The Off the Record Club Now On the Record, Still Desperate for Positive Press for McCain

I speculated the other day that Bob Novak’s Plame leak brokers in the Off the Record Club–specifically, top McCain aides Charlie Black and Ken Duberstein–were using him as a tool again when they leaked that McCain was about to name his running-mate.

Well, lo and behold, guess who’s now on the record, once again pitching an imminent announcement of McCain’s running mate?

Anxious to counter the blanket media coverage that has followed Sen. Barack Obama on his overseas journey, Sen. John McCain is weighing whether to announce his running mate in the coming weeks before the spotlight shifts to China and the opening of the Olympic Games next month.

"He’s in a position to make [the decision] on short notice if he wanted to," said Charles R. Black Jr., one of McCain’s top political advisers.

Two top aides to the presumptive Republican nominee said the decision is likely to be announced after Obama returns from Europe on Sunday and before the Beijing Olympics begin Aug. 8. They said the campaign fears that unanticipated events coming out of China — whether in the form of athletic accomplishments or human rights protests — could deflect attention from the announcement if it were made during the Games. [my emphasis]

And if you compare this on the record story with what Novak was told–"they didn’t want it to come out the way it was going to come out"–both stories seem designed to pressure McCain not to announce his running mate when he currently plans to announce.

Many Republicans say the traditional time frame for an announcement — the days leading up to the GOP convention — is not practical this year, because the Democratic convention ends so soon before the Republican gathering. It’s unlikely, they said, that McCain would announce his pick the day after Obama gives his convention speech.

And several McCain aides said they oppose the idea of making a vice presidential announcement during the Olympics.

That, and I’m sure Charlie Black and friends are desperate to get whathisname back in the press, now that Obama’s sucking up all the media’s attention. How many more times do you think Charlie Black is going to try this ploy, before someone labels him the Boy Who Cried "Veep!"?

  1. Leen says:

    Maybe it’s time for McCain to throw another barbecue for the press!

    It’s just too bad Germans are unable to vote in U.S. elections. If we could convince Karl Rove to support Obama maybe he could arrange that.

  2. JimWhite says:

    Boy Who Cried “Veep!

    Love it! The entire campaign now can be described as Grimm. Look at all the stories today with Repugs running around saying “The press is falling! The press is falling (for Obama)!”

  3. Leen says:

    Ew/all check this out
    Letter Sent to Attorney General Mukasey Requesting ‘Protection for Mr. Connell and His Family From This Reported Attempt to Intimidate a Witness’ After Tip from ‘Credible Source’
    Karl Rove has threatened a GOP high-tech guru and his wife, if he does not “‘take the fall’ for election fraud in Ohio,” according to a letter sent this morning to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, by Ohio election attorney Cliff Arnebeck.

    Attorney Cliff Arneback, Bob fitkaris and Harvey Wasserman have been on top of the Ohio Election fraud and many other issues in Ohio

  4. klynn says:

    A pick-up from the previous thread…(LS @ 41 and especially Hmm @ 74)

    Letter Sent to Attorney General Mukasey Requesting ‘Protection for Mr. Connell and His Family From This Reported Attempt to Intimidate a Witness’ After Tip from ‘Credible Source’
    UPDATE: OH AG Reportedly Asked to Provide Immunity Protection…

    Karl Rove has threatened a GOP high-tech guru and his wife, if he does not “‘take the fall’ for election fraud in Ohio,” according to a letter sent this morning to Attorney General Michael Mukasey, by Ohio election attorney Cliff Arnebeck.…../klbna.php…..8-804.html


  5. FrankProbst says:

    Bored now. McCain’s Veep pick is really his only hole card left. He’s spent a lot of time focussing on non-straight-white-Protestant-men, but we all know that he’ll ultimately pick a straight white Protestant man (i.e. not Crist, Jinal, Romney, or Fiorina, respectively). Whoever he picks is going to be a big letdown, because there just aren’t that many dynamic straight white Protestant men left in the Ruplican party. There are just a bunch of dull, boring ones. Dangling the possibility of a Veep announcement is really the only thing McCain can do right now to get ANY media coverage.

    That being said, he’d be insane to announce his pick before the Olympics, because he’s going to need that sole hole card in September when people start paying attention to the Presidential race again.

    • host says:

      Just a sideshow…no different than Obama spouting Bush’s lines about “Afghanistan is the frontline on “the war against terror”…al-Qaeda, the talley-bam”, sounding just like Bush…and McCain….

      I am proud to note that my wiki update is displayed undisturbed, for a fifth straight day now…(Truth to Power!)

      “Early life and political career…

      ….It was not documented, until July 20, 2008, and never previoulsy disclosed by Davis, that his grandfather was WWII Nazi agent, William Rhodes Davis, an American working to supply oil from Mexico for Hitler’s Germany, and to aid the 1940 presidential election campaign of republican candidate, Wendell Wilkie. William Rhodes Davis died about August 1, 1941, a year before the birth of Gray Davis, reportedly “removed” by British spymaster Sir William Stephenson, aka “Intrepid”.[7]….”

    • emptywheel says:

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure this is just a bid for attention. And why not. The media will never call them on their lies when they get caught in them.

      As to McCain’s straight white Protestant male, there are some (I’m agnostic and don’t really care) that wouldn’t consider Mitt to qualify as Protestant.

      • klynn says:

        Yep, I brought this up to EW quite a while ago for following as a story. OSU Moritz School of Law has been quite the heavy hitter on this as research goes.

    • skdadl says:

      Oh, thank you, Leen. For some reason I thought the hearing wasn’t till 1 pm. Thanks for posting. (I hear chants in the background.)

    • klynn says:

      And remember, he has been following the Ohio election fraud issues behind the scenes for quite a while…Perhaps he plans to enter this latest into the record?

      A great list he has behind him for testimony…

    • bobschacht says:

      They also vigorously applauded Bugliosi, prompting a minority demand that Conyers either clear the room, or at least admonish the audience. Conyers chose to admonish.

      Bob in HI

      • RevDeb says:

        King wanted the room cleared. He doesn’t want to be there nor does he want any witnesses to this.

        Not that it matters. It isn’t going to go anywhere.

  6. Leen says:

    This hearing on “alleged” (choke) misconduct by the Executive branch in the run up to the invasion of Iraq should have started just after we worked our asses off to get the Dems in.. in 2006

  7. Loo Hoo. says:

    Well, I don’t know. Why couldn’t he name one today, change his mind and name another whenever Obama gets too much press, and then again before the convention? It could be a big fake-out and get lots of press!

  8. Leen says:

    Gore Vidal writings about Kucinich…..71779.html

    Dennis Kucinich

    By Gore Vidal

    Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment
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    Posted on Jun 11, 2008
    AP photo / Stephan Savoia

    Fightin’ words: Rep. Dennis Kucinich brandishes his pocket Constitution on the campaign trail in New Hampshire last January.

    By Gore Vidal

    Listen to the author read this essay.

    On June 9, 2008, a counterrevolution began on the floor of the House of Representatives against the gas and oil crooks who had seized control of the federal government. This counterrevolution began in the exact place which had slumbered during the all-out assault on our liberties and the Constitution itself.

    • host says:

      Hope dies reluctantly. Yer watchin’ the theatrics of one, consolidated major US political party, with two right wings. Nothing is going to happen, from within “the system”. “They” own it….and all of the actors on the stage at the Capitol….here’s the recent rhetoric of the “candidate for change”:

      “In Kabul, Obama calls Afghan front ‘central’ to war on terror …
      Jul 20, 2008 … KABUL: Afghanistan must become “the central front” in the war on terror, Barack Obama said Sunday in the Afghan capital, sharpening his …

      9/11….9/11….9/11…. McBush, or McBush lite…..those are the flavors du jour, ladies and germs….what flavor can I scoop into yer cone, sir?

      There are no “choices”, it’s a “closed”, rigged system.

  9. Leen says:

    I was able to attend those election hearings in Ohio that Conyers put together with Fitkaris, Arneback, Wasserman and many others who pushed hard for those election fraud hearings. The Ohio voters that testified kicked some ass with their direct experiences

  10. Leen says:

    Rep Lamar Smith must need an investigation about a blow job to take impeachment hearings seriously.

    Hopefully Speaker of the House Nancy “off the table” Pelosi is listening

    • klynn says:

      Yep, I’ll have to find it. Moritz has the record online of those hearings. Tragic testimony.

      Nice comments by the minority. Love the confidence in stating “no evidence”.

      The polls on congress are lower than the EOP, VP because we want congress to throw the bums out.

  11. Leen says:

    I still think any Republican who would get on the Impeachment hearings bus would win in the fall. If one of these Republicans based their support for impeachment hearings on integrity the election would shift this fall

    Was King in this position when the lies about a Blow job impeachment hearings went on?

  12. Loo Hoo. says:

    YET! Conyers says the House hasn’t met to determine whether they should begin impeachment hearings YET.

  13. Leen says:

    Hello Rep King the very same false intelligence was disseminated to many of the countries he mentioned who thought Saddam had WMD’s.

    By the way when are we going to witness our Reps do anything with the findings of the delayed and finally released Phase II of the SSCI

  14. skdadl says:

    I’ve never seen this before — every member is giving an opening statement. Lungren just said that they have that right, but I’ve never seen it exercised before.

    • host says:

      Which ones are the “dems”? They seem like they all are on the same team, at least all of the leaders are. I used to think extremely highly of Euss Feingold, and I thought, how bad can his party be….if he stays in it. Then, I saw a youtube video of Russ blasting one of his own constituents….for asking Feingold if it wasn’t possible that it was not in the best interests of the US to be a client nation of Israel….and the guy didn’t even say “of Likud”…, they all seem to wear the same stripes….right wing, or extreme right wing….just two flavors…nothing to see, here, turn off your TeeVee!

  15. JTMinIA says:

    I’m enjoying the attempt to say “but you Dems complained about Clinton’s impeachment as not being warranted … this is no different!” But then I think about how the majority of Americans will perceive these hearings and I cease to have fun.

  16. Leen says:

    Rep Lungren so concerned about whether these are impeachment hearings

    High crimes and misdemeanors. I would think that Lungren would consider 0ver 4000 dead Americans, 1 million dead Iraqi people, 4 million Iraqi refugees and tens of thousands of injured people … all a direct consequence of an unnecessary war based on a “pack of lies” high crimes and misdemeanors ? But heh what do I know

  17. skdadl says:

    Nadler — I was here for the prurient circus that was the Clinton impeachment. This is worse. Inquiring into excesses of executive branch in what appears to be attempt to destroy powers of the legislative and judicial branches — not a waste of time.

    • skdadl says:

      I wrote that badly. Nadler wasn’t saying that these hearings are worse — obviously, he meant that the offences being investigated are worse.

  18. Leen says:

    Rep Pence your words are hollow, weak and lies

    Study this equation Mr. Pence
    Lies under oath about a blow job = Impeachment
    An Intelligence Snowjob = No Accountability

  19. JTMinIA says:

    I can think of a good reason why some people on the committee would be very worried as to whether this is an impeachment hearing. Assume, for the moment, that there’s some secret reason why Pelosi has put impeachment “off the table.” Assume, also, that this reason is relatively unique to her, such that many others are under no such restriction. If, during these hearings, it becomes too clear that real impeachment are called for, even Pelosi might be forced to allow it to happen. Thus, while we have to sit through the Kibuki, it is crucial – from their point of view – that it go no further.

  20. host says:

    bmaz… here’s the website of a California attorney who wonders, “out loud”, if Gray Davis’s “closet” grandfather, may have murdered the attorney’s uncle, WJ Cash:….._1941.html

    “….Subsequent history shows that the Reforma was a favorite hostel for Nazi agents in Mexico City, notably Hermann Goering protege and one of the the Nazi’s top experts on Latin American economic penetration, Joachim Hertslet of the Reich Foreign Economics Ministry, and his associate and Texas-Louisiana millionaire and Nazi oil supplier, William Rhodes Davis, Abwehr agent number C-80. The two had repeated meetings with Germany’s ambassador to Mexico, Baron Rudt, in the Reforma’s presidential suite throughout 1939 and into early 1940. Davis used the hotel whenever he went to Mexico. Davis went to Mexico City in mid-June, 1941 to meet with Mexican government officials in an effort to establish a bank in Mexico which would have, if implemented, ultimately enabled re-funding of the financially depleted Nazi espionage activities.(See, e.g., Mystery Man, by Dale Harrington, Brassey’s, 1999, pp. 63, 80-81, 126, 184; Hitler’s Undercover War, by William Breuer, St. Martin’s Press, 1989) Cash had editorialized on Davis as late as January 7 and 10, 1941, calling him first a “prize sucker”, then a traitor for his trades–in mercury. (See “Bad Defense” and “A Buyer”, Charlotte News) Alchemy may not turn mercury to gold, but may yet yield truth from untruth, reality from unreality.”

  21. Leen says:

    Rep Sheila Jackson Lee bringing many of the Bush administration crimes that are impeachable…outing of Plame, the undermining of our Judicial system, signing statements etc etc

  22. skdadl says:

    Trent Franks: guilt and fear are the default. Well, he didn’t say that, but that’s what he thinks. Look at all the rights we’re giving terrorists!

  23. Leen says:

    Rep Johnson ripping it up the deaths of American soldiers, Iraqi people, the injured “certainly that qualifies as an impeachable offense”

    illegal wiretapping, torture, selective prosecutions etc etc.

  24. emptywheel says:


    I’m only keeping a half ear on this hearing. I need some down time to organize for some other projects. If I head something exciting I’ll put up a new thread–but feel free to use this as a thread for the hearing.

    • Leen says:

      Thanks EW thought this hearing was rather important so I could not help myself…get some down time…you sure deserve it

  25. skdadl says:

    Baldwin and Ellison also spoke. A number of members haven’t?

    But we’re shifting now to the witnesses — Kucinich is up.

  26. RevDeb says:

    I counted 10 of 22 d’s and 5 of 17 r’s in attendance, but I could have missed some.

    Not exactly a house full of committee members.

    • Leen says:

      Our Reps have more important things to do like becoming co-sponsors for the next unnecessary strike on a nation that has not attacked us. You know H Con Res 362 promoted by Aipac after their last conference…..N.RES.362:

      co sponsors for warmongering legislation 362…..00362:@@@P

      Anti-War Movement Successfully Pushes Back Against Military Confrontation With Iran
      stumble digg reddit news trust

      Posted July 23, 2008 | 01:29 PM (EST)…..14545.html

  27. JTMinIA says:

    Am I a bad person for replaying the “Is America ready for a MILF?” episode of the Colbert Report as I watch Hinchey speak? And why are my eyes twitching to the right?

  28. SparklestheIguana says:

    Hey, Jonathan Weisman finally took one of my questions (I posted about five). And yes, the Post will not take it seriously!

    Chicago: Which Post reporter is covering the House Judiciary Committee’s hearing today on executive power, the Bush administration and impeachment? Is it the jokester Dana Milbank? Will The Post be able to write something serious about a very serious topic?

    Jonathan Weisman: My friend, you are a diehard. How many committees have issued subpoenas and contempt citations against administration officials? How many have been enforced? We all know these things are going nowhere. Why should we devote resources to a hearing that will result in nothing?

    Gee, I don’t know….why should the press devote resources to investigating whether the executive branch is engaging in law breaking? Hmmm, I just can’t think of an answer. Coming up blank!

  29. host says:

    Jonathan Weisman knows his business….and nothing about it has changed…this is an article from 62 years ago….and the press permitted Gray Davis to run for governor three times, in the most populous state in the US, without ever mentioning that the Davis described in the 1946 Time article was Gray Davis’s grandfather….and notice what happened to the Asst. AG, O. John Rogge, who tried to discuss what he confirmed from interviewing Goering and von Ribbentrop at Nuremberg:…..86,00.html
    Out of Turn
    Monday, Nov. 04, 1946

    “At quiet Swarthmore College one night last week, 0. (for Oet je) John Rogge, special assistant to the U.S. Attorney General and prosecutor of the hapless 1944 Washington sedition trials, raked over a few coals concerning Nazi wartime intrigue in U.S. politics.

    Rogge traced out the oft-told tale of the late oilman William R. Davis, who, inspired by the German Government, had tried to mediate World War II back in 1940. He also mentioned John L. Lewis, Senator Burton K. Wheeler and other touchy names in the same breath with Nazi bigwigs.

    To the familiar Davis story Rogge added the authority of months spent in Germany this year, poring over Nazi records. Upon his return Rogge had turned over a report to Attorney General Tom Clark with the expectation that it would be published. Instead, Clark had kept it in the files.

    After Rogge’s Swarthmore speech Pennsylvania Republicans gleefully recalled that pro-German Bill Davis once had connections with another prominent politico: Senator Joe Guffey, facing defeat Nov. 5.

    Indignantly Tom Clark charged Rogge with willfully violating Justice Department rules by making a speech based on the quashed report. Then he fired him. …”

  30. host says:

    My point is that Dennis Kucinich will more than likely fade into obscurity, no impeachment hearings will be held, and the propagandists for the two right wing branches of the one major US political party, masquerading as a “two party system”, will re-write the history of this era to make it seem as if Mr. Bush was a president, in a difficult period in our country’s history, who stepped up, and did what had to be done, to “keep America safe”.

    Obama is even making speeches, this week, legitimizing the concept of a “war on terror”…..and he’s “the candidate for change”!

    • Leen says:

      Even though the MSM really likes to knock Kucinich down…it just does not work. Kucinich is sincere and many honest Republicans, Democrats and Independents recognize this.

      • host says:

        Maybe ten percent of the members of congress are “honest”….it isn’t enough, kinda like Cindy Sheehan at camp Crawford, “wasn’t enough”. My theory is, that what you are watching…hearings, Obama vs. McBush, is similar to adult day care. It’s there to distract from the planning you ought to be doing, because “the system” is owned by some people wealthy and powerful enough to put the frontmen who they sign off on, in the big jobs…and Obama is the next one who they’ve signed off on….in response to perceived discontent. But it isn’t “change”, why would they truly offer any change of what they already own? Kucinich et al are today’s adult day care feature, they give you “hope”. A year ago, “hope” was invested in “fitz”. Focus on the head of the beast, not the presentation in fits’ courtroom or in today’s impeachment “pre-hearing”. It’s presented to keep you watching, and not doing anything else….but “hoping”!

  31. Leen says:

    I really believe if just one sitting Republican followed Rep Walter Jones lead they would have folks standing up right behind them. They could win their elections if they took this stance.

  32. skdadl says:

    Second panel up. No questions, apparently — everyone just registers statements.

    Elizabeth Holtzman — yay! Memories of the summer of ‘74. She looks terrific.

  33. skdadl says:

    Barr has caught that strange 2001 memo claiming that the Fourth Amendment has no application to “domestic military operations.”

  34. Leen says:

    Ross “Rocky” Anderson torture, illegal wiretapping, signing statements etc etc “never has there been a more compelling case for impeachment”

    Rocky punching out the lights of the Bush administration and laying it out in front of congress

  35. skdadl says:

    Wow. “Rocky” Anderson is new to me, but he’s great. Outraged by rendition programs and detainee treatment, but now he’s just running through every other offence.

    Asks Congress to forbid by statute any attack against Iran except as authorized by UN, etc. And I’m not getting his whole list of advice to Congress, but we should find this from a transcript. It’s a great list.

  36. skdadl says:

    Presser (Northwestern U) = total admin apologist. Dismissed every argument for impeachment. Impeachment a “radical” remedy. Well: so much for him.

    Fein is up.

  37. Leen says:

    Stephen Presser “impeachment should not be at the pleasure of the house” The President must cause a grave offense.

    Dismissal of U.S. attorneys for political purposes….”not impeachagble

    abuse of unitary executive theory “not impeachable

    over use of signing statements “not impeachable”

    Manipulation of intelligence “not impeachable”

    Misuse of authority “not impeachable”

    I don’t believe Presser said anything about torture.


    oY VEY

  38. skdadl says:

    Same Repub meanie (aha — King) who cut Holtzman off is telling Conyers to cut Fein off. Sniffy person.

    Fein was great. Declaring the GWOT means a Sword of Damocles permanently hanging over citizens’ heads. I was just listening in admiration. Ended with a tribute to Dean for relating Oval Office conversations to Congress.

  39. skdadl says:

    Bugliosi — total rhetoric, over teh top, but big burst of applause.

    Smith wants the room cleared because of the outburst. *major eyeroll*

  40. skdadl says:

    Jeremy Rabkin (George Mason U): trying to make it sound as though everything except Iraq invasion only of secondary concern — mocking other charges as undisciplined. Quoting Rehnquist on war-time presidents — they don’t worry much about the Constitution. (Hey — some of us have noticed!)

    Mood in this room, the tone — I think it’s slightly demented. (This is hilarious.) People in rest of country don’t think it’s reasonable to describe president as if he were Caligula. (No? Well, it’s true he has yet to appoint one of his horses a senator.)

  41. Leen says:

    Hello Jeremy Rabkin Former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neil said that the very first meetings of the Bush administration were focused on Iraq in the winter of 2001. Let’s see then we have the Bush administration ignoring Richard Clarkes warnings, ignoring El Baradei, Kofi anan, CIA analyst, Scott Ritter etc etc. Then the Office of speical plans creating, disseminating false intelligence about WMD’s, too few troops sent in, looting of Iraqi’s treasures while protecting the oil sites, disbanding the Iraqi army, blowing up of mosque , torture torture torture.

    This guy is an ass. Amazing that the Senate allowed Jeremy Rabkin to be on a committee for whatever Peace Committee he is on. Sure does not look good for any efforts towards Peace with an arrogant ass like Rabkin

    • Leen says:

      Oh yeah I forgot those behind closed door Chney energy Task Force meetings where it is ‘alleged’ that Iraq was divided up by the oil companies

  42. earlofhuntingdon says:

    How many times will America’s voters and Congress accept the administration’s plea, “Just trust me”?

  43. skdadl says:

    I think that Schwarz is making the academic historian’s argument, against impeachment but emphasizing the importance of filling in the record, finding the truth, etc.

  44. JTMinIA says:

    That was Smith asking for the room to be cleared. Not King. King’s job is to watch the clock and request “regular order.”

  45. Leen says:

    “Rocky” Anderson is clear and unaffected. Pence and King ‘atrocious scholarship” “fraud by this administration”

  46. bmaz says:

    Rocky Anderson has long been very impressive, and not just on this subject. Being in the west here, I have seen him off and on for a decade or more. He was an awesome voice for all kinds of good things from the unlikely perch of SLC mayor’s office. He has been on the environmental horse for a long time too. His problem is that, as noted above, there is already a Dem representative from the area where his strength is, and there is no way he can win a statewide election in Utah. Yet. Another 4-6 years might change that.

  47. skdadl says:

    Damn, but Fein is good. Quoting Robert Jackson from Nuremberg now. “If we do not now rebuke these powers, they will lie around like loaded weapons.” (His paraphrase.)

      • JimWhite says:

        Maye so, but allowing everything that’s been done to be passed over as “differences in policy” is absolutely infuriating. If there were any reasonable expectation that this would eventually lead to real impeachment hearings, I might agree with you. But this process is making an ass out of the country and somebody has to call them out on it somewhere.

      • Leen says:

        Yeah Bmaz you would not be just a bit upset if you lost a kid based on a “pack of lies” Nah no reason to be upset. I’ll tell you if this had happened to one of my daughters the folks responsible would need to watch their backs

        • bmaz says:

          Oh, I agree with that, but she does neither herself, nor us, any favors with her obnoxious disruption; in fact, she damages the tiny thin thread of credibility that this hearing does have. Turns it into her freak show. I would have booted her too.

  48. skdadl says:

    Once again, Rabkin is calling critics of the invasion “demented.” This is getting under my skin. I am an Alzheimer’s widow, and I would like five minutes of my own to talk to this guy.

  49. Leen says:

    What accounts for the anger?

    I am just a wee bit pissed that close to one million Iraqi people are dead based on the Bush administration lies…..page19.htm

    also just a wee bit pissed that there are 4 million Iraqi refugees because of what my country did to Iraq


    Just a wee bit pissed about the torture that the Bush administration implemented in the name of my country…

    ### amazing that the Senate put Rabid Rabkin on a Peace Commission? Aye yi yi

  50. JTMinIA says:

    King is taking the bait. He’s arguing the impeachment case. Idiot. What silly state is he from?

  51. Leen says:

    Amazing to think that the nation was glued to screen during the Watergate hearings and then to the blow job hearings. Wonder if the MSM will even mention these hearings tonight?

  52. earlofhuntingdon says:

    Only slightly OT, but David Brooks owes me dry cleaning money, and another cup of coffee — black, no sugar — for this line about what’s required of Presidential leadership:

    [S]ubstantively, optimism without reality isn’t eloquence. It’s just Disney.

    I assume that Mr. Brooks prefers his Disney without the eloquence. The Rovian meme of tarring your opponent with your own worst characteristics is in full swing. As for Mr. Brooks, a lack of self-knowledge is a dangerous thing.

    • tejanarusa says:

      wait – wait – you mean he wasn’t referring to Bush’s constnat “I’m optimistic that…”? Who could he have meant????

  53. JimWhite says:

    Is there any idea how this hearing is expected to end? Will Conyers entertain motions (and votes) on next steps, or will it simply adjourn after they finish with the witnesses?

      • JimWhite says:

        It’s also a bit of a shot across the bow against blanket pardons. Pardons would cement nothing being done here and make the case incrementally easier there. Still a longshot, but it’s worth fighting every way we possibly can.

        Note also that Sudan, like the US is not a signatory to the ICC. That didn’t prevent genocide charges against their president this month.

      • MarieRoget says:

        It’s a one day wonder, no doubt, but @ least they’re airing out some of the big ticket impeachment arguments. Coverage that any of this hearing might get in MSM will be low to invisible, although the blogosphere is all over it.

        Reviewing TiVo- lot of book plugging going on today, yeah? Bugliosi finally gets to yak up his latest.

  54. MarieRoget says:

    Just got back from the looongest organizational meeting within memory (@ least within mine).

    Will now backread this thread to catch up on the hearing.
    Any fist fights yet, or just verbal ones?

    So glad I came in on the very tail end of King.

    How is Bruce Fein doing? He’s marvelous on testimony like this IMO, very clear & precise.

    Elizabeth Holtzman- what a treat to see & hear her also. If my Mom had a doppelganger in this world , it would be Holtzman w/black hair in a bun. Sounds a lot like Ma, too *g*

    I see bmaz’s personal favorite, Vince Bugliosi is on the panel…

  55. skdadl says:

    Holtzman backed up Barr by talking about statute about torture (sorry: I’m ignorant; can’t identify it properly). Congress undercut that statute with MCA. Restore it. Any American national engaged in torture can be charged under that statute.

    • JimWhite says:

      OT (sort of):

      For those of us who don’t believe Congress will do anything about torture, ondelette has prepared a letter to the International Criminal Court calling for charges against the administration. Over 100 citizens have added their names to the letter. The signing period ends at the end of the day today and then it will be sent to the ICC.

      Sign up at Humanity Against Crimes.

      • skdadl says:

        Jim, I would love to sign that letter but I can’t because I’m not an American, and it is obviously important that that’s who the signers are.

        • JimWhite says:

          We have a number of international signatures. The guestbook function, which also allows your name not to appear on the website but to be on the letter when delivered, allows you to indicate your country of residence.

        • Petrocelli says:

          Over at the Mothership, some firepups gave me zip codes so that I could sign petitions … they are available
          via teh google … at the end of the day, we’re all North Americans … *g*

  56. Leen says:

    I just can not get over that Rabkin was put on a Peace commission.

    articles by Jeremy Rabkin

    A Treaty the Senate Should Sink

    By Jack Goldsmith and Jeremy Rabkin…..detail.asp
    The Case for Sovereignty goes beyond slogans and catchphrases to engage one of the most contested concepts in contemporary international politics: the sovereign rights of nation-states. Jeremy A. Rabkin defends the concept of sovereignty against common misunderstandings and distortions, and shows how the American Founders (and subsequent generations of statesmen) relied upon sovereignty as the most basic principle of international affairs. Contemporary Europeans, however, have derided sovereignty and sought to drag other states into institutions of global governance that deprive states of their right to make their own decisions. It is this line of thinking, for instance, that underpinned European opposition to the overthrow of Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship in Iraq on the argument that such a war could not be “legitimate” without United Nations sanction.
    Monday, July 2, 2007; Page A19…..00934.html

  57. Leen says:

    Rep. Watt “How high the impeachment standards are” Not enough votes not enough votes not enough votes to hold this administration accountable for lies about WMD’s, wiretapping, undermining the Justice system, torture, etc etc

    “all the cameras rolling”

    How much money was spent on the Clinton investigations
    he Washington Post estimates that Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr spent $47 million investigating Bill Clinton’s involvement with Monica Lewinsky and with Whitewater.…..arr.costs/

    How much time was spent?

    Their priorities are clearly in the gutter

    Rep Gohmert
    repeating what we are going to hear over and over again in this upcoming election…Move on, turn the page, move forward from both Republicans and Democrats. But they need to face
    We can not and will not MOVE ON. The world will not move on until you folks do your jobs and hold them accountable for these very serious crimes. The whole world was witness to the priorities of the Republican controlled congress during the Republican controlled congress during the Clinton Adminsitration. We need to witness our Congress raise the standards of Accountability.…..out-legend
    “We can’t move on. The damage done by this war has to be examined if it is to be repaired.”- Miriam Pemberton, editor of “Lessons From Iraq: Avoiding the Next War”

  58. skdadl says:

    Lungren is making this very weird argument about criminalizing political disputes. (He’s just noticed that that has happened in the past?) The Bush administration is in the same situation as Japanese-American internees? etc etc.

  59. rosalind says:

    meanwhile, bushco gets a glimpse of its future:

    “The protest is co-ordinated by Global Peace and Justice Auckland and will be calling for Condoleezza Rice to be indicted for war crimes as well as calling for United States and New Zealand troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan and Iraq.”


    • Leen says:

      good news

      Presser just said some people would find impeachment of Bush “titillating”. He is confusing impeachment hearings

  60. skdadl says:

    We have a small demo underway. Mr Smith (I think) is advising that hearing should be recessed if order can’t be maintained.

    • MarieRoget says:

      Repubs would like that wouldn’t they, but unless there’s an all out riot I doubt Conyers will recess, or even clear the room.

      Sheila Jackson up & doing a great job. She has Constitution in her hand, is it?

      I have to get offline right now.

      • bobschacht says:

        Conyers took his time having the noisy ones removed. I don’t think he even banged the gavel once. And the TV cameras were on the miscreants. They took turns getting thrown out. One guy was a vet in fatigues. I think the Code Pink ladies were already gone by that point, as I didn’t see much in the way of pink attire on those who were speaking out. It took at least 5 min to restore order.

        Bob in HI

  61. Leen says:

    Bugliosi “dissents deleted” When creating and disseminating false intelligence is defined as cherry picking this is just another way to take the seriousness out of this issue

  62. skdadl says:

    Heh. Bugliosi just overdid things, but interestingly. Got public reaction, sniffy Repub reaction, just kept going. He sounds like me when I go on a rant (so don’t ask me to testify). He finally had to be cut off. Not that he was wrong, but …

  63. host says:

    “hope” that there is a democratic majority firmed up with a few dissenting republicans that would actually constitute anything “lefist” enough to counter our REAL “one party” with two right wings, political system, dies hard, here at EW-FDL….but, it is what it is. There are not enough differences between deomcratic and republican rank and file and leadership, or between Obama, and McBush, to effect any real change. Anti 4th amendment, Surveillance…check….continued fight of Bush’s GWOT? Obama – Check!!!, McBush….check!!!

    All a distraction…the differences are too insignificant to matter, or only existing in your hopes….you’re in the same party as McBush and Obama, Boenhner and Pelosi….and it’s a right wing party, where “change” is kept to a minimum. For Chrissake….stop feeding it, by getting enthusiastic about the differences…instead, measure the change….there ain’t any, folks…. stop getting distracted, hoping….

    • skdadl says:

      It is, isn’t it? He just cannot sit still. I don’t blame him — he was listening to Pence praise Presser’s scholarship to the skies. I’m bobbing too.

    • bmaz says:

      Obama doesn’t think squat of Fein. Obama prefers Constitutional nimrods of his own weak Chicago school like Cass Sunstein. Fein actually believes in protecting and upholding the Constitution; Obama wants nothing to do with that because it might get in the way of his electoral ambitions.

      Fein is absolutely killing them today. THAT is what a guy, even a conservative, who actually believes in the Constitution sounds like.

      • Leen says:

        sunstein said Americans need to “move on” far too often during the Democracy Now interview for me. When I have heard Obama infer this “move on” attitude it worries me

      • Leen says:

        Fein shared his deep concern about the radicals in the Bush administration quite some time ago. Really respect individuals who jump the party lines based on the law. Feingold has done this..I respect him for it

      • bobschacht says:

        Fein strikes me as the nerd in high school who knew all the answers to the test questions but never got a date. He’s right on the money with each answer, and has encyclopedic knowledge of historical parallels and associations. And he doesn’t rattle on like Bugliosi does.

        Bob in HI

        • bmaz says:

          Refreshing to hear someone who is knowledgeable in his field and not a partisan gasbag, irrespective of his personal political beliefs, isn’t it? He was spot on every time he spoke.

        • Hmmm says:

          Yes. I love listening to people who can think in a straight line. And hate how rarely I get to do that these days.

        • Petrocelli says:

          It was worth all the tripe and gamesmanship just to hear Fein’s Golden Nuggets on wisdom … if only Congress would use them …

        • klynn says:

          Hey there, I thought I would get something from you today about Ohio… Even maybe the wonderful McCain event staged at a “German” restaurant (Schmidt’s) in German Village here in Columbus to receive “press” the same time Obama was speaking in Germany. One drew a crowd of 200,000. The other drew a crowd of 200. Hmmm. Whodathunkit.

          And then the Ohio AG has to ask for witness protection in a voter fraud case, protection for a witness from a Rove threat…All this and no Buckeye commments?

          I thought my state came through for you in the last few days. Almost on a Filipino Monkey scale.

          (I’ve been looking for a FM lead for a few days now. Came out of my own backyard! And Columbus at that!)

        • Hmmm says:

          Hi there. I mentioned the Rove thing rather softly last night since the sourcing was looking a little iffy. I would have expected the story to show legs by now if it was going to do so. Have you seen any new developments?

        • klynn says:

          Noted you at #6 above for bringing the subject to the comments.

          So far, it is all over the Ohio blogs, ThinkProgress, Velvetrevolution,bradblog,eplurisbusmed…

          It was posted on the OhioNewsBureau for pick-up by all the wire services…Nothing I can find so far in MSM.

          The story has merit…

        • Hmmm says:

          Thanks much. Also there’s a new DK diary with details.

          Maybe it’ll be a slow riser as a story, if it firms up & checks out this would be, well, actually it would put the outcome of the Bush Accountability Moment in question, which I should think means that that simply can’t be allowed to happen. It would mean a covert Showdown Time. Guess that’s already started, huh?

        • bobschacht says:

          klynn asked @ 232,
          “Are you suggesting spotlighting? I know you are great at spotlighting!”

          Yes, that too. I first had in mind keeping the issue alive in main posts here and at FDL, and then spotlighting. Too bad we can’t spotlight the DK diary. DailyKos has a great format for commenters but it doesn’t have the spotlight feature. So I guess the thing to do is to spotlight a story here or next door about this subject, and then slip in a reference with a link to the DK diary.

          Hmmm@227:Blue Shark is DK?– (Slaps forehead) Oh, you mean DK = DailyKos, not Dennis Kucinich. Now I get it.

          Bob in HI

        • klynn says:

          Dear Carson…That boy, his public speaking skills are akin to a learless feader I find “ismed” in the media…for a lack of leadership elsewhere…Thus, I say, “Go Browns!”


          Glad he read that announcement in the preseason news conference in Cinci…

  64. skdadl says:

    Wexler –> Anderson –> Fein. Great stuff. Fein: You don’t need time. It’s open; it’s impeachable; you just vote. (That’s on claims that executive members don’t even have to appear in response to subpoenas.) Holtzman confirms.

  65. Leen says:

    Rep Johnson throwing Stephen Pressers hypocritical and contradictory stances right back in his two faces.

    Presser sure slumped over with Johnsons questions

  66. skdadl says:

    Hank Johnson is asking Presser one of my questions. Isn’t an impeachment inquiry in the first place just a way to look at the facts?

    For those of us who remember Watergate, that question rankles. So much changed during the months that the investigation went on. Minds changed; votes changed; more and more was uncovered, and that because of the investigation.

    Presser: doesn’t agree there is probably cause to start.

    • bobschacht says:

      “For those of us who remember Watergate, that question rankles. So much changed during the months that the investigation went on. Minds changed; votes changed; more and more was uncovered, and that because of the investigation.”

      Yes! That is exactly why the impeachment investigation needs to start!!!

      Bob in HI

    • JTMinIA says:

      I’m sorry, but Ms. Pelosi is busy discussing ethics with Mr. Goss. But maybe she’ll have it on TiVo. Thanks for asking.

    • RevDeb says:

      it wouldn’t matter. W. et al have her boobs in a vise. She won’t do a thing.

      All she has to be asked is what did she know and when did she know it and she’s toast along with all of those in the admin. Nancy and Jane Harmon and Jello Jay and probably Harry Reid.

      Game’s over.

      • Leen says:

        If they need to go they need to go

        Please Rep Kucinich look at the pre-war intelligence. We know you have. Lead to a chain of events that will lead to high level officials in the Bush administration.

        Presser has not been quite so cocky since Johnson smacked him up side the head with his hypocritical stances

  67. skdadl says:

    Here’s Debbie W-S: I like her. And she’s telling off her colleagues on t’other side of the aisle about all those 45 hearings — a backlog, eh? given that no one had done anything for a while?

    1100 signing statements — stretches beyond imagination.

    Schwarz: president’s power is supposed to be to veto the law, but not secretly to decide not to fulfil his obligation to see that law is faithfully adhered to.

    • Leen says:

      I like her to and her line of questioning. She was wicked good with Addington and I believe she had some great question with Feith too.

      Debbie W/S “this President has no shame” you can say that again. Or conscience

  68. JTMinIA says:

    Lying about why we should go to war is the same as lying about whether you ever used the N word.

    Got it.

  69. JTMinIA says:

    Oooo. Lungren is upset about witness intimidation. Guess he hasn’t read the news from Ohio.

  70. Leen says:

    Lungren “in that case under oath”…and we know Bush never testifies under oath.

    sounds like Lungren is threatehing.

    Oh yeah Lungren the panelist are terrified by Code Pink

    • bmaz says:

      They are both unreliable politically controlled piles of crap. Neither one has any credibility whatsoever after the last few years.

  71. Leen says:

    Bush, Cheney, Feith, Wolfowitz did intentionally manipulate intelligence

    Tomorrow will be a big day to make a public statement about this hearing…..og/?p=1495

    the same false intelligence permeated the world’s intelligence agencies. Micheal Ledeen and the team did a damn good job at sharing their false intelligence

  72. skdadl says:

    We’re obviously winding down here. Lungren is doing compassionate conservatism (for conservatives). Cites Tenet. Now back to Eisenhower, WWII. No point in summarizing this; everyone here knows all the answers. Lungren: Leave the NIE alone! Leave the president alone!

    Nadler: The issue is not whether the intel was correct; the issue is whether the president misrepresented what he had to Congress.

    Conyers is thanking the witnesses for staying so long, and for now the applause is allowed. Record open for five days, etc. Adjourned.

  73. Hmmm says:

    Lundgren stressing “behind their back… behind their back” in re. audience… dogwhistle about D’s breaking some deal?

  74. skdadl says:

    All six hours, back again at 8 pm EDT.

    Man, that was long. There was a lot in there, though. The problem is discipline and direction. I don’t see how you do that with such big panels and such big committees.

  75. Leen says:

    Speaker of the House Pelosi. The time to have set the table was several years ago but you must know Americans are still starving for Accountability. All we are saying is “give impeachment a chance”

  76. klynn says:

    Tech difficulties in the CSPAN broadcast happened when Fein was making an important point. Totally missed it. Does anyone have access to Q&A responses?

    • MarieRoget says:

      If it was a station relay or feed problem you can perhaps find that point was in fact recorded, & is in replays of both panels that are up now. Sorry, looked around for q&a & couldn’t find one up anywhere as of yet.

  77. MadDog says:

    Couple notes for folks:

    1. NOW on PBS – Tonite’s guest is John Edwards.
    2. Bill Moyers Journal on PBS – Tonite’s focus is Congression hearings about interrogation techniques with insights from journalist Jane Mayer (author of The Dark Side) on whether the United States sanctioned torture to prosecute the war on terror; former Sen. Ernest F. “Fritz” Hollings (D-S.C.).

    • bmaz says:

      I have read a few things about this. Not sure what to make of it, but my inclination is that we got a slightly goofy attorney involved (think Mark Geragos stunt type). I can’t see a straight up lawyer that knows what he is doing playing this thing this way. If things are as he is painting them the last thing you would be doing is blabbing about it all over the place. Just looks goofy to me.

  78. klynn says:

    Gee, EW, think DOJ still thinks it’s Karl’s duty to lead witch hunts? Ohio is wondering big time.

  79. behindthefall says:

    from the DailyKos diary cited in 227:

    …And about those conflicts;

    One of the more frightening aspects of Connell’s work is that his company, Gov Tech Solutions, was the first private company to be allowed to put servers behind the firewall of the Congressional computer systems. This led to him creating and managing several powerful Committee IT networks, including those for the House Intelligence Committee, the Ways and Means Committee, the Judiciary Committee, the Ethics Committee, and the House Committee on Rules. Of course, it is completely possible that the firewall could have been created with secret security gaps that can be exploited to hack into any congressional computer. If that has happened, every computer in any senate or congressional office is subject to hacking by Bush/Republican operatives.

    How many times on the FDL blogs has someone wondered whether someone has something on various Congress-critters? Wiretapping has been mentioned, email diversion, all kinds of possibilities. Do we have a genuinely plausible explanation this time? Of course, I have no idea at all what lives on Congressional computers. It could just be dry, boring stuff. But maybe there is that occasional nugget.

  80. behindthefall says:

    from the site:

    GovTech Solutions is a woman-owned IT solutions firm that specializes in putting the latest computer technology to work for government offices and agencies.

    OK: “woman-owned”, but no other clue at that site about personnel. No bios, no CV’s, no names. Usually a smallish shop wants to tell prospective clients who they are.

  81. bmaz says:

    Todd Jones of the Columbus Dispatch wrote that he isn’t sure Palmer’s soliloquy against the hometown Buckeyes is such a big deal: “Opening the season against I-AA Youngstown State and charging your fans $70 per ticket is more offensive than anything Carson Palmer said.”

  82. Hmmm says:

    OK, this DKos (sorry bobschacht for the “DK” confusion!) comment to that same diary sounds far more solid than anything I’ve seen yet:

    actually there is more high tech involved (1+ / 0-)

    just to add to the discussion – key algorithms and more. When the expert witness learned that the cyber division at the FBI did not ever investigate the Ohio election fraud complaint, he knew instantly that there had been no investigation.

    However Connell would not turn witness for just anyone, he had to have a come to Jesus meeting with someone with superior intellectualy powers, and I think he met his match and decided after 25 years he would give it up as a witness. There is a lot of code analysis besides the hosting, et.c

    by IngeniousGirl on Fri Jul 25, 2008 at 06:28:46 PM PDT

    That carries a ring of truth. The commenter FWIW also posted seemingly knowledgeably on this last night.

  83. PetePierce says:

    I never heard of Congressman Brad Miller from North Carolina’s 17th and I don’t know a lot about his voting record except that it tracks Mel Watt’s but North Carolina’s Miller, Price, Watt, voted against the FISA debacle.

    I was listening to the C-Span rebroadcast of HJC hearing on Executive Power and Its Constitutional Limitations because Frederick A.O Schwartz was testifying and I’m a little ways through his book Unchecked and Unbalanced: Presidential Power in a Time of Terror and I was curious to see what he would tell that committee about “executive power” these days.

    And Brad Miller was sounding a lot like Russ Feingold at his best (with whom he’s working on legislation on limiting and making rules) or to me he was sounding damn good. He graduated Columbia law and sounds like the kind of guy we would want in Congress among many I don’t think we do.

    So while Obama was speaking to a small gathering of about 200,000 at the base of the Victory Column in the Tiergarten, McCain was stalking a mom with two toddlers and spilling the applesauce and putting a brand in her cart she didn’t want, but hey I’ll bet sugar mommy could afford that applesauce (she of the 500,000 grand tab on one credit card).

    I don’t know if McCain and Sugarmamama are offering to shop for us, but if so, I have a list of toys I want/need if Cindy will hit them with her plastic.

    The nerve of the checkout lady interrupting McDelusional with an announcement while he was digging himself deeper into his “surge” bullshit as if the dumbdowned dynamics in Iraq packaged by Ed Gillespie after CBS cravenly covered up his confused answer by substituing another answer for it. Once again Katie Couric proves that good help is damn hard to find even for $15 million a year from CBS News.

    And what a photo-op. McCain was photographed with Dole’s Applesauce clearly deliniated in the background.

    A giant terrorist rabbit may have attacked Carter, but Applesauce is goin’ after McConfused

    • Hmmm says:

      Around the 47 minute mark they say they have testimony that Rove asked for emails on the Chattanooga server to be destroyed — did we already know that?

      • klynn says:

        Okay, at the 9 minute mark — the Ohio 2004 election results (and the electronic results) fed through the same server as the White House email system that all the emails which are missing (Florida fed through this server as well).

        This video needs to go viral.

        Thanks for post this. I had only read notes from the presser on an Ohio blog.

  84. klynn says:

    Hey all our IT people out there. You have to listen to this and weigh in here.

    EW this needs to be covered by you or FDL.

  85. klynn says:

    40 min. mark. Te questions from the Dispatch reporter tend to sound like lets blame the Dems for not having an equally strong IT person.

    39 min. mark

    “code adjusts in real time on tabulators to “TOMB” the results.”

    Funded by tobacco industry…disgusting…

    • Hmmm says:

      I think it was “tune” the results, not “tomb,” much as I like the resonance of that.

      And you’re right, this story needs a better vector than it’s had, and, without wanting to seem presumptuous, EW seems IMHO like the sharpest tool in that particular drawer.

  86. klynn says:

    Rove and Bush flew into Ohio unexpectedly on election day and there is testimony of the request for the emails to be destroyed on that trip.

  87. masaccio says:

    It looks like Carl Levin is honing in on tax evasion by rich people. Two witnesses took the Fifth and refused to answer questions about LGT Bank. The Subcommittee on Investigations is also looking at UBS, which agreed to rat out 19,000 people who are hiding billions from the IRS. Maybe we’ll see some action:

    The subcommittee is considering legislation aimed at curbing offshore tax abuses. On Thursday, the Senate Finance Committee held a hearing on offshore banking practices in the Cayman Islands. The committee was looking at more than 18,500 companies that claim to have offices in a single building there.

  88. JThomason says:

    Within a month Bush first took office, Connell’s GovTech became the first private corporation to gain access behind the firewall of all Congress’ computer servers.

    This means that he and the GOP can basically spy on every single House committee without worry.

    “All their emails. All their folders. Anything that has to do with their web technology, he knows what’s going on,” Kimberlin said.

    So who helped get Connell the contract?

    Bob Ney.

    This is the same Republican congressman who launched paperless electronic voting in the United States with the “Help America Vote Act.”

    The former representative of Ohio’s 18th congressional district has since resigned from Congress in 2006.


    He pled guilty to charges of conspiracy and false claims in the Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal.

    So Connell’s company wasn’t nicknamed the “Bell Labs of the GOP” by its employees for nothing!

    “He’s received the largest percentage of money from the RNC GOP of any company — over $20 million — since Bush took office that we know of,” Kimberlin added. “We have lists of GOP websites and IT work that SmartTech handles.”

    Kimberlin’s whistleblowers also connected Connell’s SmartTech with the U.S. attorney scandal.

    “Karl Rove used off-the-grid servers so that he wouldn’t have to comply with saving the emails. These SmartTech servers are the same servers that run the GWB43 White House email system and that ran the Ohio election results,” he said.

    It’s all according to the Republican’s corrupt plan to take over the U.S. government, Kimberlin explained.

    The “visible strategy” included such tactics as congressional redistricting to maximize voter turnout for GOP candidates.

    The “invisible strategy,” though, amounted to utilizing technology systems to limit voter turnout for non-GOP candidates.


  89. JThomason says:

    There is more than ample documentation to show that on Election Night 2004, Ohio’s “official” Secretary of State website – which gave the world the presidential election results – was redirected from an Ohio government server to a group of servers that contain scores of Republican web sites, including the secret White House e-mail accounts that have emerged in the scandal surrounding Attorney General Alberto Gonzales’s firing of eight federal prosecutors.

    The Free Press.

    This second link is the best forensic site giving background and netcraft screenshots of the server switches out of Ohio to SmartTech in Chattanooga.