HJC Testimony: Mr. Unitary Executive and Mr. Yoo
Here’s a post I did on David Addington’s testimony at the Libby trial.
Here is John Yoo’s prepared testimony.
Note this hearing is a Subcommittee Hearing–so it’s Jerrold Nadler’s baby, not Conyers’. That means a subset of HJC’s better questioners will appear today: Nadler, Davis, Wasserman Schultz, Ellison, Conyers, Scott, Watt, and Cohen, with Franks, Pence, Issa, King, and Jordan for the bad guys.
Nadler: Subject of utmost importance to integrity of nation. Will not be permitted to be disrupted–anyone will be expelled immediately. Legal memos defining torture out of existence. I speak for many of my colleagues when I say the more we hear the more appalled we become. One testifying voluntarily, one testifying under subpoena. We will not be deterred by unchecked delcaration of privilege.
Franks: Almost 60 hearings on detainee treatment. Torture banned by various laws. Severe interrogations do not involve torture and they are legal. Results of waterboarding KSM, Abu Zubaydah, and al-Nashiri valuable. Alan Dershowitz says we can torture, so everything’s okay.
Franks just asked to submit evidence into the record. Nadler went, whuh? Nadler complains about Addington stiffing the committee for written testimony, but then submitting his own exhibits.
Nadler: I want to defend Dershowitz against allegations he’s an ultra-liberal. He just wrote a book advocating torture through warrants.
Conyers: More concerned about what we’re going to do, not any individual citizen. I don’t know why giving someone a lawyer is shocking to anyone. We have reports stating that our witnesses played a central role in drafting legal opinions on torture.
[Note: both sides look unusually prepared today, with Franks and Conyers both showing video from earlier hearings.]
Addington: 3 points. Iran-Contra said I was working for Cheney, in fact designee for Broomfield of MI. An author of prep for minority views, I had left before the report was written. More important, Conyers mentioned, wanted to give benefit of doubt. There’s one subject in which there’s no doubt, I believe everyone on this committee want to defend this country, protect it from terrorism, differences on how that’s accomplished. Thank you.
Nadler: Sorry I gave you too much credit. Is that the entirety of your statement?
[Nadler seems befuddled by ADD]
Yoo: Thank you, appreciate Conyers open mind. Waive rest of my time.
Nadler: You don’t want to summarize it?
Yoo: I don’t need to.
Yoo: In response to comment about privilege, I have received instructions about what kinds of things I can talk about. I want to make clear, I have every desire to help committee, but also professional obligation to DOJ. There could be conflict between the committee…
[Shorter Yoo: Prepare for lots of stonewalling.]
Yoo: Remember the context. 9/11.
Schroeder: Not here to question anyone’s best faith efforts to protect the country. Events have taken place WRT detainees, military commissions, behind each of these occurrences, legal analyses have mistakes in them. Important to look back. Three points about memoranda. 1) Memoranda starkly reflect extreme view of absolute uncontrolled power. This power if applied to WOT is breathtaking in its scope. Defined that battlefield includes the US. Tactical decisions about how to go after terrorists, interrogate, detain, for the president to assert that in each and every respect that the president has unilateral and unreviewable authority is a position that’s far outside mainstream of jurisprudence. 2) Not a criticism simply raised by Bush’s opponents. Goldsmith. "Deeply flawed, sloppily reasoned, overbroad" Comey et al refused to agree that warrantless wiretap program was legal. Deeply flawed view of jurisprudence on strengths and limits of what president can do in face of statutory prohibitions. 3) Don’t seem to have followed internally within OLC good practices. Yoo supplied more details. Still leave a number of questions in mind.
Nadler: Addington. Did you play a role in analysis of August 1 interrogation memo?
Add: No. I didn’t say I had nothing to do with it. Let me read to you. Excerpt from a book. War by other means. Page 33. Various media reports that his (ADD) was so outsized. As the drafter of many of those opinions find this claim to be so erroneous.
Nadler: We don’t need these quotes. Tell us what your role was.
ADD: [Writing notes down.] I’d be interested in seeing doct you’re questioning me about in front of me. Assuming you and I are talking about the same opinion. Yoo coming over to see Gonzales. Gave us three subjects he was going to address. Goes off and writes opinion. [getting opinion] Mr. Yoo has not defended himself. I can as client on this opinion. [Huh? I thought Gonzales was opinion.]
Nadler: WaPo ADD advocated memo’s most radical claim, that the President may authorize any interrogation method even if it crosses into torture.
ADD: No, Yoo said, I’ll address COnstitutional authority of President.
Nadler: You didn’t advocate any position. Do you believe PResident can authorize violations of torture statute.
ADD: What we’re talking about are laws.
Nadler: Do you believe President can authorize violations of federal statute.
ADD: As general principle, no. But facts matter.
Nadler: When do you believe that President can violate certain statute.
ADD: I didn’t say that.
Nadler: Is there any set of facts that would justify president violating statute.
ADD: Not going to render an opinion on every law.
Nadler: Do you believe that torture can be justified out of self-defense.
ADD: I’ve relied on opinions issued by DOJ.
Nadler: Did issue an opinion that President can violate FISA.
ADD: Constitutional questions raised about whether execution of statutes.
Nadler: Torture child to get information
ADD: You’re seeking a legal opinion. I’m not here to give you legal opinions, you have your own lawyers to do that.
Nadler: What?
Nadler: Yoo. Severe pain, must rise to death, organ failure, or serious impairment. Where did you get that language from?
Yoo: August 1 memo? Your question is where did it come from?
Nadler: How did you come to that conclusion?
Yoo: When Congress passed that statute, no definition. No guidance.
Franks: Clinton authorized assassination of OBL. Do you believe this is one of the implausible theories of criminal defense?
Schroeder: I haven’t reviewed that opinion. The way the 2002 opinion are among the pieces of legal reasoning that are far-fetched. He says CrimDiv reviewed memo. He doesn’t say they approved the memo. I’d be surprised if they did. Unless necessity was explicitly, it wasn’t available. I’d be surprised to hear CrimDiv was in there.
Franks: It does appear interesting to me that Clinton could issue memo saying that assassinating someone is self-defense but now we’re debating waterboarding. Yoo, part of Esquire interview. Precise guidance. Very well stated. Didn’t want opinion to be vague. Clear line. Elaboration?
Yoo: Interview speaks for itself. Now, I think that when you’re called on to interpret statute that Congress hasn’t defined, people have to have clear definition.
Franks: Try as they might, majority should not be spinning life and death into soap opera. Interrogation was disclosed to Pelosi, she did not object. Was successful in preventing terrorist attacks.
ADD: Schroeder said not a good idea that Bybee memo addresses necessity. That’s what his client asked him to do. It is the professional obligation to render opinion on what his client asks.
Conyers: Yoo. Appreciate appearance. During public debate it was reported you were asked that a President could order a suspect’s child be tortured in grusome fashion.
Yoo: I continued to explain a number of things. It stops mid-sentence.
Conyers: Okay. Thank you. Is there anything that the president cannot order to be done to a suspect if he believed it necessary for national defense?
Yoo: It goes back to that earlier question. Can I make clear, I’m not talking about…
Conyers; Just answer the question counsel.
Yoo: My thinking right now is that, first, the question you’re posing
Conyers: What is the answer? You’re wasting my time. We’ve all practiced law. Could the president order a suspect buried alive.
Yoo: I don’t think that I’ve ever given the advice
Conyers: I didnt’ ask you that. Do you think
Yoo: My view right now is that no American president would feel it necessary to order that.
Conyers: ADD. Did Cheney sit around approving interrogation techniques.
ADD: I wasn’t at a meeting of the description you’ve given.
Conyers: Does unitary theory allow President to do things above
ADD: We all take oath to protect and defend Constitution. I don’t know what unitary executive is. It’s all described as Addington’s. I’ve used it in quoting OLC opinions.
Conyers: You don’t know?
[some steam]
ADD: I know exactly what I mean by it. The use of word Unitary by me, all it refers to is the first sentence of Article II, One president. All executive power. Not the parts that Congress doesn’t want to exercise itself.
[Note: a friend in the audience says that Conyers rattled both Yoo and ADD]
King: Perhaps Chairman can bring down temperature.
ADD: Some things in Sands’ book that were accurate and some that weren’t.
Yoo: Sands said he had interviewed me for the book. He did not interview me.
King: At least WRT that statement, you find that to be a false statement.
Yoo: I can’t tell what’s in the book. He contacted me, I said, I wrote my own book. He told the committee he’d interviewed me.
King: We’re still in middle of war. Context of 2008 or 2001, smoking hole, reconstruction of Pentagon. Without regard to Constitution or statute, different context. If the President had said we were going to cuddle up to terrorists. If we had been attacked again, which we haven’t been, well, not on this soil.
ADD: Everyone wants to protect Americans. The Chairman lost several thousand in his district. We looked, I looked, through three filters, back when they were still smoking. First, was support and defend constitution. Everyone takes same oath. President has a different oath. Second filter is how within the law, within the law, I help maximize the President’s options in dealing with it. Third filter, when you go to war you ask a lot of people to do some tough things. Chairman served in Korean war period. You want to make sure whatever orders they’re given they’re protected. One thing I would add, things were different back then. Things are not as different today as people seem to think. There can be legitimate judgments and disputes. No American should think the war’s over. That’s wrong.
Davis: Yoo, have not read your book. Opening statement you make observation that it was your analysis that the anti-torture statute, the interpretation would depend not just on method, but on subjects metal and physical condition. Test for torture in part subjective? In response, that interpretation did not come from legislative, not judicial opinions, there was no Congressional guidelines. One good source of Congressional guidance, members of Congress. Did you consult with Sensenbrenner?
Yoo: I want to correct one thing I said.
Davis: Was Sensenbrenner consulted? ADD
ADD: I did not, and I don’t know whether anyone did or did not.
Davis: Was SPecter consulted?
ADD: That’s irrelevant to legal interpretation.
Yoo: I don’t know.
Davis; Process of consulting with intelligence committee. Yoo, did you consult?
Yoo: All I know is what I’ve read in the papers.
Davis: To your knowledge they were not. Addington.
ADD: no reason their opinion would be relevant.
Davis: Thank you for answering that w/o too much struggle. We’ve heard "Context" over and over again. You had a Congress that was a rubber stamp for your agenda. You got PATRIOT, Force resolution, bipartisan support for both of them. 107, 108, 109, not a single time Bush Administration rebuffed on nat Security. Got expansion of FISA. Got MCA. We wouldn’t be here today had you come to congress if you had said, give us an interpretation of what this meant. Tell us Sensenbrenner, Specter. The problem, I’ll address to ADD, when you’ve got a Congress that’s a rubber stamp for what you want. You ought not to be disrespectful of this branch of government. You didn’t even trust people who were rubber stamps for you.
Ellison: Did you write August memo.
Yoo: I contributed to drafting about it.
Ellison: You checked in with Addington about what you were going to cover.
Yoo: I’m not allowed to talk about any individuals. I gave draft of opinion to WHCO.
Ellison: Yes or no. I’m asking you to confirm whether what Addington reported was right or not right. I hope this isn’t coming out of my time.
Yoo: I have to follow guidance from DOJ.
Ellison: What privilege are you asserting? Who else was present when you checked in with Addington? Is that a repeat of your last answer?
Yoo: It’s not my choice.
Nadler: Are you asserting a privilege? What privilege are you asserting?
Yoo: I assume, I can’t say what the Justice Department’s belief.
Nadler: The DOJ cannot order you wrt your testimony. It can instruct you to take a privilege. If you are asserting a privilege, we’re entitled to ask you what privilege you’re asserting.
Yoo: I beileve it’s attorney-client privilege.
Nadler: since you’re not under subpoena, we’ll take that under advisement.
Ellison: What do you mean by implement?
Yoo: It can mean a wide number of things.
Ellison: You contributed to memo. Memo was implemented at some point. Guidance was followed and put into action.
Yoo: You’re asking whether the memo was followed.
Ellison: I need you to stop wasting my time.
Yoo: You’re asking me about things that other people would have done, not me.
Ellison: Schroeder, do you understand about what implement means?
Schroeder: prompted by CIA, once advice was forthcoming, some of the techniques that fell on legal side of line were employed.
Ellison: were the legal techniques employed?
Yoo: We did not make policy.
Ellison: Did interrogators ever come back and ask for interpretations?
Yoo: Again, I can’t tell you
Ellison: Shroeder, was memo in effect during Abu Ghraib.
Nadler: Gentleman will suspend, again. Yoo, are you asserting a privilege.
Yoo: Mr Ellison’s questions may involve classified information.
Nadler: You’re asserting that in order to answer Ellison’s questions you might have to reveal classified information.
Yoo: As I understand question, I’d have to discuss classified information.
Davis: Parliamentary inquiry. After come back from break, if the chair would consider addressing Yoo and Addington, I’ve never seen two witnesses struggle so much with ordinary language. I’ve never seen it like this before.
Ellison: When the ones who were addressing the witnesses, did those individuals have a lawyer they could go to ask about memo that you contributed to?
Yoo: CIA has about 100 lawyers. I assume you believe CIA conducted interrogations.
Ellison: Were you ever asked questions about whether techniques were permissible.
Yoo: I can’t answer your question.
Nadler: You can’t answer without revealing classified information?
Ellison: Did your memo allow for use of siccing dogs on interrogated individuals.
Yoo: Same answer.
Nadler: Question was did your memo allow for that.
Yoo: Memo speaks for itself. Does not discuss what you just mentioned.
King: Help! I can’t keep flow when the chair asks questions of the member that was recognized. Chair trying to ask what privilege was invoked.
Wasserman Schultz: Addington. September 2002 visted Gitmo. A JAG attorney, Beaver, said the message was do whatever needs to be done. Did you visit Gitmo?
ADD: I went there a number oftimes.
Add: I don’t remember dates. I don’t know what period you’re describing. I’ve been there 5 times. Three or four
WS: Did you meet with JAG attorneys.
ADD: I don’t remember meeting her. Met her at DOD GC much later. Invited by DOD and thought it’d be a good idea. I don’t know about methods, I remember they would show us interrogation room, look through one way mirror.
WS: Did yo discuss interrogation methods?
ADD: I’m not sure this memo has methods.
WS: Did you discuss specific methods?
ADD: I don’t recall doing it.
WS You didn’t, or you don’t recall?
ADD: I don’t recall.
WS Did you discuss specific interrogation methods.
ADD: I don’t recall.
WS Any discussions about Augsut 1 memo that offered advise on interrogations.
ADD: Fairly certain I did not.
WS Do you deny that you said, do whatever needs to be done?
ADD: Yes I do deny that, that quote was wrong.
WS: What kind of interrogation did you observe?
ADD: Orange jumpsuit.
WS: No phsyical contact with interrogators.
ADD: No.
Screw Yoo.
Morning Marcy, thanks for blogging this hearing.
Ditto. Thanks in advance for all your hard work liveblogging this hearing.
The odious Franks; “We don’t torture.”
Don’t confuse him with any facts.
so long as they can define what is and isn’t torture, if they do it, it is NOT torture
simple stuff here
I don’t know why Addington’s appearing unless it’s a warning to Bush. Look for him to say something about Cheney not being the one in charge.
Why not appear? Addington’s ego (maybe his id,too) assured him he’ll have no problem running rings around HJC.
Probably the same goes for Yoo. Please prove them wrong, HJC.
Going to radio silence now to help the servers…
“Democrat” Margaret Cohen – whatever putz
Franks mocking humane treatment of detainees. Attaboy – bring the fascism, baby!!
thanks Marcy, nobody does it better
Ha. Nadler very funny about Dershowitz. Defends him against charge that he is a liberal.
Yay, Marcy!!!! (now settling in for my daily dose of disgust)
love it ! Chairman Conyers uses Huckleberry’s sterling analysis of Addington and Yoo’s, um, work
Addington looking properly imperious, miffed, and condescending. (and he hasn’t even spoken yet)
Yuck Yoo
Not to Nadler, not ‘distinguished’ more like ‘disgusting’.
conyers is saying he wants to know all about the stuff that phillippe sands beg them not to bother with. don’t waste time with legal theories. find out who, what, where and when.
if the committee doesn’t do this, then they are bigger fuck ups than even i thought.
Addington starting off arrogant correcting petty details.
No, he’s trying to set the stage now for when he gets slammed as being Cheney’s stooge later.
Wonder where Cheney and Bush are right now.
Loo says he got a memo from DOJ(!!) as to what he’s allowed to talk about…
Yoo – it’s not my job to choose policy
Yes … but then he went on to endorse the policies chosen as successful so far. One step short of the Nuremberg defence — or maybe not even one step short.
Shorter Yoo – “hey, all I did was write a memo. What was done with it afterward – not my fault – who could have known?”
Thanks Marcy.
Accountability in action…let’s hope and pray.
whats happening?
Nadler has asked Addington if, as purported in prev published documents and books – did he contribute to the Bybee Memo
Addington responds with bs – what specific memo,etc.
shorter Addington – I am your intellectual superior and one obtuse ass
At work and do not have access to tv and can’t do live
witness opening statements now over.
first ? to Addington from Nadler
Nadler cutting through the Addington spin “What was your role”
Addington is an ass; a stalling, parsing, obfuscating, condescending ass.
“On the assumption that….”
I.e., no perjury later.
Addington is disgusting. He is not answering the question. He is reading/quoting Yoo’s book. Instead of answering the question.
Nadler can the president violate the law
Addington said it depends on the facts
I see a lot wrong with that..
Addington already walking the contempt tight-rope…
He looks cornered
He looks cornered
I disagree – I think he’s in his glory here, and is planning to take his full measure of delight in telling this Committee to fuck off.
Wishful thinking.
Here is what John Dean stated when he visited FDL in Oct of 2007. I asked him who would be in the number one position on his impeachment list.
J. Dean October 14th, 2007 at 11:54 am
No. 5 – QUESTIONS: “Would Ari Fleisher, Douglas Feith, John Bolton, Paul Wolfowitz, and David Wurmser be candidates for impeachment?
Who do you think most highly qualifies for impeachment?”
ANSWER: Any presidential appointee is subject to impeachment. I would put David Addington at the top of my list, because a simple majority vote after impeachment can bar that person from holding federal office. The thought of Addington coming back in an even high post is chilling.
He is a contemptuous prig.
Colonel Ann Wright behind on Addington’s left. Ann is a truth seeker and teller.
Thanks all of you
up till now i had only heard stories about Addington. Now i can say for anyone unable to watch this, Yes he is as bad or worse than I thought. arrogant rude ass.
Addington is one major ass.
Addington is taking control.
Please see my #16. Addington successfully takes control, Yoo successfully stonewalls, HJC Dems get progressively more flustered, more disorganized…craptacular hearing ensues. JMJ, I hope I’m wrong.
Dang, have to leave for the office. Thanx so much, ew & commenters. Read you all later.
Note to Emptywheel
When I called Senator Clinton’s office today the person answering did not know there was a motion to end debate let alone that Senator Clinton failed to vote. I had to explain what that was. I asked that an explanation be sent to my email.
Sub note Scotus just ruled against the ban on handguns in DC.
And so it goes on.
Nadler “what” caught in the Addington vortex
Addington doesn’t “plan” to address the question of Yoo’s statement about torturing the child of a detainee to extract intelligence.
EW is right. This is a very curious person.
You are looking into the face of bureacratic fascism.
Yoo is Addington’s lacky.
The gentleman sitting behind and to the right of the chairman looks absolutely incredulous at Addington’s testimony, and I frankly can’t blame him. Good Lord.
Addington’s tone was certainly defensive and abrupt with respect to the question concerning the torturing the children of suspects.
Nadler to Yoo – where did you get the “organ failure” language, we know it is in another statute, but where did you get it –
Yoo – no DOJ background for this – so we looked within all US Code, blah blah blah
going total concern troll – “this very serious subject”
my question would be;
“so, if I were to have a savage rape your daughter or your wife before your eyes, nobody would suffer organ failure, do you think that is or is not torture to either you, your wife, your daughter or all three?”
see what his answer is to that
Looks to me like Addington might be better than EPA’s Johnson (which I didn’t think was possible). This could be a long morning.
Addington came to this hearing today for the sole purpose of telling the HJC to “go F#ck Themselves.”
“of the children”
Wish Marcy and a few of you could be turned loose on the ass.
How hard would it be to categorically disavow the practice of torturing the children of suspects?
Well, in general it wouldn’t be but barring specifics I couldn’t opine and asked to opine, I would decline because I am not here to comment on legal opinions.
God, Yoo looks terrified
I wonder how he would look if he were questioned using the tactics he claims are not torture
I wonder if he would agree after said tactics and actually testify that he committed treason by writing his briefs
I suggested a question a while ago, I would like to ask yoo;
“suppose you were questioned using the techniques you have written are acceptable, do you think you would say you committed treason if that’s the answer we wanted to get from you?
would that answer be actionable or admitted in a court of any kind?, would that answer give reason to believe you were a traitor?
how long do you think it would take if we were to water board you for you to confess these crimes?”
He should look terrified. He has that backed-in-the-corner look.
I hope it crosses his mind today numerous times that he should be so lucky only to face this committee and not interrogations like the ones experienced by detainees in order to get the truth.
good point!~
would that someone would actually remind him of that!
Any chance of a video summary the way you did with the Libby trial?
GW Clusterfuck Supreme Court strikes again—DC Handgun ban goes away in the face of a bizarre read of the second amendment. Allito and Roberts on board of course.
Trent Franks is complicit.
and he just called Madame Speaker out on her complicity in “the program”
I have absolutely no problem charging her with high and war crimes along with yoo, no problem what so ever
me either. however, the clown isn’t supposed to bring it up so blatantly – if it’s out there, Cheney has loses leverage
Schroeder is obviously a very good and smart guy with a commitment to the integrity of the OLC. I hope that he gets lots of chances to speak. I see the attraction of homing in on Yoo and Addington, but it is such a relief to listen a Schroeder some of the time.
Surprised Conyers is asking a question rather than sending a letter.
Addington looks smug. I only hope that someone on the Committee can get under his skin enough to cause him to make a mistake that will put him on the defensive.
During Wasserman/Schultz’s hammering Addington about the when and why of his visits to Gitmo Addington said something about “implementing decisions”
okay. Nancy, yer busted. Now can we have the 4th amendment back?
I was washing dishes so I don’t know who was talking, but he totally threw Pelosi under the bus.
Will they be asked if they were aware or part of bringing in privately contracted interrogators?
this Committee needs experienced litigators – firing questions quickly, taking no guff, moving quickly to the next question.
And limiting questioning to five minute intervals makes nearly impossible, even for a seasoned litigator, to get anything meaningful accomplished.
This is getting contentious – Addington is a prick.
IF you could pick any attorney to question Addington who would you pick? Boies? Who?
Sheldon Whitehouse
Whitehouse, Leahy, Kennedy
Fitz. I’ve seen it. He did a kickassjob.
Another good one!
I apologize in advance for the next five minutes.
I give you futinity-active immunity, as oposed to retro-actice
somebody come up with the oposite of “retro-active imunity”
I don’t care much for “futinity-active” but there should definately be a term because when the president pardons himself that’s what he will have
Colonel Ann Wright is looking damn near apoplectic as Addington testifies/perjures …
Conyers “what do you mean by unitary executive power”?
Addington “all of the executive power is vested to the President of the U.S.”
I wish the Dems would all follow the same questions to try to nail them down. This seems too scattershot of an approach to interrogation.
I would pay real money to watch Senator Whitehouse go to town on these guys. I thought Conyers did a fairly good job, though.
Yoo calls Sands a liar — he didn’t interview me but claims to. (I don’t know whether that’s true.)
What would be sweet is if there were an honorable Republican on the committee who would put Addington at ease thinking he’s being questioned by a friend and then POW right between the eyes. I know I’m dreaming, but hey!
Nazi stooges is what they are. Nothing less.
i was just thinkin how great they’d look, together like that, at The Hague, WHERE THEY BELOOOOONG!!!!!
King’s just sorry we found out about the torture.
Addington is using what I call a “white tree” argument. If you give me n attributes of a definition of what constitutes a white tree, I will say that is not a white tree because the definition of what a white tree is has at least n+1 attributes. Unitary executive, torture, meetings on whatever, Addington is arguing that his definition is not the same as his questioner’s and therefore he is free to use this as the basis for a denial.
Exactly. He did that with Conyers – According to THAT description…yada, yada, yada. Conyers didn’t follow up he just went to another question.
same thing as 2+2 does not equal four
because 2 could be differant then those two apples and the sum might be more then 4 apples and therefore, 2+2 does not equal four
The seeds could be considered many future apples.
2+2 might actually = legions!
I have never thought of that
and I loves ya all, but F ! Sheldon Whitehouse
If you want to ‘get’ Addington, you let him hold forth on just how much smarter he is than anyone else
agreed, the time limits play right into these guys hands
I have seen other lawmakers cede their time before, perhaps someone might do the same today for whitehouse
Yes his ego would be his downfall.
That was why I thought Boies. Boies had to cross examine Bill Gates who was another person who thought that he was smarter than anyone else and Boies tore him up.
excellent ! right you are – had forgotten that
I’d love to see Boies have a crack at Addington and others in the administration. That would be riveting testimony!
we haven’t been attacked!!!!!
cut the K-wrap!
King is a moron and a shill. He is giving a speech and is not asking questions.
I don’t understand King, either. Why are these republicans defending these criminals? What will happen to them if there are war crimes trials?
Thanks Marci, this is great.
Thanks Marci.
and shall we all digg?
*passing out shovels*
Except Monica who took an oath to Bush.
Sara Taylor, iirc.
at least we all get to keep our guns.
that’s the best news i’ve heard in a very long time!
I wonder if he would say the same thing if bush suspends the constitution and disbands congress, I wonder if he wants Americans to have guns in that scenario
Jus Cogens!
Artur Davis is up!
When congress gets serious, as it did about Watergate- the congresscritters step aside and allow staff to handle the grill—er questioning. Since this appears to be a “show hearing” with no real consequences, the politicos are free to use the airtime themselves.
Addington’s ….looking at the situation through “three filters” was a good rap. (I know I will get slammed for saying this here)
Davis doing a good job!
Arthur Davis is really good.
Am anxious to see an analysis of the surpreme court decision. Seems to me that they just legislated from the bench. Nothing in the constitution about a right to hunt or defend oneself with guns. They just fuckin made it up!
Davis to Yoo and Addington:
“Thank you all for answering thiose questions without too much struggle”
Add: What I did was: 1) Defend the Constitution, 2) Maximize the Presdent’s power within the law, 3) kind of vague, protect subordinates/soldiers, etc. from future criminal proceedings.
Looks like he struck out on all 3. Yes, he did maximize the President’s an especially the Vice President’s power but outside the law. Breaking the law and being contemptuous that you will be held to account is not the same as obeying the law.
Addington: Congress’s intent in writing the anti-torture statute would not be relevant. !!! He actually said that.
(That was during Davis’s bang-bang-bang questions to both Yoo and Addington about whether they consulted Sensenbrenner or Specter.)
Go Artur!!!
WOOT!! bit*hslappin’
Artur Davis channeling Goldsmith:
“Shoulda gone to congress.”
Rep Arthur Davis “to your knowledge was congress consulted or not” on these torture techniques
Addington ..congress “not relevant”
memo from phillippe sands:
The Democrats had a serious huddle before hand “yes or no please..yes or no”
Ellison referring to Addington as “Addington”, as opposed to Mr. Addington. I appreciate the implied scorn and disrespect.
Especially coming from a Muslim. I gotta say, for Muslim Americans everywhere, it’s probably pretty good to see a Muslim-American bitchslap this guy, given how much disrespect BushCO have sent the Muslim communty in this country.
I actually thought that his tone was probably about what my local cops would use with a guy denying the cocaine they found on him ‘got there by accident’.
Pretty much just did his job.
We’re simply not used to watching Congress be focused and business-like, as Davis, Ellison, and Wasserman seem to be today.
Maybe someone finally did a cost analysis of a Committee Hearing and realized they needed to ‘cut to the chase’ a bit more and tighten things up. Miracles happen.
They’ve been working on this for a long time–at least since May.
Thanks for the background info. It’s really nice to see a payoff, and it’s nice to feel that they’re finally putting more effort into planning and prep.
Addington lied about Yoo coming in with the items. Clearly, Yoo would love to say so, but he’s frikkin’ terrified.
Man, listening to Ellison smack Yoo around makes me wish I still lived in Minnesota. Sigh.
Why is Professor Yoo taking instructions from the Justice Department? I find this bewildering.
Congress has indeed proven themselves not relevant.
“Scholar” of constitutional law, is unsure what privilege he is asserting to not answer.
I hope more Congresscritters follow Ellison’s style in cutting off the diversions and excuses, and insist that he get the required amount of questioning time.
No doubt those who favor Yoo supporters will view Ellison as antagonistic, but IMHO Ellison is doing his job. Which is to get info and not suffer the time-wasting.
Good on Davis for enriching the ‘context’ of 2001: rubber stamp Congress was part of it.
Nadler cornered Yoo on the precise definition of the privilege he is asserting. Sheesh — after more than a year and how many witnesses, someone finally did that. Yoo finally said “attorney-client,” which is interesting, and will be pursued. But that was a good moment.
I realize that some will find Ellison’s style ‘combative’, but it’s refreshing to see him insist on facts and answers. And on not having his/OUR time wasted.
Implementation — the process for putting a design, plan or policy into effect.
Yoo a tenured law professor at the Boalt Law School at Berkeley can’t define the word “implemented”. Way to go, Boalt.
Affirmative action for GOP morons…..morans…
It’s smart to keep after Yoo and ignore Addington. Yoo is flustered. Nadler was great WRT this.
I agree.
Why do the Democrats allow this to go on hearing after hearing? Why not just let one person ask all the questions for one side all at one time?
I know this is off topic for now and I don’t expect you to get to it today but maybe sometime in the near future. I saw your response to the FISA post at Pat Lang’s site. Down below your response someone talked about Israeli companies like Verint, JSI, etc. and their potential capability to spy in the US. Do you (or anyone else) know anything about this? Thanks.
I posted the links to those stories. Did you have a chance to go to the links on the FOX series by Brit Hume (I know, surprising).
I have not had any additional luck in getting confirmation on that information and most info on it on the internet has been wiped from many sites. That alone seems to be confirmation.
It is a serious concern to address. Because, if it is fact…Well you can figure out what we’re doing and why the compromise bill was offered up by Hoyer…and why the Pres is so happy about it…
No, I didn’t see it at the time but I’ll Google Fox and Brit Hume with the company names mentioned and see what comes up. Thanks for the tip.
Hey Fox wiped it from their archives so go to this post
and read comments at 58 (57 and some above that too).
You can link to the Israeli spy story here:
Many thanks. I Googled those terms and found a few thngs but not what you provided. WIth work and everything else (it is golf season after all) it’s hard for me to always keep up with you folks.
Hey no problem.
And a great golf season it has been.
I have a difficult time keeping up with the posts too…Life happens…
That’s why I want that print option. Then I can take a hard copy to the kid’s golf lessons and sit and read it instead of lugging the laptop.
@ 128 of EW’s Timeline post I wrote this on the dual citizenship to Rayne:
Reading through some of those links. Jeebus, no wonder we’re stuck in the Middle East. All the officials with dual citizenship – stunning.
Do a google search for Amdocs Ltd contracts…lots of stuff out there..
Yoo is afraid of violated the law.. It’s a little late
“implement” is classified information
Every time Yoo weasels. They are nailing him and demanding that it overtly specify the privilege he is invoking.
here we go,
i’m amazed it took so long to hear THAT.
Well, given the quality of Yoo’s legal mind, it’s not surprising that his lawyer ain’t great, either.
While the committee may be unusually prepared, they are neither sufficiently prepared nor skilled enough for recalcitrant witness like these two. Can’ examine with big general questions; each main question must be a series of literally almost yes or no subquestions that combine to make the point. The cold record of this looks like it will have available so much wiggle room that it is technically useless. Maybe some things that news people will think are big or something, but from an evidentiary standpoint, what I have seen is thin and disjointed.
My thoughts on this all along. It’s pointless. Grandstanding on the part of the Dems in the house to make it look like they are doing something, anything, about the travesties of the Bush administration. But nothing will come of it, sadly.
Yoo and addington have spent a goodly portion of their lives lying through their teeth and proving that black is white. The nebishes on the panel have not had to use their brains for more than wondering where their next campaign fund raiser is. The “battle” is not close and, as usual, the hearing is kabuki.
the members of the committee ought to have enough of a clue to say, “i’d like to give my time to davis” – that’s what i’d do.
Does the committee not have counsel?
i don’t know. what a circus.
Disagree. As good as he is at questioning witnesses, Davis is ideologically very far from you and I (such as, he voted for FISA and for PAA). So we can’t entrust our questions to someone as conservative as he is.I thought Ellison did a pretty good job.
fair enough – i know he’s a way to the right, but at least he can ask questions. i concede your point – ellison was also good.
kfpa – has sands on the phone. discussing with scott horton about having an “interview” with yoo. sands says he was on a panel/debate with yoo and then exchanged a few emails. after asking sands to send the questions to him, yoo then refused to answer.
now discussing common art. 3 of geneva conventions, etc.
Do you have a link?
gavel to gavel coverage of the hearing
great coverage. I am listening on the radio.
Ellison needs to specify he’s not asking what Yoo responded with when questioned by interrogators – he is merely being asked whether the CIA asked for his guidance – *not* what the answers were.
wasserman-schultz has new hair.
looks good.
I liked her old hair better. But she did a pretty good job.
Addington … visited Guantanamo a number of times … can’t really remember the dates … *skdadl’s eyes hurt from rolling that hard*
like he or his lawyers wouldn’t GET those dates and times and facts in line before his testimony to Congress!!!!
i know WE HERE at ew are NOT that stupid. i’m concerned about THEM at the “big table”.
what is Col. Wright trying to say?
Yoo can not speak for himself because he says the DOJ won’t let him or it’s classified. When he is referred to his memo, he says it speaks for itself. Well, that’s informative.
Ann Wright is a show unto herself. I love that the shot includes her whenever Addington speaks.
She looks like she wants to beat the hell outta him come the first break…
Addington just said “implement the decisions”
It was yoo who doesn’t know what implement means.
Addington is smarter, as he will certainly tell you.
Program announcement: The King will be taking Issa’s place as parliamentarian watch-dog. Whether Nadler will have to gavel the table to firewood is yet to be determined.
I think Nadler responded well. Frankly, better than Waxman did. Though we might get Issa making parliamentary inquiries, too–he’s on this subcommittee too.
Yup, Addington is one smug bastard.
The nerve! He’s telling W-S how to ask questions.
“I don’t recall,” says Addington.
It’s amazing he can recall so much detail about everything else, but not whether he discussed specific interrogation methods.
Wasserman/Schultz “I don’t believe that you don’t recall”
Looks like Addington rattled Wasserman Schultz more than the other way around. She’s far more defensive than he is. (too bad).
Glad to see Wasserman stand her ground, ”I’m pretty clear on why I’m asking the questions (that) I’m asking…”
More, please.
Wasserman Schults is kicking some ass and Col Ann Wright approves.
Will she ask about private contractors doing the interrogation?
what a shock – Addington being patronizing to a woman
hi ((((sweetie!))))
how wonderful to see you on this friendly shore !
Yeah. What a jerk.
to anyone
and we are headed WAY fast toward GonzoSyndrome.
Wasserman Schultz is staying very cool while Addington cranks up the condescension.
Addington can’t remember if he talked about specific torture techniques at Guantanamo. I know if I talked to someone about specific torture techniques it wouldn’t stay with me.
i wonder if boy george is watching this.
or if he’s too incurious.
Wow by looking through this thread you sure can tell that eyewitnesses sure do see things differently. lol
“I think we probably did…”
Jeebus. You think? You couldn’t tell for certain whether you viewed an interrogation?
What a liar.
I take back the idea that he’s got Aspie’s. Even his body language says he’s aware of what he’s doing, partially covering his mouth as he modifies his answer.
EW, does he appear as he did during the Libby trial?
Not quite. Remember, Fitz was totally in control, and had already asked the qusetions, so he’d know how Addington answered. The trick to Addington is that he WILL be honest, but you’ve got to ask the questions you want to ask him.
Addington was, IMO, THE most devastating witness against Libby and Cheney. I know he didn’t want to be, but Fitz worked him and used him to great advantage.
I bet it was a thing of beauty to watch Fitz work him. I wish I could have been there.
Nothing will be learned from this Committee hearing.
Yoo and Addington are hardcore obstructionists.
Only the waterboard would get answers (who knows if they would be truthful, but at least they wouldn’t cry about being tortured.)
It was funny when Yoo freaked out when the buzzer went off..heh, heh…
Yeah, it was, wasn’t it. A pretty fragile person for a guy who authorized torture.
Great observation.
maybe they tortured him into condoning torture
Must go back and see how EW survived all that. Wow. That was hot. Tougher in some ways than trying to keep up with fast-talkin’ Fitz.
I think you underestimate how fast Fitz speaks, particularly in his closing argument (where he absolutely skunked me, but I tried).
The website for the subcommittee I found has no video or audio link.
Because they don’t want America at large to view the dog and pony show.
JL, it’s on C-SPAN3. They’re in recess right now, but they could be back as soon as noon. Eat and do laundry quickly.
Oh-oh. Somebody’s worried.
We’re changing the subject with a sudden presser about North Korea in the Rose Garden with the meat puppet.
We haven’t heard jack-doodley-squat about NK for months and NOW we need to hear about this?
I’m with you at ?187 on ‘taking back the Asperger’s’.
Had to do another task, came back, and there was GWBush on North Korea — suspect you called it smartly.
Must. Get. Brightest. Shiny. Object. To. Distract. From. Addington. Distract. From. Yoo.
Bright. Shiny.
Must. Get. During. Committee. Hearing…
At least it isn’t Col. Mustard in the library with the candlestick.
Although that sounds a lot more entertaining.
Dear ghu, these people lie and stonewall like they breathe: automatically and constantly.
I congratulate the committee members for not picking up their chairs and using them on the witnesses.
Ooh Chimpo up on CSPAN 3 for recess. Umm, he’s supposed to talk about lifting sanctions?!? Chimpy must have wingnuts salivating. Six party talks.
But, but, I thought we didn’t negotiate with blackmailers!!!
Didn’t we drop our diplomatic efforts with NK because Richard Perle maintained that doing so would encourage blackmailers?
I suppose it’s useful when you have to change the subject, though.
And damn, he makes things even worse by poking at the NK-China conflict. Jeebus. That’s a pointed suckup to China from NK’s perspective.
“I worked hard…”
Dude, you’re working hard to get words out of your mouth now. It’s always hard work for you.
He just said in effect that multi-lateral diplomacy is hard work.
I have to mute this feeble lying sack of dung.
I was two threads down during all this. Darnit. Chimpo said cooling terra/towa? Hard to tell.
Did anyone hear how long for the recess?
how long is the recess?
Committee members have been very good about not having Yoo and Addington run out the clock on their answers. I do not think much of substance will come out of today’s hearing. It is still important that the lameness of Yoo’s answers and Addington’s sophistry be part of the record. In 2009, these guys (I hope) will be back and then they won’t have the cover that they have now. But until then Pelosi’s policy toward the Bush Adminitration that it can break the law and lie about it with impunity ensures that these guys will lie.
permits the appearance of conflict for those all important sound bites without getting to the importance facts of the matter than need to be known.
How does the DOJ have the right or standing to order Yoo, a private citizen, to refrain from testifying?
More importantly, why would the goddamned Department of *Justice* want to keep stuff out of the record? Ashcroft’s gone, Gonzo’s gone – whose asss(es) are they seeking to protect?
Seems to me that the DOJ is trying to keep Yoo from enlightening the general public just how fucked-up the DOJ was, and apparently still is.
Yoo says that Justice orders his silence, not the DoJ.
I thought that Yoo was finally backed up into claiming “classified” — yes/no?
Yes, Yoo switched to “classified,” but not under orders from any particular agency. My guess is that Yoo’s lawyer realized that a blanket “Justice told me to stonewall” wasn’t going to fly. I give credit to Nadler for at least making it appear as if Yoo’s resons would be examined.
Yoo says that Justice orders his silence, not the DoJ.
huh? Is there a department of Justice of which I’m unaware – as opposed to *The* Department of Justice?
or are you interpreting Yoo as referring to a generic use of the word “justice”? There’s certainly no privilege there – no citizen can tell a Congressional Sub-Committee that he thinks, in the interests of “justice”, the question to be unfair or objectionable.
Cheney probably has one stashed over in the Fourth Branch somewhere.
Sorry. Getting my DoDs mixed up with my DoJs.
The key is that Yoo first used the excuse that someone in the DoJ told him to not answer (some) questions. Nadler got rid of that, so Yoo switched to saying he couldn’t reveal classified info.
Yoo is bringin’ the throw it all up against the wall method to avoid answering.
So far, he’s used the “DOJ told me not to”, classified information, and attorney-client privilege.
The powers-that-be at Cal-Berkley, who have heretofore refused to fire Yoo, citing his right to freely express his opinions, might wanna view the tapes of this hearing, and then fire him on the grounds of sheer and obvious incompetence and stupidity.
When I heard about the cooling tower yesterday on NPR I immediately made the link. How to Control the Headlines 101.
Folks seem to think that any attorney that they see in the news and that they like is good to go on any kind of issue. Take Boies for instance. He is a freaking civil attorney specializing in securities and anitrust litigation, often at the appellate level. What you want for something like this is a criminal trial specialist that is used to examining the toughest nut professional government witnesses. Roy Black would be superb, in his day, few were better than F. Lee Bailey. Barry Scheck is very good. Spence would be good. There are some civil trial lawyers that would also be fine if they have done enough examination of government witnesses. There is a mindset you need to understand and be able to exploit.
I don’t think just any atty I’ve seen in the news would be good. I DO think Boies would be good despite his focus on anti-trust.
I also think Spence & Scheck would be good. Sorry not a big F. Lee Bailey fan. I was actually hoping when I posed the question about which lawyer would people like to see question these guys that some of our lawyers here would know of an attorney who is NOT in the news.
Who in the *Justice Department* ordered Yoo to clam up? He says the Justice Department told him shit. Who? Mukasy?
I’m sorry, but the person in Justice who told me not to tell you anything also told me not to tell you who they are.
On the KPFA feed they just had Philippe Sands on and he said that he made it very clear in his book that he debated Yoo in California I believe. So bringing up the idea of an interview and then having Yoo deny there was a interview is just a classic case of a strawman.
Thanks Hugh.
I was sure that Sands would be able to answer that charge. Yoo didn’t actually use the word “liar,” but what he said amounted to that.
found it. page 184 (sands’ book, torture team) – it begins (very rough typing job on my part):
goes on for about a page and a half.
yep. sands was clear – not an interview.
Yoo reminds meinds me a little of Kyl Sampson, Monica Goodling et al. Sorta like: Don’t make me cry, and pass the sippy cup, because I don’t recall anything *sob* and what about my attorney client-priveleges *sob*
And Addington is superciliousness personified. To Wasserman -Schultz: Let me give you some advice little woman. WS: Don’t need your advice, seems torture got worse after you got to GITMO, that’s why I’m asking.
And look Stephen Hadley is well and at large on C-SPAN 3
Mr. Hadley just why did you put those 16 words back in the SOTU. And why did you give Micheal Ledeen permission to set up meetings in Rome with Manucher Ghorbanifar.
Will Hadley ever be held accountable?
I agree with all of the statements regarding Addisons contemptuousness, but it seems to me that he and Yoo are both denying/obscuring participation, rather than the Administrations previous “we did it, so what” attitude about ceasure of unconstitutional authority.
Franks found it strange that Clinton Administration could approve of the assassination of Osama Bin Laden as self-defense, but Democrats disapprove of less damaging torture. I wonder if he’s aware that our justice system allows for death penalty but not torture, at least as long as it’s not for punishment (according to Scalia, it’s probably ok for other purposes).
ceasure = seizure.
When Wasserman/Schultz was drilling Addington and he mentioned “implementing decisions” while he was on one of his 3,4 or 5 trips to Gitmo. Does anyone remember what this answer was in reference to?
This was soon after the definition of “implement” went into Yoo’s spin room. Somehow this comment of Addington’s stands out.
Will anyone on the panel ask about private contractors “allegedly” conducting some of the interrogations and who was in charge of making that decision and “implementing” that decision?
Sure hope Col Ann Wright sits to the left of Addington again. Her face was like having a bullshit meter on site.
members filing back into the hearing room…
It’d be helpful to have that August memo up while Yoo and addington testify. Matchmaker heaven: Matalin and Addington?
Matchmaker heaven: Matalin and Addington?
Only if there’s absolutely no chance of procreation…
The email guidance reads:
The Department of Justice does not object to Prof Yoo’s appearance before the House Judiciary Committee to testify on the general subjects identified in the letter to him of April 8, 2008 from Chairman Conyers, subject to the limitations set forth herein. Specifically, the Department authorizes Prof Y00 to respond to questions in the following manner: He may discuss the conclusions reached and the reasoning supporting those conclusions in particular unclassified or declassified legal opinions that have been publicly disclosed by the Department (such as the unclassified August 1, 2002 opinion addressing the anti-torture statute, the published December 30, 2004 opinion addressing the anti-torture statute, and the declassified March 14,2003 opinion to the Department of Defense addressing interrogation standards). As a special accommodation of Congress’s interests in this particular area, he may discuss in general terms which offices of the Executive Branch participated in the process that led to a particular opinion or policy decision, to the extent those opinions or policy decisions are now matters of public record. He is not authorized, however, to discuss specific deliberative communications, including the substance of comments on opinions or policy questions, or the confidential predecisional advice, recommendations, or other positions taken by individuals or entities of the Executive Branch.
This is what Yoo is hiding behind from the DOJ.
and that is quite a large skirt to hide behind, that letter says;
“he can appear and whatever he doesn’t want to talk about he doesn’t have to”
in other words it’s a pretty broad statement the way I read it
I would be tearing into to this asking, “On what grounds?”
Oh good I see the Colonels orange suit. Glad she was not arrested in the hallway.
Code pink alert in the room
who in the Justice Dept gave you these instructions? Who Who
Yoo playing more games, not specifying what privilege he is invoking or if he is invoking any privilege. Nadler brings up that Bradbury answered the question that Yoo refused to and that Bradbury is the one who gave Yoo his instructions for testifying.
new thread
Yoo is real jittery and jumpy – knocking mike stands now.
If Nadler had a set of handcuffs hanging off his microphone I think this Yoo fellow might be a little more inclined to answer. Doesn’t Congress have the power to arrest these guys for refusing to answer?
Yoo is also very careful to state again and again about his “current” view. I would like to know if it was ever his view that torture was OK.
Nadler: ’No, Mr Yoo, that is not a wall before you. Disabuse yourself of an optical illusion that suits your convenience.”
Mr Yoo, ”…okay…” (gulp)
and this fascist functionary is now a professor of law? With lawyers like this is it any wonder the country is in a world of hurt?
i cannot believe this.
My neighbor is getting a new porch, and today is “jackhammer” day.
and my whole isp, cable and internet keeps going down.
i.e. the live blogging of this hearing is something I’ll be coming back to to read, THANK GOD.
i’ve been WAITING for THIS hearing for forever, it seems.
Thanks to everyone, and especially to Marci for doing this!
Fuck YOO!
Page 4-5, last and top para, Yoo’s opening written statement:
Yoo argues that because Al Qaeda was not a signatory to Geneva Conventions that the U.S. does not have to abide by Geneva Conventions?! Prima facie evidence of intention to neglect obligations under Geneva…
Page 6, second complete para: Yoo seeks to defend inclusion of arguments in support of his opinions conclusions and possible legal defenses should it become iffy that his opinion was, you know, actually not a sound legal opinion. Evidence of uncertainty in own legal opinion requiring fall back legal defense should someone be indicted for violations of federal statute? Why would DOJ issue such a defense position if they believed their reasoning was sound on “harsh interrogation” in 2002?
Last para, page 6: Yoo reiterates false meme that the DOD “working group” carefully vetted interrogation techiques…in fact, they did not get any direct input into the actual decisions on what techniques to use in theatre…that “working group” appears to have simply been a beauracratic parking place for folks who opposed most of the harshest techniques used…and opposed it on a basis that did take the laws of the U.S. into account…instead of trying to find ways around them…like Yoo has done.
Completly irrelevant in Iraq.
Here is a link at cspan to the hearing if you want to view it…the first 30 minutes is opening statements. (I watched but recommend that most people skip the beginning as it doesn’t provide much useful info if you already know the context of the hearing.)
Title: House Judiciary Subcmte. Hearing on Guantanamo Bay Interrogation Rules
Author: C-SPAN
Copyright: (C) 2008 National Cable Satellite Corporation
URL: rtsp://video1.c-span.org/project/ter/ter062608_gitmo.rm