Annette Taddeo on the State of Her Race

Blue America-endorsed Annette Taddeo dropped by the Big Tent today and we chatted about the state of her race. I was surprised to learn that–of the three Democrats running in South Florida–Annette’s is the only race that hasn’t yet been put on the DCCC’s Red-to-Blue list. Annette’s district is the least Republican of the three south Florida districts–you’d think this would be a target by now.

Annette made a compelling case that the party should not consider this a four-year project. Specifically, Obama’s candidacy will surely raise the turnout numbers among the district’s 5-6% African American population, which traditionally has turned out in small numbers. Also, University of Miami is in her district; Obama’s likely to generate enthusiasm among those students as well.

All the more reason to send some Blue America love to Annette to help her take out one of the Republicans in South Florida.

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  1. MadDog says:

    I was surprised to learn that–of the three Democrats running in South Florida–Annette’s is the only race that hasn’t yet been put on the DCCC’s Red-to-Blue list.

    So I’m guessing Rahmbo has been too busy mooching money from the bigwigs and hasn’t been hanging around with you DFHs so you could ask him.

  2. PetePierce says:

    The Democrats are sure as hell squandering their convention–at least whatever gets on TV or in that convention center–I’m not talkikng about the hundreds of seminars and Ariana Huffington lunches that are good for bonding but aren’t going to be seen by independents from Gravel Switch, U.S.A.

    One of the talking heads on MSNBC, Gene Robinson made the remark after Mark Warner’s Paint Drying speech, “Where are the words torture, and where are the words Iraq.”

    Unless the Democrats understand that they need to get tough and start ripping some Bush-McCain ass and make them bleed, they are going to get their ass handed to them in November.

    Bmaz said in a comment (and I’m not going to say it as well I think as he did) that the Republicans are spending a lot of money on shills–financing people like the loser who drove HP into the ground severly, Fiorina, and left with a golden parachute in the millions allowing her to do whatever she wants for the rest of her life. He said the potential of funding people like Marcy Wheeler and others, harnassing their power, and hiring them onto a national platform to tear into this administration with Marcy Wheeler powers of analysis and topics and fashion it into packages that people across this country could understand.

    I haven’t heard any topics that remotely resemble those we see daily @ FDL and on EW or any Digby or Glenn Greenwald areas of concern at all on that convention floor.

    The Dems are squandering the hell out of a nationally televised opportunity to tear Bush a new one.

    And I sure don’t expect the Mark Penn written speech tomorrow night or whatever the hell comes next tonight to do anything to tear into Bush and McCain in the way that is needed.

    I’m sorry to see such a wasted convention.

  3. PetePierce says:

    Chuck Schumer is in left field and full of crap with his paint drying idea of the road to Thursday night, and Schumer is using the same stupid logic that brought you wire tapping, Iraq funding forever, Mukasey in your kazoo and the rest of the failed laws that the Democratic Congress handed to Bush on a silver platter to run this country into the ground.

  4. 4jkb4ia says:

    Nothing I have seen, with the possible exception of HRC’s speech, is an airtight argument to vote for Obama with anything I didn’t already know. The Republicans will come back hard on the energy issue as well. OTOH last night was “Prosperity Night”. So the words torture and Iraq are more likely to be tonight. I missed Mark Warner due to the arrival of the food truck.

  5. 4jkb4ia says:

    I would also think that if the average voter knows anything about Obama, he or she knows that he is for leaving Iraq. This voter has to be convinced that he has domestic policies, too.

  6. MarkH says:

    There is practically nothing about the last 7 years which has been commendable — and McCain seems to want to continue it.

    To contrast Democrats with John McCain and the Republicans all we really need to do is point to the countless Bush failures, screw-ups and crimes and then say, “And John McCain supported that and wants to continue it. Democrats oppose it.”

    The Bush/McCain administration has been an abject failure and the American people largely know it. Democrats just need to remind them.

    In a more positive way we can talk about Peace and the Prosperity which will flow from the Green Revolution, freedom from dependence on foreign oil, more economic fairness and health care for everyone.

    Issues of Law and continuity of Civilization generally don’t grab people the same as ‘money in the wallet’.