Like Teddy, Novak Couldn’t Stay Away

cbl posted a link to this Novak piece over on the mother ship.

Reports of strong support within John McCain’s presidential campaign for Independent Democratic Sen. Joseph Lieberman as the Republican candidate for vice president are not a fairy tale. Influential McCain backers, plus McCain himself, would pick the pro-choice liberal from Connecticut if they thought they could get away with it.

But they can’t get away with it — and this has been made clear to McCain by none other than Joe Lieberman himself.

The Iraq War skeptic, Novak, was so amenable to his sources that he even pretended to support Bush’s war.

Actually, Lieberman is a heroic figure among Republicans for having risked his Senate seat to support President George W. Bush’s war policy.

To be honest with you, I’m sort of happy that Novak, who had retired to undergo brain cancer treatment, is still serving his role as a channel of leaks.

And if the urgent leak that drew him out of retirement is that all the Republicans hate Joementum, if Bob Novak, of all people, will prevent Holy Joe from "gracing" our screen for the next two months, then maybe he is starting to work off the bad karma of outing Valerie Plame.

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  1. bmaz says:

    “…maybe he is starting to work off the bad karma of outing Valerie Plame.”

    Eh, I wouldn’t go that far, but he might be chipping away slightly for running over the homeless dude.

  2. bmaz says:

    And i thank them for finally hitting it. Bout time. Pissant Pelosi should have had the honor and wherewithall to say something; but it is, obviously, not on her table. But I want the candidate, the leader, the nominee, to really speak up.

    Claudia Kennedy just really said it “torture doesn’t work”. Good for her.

  3. randiego says:

    yes, it is slowly starting to come out… I thought Kerry actually gave a good speech. He hit Torture the hardest.

    This thing is SO much better on CSpan. What is up with the music? Originals a problem for some reason?

  4. spoonful says:

    too much bad karma from this guy to ever work off – and good karma requires at least a semblance of good intent, which ballzy bob has none of. Also, regardless of whether he’s VP nominee, we’re still going to see way too much of the ugly one from CT this fall.

  5. Teddy Partridge says:


    Actually, Lieberman is a heroic figure among Republicans for having risked his Senate seat to support President George W. Bush’s war policy.

    of course, is another Novak lie. Joe convinced enough Connecticut voters that he was AGAINST George Bush’s war. Just enough to get re-elected after getting thrown out of the Democratic party in Connecticut. Remember “no one wants to bring the troops home more than I do?” I remember it well.

  6. Leen says:

    “maybe he is working off the bad Karma for outing Valerie Plame”

    Karma Schmarma throw Novak’s undermining national security ass in prison. When will so called “journalist” whose lies cause hundreds of thousands of deaths (Judy “I was fucking right” Miller” and Bob Novak be put in prison for their crimes? When will we get the equivalent of an Official Secrets Act? When journalist who are traitors and murderers hide behind the protection that journalist abuse it is time for some other way to be used to put these criminals behind bars.