Bill’s Speech

Bill’s having fun.

I love that we have so many leaders we still love.

Bill: I’m going to tell you to vote for Obama, where Hillary only suggested it. Because I can do that.

Watching CSPAN. When Clinton said Obama was the right guy for the job (of President) CSPAN went from Michelle to Hillary. Both wearing turquoise. Hillary looked pained.

Oh man, Bill is having fun. 

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  1. 4jkb4ia says:

    This is the best speech of the convention. I said that all Bill has to do is be Bill, and he cannot help but be well received.

  2. emptywheel says:

    He’s a rock star. But there have been a number of great speeches.

    Though I missed Schweitzer. He gave MI’s Jeff-Jack keynote this year, though, and I’m quite confident he’s a rockstar.

  3. Rayne says:

    You caught that tightened jaw and furrowed brow, too, huh? I grit my teeth, too, at that selection of words, “Barack Obama is the man for this job.”

    Man, what an undertow there.

    • bmaz says:

      Jeebus, what did you want him to say, that Obama was the right woman for the job? Both Clintons stepped up and went to bat, hard, strong, and convincingly for Obama, and still the constant chipping. What exactly do you want from them?

      • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

        Agree. They are a kind of ‘tough’ that doesn’t exist in the GOP.

        And FWIW, Schweitzer is a rock star. But then, with people like Bill and Hilary to look up to, how could he not be learning from people who speak from the heart?

        Now, I hope Biden has even more fun that Bill Clinton, and that the Dems laugh, snark, chuckle, and call bullshit with wicked, delighted grins all the way from now till November. I don’t recall ever thinking that a campaign could be funny, wickedly, deliciously, snarkily funny.

        Biden’s kicking it off right: “Bloody their nose so you can walk down the street the next day.”

      • Rayne says:

        bmaz — you and I know damned well that Bill not only understands the power of words but has mastery above that of the majority of Americans. He chooses words for speeches with deliberation.

        Given the hard feelings many of the PUMA’s — mostly older women — have about losing their chance at a woman as POTUS, the last gawddamned thing he should have come close to saying is that anybody is “the right man for the job”, unless of course you aren’t there to help that candidate win over those women.

        Don’t tell me that there was not some other way to express himself, because every other person who’s come to the podium has managed to do so, many of them with lesser gifts at wordsmithing. And they don’t even have the long ride home with Hillary to worry about.

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Big Dog had to talk about Obama as **a man** because if he didn’t the GOP would have whined and yammered that Big Dog didn’t think he was ‘manly’.

        • Rayne says:

          Respectfully, the Big Dog’s speech was for the constituency at the convention, and not the GOP.

          The GOP will find a way to pervert anything and everything Dems say, not worth wasting time on guessing what they’ll distort.

    • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

      All that will happen if Pat keeps that up is that he’ll lose audience.

      People are beyond wanting bullshit and pseudo-conflict.
      Look at the business pages; watching Biden translating the economic news into individual experiences — and smacking GeorgieJohn into the bargain — does my soul good.

      More, please.

  4. 4jkb4ia says:

    I heard Brian Schweitzer. Got the audience involved really well, and came across as if he knew what he was talking about on energy. NYT ran front-page story today on difficulty of getting wind power to grid which subtly backed him up.

  5. MadDog says:

    Bill Clinton did a superb job! I understand he wrote his own speech. Still has that magic mojo!

    Tammy Duckworth did a superb job!

    Beau Biden did a superb job!

  6. wavpeac says:

    If I were Bill Clinton that line would be a line I could say and genuinely mean it. No faking…not a false smile, not an emotion to hide. That’s part of the art of giving a really good speech.

    Personally, I don’t blame him for what he said. He deeply wanted his wife to win. Now he’s gotten behind Obama. He’d be immortal if he didn’t still have a peice of himself that thought she was the better candidate.

    I think that democrats sometimes expect too much of each other.

  7. klynn says:

    The most important aspects of all the speeches has been the staying on factual topic when making contrasting arguments…Pres. Clinton handled “why” McCain is not the person for the job in an incredibly professional, respectful manner… It was not contrived, gossip or a smear approach.

    Perhaps rather than buying up tons of ad time, maybe the Dems should burn dvd’s of some of the best convention speeches, add content about the important points of the party vision for rebuilding our country and mail them out to dems and independents…especially in key voting districts.

    • JThomason says:

      Seemed to me that the part of Kerry’s speech saying the McCain/Rove tactics of personal insult would not work this time would make a wonderful political ad or a montage of the key lines from both Clintons, Kerry and Richardson (I assume there will be some good ones)as you suggest. Though there maybe some risk in putting a historical face to the Democratic brand it certainly would demonstrate a united front and a depth of real and seasoned experience backing the Obama candidacy.