Meet the Bloggers Tomorrow at 1ET

Brave New Foundation–the folks who put together all those videos on why Fox News sucks–is launching a cool new show tomorrow: Meet the Bloggers. The goal is to grow the show into something that will rival Meet the Press and the other Sunday shows, but feature bloggers.

And tomorrow, it will include me!

We’re going to be discussing Kontemptuous Karl–and ways to make sure Congress actually does something this time after getting blown off. BNF is also going to be launching a petition drive to gather support for holding Karl in Kontempt–which is a pretty easy sell. 

Tune in tomorrow to watch the show. 

  1. SparklestheIguana says:

    I hope by “rival Meet the Press” you don’t mean, like, a race to the bottom or anything.

    Miers and Bolten are currently in contempt, correct? So what’s the status on that? What happens next, if anything?

    Also, is that David Addington front left pallbearing the urn?…..17-08f.jpg

  2. bobschacht says:

    I’ve been wondering about the Inherent Kontempt thingy–
    Might it be better to do it immediately for Bolton, and then ratchet upwards next with Miers? If Congress actually DOES it to someone, wouldn’t KKKarl sit up and take notice rather than just thumbing his nose at Congress?

    Might it be more difficult to do Inherent Kontempt with KKKarl right off the bat, rather than by some lesser person?

    Bob in HI

    • emptywheel says:

      You know, that’s a really great suggestion. Not least, because HJC could reliably find out where Bolten is, and he’s bound to be in DC, making him really easy to arrest. With Miers and Rove, you never know whether they’re in Texas or Sweden or where.

      • SparklestheIguana says:

        Plus, it’s less objectionable to arrest a young(ish) man than an older woman. When Miers sees Bolten cuffed, doing the perp walk, or dragged by his feet with his head bumping along the asphalt, she’ll cooperate.

      • WilliamOckham says:

        I don’t know. I’m sure we could round up volunteers to surreptiously stake out Fox News. Rove would eventually show up…

      • bmaz says:

        I would like to throw out a proposition that scares even me. We would be better off with Miers on the Supreme Court than Alito. We would “know where she is” per your above comment, but she is older and thus wouldn’t be around as long, and I think she would have been much more malleable should we actually be able to get some more progressive folks appointed in the future. In retrospect, we probably should have tried to get her nominated.

        • readerOfTeaLeaves says:

          Nah. I’m still pretty sure he must have pulled some kind of kabuki in June 2006 on the Telecomm Bill that Toobz Stevens was supposed to pass for the telecoms back then. Net Neutrality still isn’t a long term reality, but Harry must have done something to hold up Toobz’s bill and it was one of the smartest political things (fuzzy, blurry, not sure what happened there) I’d like to know more about some day.

          Meanwhile, that show looks like a godsend.
          Very much looking forward to EW, and the upcoming programming looks great.
          Nice visuals; hat’s off to whoever did the web design on that one.

        • SparklestheIguana says:

          The thought of her on the court is beyond horrifying. The one good thing about it would have been watching the Federalist Society types and the Bill Kristols/David Frums/The Corner twist and contort themselves with rage.

          But really, don’t we think that if she were on the Court Addington would be ghostwriting all her opinions? She’d be more of a puppet than any Bush nominee up there.

  3. BoxTurtle says:

    I’ll be watching. If only we could get Yoo on the show at the same time. I would PAY to see that.

    Boxturtle (Though he might want you run through a metal detector before entering the same room)

  4. klynn says:

    Thank god! I’ve been asking for this type of a show format for 5 years! Yippee!

    I’ll tune in!

    Thanks so much for this effort!

  5. JTMinIA says:

    Bob –

    I wish it were Bolton, but it’s only Bolten. tee hee

    Also: didn’t Rove have until Tuesday … two days ago?

  6. klynn says:

    And then we can dream…a Law and Order type dream…

    United States

    Each state with the exception of North Carolina permits citizen arrests if the commission of felony is witnessed by the arresting citizen, or when a citizen is asked to assist in the apprehension of a suspect by police. The application of state laws varies widely with respect to misdemeanors, breaches of the peace, and felonies not witnessed by the arresting party. American citizens do not carry the authority or enjoy the legal protections of police, and are held to the principle of strict liability before the courts of civil- and criminal law including but not limited to any infringement of another’s rights.[20]

    Though North Carolina General Statutes have no provision for citizen’s arrests, detention by private persons is permitted and apply to both civilians and police officers outside their jurisdiction.[21]

    Detention, being different from an arrest in the fact that a detainee may not be transported without consent, is permitted where probable cause exists that one has committed a felony, breach of peace, physical injury to another person, or theft or destruction of property.[22]

  7. perris says:

    marcy, you simply must use a line similar to the following;

    “congress is powerless unless they use their power”

    it’s obvious once told but very telling once spoken, this president has all the power he claims and he can indeed to anything at all he wants, EVEN IF THE SUPREME COURT SAYS HE CAN’T

    because only congress can stop him, no other power in this government, and the only way to stop him is;


    they NEED to jail meyers, they NEED to jail rove, THEY NEED TO HOLD HEARINGS OF IMPEACHMENT

    and until they do they are powerless

  8. JohnLopresti says:

    I had the impression I inspired Reid to feign an impromptu suggestion Bush appoint Miers, but her background in the TX lottery worried me, and I am glad for the time the neoreligiocon muddling after her short half-lifed nomination afforded. Hopefully Alito will mellow. Folks have been known to moderate after a few decades in Newark. Yet, I am biased slightly based on the allure of particle physics I enjoyed studying at NJIT briefly.

    What I think worries Rove most are the ostensibly out of his portfolio initiatives like torcha, which he probably tainted with his reviews. I think that Rove might have coached Bush and the neocon stovepipers in the OVP as well as elsewhere in the administration in matters like what MartyLederman has discussed today, namely, why Yoo and Bradbury had the imprimatur aliquot of ideology but Levin, and he of the law of admiralty did not; the article shows Gonzales at the core. The issues which appear pivotal to ML in the new retrospective of OLC were wiretap and executive detention. I discount some of ML’s politeness toward Ashcroft, though the gist is Ashcroft as principled, maybe.

    I am glad for MeetTheBlogger’s initialization, for getting the netroots message into more media formats. I favor the research articles writers and contributors provide, a helpful resource. There is an aggregate effect bloggerdomwide, too. I appreciate those who work thru the holidays to accomplish the difficult work, like occurred last NewYearXmas, if I recall. I’m not so much for castigation as exposure of the rank cronyism ongoing in the current administration. I endured some pretty surprising Democratic party backroom deals when I was involved with some muckymucks in one leading state in the US, so, have seen why balance of powers was a key concept in the founding documents.

  9. Leen says:

    EW Looked at the Meet the Bloggers website. Damn exciting. Thanks for the heads up. Know you will kick ass with your commitment to the truth and justice