When The Levee Breaks

If it keeps on rainin’, levee’s goin’ to break,
If it keeps on rainin’, levee’s goin’ to break,
When The Levee Breaks I’ll have no place to stay.

Cryin’ won’t help you, prayin’ won’t do you no good,
Now, cryin’ won’t help you, prayin’ won’t do you no good,
When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move.

In the face of what ought to be the most serious and profound Presidential election in the last 75 years, and with the opening of the Democratic Convention on the brink, it seemed appropriate to recalibrate for a moment. Over three days has been spent on the sophomoric PR stunt by the Obama campaign to play the Vice Presidential selection like some kind of two bit cross between a high school prom queen election and American Idol. "We’ll text our special friends first! You’ll be the first to know". Please. Spare me.

That is the good side; on the other there is some senile, angry, old, self-entitled curmudgeon that doesn’t even know how many houses he owns, nor what kind of car he drives. The media and, yes, even the blogs, lap this idiocy up like milk to starving kittens. Almost makes you wonder if something important hasn’t been forgotten in the headlong rush to inanity.

Hurricane Katrina formed over the Bahamas on August 23, 2005. Three years ago to this very day.

Katrina was the costliest and one of the five deadliest hurricanes in the history of the United States. It was the sixth-strongest Atlantic hurricane ever recorded and the third-strongest hurricane on record that made landfall in the United States and caused devastation along much of the north-central Gulf Coast. The most severe loss of life and property damage occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed, in many cases hours after the storm had moved inland. The hurricane caused severe destruction across the entire Mississippi coast and into Alabama, as far as 100 miles (160 km) from the storm’s center.

The storm surge caused severe damage along the Gulf Coast, devastating the Mississippi cities of Waveland, Bay St. Louis, Pass Christian, Long Beach, Gulfport, Biloxi, D’Iberville, Ocean Springs, Gautier, Moss Point, and Pascagoula. In Louisiana, the federal flood protection system in New Orleans failed in more than fifty places.

Nearly every levee in metro New Orleans breached as Hurricane Katrina passed east of the city, subsequently flooding 80% of the city and many areas of neighboring parishes for weeks. At least 1,836 people lost their lives in Hurricane Katrina and in the subsequent floods, making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee Hurricane. The storm is estimated to have been responsible for $81.2 billion (2005 U.S. dollars) in damage, making it the costliest natural disaster in U.S. history. (Information here culled from the Wiki Katrina entry, which is a superb reference.)

The devastation and desolation occasioned by Katrina struck a deep nerve in America. The despair played out in front of our eyes non-stop, in real time, on television. The powerful and overwhelming images portrayed every characteristic of the pathos and hopelessness of third world countries that we had become accustomed to seeing. But it was not a third world country on the other side of the globe, conveniently out of sight and mind. It was America. It was New Orleans. Birthplace and home of jazz and creole cooking; one of the most important sea ports in the country. Mouth of the Mississippi. It was us, it was our people; our mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.

Katrina was much more than that though. Katrina was the hot, sharp knife that filleted open, not just for the progressive activists that daily work the beat, but for all of the country, the cold and detached callousness, incompetence and strict focus on self serving greed of the Administration of George W. Bush. With the flood of Katrina came the real turn of the tide on the malicious cancer that has been the Bush/Cheney control of our country. The hellish wrongheaded blunder that is Iraq, the overarching albatross hanging around the neck that it is, still played out in a remote land, with aggrandized and propagandized reporting. The stench and the death were there, not here. Even the deaths of our own soldiers haven’t really etched into the surface of our consciousness; it has been a sanitized hell. Over there, not here.

But there was nothing antiseptic about Katrina and it’s aftermath. The caustic, toxic waters flowing through a great American city carried the death, despair and decay to all of us. They left an indelible and uncomfortable mark. An American Presidency born and sold through stagecraft and fraud instead of deeds. A Bush/Cheney Administration that had a long arm for taking from the American citizenry, but a pitifully short arm for giving.

The moment, however, does not seem to have lasted. The politicians went down to the bayou and made their speeches and promises. Bush invaded the grand symbolic heart of New Orleans, Jackson Square, and put on a stagelit production worthy of Leni Riefenstahl. Bush, predictably, stepped on the downtrodden people of New Orleans on the way to his propaganda moment, and then welched on all his rhetorical promises. John Edwards announced his candidacy from the wrecked ground of New Orleans’ Ninth Ward and built his entire "Two Americas" campaign theme on those images. Now both the Edwards medium and message are down the crapper with his political future, abandoned by him along the road of personal lust and indiscretion.

So, here we are three years later. The politicians have gone, the stagecraft moment having passed. The grand promises made by Bush, like so much else in his wake, broken. The Ninth Ward still a blighted mess with no rebuilding and it’s life as a community hanging by a thread. The population of New Orleans still down, with many of her people never to return home again. Worst of all, the city itself is still in peril from the very forces and neglect that took it down three years ago. In a fine work that is a must read in it’s entirety, AP/MSNBC reports:

Katrina’s storm surge laid bare the incomplete and inadequate work.

What happened? By 1968, a Congress worn down by the Vietnam war and economic turmoil began reining in spending; at the same time, the work met resistance from Louisiana politicians, communities, environmentalists and businesses fighting for individual interests.

For example, the corps scrapped a plan in the 1970s to build a floodgate at the entrance to Lake Pontchartrain out of concern that it would impede boats and marine life. Next, the alternate plan to build gates at the mouths of city drainage canals was rejected. Finally, the corps built floodwalls on the canals — and they broke during Katrina.

Can this sort of history repeat itself?

In a yearlong review of levee work here, The Associated Press has tracked a pattern of public misperception, political jockeying and legal fighting, along with economic and engineering miscalculations since Katrina, that threaten to make New Orleans the scene of another devastating flood.

Dozens of interviews with engineers, historians, policymakers and flood zone residents confirmed many have not learned from public policy mistakes made after Hurricane Betsy in 1965, which set the stage for Katrina; many mistakes are being repeated.

"All the human instincts post-Katrina are the same (as) post-Betsy," said Oliver Houck, a natural resources law professor at Tulane University and longtime New Orleans resident who participated in many of the fights since Betsy.

Politicians have pushed for development in wetlands, undercut flood protection efforts with legislation and balked at paying for levee work.

"We keep building in holes, and contractors keep trying to move in and take advantage of a situation: They come in with a bunch of contractors, sell off property in low places, take their money and run," Sullivan said.

So, as we head into the big Democratic National Convention, lets reflect back on a defining moment, and what it meant. Because Katrina and the hell in the Big Easy is not something we should be shining on, putting behind us and forgetting. And it is not just New Orleans and the Gulf Coast either, there is a Katrina waiting to happen to every community and to every one of us. Spring flooding in the midwest, fallen bridges in Minnesota, fires in California, drought in Georgia. Our ecosystem is out of balance, and our infrastructure in severe need of repair. Now is not the time for idle chatter and twitter, it is not about houses and spouses. This country faces serious and huge problems, we need genuine leadership and substantive solutions. Just exactly what does it take to get that across to the people who would represent us that are gathered mile high in Denver Colorado? Because, we do not want a repeat of the two stooges at left, who were eating cake while America bled in Katrina.

NOTE: The video at the top is "When The Levee Breaks" set to still and video of Katrina. Very powerful, take a look.

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  1. MadDog says:

    If the Democrats had any smarts, they would’ve held their 2008 Presidential Convention in New Orleans.

    Nothing against Denver, but an powerful opportunity lost.

    A committment message that would stand in stark contrast to the deliberate intentional abandonment of New Orleans by the Repugs.

    It seems that not only the Repugs have made the choice to turn their eyes away from those in need.

    So Nancy, Harry, Rahm and all the others, what do you really stand for?

    • bmaz says:

      I thought about making that argument in the post, then hesitated. I have been in New Orleans at this time of year before (actually was around the first week of August) and it is fairly miserable with humidity and heat. The other thought was whether or not they had enough hotel capacity built back up yet. Don’t know the answer to that question, but it might be an issue.

      • MadDog says:

        I would’ve bet you had it in mind!

        Yeah, been there a half-dozen times or so myself including this time of year, so I’m agreed on the humidity.

        And as for the hotel situation, could I suggest the Democrats partake of the magnificent mobile homes in the area? And all, of course, with views to die for.

        I don’t have a schedule on what the Democrats plan for the entire week in Denver, but I’m betting that New Orleans is not on the menu.

    • stryder says:

      Mary’s assault @114 and 151 on Clemmens @ the Meyer book salon makes as clear a point as I’ve come across about the magnitude of the collusion between the parties and their circle the wagons mindset.Like throwing a rockin a bucket of shit.
      @114″this would be the Bellinger who refused to say whether or not waterboarding US soldiers would be torture? Who sat in on the meetings of The Principals and knew for years that the American public was being lied to over and over and did nothing? The Bellinger who has argued over and over publically for the legality of the forever detention of kidnap and human trafficking victims and who has, despite his knowledge from all his associations with Rice as sec adv and sec state re: torture policies and posturing has over and over argued that The United States Does Not Torture?”
      “At some point it’s like discussing qualitative differences between Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson. The horrible thing that Comey and Bellinger and others of their ilk did was to bring this likable persona to the discussions, to lend themselves to the propaganda that would have been so much less persuasive coming from a Gonzales or a Cheney
      God forbid that the day should come that my profession would point to Goldsmith and Bellinger as the standard for staking a claim to principle.
      All they can claim is that they knew better and so were better positioned to make better use of CYA tactics. imo.”

      as well as Bmaz’s summation:
      “With the flood of Katrina came the real turn of the tide on the malicious cancer that has been the Bush/Cheney control of our country. The hellish wrongheaded blunder that is Iraq, the overarching albatross hanging around the neck that it is, still played out in a remote land, with aggrandized and propagandized reporting. The stench and the death were there, not here. Even the deaths of our own soldiers haven’t really etched into the surface of our consciousness; it has been a sanitized hell. Over there, not here.”
      you’re right on dog
      If the Democrats had any smarts, they would’ve held their 2008 Presidential Convention in New Orleans.
      Hand out waders and let them wander around through the devastation of all their policy decisions and imprint it in everybody’s brain.I guess that would have given the wrong message though

    • Leen says:

      that makes so much sense Mad Dog. The Dems could have rubbed the Bush administrations nose in their own stench. But how much have the Dems focused on the rebuilding of New Orleans. I have read that only around 50% of the people who lived there before have returned.

      Just after Katrina I remember MSNBC’s Chris Matthews saying that “Katrina had ripped the scab off of racism and poverty in our nation”. When I met Chris at the Libby trial I reminded him that he had said this and then asked why MSNBC had only covered the aftermath of Katrina for about two weeks, and had covered it very little sense. I mentioned how MSNBC and the rest of the MSM had done their part in putting that scab right back on the situation in New Orleans.

  2. MarieRoget says:

    Thanks for spotlighting Katrina right now, bmaz.

    Used to live in Baton Rouge; close personal friends living @ the edge of the 9th Ward lost everything, including their beloved pets, in the horror of those days & weeks. How can we forget how little our Fed Gov cared, the snarled, snail’s pace of their response, Bush playing in CA, then flying above it all? So little has been done even after all this time. Private charities have had to make up for government boondoggles/red tape, or naught gets done @ all. Tragedy compounded by having BushCo drop the response reins. GWB & his stage-lit speech in Jackson Square is burned into my brain- I wish I could forget that night, & the one when my old colleague & friend Lucy called to say they were safe, but their house was completely gone & the dogs didn’t make it. She broke down on the phone, & Sweet Luce is a very reserved woman.

    Led Zep vid is excellent, as is Spike Lee’s documentary.
    Lest We Forget.
    When The Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts

      • MarieRoget says:

        If even a mid-level hurricane was to hit the Gulf Coast this season w/BushCo still in charge of response, I fear it would be repeated many more times over. My confidence in this Fed Gov’s ability to respond to any kind of disaster is nil.

  3. PetePierce says:

    Very well written. Did Obama like text a message like on his VP choice like? Like OMG OMG OMG! Is that what all the 3AM phone call stuff was about when that candidate from Chapaqua (See Clintons of Chapaqua) with the wrap around Tina Fey glasses meant. Other than that commercial I never saw the wrap around Tina’s on Norma Rae ever again. But they were totally kuell and awesome.

    In NO there is no levee that can withstand another Hurricaine anywhere in the ball park of Katrina. It was an accurate index into the apathy towards infrastructure across the US. Leaking levee in New Orleans alarms experts Of course the Army disputes the outside review.

    In Georgia they are prayin’ for rain. The Supremes hear interstate disputes. They also are prayin’ for a miracle in the Court system that is not going to realign the Georgia/Tennessee border at the Tennessee River, because every precedent is stacked against it. South Carolina sued North Carolina last year–the Supremes appointed a Special Master.

    By Sept. 12, the Corps expects Lanier in Georgia to drop another foot and a half to an elevation of 1,052.3 feet above sea level. That’s lower than the December 1981 level that had been the record low until last December when the lake fell to 1,050.8 feet. Tropical storm Fay has offered no releif or impact. This is according to the Southeast River Forecast Center.
    Two law firms in Atlanta have been hired, and billable hours by the hundreds will be churned to tilt at an untiltable windmill.

    On 8/13 Georgia asked the S.Ct. (totally awesome) to overturn the D.C. Circuit ruling in Feb. that said Georgia needs congressional approval for SUV lovin’ Atlanta to drain more water from Lake Lanier which hey is like totally dry.

    Georgia and the Army Corps of Engineers agreed in 2003 to jump the amount of water from 13-22% of Lanier. Florida and Alabama objected, the district court decided for Georgia, the D.C. Circuit overturned the opinion, and Ga. appealed to the Supremes.

    They briefed that D.C. Circuit erred because the question of whether an operational change was violated wasn’t addressed in district court and that the question was too complicatd for the D.C. Circuit to decide.

    The Supreme Court has not yet said whether it will take the case, and if they do,good luck with getting the current 5-4 majority that usually crops up to overturn that one.

  4. obsessed says:

    Off-topic but the good news is that Cheney has been linked to the Stevens trial:


    The bad news is the Isikoff byline, so for some reasons beyond me, Cheney must have wanted this article written, or at least wanted to give it whatever pre-emptive spin IzzieKafka is applying.

  5. Mary says:

    Thank you for this post bmaz. Between Obama and the Olypmics, there hasn’t been much in the way of recognition of Katrina’s anniversary.

    I can understand not having the convention in NOLA, but announcing the VP there would have been wonderful. The campaign had built up all this focus – to take that focus to NOLA, to have Obama make his announcement there, with Biden, both of them showing that the announcement wasn’t just about Obama maneuvering to shore up his holes, but instead about the Democratic party making the commitment that they haven’t forgotten NOLA – that would have shown something. Something that isn’t there, I think, but you can always hope.

    They could have made a point of holding the press conf in the day, and say that they wouldn’t send in a crew to set up emergency photo op lights and leave, but instead would make all the commitments needed by not just NOLA, but the country. Commitments to bring national guard troops back so they can help support and protect in their states. To rebuild infrastructure, not bridges to nowhere, not just in NOLA and in Minnesota, but throughout the country – – putting American workers to work on improving the lives of other Americans. To makes schools better, to fund education better, to focus on needs areas and to begin to catch up with other countries on blanketing this nation with affordable wireless. To emergency communications and responder services throughout the nation, to broaden the focus beyond terrorism and address natural disasters that have become more prevalent while the Bush Administration ignored global warming and even actively suppressed the science and information so that United States Gov scientists were not allowed to tell United States citizens of the dangers …

    yada yada, but you get the point. Obama and Biden could have sweated for one day to give NOLA the nod it deserved and the Democratic party could have hammered on all the ineptitude that existed and set up mortgage collapses, debtor nation status, etc.

  6. GulfCoastPirate says:

    Hi Bmaz,

    Nice post but as a Gulf Coast resident for over 50 years(near Galveston)who has been through storms, floods, power outages, etc. I have a small bone to pick with your post. Don’t concentrate on engineers, flood control gates, development or any of that crap. People want to live by the sea and there will always be those competing interests. What happened in New Orleans was a deliberate breakdown of our government – they let those people sit there for days with no water and food when those two basics should have been immediately available, dropping them in by helicopter if necessary. It was intentional, it was despicable and the fact Obama hasn’t been running ads of those folks dying at that center by the river shows the Democrats are as irresponsible and complicit as the Republicans.

    Everyone should read Naomi Klein’s book “The Shock Doctrine”. I have a degree in economics as well as physics and the department was full of U of Chicago adherents. When Obama (or any leading Democrat) pisses on Milton Freidman’s grave then I’ll know we’re getting somewhere. Until then, despite the excitement some feel, I just can’t get that excited. I do darn well for myself and I don’t expect the government to do for me what it may have to do for those less fortunate but I damn well expect them to be able to do something as simple as get me basic food supplies, ice and water in a crisis.

    Thanks for keeping New Orleans in people’s thoughts. It’s a great city and I’ve had many enjoyable days there. The food, the people, the music, the voodoo – there’s not another place like it in the US. If there really is a god then someone, or a lot of someone’s, will rot in hell for what happened to those people.

    On the other hand, we should all give a lot of kudos to the city of Houston and Mayor White. Despite taking a lot of grief about some of the characters he inherited and the trouble they caused he took a lot of those people in when they needed help and asked questions later. As a suburban Houstonian I thought it was one of the city’s finest hours.

    • bmaz says:

      Hey GCP – Long time, no see. Yeah, I agree with you completely on the point about the dual nature of the failure. And I think you are right that, really, the more heinous failure was the failure of our Federal government to have any humanity and decency. Can’t really explain why I focused here on the one more than the other, mostly because the report linked to had just come out and fit in with the point I guess. I started thinking about this yesterday, before I saw that article (it just kind of landed fortuitously in my lap), when I became flat out pissed at the whole text message peekaboo teasing roll out of the VP choice. The freaking media literally covered nothing for two whole days. It just finally started seeming so childish and inane, both on the part of the media, but on Obama’s part too. “Change” isn’t that kind of BS, change would be actually talking about and addressing some of the weighty things we have on the plate. Then it struck me – it was Katrina time and I couldn’t find one single mention of it anywhere. Not one.

      • GulfCoastPirate says:

        Oh, I’ve been around. Lots of legal issues discussed here and I’m just not knowledgable enough on that subject to do much except read and learn.

        It was a great post and thanks for remembering those people. I’ll go to my grave believing it was deliberate the way they were abandoned until even the Fox News people were so shocked (embarrassed) the administratrion had to respond.

        Here’s what really irritates me. There are a lot of smart people in this country. This blog is full of them. My guess is you or EW could have taken 10 people who hang out here at random and within four or five hours had an action plan that would have had help to those people within 24 hours. Yet the US government, with all the resources at its disposal, couldn’t do jackshit for days. It doesn’t make sense. It was deliberate, there is no other explanation.

        And the Mary Gauthier video someone posted – brought tears to my eyes. I just don’t understand why all of this is happening in the US today. From torture to spying to Katrina – how did we let this happen?

        • bmaz says:

          You know, for all the grief he has taken on it, and a fair amount of it deserved probably, Mike “Heckuva Job Brownie” Brown saw some of the issues there early on and tried to get some action going and was totally shut out by the DC folks. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying he would have saved the day or anything like that, but even the few things he had a bead on early – no traction. There is a videotape that finally turned up long after that was of a videoconference Brown had with Bush at his ranch that is just chilling. The nonchalance of Bush was sickening. I’ll see if I can find it…..

        • GulfCoastPirate says:

          Thanks for the links. I had seen it previously but it is still quite enlightening. Let’s remember, the smirk is a man who ignored 9 – 11 warnings and mocked a death row inmate when she pleaded for her life. I’ll never be able to figure out how he got elected (not once but twice). There is a sickness in that man that must also be in that portion of the general population who elected him and the people of New Orleans paid the price.

          So how is everyone feeling about Obama this November after the VP selection? With some of the things he has said and done since defeating Hillary I’m still not convinced he’s going to be much different if elected.

        • MarieRoget says:

          So how is everyone feeling about Obama this November after the VP selection? With some of the things he has said and done since defeating Hillary I’m still not convinced he’s going to be much different if elected.

          Why, GCP, how ever can you make such a statement right before the week of the canonization deification convention?

          From David Horsey in this morning’s Seattle PI:

          (How am I feeling, personally? Despite Biden being aboard, very nervous about what Prez Obama might actually do/not attempt in the way of “change”)

  7. JimWhite says:

    Thanks for an outstanding post, bmaz. The bulk of the work in recovery in NO has been through private volunteer initiatives. I was there in March 06 with a group of college kids who gave up spring break to go help. At the end of a week of very hard work, we took them to the French Quarter. I swear 80% of the vehicles in the large public parking lot there were church vans.

    Here is a Mary Gauthier’s take on the situation. I think this song beautifully captures the feeling of total frustration.

  8. JohnLopresti says:

    I have played a different delta song, Backwater, patterned after one Huddy Leadbetter, Bessie Smith, and Bill Broonzy liked, with more about family and less about anger, but the opprobrium one sometimes feels in storms as if earth is intolerant in its own way toward us sometimes is conveyed in the Leadbetter creation.

    I think Barack Obama is low key about the import of his opportunity.

    I was caught in a storm of sorts when Katrina landed, too, something like being at TPM conversing and wondering what those OT desperate people were saying about how days were passing with still no help. This year was an eye opener for our neighborhood in our state as well: I had a similar sensation regarding some wildfires that were set by the wierd weather this year, about ten years worth of blazes in number, all set by one storm which passed about thirty miles away. Weeks passed and cities were smoke whiteouted like a crest in the Pyrenees wrapped in endless fog. And it set me to work outside too, doing all the fire prevention a sensible person does living a few miles from the city, where it helps to put in the labor of preparedness. I hope the Obama juggernaut has elaborated that kind of meticulous evocation of diligence and care.

  9. Leen says:

    I sure hope that Edwards getting caught with his pants down does not interfere with his commitment to the poverty issue. Both Obama and Hillary sure took on most of his talking points after he dropped out. That situation has not changed on bit during the Presidential campaign the millions spent on this campaign sure has not changed the homeless situation one bit. Still plenty of homeless and Vets sleeping under bridges. .

    I met a bunch of homeless folks today at the Catholic Church called ” The Holy Ghost” on California St. in Denver Colorado. It’s just a damn shame that the money being spent on this campaign could not have been put to better use.

  10. Neil says:

    bmaz, great post.

    Levee is one of my favorite Zeppelin songs. It captures the feeling of facing serious and dire consequences, consequences that change one’s life. Acts of god, isolation, disaster.

    Reading here and other truth-seeking sources has given me my bearing. I am more at peace with the truth than with the uncertainty and confusion that our government chooses to sow for a its purpose.

    Tonight, I watched a Moraccan 5000K runner destroy the field by setting a wicked pace and building until the final 400m when he left his world class competition in the dust. He ran the final 1600k (1 mi.) in 3:57. Think of it. We can accomplaich great things. Let’s end the war party in this country and set about a legacy of peace of prosperity.

    If you’re a Zeppelin fan, don’t miss Page performaing in the closing ceremonies. Do you have a Swan Song selection guess?

    • bmaz says:

      No guess, but I just saw Plant teamed with Allyson Krauss about a month ago. Man, does he still have his voice. Sure would like to see Zep tour with the lineup from that reunion at O2 in London.

  11. Neil says:

    me too bmaz.

    there’s a decent group of youtube videos of the O2 show…. almost the whole (lotta love) playlist.

  12. freepatriot says:

    give my regards to the second tallest of the lower 48

    in Cali, when Colorado gets to big for their britches, we all go to the top of Mt Whitney and wave down at them


  13. Lindy says:

    I had dinner last night in New Orleans with a friend who was a medical consultant both in New Orleans after Katrina and in China after that massive earthquake this year. She watched, as all of us did, while the bushies dithered around for FIVE DAYS, before any one of them would admit they knew anything about what was happening in New Orleans. In China, that earthquake happened and their head honcho was on ground zero in 90 MINUTES…with soldiers, medical rescue personnel…help, in other words.

  14. plunger says:

    The only time we’ve EVER seen Bush take the blame for anything that has ever gone wrong, is when he stepped out in front of Chertoff to take the blame for every single one of Chertoff’s own failures. Chertoff absolutely deserved to be fired for his performance, unless of course the goal was to depopulate New Orleans.

    What does Occam’s Razor tell you about the way that Chertoff managed the preparation and aftermath of Katrina, and the fact that he still holds his job? Who is Chertoff, really? Who does he work for, really?

  15. plunger says:

    “No one could have foreseen…”
    KATRINA DEBACLE – Bush Defends Chertoff…
    Here is what the Voice of America was saying:

    After Hurricane Katrina, President Bush and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said no one could have expected levees, or floodwalls, to fail in New Orleans.

    “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees,” President Bush said.

    “That perfect storm of combination of catastrophes exceeded the foresight of the planners and maybe anybody’s foresight,” said Mr. Chertoff.

    However, Mr. Chertoff’s own planners apparently had such foresight because Homeland Security officials sent an e-mail to the White House warning about levee failure five hours before Katrina made landfall on August 29th.

    Domsetic Spying Debacle – Chertoff Defends Bush…NSA data mining is legal, necessary, Chertoff says

    Editorial by Morton Kondracke

    “I think it’s important to point out,” Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff told me in an interview, “that there’s no evidence that this is a program designed to achieve political ends or do something nefarious.”

    He was talking about the National Security Agency’s warrantless “domestic spying” program, and I couldn’t agree with him more. Despite the alarms sounded by the American Civil Liberties Union, former Vice President Al Gore and various members of Congress, “there hasn’t even been a hint” that the program is targeted at domestic dissidents or innocent bystanders, Chertoff said. It’s designed to find and stop terrorists.

    “If you go back to the post-Sept. 11 analysis and the 9/11 Commission, the whole message was that we were inadequately sensitive to the need to identify the dots and connect them,” he said.


    Speaking of connecting the 9/11 dots…guess who was in charge of retracing the money trail on “Operation Greenquest?” Well, that would be Michael Chertoff…


    Now, tell me the one again about why Bush couldn’t fire Chertoff? Got blackmail?

  16. randiego says:

    So how is everyone feeling about Obama this November after the VP selection? With some of the things he has said and done since defeating Hillary I’m still not convinced he’s going to be much different if elected.

    I’m feeling pretty good. i like the pick.

    Does anyone here really think that Hillary, or Obama, or Kerry/Edwards/Gore/Biden would have unleashed this hell on the country and the world? They leave a lot to be desired, but there’s no way they would have.

    The patient is in critical condition, dying on the table! We need to win one and stop the bleeding!

    I liked the text-message theatre… silly as it was… at least McCain couldn’t get any oxygen for what, 3 days? The media that covered the inanity of covering a closed door at Bayh’s house is the same media that covered a 5.5 earthquake in California like it was a major disaster! I don’t see what we can do about the media, except continue to call out it’s stupidity and then watch it die, hopefully.

    The Game is what it is. We need to freaking WIN.

  17. freepatriot says:

    if Obama’s Veep selection makes you nervous after 7 years of George bush and john mcsame fucking up everything the touch


    if you like, I’m offering to punch you in the head to clear the STOOOOOOOPID away

    this is a FREE service …

    anybody ???

  18. 4jkb4ia says:

    Perhaps this is so EPUd that I won’t get in trouble. I actually like the symbolism of having the VP event in Springfield. It has intimations of coming back to where it all began, both the campaign and Obama’s political career, and asking the new person to join the journey.
    I think you want the focus to be on the VP pick. If the focus is both on the pick and the city where it is held the media can’t cover two things at once.
    When you think about the symbolism of Springfield and Abraham Lincoln, this contrasts very unfavorably with the symbolism of New Orleans about that same time. New Orleans is known for having the greatest upper class of free blacks, many of whom were Creoles, i.e. of mixed race. This link shows that with all their education and wealth, this group was unable to be very effective in fighting for civil rights during the period between 1865 and Plessy v. Ferguson. In fact, Homer Plessy was from New Orleans. By 1867 Louisiana was under firm white control where other states such as South Carolina and Virginia had more federal supervision and more black political power. I think that came out as not something that belongs on No Quarter instead of here.

  19. 4jkb4ia says:

    Never mind. Plessy may not have been from New Orleans, but the group that conceived the suit certainly was.

  20. bobschacht says:

    Dang, bmaz, I was 100% with you until I got to this:

    Now both the Edwards medium and message are down the crapper with his political future, abandoned by him along the road of personal lust and indiscretion.

    Sanctimonious scolding sounds hypocritical from the mouths of Republican Holier Than Thou folks, but it doesn’t sound too good coming from Lefties, either.

    OK, let me draw a picture in the sand here. Anyone who has never cheated on his/her spouse can line up to throw stones here– as long as you throw those stones with equal vigor at your friends who have committed a marital indiscretion.

    I don’t like what Edwards did when he cheated on his wife the way he did. But that doesn’t distract, for me, from what was probably the best overall presidential candidate platform of all the challengers, including Clinton’s and Obama’s. Edwards’ personal peccadillo does not diminish the value of his platform. And for that reason, I leave my Edwards bumper sticker on my car. It still represents for me the wisdom and compassion encapsulated in that platform. The Edwards have suffered enough. Let’s not indulge in piling on.

    Bob in HI

    • bmaz says:

      You know, I don’t disagree with what you said in the general sense in the least. The line wasn’t penned over what he did in general, however, it was specifically in his use of New Orleans. He really did bootstrap himself on the backs of New Orleans and the Ninth Ward, not only played his original announcement off of their plight, but went and made a big production of it, and then went and did it again at the tail end of his campaign. Now it is all gone and what did they get out of it but used? I liked Edwards a lot, still do; but I have some hefty disappointment too.