subpoenas to the witnesses now directed not to talk. Today the McCain folks suffered a setback. A bi-partisan committee of Republicans and Democrats authorized Mr. Branchflower to move ahead to subpoena those witnesses.

    And for good measure – the McCain folks are attacking Walt Monegan – the Public Safety Commissioner Governor Palin fired. The Troopergate investigation involves claims that Monegan was fired for not agreeing to fire Trooper Wooten, the Governor’s brother in law involved in a very ugly custody dispute with the Governor’s sister.

    I don’t begrudge the Governor for not liking her brother-in-law. I don’t really like him either, from what I’ve read. I do begrudge those who’d attack Commissioner Monegan, a quintessential public servant who’s worked for both Republican and Democratic heads on the state and local level.

    These three public servants deserve better. What they’ve received so far, is a little dose of ugly Washington politics in a state where we don’t see that stuff too often.


    I stood on the sidelines when this investigation started. When Governor Palin fired Commissioner Monegan, my advice was to end the flap and just hire him back. He does good work. He’s well respected. Unfortunately, my advice sometimes isn’t that good, and the Governor didn’t agree.

    Then McCain’s staff of outsiders came to town. And they began to launch personal attacks on people I respect. They started proving that the same old politics that have caused dissatisfaction with Washington insiders these past 8 years are going to be the bread and butter of the McCain campaign.


    In small states, like small towns, people who act like the McCain folks apologize. Until that happens, I’ll keep defending 3 public servants who deserve better.

  23. plunger says:

    Sarah, YOU PROMISED!

    Palin = “Promise Breaker”

    Don’t believe a word this liar says!

    ANCHORAGE — A few months ago, before she was selected as the Republican vice presidential nominee, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin promised complete cooperation in the legislature’s investigation into whether she improperly fired her public safety director.

    How things have changed.

    A joint legislative committee Friday voted to subpoena Palin’s husband, Todd Palin, and a dozen others as part of its probe into whether the Alaska governor used her office to settle a personal score.

    Lawmakers took that step because several members of Palin’s administration in recent days canceled interviews with the legislature’s investigator, former prosecutor Stephen Branchflower. In a statement, Palin’s second in command, Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell, called the investigation a “complete farce.”…..robe_N.htm

  24. perris says:

    last night I had an epiphane and it’s a good one

    someone needs to ask either john mccain or palin, (or both);

    “you do know alaska recieves more earmarks per capita then any other state in the union, and we also know that john plans on cutting earmarks to help ballance the budget

    how do you think the new governor of alaska is going to take that and do you think the state is going to be happy with either the former governor or mccain?”

    oh baby

    talk about turning their state against them, that will do the trick pretty nicely

    we also need to do some kind of obama add that points out;

    “alaska recieves more earmarks then any other state in the union, yet candidate palin tells us she cuts earmarks, will she cut those earmarks to her native state when vice president?…if so, why hasn’t she cut them yet?…and if not, what does that say about her promises and integrity?”

    that add would have lots of layers

  25. radiofreewill says:

    For the moment, the low information, authoritarian follower, security seeking Goopers are holding Sarah in ‘enthrallment’ – that’s a physical/emotional experience for them – a psycho-physical ‘Placing of the American Idol on the Pedestal’ syndrome.

    They are idealizing her as an embodiment of Purity.

    Facts to the contrary mean nothing to those who want to Believe. They aren’t looking ‘down the road’ in their consideration of her.

    In general, rational and sensible people – not blind followers – are much less susceptible to this phenomenon, but it does still work on them, at least for a time, until Cognitive Dissonance breaks up the spell of ‘flawless Idealization.’

    Rational and sensible people like us, that frequent this blog, however, are not only less susceptible to getting lost in fantasy, but tend to ’see’ beyond the myth.

    What We Fear – is that – once she’s elected VP – Sarah will take her ‘Purity’ mandate and become The Moral Scourge over all of US, using the Bush UE Super-Powers:

    – Do as I say, not as I do
    – What I say goes
    – No back talk

    to ‘Reform’ the Country according to Her Values.

    We should understand that Sarah, in that Role, makes 30% of America feel ’secure’.

    The rest of US – the 70% Majority – have to ‘wake-up’ to the Irrationality of Choosing Bush III for Four More Years of the Same.

    It’s entirely possible that turnover in the Supreme Court during the next four years could drastically alter the rights and freedoms of Citizens, as We thought we knew them.

    We should be patient and steady, imho, not hysterical – even though plenty of people find her downright scary.

    We’re in an Election, imho, to determine if the Rule of Law serves US All, or is to be transformed into a Tool for Social Engineering and Control by the few – the Privileged and Unprincipled few.

    Are We going to validate ‘the South Rising Again’ – this time to Stealthily Supercede Our Government, and US, with their Plantation Mindset, in the guise of the Unitary Executive? Or, will the best aspirations of the Founders for Our Freedom – Liberty and Justice for All – prevail against the relentless 8-year assault of the Craven-but-Monied few?

    What we know is: She’s a Fraud, and he manifests Instability.

    We’ve got 50 days to act like caring neighbors and help make what we know clear to the rest of the rational and sensible people out there, regardless of their Party affiliation.

    There’s a lot hanging in the balance.


  26. JohnLopresti says:

    Here is a photo of some of the archons of AK’s governor’s mansion at a soiree with the First Gent.

    OT: FreePat @63, BradFriedman has found even more counterfeiting on the Republican absentee ballot request mass mailer, namely, some of the courtesy return envelopes mail your request to the Wrong County, oh my, say you never got your ballot? Brad thinks it only a dirty trick but not punishable under federal or state law. I suggest he tell that to SoS Brunner and the OH attorney general; they have less than 3 weeks to act before absentee ballots are mailed by state officials.

  27. sailmaker says:

    I think Obama should run a public service announcement –

    The McCain campaign has mailed more than a million absentee ballot requests. Unfortunately their mailings have return mail addresses that will return your ballot to the wrong county, invalidating your vote. We are certain that this is a mistake, McCain would never willfully commit felonies on such a large scale in order to invalidate an election. Unfortunately the McCain campaign is refusing to compensate the state for their mistaken mailing, so the Obama campaign urges you to verify the return address on your absentee ballot request or to only use state provided forms. Once again, be sure to verify the return address on your ballot request so that the felonious mistakes the McCain campaign made will not invalidate an election.”